SeriesHuman Target
Series author: Peter Milligan
10 Works
Popularity 27,254 (261 Members)
464 Books
12 Reviews
Human Target by Peter Milligan 69 copies, 1 review | Vol.1 1 |
Human Target: Final Cut by Peter Milligan 74 copies, 1 review | OGN |
Human Target, Vol. 1: Strike Zones by Peter Milligan 54 copies, 1 review | Vol.2 1 |
Human Target, Vol. 2: Living in Amerika by Peter Milligan 33 copies | Vol.2 2 |
Human Target by Len Wein 16 copies, 1 review | Vol.3 1 |
The Human Target (2021), Vol. 1 by Tom King 78 copies, 4 reviews | Black Label, Vol. 1 |
The Human Target (2021), Vol. 2 by Tom King 41 copies, 1 review | Black Label, Vol. 2 |
Collections and Selections
Human Target: Chance Meetings by Peter Milligan 52 copies, 2 reviews | Omnibus of Vol. 1 + OGN |
Human Target: Second Chances by Peter Milligan 25 copies, 1 review | Omnibus of Vol. 2 1-2 |
TV Series
Human Target: Season 1 by Jonathan E. Steinberg (creator) 22 copies | TV Series Season 1 |
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