SeriesEngaging Culture

13 Works Popularity 8,089 (1,245 Members) 1,815 Books 5 Reviews ½ 3.7
For the Beauty of the Earth: A Christian Vision for Creation Care (Engaging Culture) by Steven Bouma-Prediger 235 copies
The Good of Politics: A Biblical, Historical, and Contemporary Introduction by James W. Skillen 61 copies
Hip-Hop Redemption: Finding God in the Rhythm and the Rhyme (Engaging Culture) by Ralph Basui Watkins 40 copies
Leisure and Spirituality: Biblical, Historical, and Contemporary Perspectives (Engaging Culture) by Paul Heintzman 54 copies, 2 reviews
A Matrix of Meanings: finding God in pop culture (Engaging Culture) by Craig Detweiler 200 copies, 1 review
Networked Theology: Negotiating Faith in Digital Culture (Engaging Culture) by Heidi A. Campbell 44 copies
Performing the Sacred: Theology and Theatre in Dialogue (Engaging Culture) by Todd E. Johnson 44 copies, 1 review
Personal Jesus: How Popular Music Shapes Our Souls (Engaging Culture) by Clive Marsh 42 copies
Reel Spirituality: Theology and Film in Dialogue (Engaging Culture) by Robert K. Johnston 435 copies
Resounding Truth: Christian Wisdom in the World of Music (Engaging Culture) by Jeremy S. Begbie 243 copies
Reviewing Leadership: A Christian Evaluation of Current Approaches (Engaging Culture) by Bernice M. Ledbetter 175 copies
Visual Faith: Art, Theology, and Worship in Dialogue (Engaging Culture) by William A. Dyrness 198 copies, 1 review
Watching TV Religiously: Television and Theology in Dialogue (Engaging Culture) by Kutter Callaway 41 copies


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