SeriesQuiet War

Series author: Paul J. McAuley

15 Works Popularity 12,732 (727 Members) 1,243 Books 48 Reviews ½ 3.5


The Quiet War by Paul McAuley 601 copies, 26 reviews1
Gardens of the Sun by Paul McAuley 273 copies, 14 reviews2
Stories From The Quiet War by Paul McAuley 26 copiesstories 2.5
Life After Wartime by Paul McAuley 18 copiesstories 2.6
In the Mouth of the Whale by Paul McAuley 138 copies, 4 reviews3
Evening's Empires by Paul McAuley 118 copies, 4 reviews4
Assassination Of Faustino Malarte by Paul J. McAuley 2 copiesshort story
The Gardens of Saturn by Paul J. McAuley 1 copyshort story

Collections and Selections

Dead Men Walking by Paul J. McAuley 8 copiesshort story
Incomers by Paul J. McAuley 6 copiesshort story
Making History by Paul J. McAuley 22 copiesshort story
The Passenger by Paul J. McAuley 4 copiesshort story
Reef by Paul J. McAuley 9 copiesshort story
Sea Change with Monsters by Paul J. McAuley 5 copiesshort story
Second Skin [short fiction] by Paul J. McAuley 9 copiesshort story

Other Names

German: Stiller Krieg


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