Slant Magazine's Best Albums of the 2010s
Given by Slant Magazine
90 Works 1,582 Books 14 Reviews 4.1
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tlbiii (44 works), tootstorm (37), whirled (28), capewood (25), jactrava (22), jveezer (22), loafhunter13 (22), CheezeHead (17), comfypants (17), westher (16), JesusArellano (15), awking1982 (14), kkimball3103 (14), OrbisTertius (14), markell (12), psargie (12), erinalbion (11), Jazz1987 (11), Coach_of_Alva (10), domgabfil (10), MayorWhitebelly (10), SoschaF (10), cameronw01 (9), frewy26 (9), penguin42 (9), oohsecret (8), zootweller (8), bercilak (7), claire.rivers (7), corocoton (7), gsides78 (7), jaredharmon (7), js31550 (7), soulstrong (7), 666777 (6), jspain (6), Marie_Nora (6), mirva (6), Natalegend (6), RLNunezKPL (6), acenturyofsleep (5), Ackbar360 (5), AmandaMoira (5), bardicpress (5), Big_Bang_Gorilla (5), BJCass (5), disarmadillo (5), genesee (5), Jayked (5), jbrenneman (5), justicemoney (5), lcd (5), mementogorey (5), Michael.Rimmer (5), olagerstrom (5), patlun (5), psychedeliccharles (5), Rabbit1 (5), reidmorris (5), the.ken.petersen (5), TheRavenking (5), TriciaOrgana (5), Vagabondbookman (5), vincentnifigance (5), -o_o- (4), 20theDowns (4), bewogenlucht (4), books_ofa_feather (4), BUCCLibrary (4), cappybear (4), Centaurea (4), Davery (4), edlib2417 (4), evanjduncan (4), jbray0423 (4), KenHahn (4), Marie_Powell (4), matthewmt (4), NeilCL (4), pcurl (4), Rathdown (4), ReneeGKC (4), scott_beeler (4), stueverjoe (4), ThomasPlischke (4), voleuseCK (4), a-k-collection (3), Abchick67 (3), ALaRue (3), AngelaPastrana (3), Appleton (3), BuffWave (3), catherben (3), cdcollection (3), D.Prisson (3), DanPortincaso (3), darwin.8u (3), Emily.Noe (3), equislytherin (3), evan.siecker (3), fluxus (3), FressaLibrary (3), gekota9000 (3), habs247 (3), jbettencourt (3), Joanna007 (3), jonwwil (3), laframboiseyeg (3), LibrarianLawrence (3), matje (3), miserableam (3), NaomiBurke (3), Nigel.Minton (3), noskcirettam (3), philosovashka (3), ProfessorGlum (3), robwmusic (3), sabre0link (3), snowonthebeach (3), stephenll (3), StevePalmer (3), stilliestyle (3), Teepo (3), Tigz91 (3), xelaflores (3), xn--7xa (3), AArtVark (2), apt11media (2), Atha-Nicholls (2), blakewalters19 (2), BrownFamily (2), castlecrushr (2), CEBorchert (2), chillibee (2), CiaraAD07 (2), Dantmae (2), deimos016 (2), dhivyann (2), dublin.reader (2), epicuri (2), ErinHeavensbee (2), fiskadoro (2), fran_cole (2), GKDavies (2), gwendolenau (2), HeatherWiegmann (2), IraTozer (2), jaymebooks (2), jessicap555 (2), Kato_77 (2), kleh (2), LaBibliotecadeBabel (2), margaretoboyle (2), MatthewHHill (2), MFarrow (2), mrb1994 (2), nemoman (2), OllieRowan (2), phantom1c1 (2), PocheFamily (2), princess_mischa (2), RalphBitzer (2), Scotland (2), sethgadman (2), SonshineMusic7 (2), SparkALC (2), susieimage (2), TheLiles (2), TheLostNoun (2), tros (2), waitingtoderail (2), WalkerMedia (2)