Locus Recommended ReadingAnthologies2008
Given by Locus Magazine
27 Works 6,387 Books 192 Reviews 3.5
This recommended reading list, published in Locus Magazine's February issue, is a consensus by Locus editors and reviewers with inputs from outside reviewers, other professionals, other lists, show more etc. Essays by many of these contributors, highlighting their particular favorite books and stories, are published in the February issue.
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Top Members
naokoken (59 works), TerryWeyna (56), AsYouKnow_Bob (47), parasolofdoom (41), tredegartrafalgar (40), Robert_Weaver (39), acb13adm (36), pleigh20 (35), Rynemonn (34), Kaethe (33), sdobie (28), teeps29 (28), FredKiesche (27), nfactor13 (27), ruspolarbear (27), Rynosseros (26), cmthomas (25), elysdir (25), jcm790 (25), GiantPanda_de (24), teenybeanie25 (24), TomVeal (24), xillah (24), jennmaine (22), robkill (22), AndrewWheeler (21), bookstopshere (21), cjconover (21), JCA1 (21), LegoDruid (21), solarisbooks (21), andyl (20), cosmicdolphin (19), Ethaisa (19), johnklima (19), Planetary (19), readingreality (19), hblanchard (18), jkrzok (18), nintendothumb (18), rtttt01 (18), Sterling4589 (18), syke87 (18), WestBranch (18), wm3395 (18), adrienne (17), AltheaAnn (17), amysisson (17), battlinjack (17), darkline (17), Echinopsis (17), KeithChaffee (17), LadyDita (17), link_rae (17), nsblumenfeld (17), vicwong (17), A.Walter (16), bertilak (16), cns1000 (16), Docherty (16), jesusandrew (16), kathiallen (16), leennnadine (16), murfman (16), NafizaBMC (16), pinax (16), RandyStafford (16), shsilver (16), smhandy (16), StormRaven (16), thefirstdark (16), TomWaitsTables (16), tsangal (16), amweb (15), Ann_Louise (15), CAPederson (15), Crypto-Willobie (15), drivincryin (15), malloyd (15), niallh (15), SESchend (15), vegaheim (15), xofelf (15), barrybaker (14), bookstothesky (14), chilperic (14), cmc (14), dds1981 (14), iansales (14), iresam (14), KelMunger (14), Ms.LibraryCat (14), pmwolohan (14), rudidorn (14), undinesprite (14), 666777 (13), BrigidsBlest (13), buffygurl (13), Crowinator (13), detritus (13), hullbass (13), jschuur (13), thefirstalicat (13), ahouse (12), Areopagite (12), brainshades (12), divinenanny (12), dukedom_enough (12), elucubrare (12), Faustgeist (12), johnjosephadams (12), lansingsexton (12), macsbrains (12), mvuijlst (12), nelsam (12), robnbrwn (12), Sakerfalcon (12), saltmanz (12), scott_beeler (12), TashaBookStuff (12), wingkitty (12), babsji (11), Belladonna1975 (11), biblio-bot (11), bunnikins (11), cadolph (11), Chrisethier (11), davidrouen (11), dpeace (11), Fahim (11), flying_monkeys (11), fred_mouse (11), ginskye (11), iluvvideo (11), kaplander (11), kellylink (11), Markober (11), M_L_Nagle (11), psybre (11), SavvyScot (11), Spunkypineapple (11), steven_R (11), sturmvogel (11), writer1314 (11), aabdelrahmanm (10), albionschild (10), amanda4242 (10), AuthorJamesAaron (10), BellaMiaow (10), brendanmoody (10), calculoid (10), ctheiss63 (10), Dureo (10), EmScape (10), gradenko (10), grammarchick (10), hegadornr (10), KellyinSD (10), krisa (10), LamSon (10), libraryofus (10), ltimmel (10), magpi (10), mikebo123 (10), MyriadBooks (10), nfpr2boziis (10), scottyn73 (10), SF4MLibrary (10), TairaNagasawa (10), VALIS666 (10), vmaganti (10), xcom (10), yvaine (10), Archren (9), bernardgilmore (9), chipcabot (9), lucienspringer (9), malinablue (9), martinb1 (9), nwhyte (9), RLNunezKPL (9), Stiggy (9), xicanti (9)