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Anuchard Review: Enjoy Unlocking the Secrets of the Bellwielder (Xbox Series X)

Anuchard is a fantastic single player RPG. With a retro aesthetic and funny characters, this 2D dungeon slayer is a perfect way to spend a few days. Providing an amazing balance between story, humor, and gameplay. Anuchard is truly a game for everyone.

Anuchard Review: Enjoy Unlocking the Secrets of the Bellwielder

Brave the Dungeons of Anuchard to return the Guardians and their wondrous blessings. With these blessings you will witness the growth of Anuchard first-hand. Players may also get a taste of what selfishness can cost a society.

Discover for yourself, as Anuchard is available on Steam and Xbox for $14.99. In addition, Anuchard was recently added to Xbox Game Pass, making it available to all subscribers! This Anuchard Review should help you decide if it’s worth your time and money.

Story – A Tale as Old as Time

Eons ago, Anuchard was a floating Utopia, as described by Anuchardian legends. Peaceful, and guarded by the now deserted Guardians.

Begin Anuchard by being introduced to Chief Lembason, your Bellwielding mentor.

Begin Anuchard by being introduced to Chief Lembason, your Bellwielding mentor.

The Guardians are five god-like beings that provide their unique blessings to Anuchard. Anuchardians have worshipped the Guardians with no sign off their existence for thousands of years. 

You as the Bellwielder, are tasked with saving all of Anuchard and restoring it to its former glory. After you are bestowed the Audros Bell, your title is apparent to all. It is you who will restore Anuchard by mastering the dungeons and their secrets.

Within Dungeons, players can save Anuchardians spirits that have become trapped inside. Additionally, Dungeons are where you will find materials capable of upgrading Anuchard and even the fabled Guardians.

Lost souls can be found within the Dungeons. You can resurrect them by returning to Anuchards Main Hall.

Lost souls can be found within the Dungeons. You can resurrect them by returning to Anuchards Main Hall.

While you are more than aware of the danger found in Dungeons, only Bellwielders are capable of entering the Dungeons and returning. That is why it is crucial it be you who restore Anuchard by retrieving the Guardians. Even if you lost your own father to the Dungeons…

Gameplay – Retro Done Right

Playing Anuchard reminded me of a time when video games had a clear primary objective and drew you in with their easy-to-use controls. 

Game developers, stellarNull, clearly channeled the simplicity of classic RPG games when creating their controls. This is made apparent by the lack of unnecessary key binds and equipment. Instead, Anuchard focuses on upgrading your already obtained tools and equipment. 


Dungeons are well designed, with hidden secrets promoting players to enter them more than once. Also containing the occasional side quest, allowing you to save more Anuchardians than the primary objective.

Dungeons are the key to progressing within Anuchard and restoring it to its former glory. Utilizing mementos of lost Anuchardians and even Guardians, players are able to enter new dungeons. Within they can expect to complete puzzles and much more in pursuit of the Guardians.

Each Dungeon within Anuchard features unique design elements.

Each Dungeon within Anuchard features unique design elements.

By returning with the once-lost souls of Anuchard, you’ll unlock new upgrades, and even blessings. Blessings are bestowed by the legendary Guardians and further society in unimaginable ways. 

Blessings are capable of increasing crop yield, wealth, and even returning Anuchard to its floating state. While all may not believe in the god-like Guardians, they will be forced to believe upon the return of the first Guardian.


Dungeons contain enemies of different variants, slightly increasing in difficulty along the way. Enemies are easy to conquer by following the given tutorials. Tutorials screens rarely present themselves, unless there are new mechanics to be learned. They are not overly used and only contain essential information. 

After the first and only battle tutorial, I felt more than capable of continuing without issue. This is made possible by limiting the Bellwielders attack and defense options to a select few.

By utilizing the Audros Bell, players are capable of a quick attack, a charged attack, and placing a spire. Charged attacks are capable of sending enemies flying into walls, consequently breaking their shields and doubling the damage of a normal quick attack.

Anuchard doesn't have an Auto Save feature. Instead players write their saves in a journal.

Anuchard doesn’t have an Auto Save feature. Instead players write their saves in a journal.

Spires are unlocked after completing the first dungeon and are used to restore your health. By returning more lost spirits, players are also capable of upgrading the Spire to provide more health and even defense. 

Boss fights use the same battle mechanics, with added intensity. By utilizing Mutu and his culinary creations, you can prepare for dungeons with bonuses to health and attack. While I did utilize the feature once, it did not feel necessary for the rest of the battles. 

Boss fights can get rather intense in Anuchard.

Boss fights can get rather intense in Anuchard.


In contrast to its welcoming appearance, Anuchard is full of sarcastic remarks and tough love. It is done in a way that left me laughing and quoting the game. It’s a gentle reminder that Anuchard is not just a game for kids.

Role playing games can be overflowing with unnecessary dialogue that doesn’t contribute to the story or game. This is not the case in Anuchard, as nearly every dialogue contributes to the next objective or the story. Additionally, those looking for a faster play through are able to skip through dialogue. 

This being said, Anuchard is still a dialogue heavy game, requiring you to read if you wish to understand the whole story. This contributes to its cozy vibe, allowing players to be immersed within the fictional world of Anuchard and its legends. 


Similar to retro games, Anuchard can be comfortably completed within one weekend. This includes those looking to complete all side quests and available achievements. 

Despite its shorter story compared to other modern games, Anuchard provides a enjoyable tale from start to finish. While it may not be a game you will play forever due to low replayability, it’s fairly priced for even one pleasant play through.

There are a couple possible endings to Anuchard.

There are a couple possible endings to Anuchard.

Graphics and Audio – Whimsical

Anuchard boasts a perfect blend of high resolution and retro 2D design. Game developer, stellarNull was able to integrate detail without compromising the intended aesthetic. This is highlighted within dungeons, where players must navigate through puzzles.

Audio is also fitting, using whimsical instrumentals and Animal Crossing-esque voice lines. Additionally, characters all have their own unique appearance that fit their personalities and homeland. 

After the Guardians return and provide their blessings, clear changes are made to the environment. Tents will be adorned with jewels and food will be plentiful. Instead of only including this in dialogue, it can be seen as you travel across Anuchard.

Anuchard was reviewed on Xbox Series X using Xbox Game Pass.

Anuchard, a 2D retro-inspired RPG, immerses players in a high-resolution world filled with charm and whimsy. The game's pixel art aesthetic beautifully merges nostalgia with modern visuals, creating a unique immersive experience. Featuring an engaging story, clever dialogue, and perfect blend of old-school charm and modern gameplay mechanics, Anuchard offers a captivating single player journey.
  • High resolution while retaining retro feeling
  • Engaging/humorous dialogue
  • Satisfying time to complete
  • Two possible endings
  • Interesting story
  • No Auto-Save feature

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