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Super Mario Bros. Wonder Review: A Game That Never Stops Surprising

Embark on a fresh journey in Super Mario Bros. Wonder. Join Mario and friends in the Flower Kingdom, facing Bowser's new threat for the powerful Wonder Flower. Discover innovative power-ups, a dynamic badge system, and revamped levels filled with secrets. With cooperative play for four, it is a delightful blend of nostalgia and inventive gameplay.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder Review A Game That Never Stops Surprising

Certain franchises require no introduction, and many originate with Nintendo irremediably.

Mario, in particular, has transcended being a mere character to emerge as one of the most universally recognized intellectual properties in the video game industry and beyond.

Consequently, each release featuring the well-known Italian plumber produces significant anticipation and excitement among players who have previously enjoyed his classic adventures.

In general, the Super Mario franchise exhibits two distinct facets: the 3D games —inaugurated by Super Mario 64 in the mid-90s— and the original two-dimensional platform games, which experienced a diminishing significance until their resurgence with the New Super Mario Bros. series on the Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii.

Regrettably, despite the positive reception these new titles garnered for their homage to the original NES and SNES games, they eventually succumbed to a sense of fatigue. Even though this did not reflect their quality, the present dynamics needed more innovative elements.

Fortunately, this requirement was fully covered in the new Super Mario Bros. Wonder, available on the Nintendo Switch for $59.99.

Story: A Familiar Tale With an Unexpected Turn

Here, Mario and his friends set foot in the uncharted territory of the Flower Kingdom, prompted by an invitation from Prince Florian.

Sadly, the joyous occasion is marred when Bowser, intent on seizing the Wonder Flower—a key symbol within the kingdom possessing formidable magical abilities— crashes the festivities.

With this potent artifact, Bowser wreaks havoc far and wide, even resorting to self-transformation into a floating castle. Consequently, Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad, joined by a cadre of unexpected “secondary” characters —including Daisy, Yoshi, and the mischievous Nabbit— rally together to thwart this emerging threat and confront Bowser’s newfound menace.

In general, the game’s structure is similar to the one found in other titles within the franchise. Once more, players encounter multiple worlds subdivided into various levels.

Fresh kingdom, new allies, same foe: unveiling a familiar menace in a new adventure

Fresh kingdom, new allies, same foe: unveiling a familiar menace in a new adventure

However, in Super Mario Bros. Wonder, diversity reigns in every corner. While traditional levels task players to reach the endpoint, ascend a pole, and claim the flag, the game also presents revived challenges.

And, of course, successful completion rewards players with a coveted Wonder Seed regardless of the level type, an essential item for unlocking new game levels.

Gameplay: Explore a Plethora of New Features for an Unforgettable Adventure

As you delve into Super Mario Bros. Wonder, the initial gameplay might strike you as inevitably familiar—leaping across platforms and squashing Goombas. However, the game introduces a delightful array of new power-ups.

Take, for instance, the whole-new elephant transformation, a standout power-up that significantly augments the character’s strength and allows water to be stored in their respective trunk, which can be utilized in various ways.

Additionally, there is the whole-new Bubble Flower, empowering you to expel soapy orbs that trap enemies or aid in leaping over them to access new platforms. Notably, this power-up proves particularly effective against fire-based assaults.

Lastly, there is the Drill Mushroom, which transforms our character’s hat into a drill that offers defense against attacks from above and enables burrowing underground and into ceilings. It is worth noting that while the drill protects from many threats, it is not effective against fire-based enemies and objects.

Overall, players might perceive a scarcity of new power-ups, primarily because the game introduces a novel concept: the badges, which can also be equipped before entering a level to feature additional abilities.

For instance, badges enable the use of the cap as a makeshift parachute, the ability to execute multiple wall jumps, a heightened swimming prowess with dolphin-like speed, and even the capability to hang from various spots using a hook, an unavoidable reminiscent of traditional The Legend of Zelda’s mechanics, by the way.

By themselves, badges represent a clever method to add diversity to the gameplay. However, it is crucial to note that these badges will not be immediately accessible to the player at the start.

Diverse new power-ups transform how you conquer levels

Diverse new power-ups transform how you conquer levels

The player needs to unlock badges by conquering particular levels, presenting distinct objectives, or locating scattered NPCs across the map. Beyond the active badges mentioned earlier, there are also passive ones designed to assist in boosting your coin collection or providing a safety net to prevent fatal falls off cliffs.

However, none of those above elements can rival the sheer might of the all-mighty Wonder Flowers. Each level hides one of these extraordinary blooms, and when discovered, they unleash a whirlwind of astonishing events within Mario’s world.

In this scenario, ordinary elements suddenly adopt bizarre behaviors; tubes wriggle like worms, enormous sheep initiate stampedes, and a cascade of stars showers down, allowing the player to sprint through a vibrant, colorful world.

Yet, there are instances where the very level turns hostile, unleashing a colossal, relentless pursuit that shadows every move throughout the level.

Redefining Tradition and Multiplayer Dynamics

Also, the game’s design sets it apart in a truly distinctive manner. Gone are the classic structures we have carried since the days of Super Mario World, where we could predict the themes of each world and its levels.

While there are still worlds themed around sand, underground lava, and aquatic environments, those are present in an entirely fresh sequence nowadays. Moreover, the game is teeming with secret paths, encouraging meticulous exploration of each level for those aiming to achieve 100% completion. This rich tapestry of hidden routes beckons players to delve deeper into every detail to uncover all its secrets.

One of the standout features is the revival of its local cooperative mode, housing up to four players, enabling the whole adventure to be shared with friends and family.

Additionally, significant adjustments from previous titles like New Super Mario Bros. Wii or Super Mario 3D World are worth noting. In this iteration, player collisions have been removed, eliminating the competitive aspect that sometimes added fun but could also lead to frustration. This change ensures smoother gameplay without potential in-game conflicts among players, particularly in challenging levels with collapsing platforms or restricted spaces.

In Super Mario Bros. Wonder, a new online mode introduces the presence of other players in both the overworld and within levels, a feature akin to encountering other users’ spirits in franchises such as Dark Souls.

Thrive in multiplayer fun with more players

Thrive in multiplayer fun with more players

However, their appearance does not significantly affect the general gameplay except for one key aspect: if the players perish, they transform into mid-spectator phantoms. In this form, other participants are granted a brief window to touch them, gradually reviving them and seamlessly continuing the level.

Yet, it is essential to note that the spectral players cannot activate mechanisms, break blocks, or alter platforms in any way. Their role is limited solely to aiding in the revival and maintaining the game’s flow without altering its mechanics.

Graphics & Audio: Breathing Fresh Life With a Stunning Makeover

One aspect of the game that genuinely deserves applause is its visual presentation. Overall, the character’s and enemies’ modeling is nothing short of sensational, exhibiting meticulous detail and ensuring clear readability to the gameplay.

The environments and scenarios of Super Mario Wonder are beautifully crafted, striking a balance between richness and simplicity, allowing players to immerse themselves in the fantasy without distractions.

The artistic direction ventures into imaginative territories, delivering many daring and innovative elements. Moreover, the game’s performance remains impeccable across all modes of play.

However, it is the animation that truly shines. Characters in the game boast a diverse array of meticulously crafted animations, offering unprecedented expressiveness in a game of this nature. These mechanics cater to a wide range of situations, contributing significantly to the characters’ depth and bringing an unparalleled level of life to the game’s world.

A Dynamic Symphony of Sound and Gameplay Harmony

Regarding the audio experience, this keeps pace with distinction, offering a diverse soundtrack that dynamically adapts its instrumentation based on our in-game state or ongoing events within each level.

While the audio might not reach the heights of the series’ most iconic and legendary melodies, the quality presented here is undeniable. It marks a significant improvement from what was previously heard in the various iterations of New Super Mario Bros., meticulously aligning with each level’s theme and injecting an extra touch of vitality, especially when the Wonder Flowers grace the scene.

Moreover, the sound effects play a crucial role in conveying vital information about ongoing events, establishing a seamless harmony among visuals, sound, and gameplay. This synchronization enhances the gaming experience, ensuring players are visually engaged and immersed through auditory cues, creating a holistic and immersive environment.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is a delightful platformer that consistently surprises and entertains with its inventive gameplay. The level design fearlessly breaks away from series conventions, offering unpredictability and excitement throughout the nearly 20-hour journey to achieve 100% completion. This game maintains impeccable control and physics, ensuring a seamless and responsive experience. It flawlessly combines innovation with the beloved Mario formula, delivering a nostalgic yet refreshingly novel gameplay adventure.
  • Exceptional level design delving into imaginative and engaging concepts
  • Innovative mechanics expanding platforming possibilities
  • Robust gameplay crafting a seamlessly immersive journey
  • Stunning art direction coupled with meticulously crafted animations
  • A noticeable absence of substantial boss encounters
  • Online mode could benefit from an expanded array of features
  • The absence of co-op mechanics is notably peculiar

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