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Fit My Cat: A Simple Review for a Simple Game (Switch)

This is an honest review for Fit My Cat, a Nintendo Switch game, released in early February of 2024. This simple game is cute and adorable, no doubt, but can also be challenging and fun. Although it can be frustrating at times, this game will kick you off your feet with its simpleness and adorableness!

Fit My Cat : A Simple Review For A Simple Game (Nintendo Switch) coverIndie games are what make up half of the games today. These games could indicate the start of one’s gaming career, or the start of one’s game developing run. Unfortunately, they can be a hit or miss. Or a small or large game. Small in the sense of simple game play, and large in the sense of  story and mechanics. Like Undertale or Five Nights At Freddy’s (FNAF). This little indie game is, well, little. Fit My Cat is those games made for simple pleasures. 

On February 16th, 2024 RedDeerGames developed, and published, this little switch game released with simple concept – Tetris for cats. The concept of this game is that you have to fit all the cats into one box. You have to drag and turn, place and maneuver to make sure all of the cats fit. The cats come in all shapes and sizes, the box fitting to how many cats are in front of you.

On March 3rd, 2024, 3 new packs became available for Fit My Cat. All DLC’s are free to play now on Nintendo Switch Store. The game itself is $9.99 for standard edition, and about $9.19 for deluxe, ultimate, extended, special and premium editions. 

RedDeerGames adorable logo and name

RedDeerGames adorable logo and name

Story – The Quest to Fit Everything in a Box

The story of the game is quite simple, more or less. There really isn’t any background information on it, except for the fact that all you know is there are cats that you have to fit into a box. The game has many levels, starting easy and then getting harder. But it’s all still so simple. Fit My Cat came with a few bundles, adding more levels and pizazz to the game. Like mentioned before, you have to fit all the different cats into a large square with various obstacles in smaller ones. The larger box changes its size every level, so the number of cats and obstacles change. As well as the shapes of the cats to make it more challenging to figure out. The more cats it brought, the more challenges it came with. Not with the puzzles itself but with the controls as well.

The game itself was fun, challenging. I would say that it has a slightly addictive tone to the cute game, considering how easy it is and challenging it can get. You wouldn’t want to stop the level until you have passed it. Fit My Cat is one of those small games where you just play for fun to ease your mind and not have to strain too much. Its got really neat puzzles and just one simple goal to it – making everything fit. I love to play this during my free time to relax for a bit, to keep my mind off of stressful things. With it being so short, simple and easy, I was able to play mindlessly.

Fit My Cat game controls are very simple

Fit My Cat game controls are very simple

Gameplay – It Can Be Confusing…and Frustrating at Times

When starting the game, it was slightly confusing. The developers only give you the instructions in picture form, showing the buttons used to perform the moves. Although it showed at the bottom of the screen, for me, it took me a few tries to figure out how to move the cats. Its instructions consist of pressing ‘A’ to grab and drag the cat, using the R1 shoulder button to rotate to fit the space, then using the left joy-con to move.

Just as Rachel Poli mentioned in her own article review of Fit My Cat, “Review: Fit My Cat (Nintendo Switch)“, on Pure Nintendo, she says that “the controls weren’t always responsive” which was true. Sometimes, when I would drag my cat, it wouldn’t place exactly where I would want it. And, a bit frustrating too, is the fact that you have to line up your adorable fuzzballs exactly into the boxes for it to stick.

Sometimes, I would notice that it was a little bit harder to control my cursor when there are many more cats. It’s hard to see which one you are hovering over for one thing, and another is the fact that it’ll sometimes move past certain cats way too fast. 

Graphics and Audio – How Cute Can It Really Get? 

Many people would say that this game is quite cozy. And, well, it is. It’s got cute kitties, an adorable layout, charming graphics and the most upbeat music a cute game can have. It literally helps you relax while being upbeat to try and figure out the levels without getting too frustrated. The developers did a good job at trying to keep this game stress free with it’s simplicity. But that can only go so far, right? 

Just like Poli, I had gotten stumped on level 41. There seems to be the correct number of boxes, but just not the correct cats. I know there has got to be a way to fit all the cats in there, but I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. For aspects such as the cursor not really being a cursor and not having the correct cats, it makes you wonder how many levels are you going to get stumped on. I can’t complain, though, because this is a puzzle game. It does end up becoming challenging as the levels progress.

Having to find the correct spaces for all cats can be challenging

Having to find the correct spaces for all cats can be challenging

Of course, it is repetitive since all it is is getting all the cats to fit like a jigsaw puzzle. But with all the cuteness to it, you can’t stay mad at it forever. 

This little indie game is so cute that anybody should play it. Especially if you love cute, relaxing easy games that can challenge you mentally. 

Fit My Cat was reviewed on a Nintendo Switch.

After playing levels and levels of Fit My Cat, I realized one thing. It's like Tetris where you have to put the cats into an area and make them fit. Well, I guess you can also say it's like a jigsaw too. But, not only is it a puzzle game, but it's an adorable, simple and cutesy puzzle game! Going into it, I realized that the controls are a bit weird. I had to figure it out on my own, even the picture for the controls didn't help me as much. Throughout the game, I noticed that they are a bit stiff and wonky. The cats themselves, too, are a bit hard to maneuver, especially if you don't place them down correctly. But, it's hard to stay mad at it for too long because of its cute graphics, adorable ambiance and its simpleness to the game.
  • It's very cute and adorable
  • Is easy on the eyes, not too straining
  • Game is simple and a no brainer, easy.
  • Fit My Cat can be challenging for those who like it
  • The controls are a bit wonky. They seem slightly stiff
  • The cats don't stick immediately to an area. If it's not correct, then it will boot back.
  • depending on the level, the cats have a harder time being put together

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