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Venture into Overwatch 2 to Test an All-New Damage Hero

Blizzard Games is allowing players to test Venture, the all-new damage hero in Overwatch 2. Venture will be released with Season 10, but players have a chance to test their ground-breaking abilities early until March 31st. Dig up information on the new character below!

Venture into Overwatch 2 to Test an All-New Damage Character

Venture is an all-new damage hero coming to Overwatch 2 in Season 10. Featuring an excavator and burrowing abilities, they’re sure to provide a challenge in your upcoming Overwatch Games.

This article digs into all the information we currently have on Venture. Play any game mode other than competitive before March 31st to try their abilities for yourself.

Venture – What We Know So Far

Over time, we’re sure to unlock more of Venture’s lore. However, we already know a few fun facts about the 40th hero to be added to Overwatch. For example, they’re the first non-binary character to be added to Overwatch 2. This is not the first time Blizzard Games has shown its support for the LGBTQ+ community through character representation.

Like most heroes, Venture is only an assigned code name by the Overwatch League. Sloane Cameron is their real name, and they are a Canadian-born archeologist. Their ties to archeology heavily influence their abilities and aesthetics.

Venture's Ultimate is known as Tectonic Shock.

Venture’s Ultimate is known as Tectonic Shock.

Ventures Abilities – Ground Breaking

Venture is equipped with a weapon that fires seismic charges, bursting after a small distance. The seismic charge even bursts when airborne, inflicting an area of effect damage on any nearby enemies. In addition, their melee pulls out a drill that does 70 damage. More than the standard 50 melee damage.

The all-new damage character also generates temporary shields when using their abilities. This is due to the damage hero’s passive ability, Explorers Resolve.

Venture has plenty of archeology-inspired abilities.

Venture has plenty of archeology-inspired abilities.


When activating the Burrow ability, players burrow themselves underground for protection. Allowing them to navigate a few meters free of harm and eventually emerge. 

When emerging from their burrowed state, Venture will damage any enemy heroes found above them. Additionally, emerging will inflict slight knockback on nearby enemies.

Venture's burrow ability allows players to maneuver the battlefield in safety.

Venture’s burrow ability allows players to maneuver the battlefield in safety.

Drill Dash

Drill Dash looks similar to Venture’s melee but packs more power. When using the Drill Dash ability, Venture pushes the enemy back and also inflicts damage.

This damage will likely be adjusted by Venture’s eventual release date on April 16th, when Season 10 is released. In addition, their ultimate is likely to see a few changes before their final release.

Drill dash damages enemies and moves them backward.

Drill dash damages enemies and moves them backward.

Tectonic Shock

Venture’s Ultimate ability is known as tectonic shock. Using your drill, players will send pulse waves through the earth that damage the enemy team. 

While the ultimate is not extremely powerful on its own, it can prove quite powerful when paired with others. For example, when combined with Mauga’s Cage Fight, Venture can be of great assistance. 


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