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Twitch Investigates Sexual Abuse And Harassment Allegations

In a blog post, Twitch updates its users about the steps they're going to take concerning the rising reports of sexual harassment and abuse involving their streamers. A number of popular streamers have already been permanently banned. Another paragraph added into the game industry's dark pages.

Twitch Investigates Sexual Abuse And Harassment Allegations

Twitch has released a blog post detailing steps that they’re taking concerning the sexual abuse and harassment allegations involving their streamers. In this blog post, Twitch said that they’re reviewing each case that comes to light. They’re also prioritizing the most severe cases and will hand out permanent suspensions to people found to be at fault. They’ve acknowledged that they cannot do this alone, as most of the cases took place outside of Twitch, so they will ask the proper authorities for help concerning those cases.

Twitch is also encouraging people to speak up about their experiences.

For those who’ve come forward and would like to share additional information, and to anyone who hasn’t shared their experience and wants to do so, you can report confidentially through the reporting tools on each streamer’s channel page.

Twitch will also review their Hateful Conduct and Harassment Policies and offensive username detection. They also said that they will have other projects focused on reducing harassment and hateful conduct. In closing, Twitch has acknowledged the people who’ve come forward and shared their experiences.

Those who have come forward have shown incredible strength, vulnerability, and bravery. We acknowledge that we can’t singlehandedly tackle pervasive issues across the gaming and broader internet communities, but we take our responsibility as a service for our community seriously. We will continue to assess accusations against people affiliated with Twitch and explore ways Twitch can collaborate with other industry leaders on this important issue.

You can check the following for the list of banned streamers.

Twitch taking action; you just love to see it.

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