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Tekken 8 Reveals Kuma in Gameplay Trailer

Bandai Namco showcases it's next fighter in Tekken 8 with another gamplay reveal trailer, the Master of Salmon, Kuma. The fuzzy bear is using new special attacks, donning new (yet familiar) gear, and carrying a fish to use as a weapon.

Tekken 8 Reveals Kuma in Gameplay TrailerTekken 8 is celebrating another entry with impressive graphics, a playable demo, and showing off it’s refined gameplay. The series has been around for 28 years and is consider one of the best at 3D combat. While you can only play as four characters in the demo (Jin, Kazuya, Paul, and Nina), Kuma isn’t one of them. Fans, however, are eagerly waiting for this bear on release day. He can be seen unleashing special attacks and wearing a certain new outfit.

Kuma is now donning a vest, red headband, and taped arms much like Heihachi Mishima wore in Tekken 7. While it doesn’t seem like a lot, Heihachi raised the fuzzy bear from a cub. Kuma was devastated when Heihachi was killed. Thus, Kuma has been training hard, and his moves have been completely revamped. Unlike the classic bear style we know, he seems to have a move set that imitates Heihachi’s. The Electric Wind God Fist is just one example to show how dedicated he was.

Tekken 8 Kuma holding Salmon

Kuma holding his prized salmon

With these changes in place, it makes Kuma a bit more unique. It separates him from Panda a bit more, who is also on the playable character roster. The Master of Salmon has gone from being a bloodthirsty bear to a bloodthirsty bear who wants love. He can be seen proposing to Panda in the gameplay trailer, only to be rejected by having his fish slapped out of his hands before jumping into combat. The bear can also be seen slapping the other fighters with the salmon and turning it into a rocket that explodes. Kuma will certainly claw his way to victory, fish in hand. The grizzly carnage Kuma will unleash is something we’ll have to bear witness to.

Set for release on January 26 of next year, Tekken 8 will be playable on the Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC.

Source: The Tekken 8 Official Site

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