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PlayStation’s May State of Play Reveals Dynasty Warriors: Origins

The recent State of Play has brought many new titles to the spotlight as we have seen a glimpse of future titles that will be released somewhere between the second half of 2024 and early 2025. One of those titles is Dynasty Warriors Origins, a new title from the long-standing franchise that has shaped the musou genre for decades. The game is slated to release in 2025, and there are some keypoints that can be seen from the reveal trailer, notably the Create Your Hero system.

PlayStation's May State of Play Reveals Dynasty Warriors OriginsWith the recent PlayStation’s State of Play that aired on May 31, 2024, fans have finally got a glimpse at the next Dynasty Warriors title from Koei Tecmo and Omega Force, with the reveal of the next title called Dynasty Warriors: Origins. This news brings a breath of fresh air as the last mainline title from the Dynasty Warriors franchise happened back in 2018 with Dynasty Warriors 9, which received heavy criticism due to the poorly optimized open-world setting within the game.

From the reveal trailer, there are some keynotes worthy to explore and what the fans can expect from Dynasty Warriors: Origins, with the main topic of discussion being the fact that we can create our character and begin a journey as a Nameless Hero through the chaotic Three Kingdoms era.

Dynasty Warriors: Origins is coming to PlayStation5, Steam, and Xbox Series X|S in 2025, you can start wishlist the game on Steam, and you can also do so on PlayStation 5 through this link.

Carve Your Journey Across the Three Kingdoms

From the reveal trailer that is shown during PlayStation’s State of Play, the main focus of Dynasty Warriors: Origins will be about creating a character, who is currently referred to as the Nameless Hero, who will be the key to vanquishes the tumultuous time of the Three Kingdoms era.

It isn’t currently known whether we are still able to take control of one of the main casts from the previous Dynasty Warriors titles, as the trailer heavily focuses on the original character that we can create alongside what tools we have and what to expect during battles.

The Journey Starts Here.

The Journey Starts Here.

Vast Battlefields

According to the official Koei Tecmo website, the game’s ambitions also reach an even greater height compared to previous titles, with the developers aiming to provide vast battlefields that are full of life and troops to satisfy the players’ needs for a good hack-and-slash Dynasty Warriors game, as you can see below:

Fueled by electrifying 1 vs. 1,000 actions, Dynasty Warriors: Origins intensifies the battlefield thanks to massive armies populating the screen from end-to-end, raging for a fight.

While this notion doesn’t reveal that many details, fans can remain optimistic that Dynasty Warriors: Origins won’t follow in the footsteps of Dynasty Warriors 9, as they will instead improve on how each battlefield works and expand their size to fit more soldiers on the screen by fully utilizing the powers of next-gen consoles. 

March with the Army.

March with the Army.

Apart from the massive battlefields, it appears that the series’ fans can expect the return of staple characters in Dynasty Warriors: Origins such as Guan Yu, who is still wielding his beloved Green Crescent Dragon, and Lu Bu, who is seen wielding the Sky Piercer atop his trusted warhorse, Red Hare. 

Overall, there are substantial improvements to the series with the arrival of Dynasty Warriors: Origins, the graphics, and the combat being the major aspects that Koei Tecmo focuses on. Moreover, they also want to formulate the true scale of chaos during the Three Kingdoms era, something that was missing from the previous installments.

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