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Every New Exotic Revealed in the Latest Destiny 2: Lightfall Trailer

Here is every Exotic item revealed in the latest trailer for Destiny 2's newest expansion, Lightfall. Shown here are weapons and armor pieces that improve the efficacy of the new element, Strand, as well as synergizing with the well-known elements already available in-game.

Every New Exotic Revealed in the Latest Destiny 2: Lightfall Trailer

Bungie released a new trailer for the rapidly-approaching Destiny 2 expansion, Lightfall. This trailer focused on the new Exotic weapons and armor players will be able to loot while battling the forces of Darkness on Neomuna. Here are all of the Exotics that were revealed in the latest Destiny 2: Lightfall trailer.

Minor Spoilers Ahead: This article will spoil the Exotics that will be available when Lightfall comes to Destiny 2. If you wish to enter the expansion completely blind, now is the time to leave.

Haven’t seen the trailer yet? Watch it here:

Final Warning

Final Warning is an Exotic Sidearm that fires projectiles of the new damage type, Strand. In the trailer, the description states “charged tracking rounds,” and we see the weapon’s bullets automatically track towards several targets. This happens after the Hunter wielding Final Warning kill a Vex Minotaur and reload. It’s possible that these tracking rounds are activated when the wielder reloads after a final blow with Final Warning.

Final Warning is a full-auto Strand Sidearm that has the ability to fire charged tracking rounds.

Final Warning is a full-auto Strand Sidearm that has the ability to fire charged tracking rounds.

We also see a Strand effect around the Vex Goblins hit by the tracking rounds. These rounds possibly apply a Strand keyword debuff, also hinted by the description of the weapon on Bungie’s official Lightfall information page.

Land attacks so precise that you and your target appear tethered by the Weave… if only for a fleeting, unraveling moment.

If we look closely after the Hunter loads the tracking rounds, we can see an ammo counter on the gun count down from 20, which may be its maximum mag capacity. Although the cadence of the fire rate is skewed to sync with the music of the trailer, Bungie usually makes Exotics uniform with appropriate weapon archetypes. Its full-auto nature may make Final Warning part of the 450 rpm Rapid-Fire frame of sidearms.

Deterministic Chaos

This new Void Exotic Machine Gun fires Weakening rounds every fourth shot. Furthermore, every 16th shot makes the enemy Volatile.

Deterministic Chaos is a Void Machine Gun that fires a Weakening round every 4th shot, and a Volatile round every 16th shot.

Deterministic Chaos is a Void Machine Gun that fires a Weakening round every 4th shot, and a Volatile round every 16th shot.

It’s tough to determine what archetype this Machine Gun would fill, again due to the video’s editing. However, there are some hints to its nature. Its description on the Lightfall info page reads as follows:

Focus your unrelenting attack and deliver the metal. Heavy, inevitable, and filled with the chaos of the Void.

The cadence of making every 4th shot empowered, the reference to heavy metal in the description, and with the bits of normal speed shown in the trailer shows evidence that this weapon may occupy the High-Impact archetype. This archetype fires at 360 rpm — a multiple of 4, making it sync with music easier.

Cyrtarachne’s Facade

Moving onto armor, Hunters will get a new Exotic helmet in the form of Cyrtarachne’s Facade. In the trailer, the description reads “Grapple gives Woven Mail.” Woven Mail is described soon after to give flinch resistance, as the Hunter is only slightly phased from damage as they line up a headshot on a Titan in the Crucible.

Cyrtarachne's Facade is a Hunter Exotic that grants Woven Mail after performing a Grapple. Woven Mail grants flinch resistance.

Cyrtarachne’s Facade is a Hunter Exotic that grants Woven Mail after performing a Grapple. Woven Mail grants flinch resistance.

It can be safely assumed that Woven Mail will be a Strand keyword buff in Lightfall, given by this helmet and other class features. We also know from various other trailers that Grappling is the spotlight ability of Strand.

Woven Mail is unlikely to only give flinch resistance as a benefit. Given its name referencing chain mail armor, it’s likely that it may also give some form of survivability. This could be in the form of damage resistance, an overshield, or both.

Abeyant Leap

Titans will be getting the Exotic Leg armor, Abeyant Leap. In the video, it’s stated that “Barricade spawns additional Lashes.” We see that the barricade creates three grounded projectiles that tangle and suspend enemies in Strand when they hit them.

Abeyant Leap is Exotic Leg armor for Titans that cause their Barricade to release Lashes at enemies.

Abeyant Leap is Exotic Leg armor for Titans that cause their Barricade to release Lashes at enemies.

Numerous things can be implied from this action. Firstly, the use of the word “additional” implies that the Titan’s barricade can already spawn at least one Lash. This may be possible through an Aspect, considering the class-specific nature of this ability. Secondly, “Lash” may be a Strand keyword effect.

Quicksilver Storm Catalyst

While this Exotic weapon is already available in Destiny 2 via pre-ordering Lightfall, this Exotic Auto Rifle’s Catalyst will be unlockable once the expansion releases. The trailer says that the weapon’s grenades will spawn Tangles with final blows.

Notice the green coloration of Quicksilver Storm's projectiles. Alongside its grenade kills creating Tangles, the Catalyst likely makes this weapon deal Strand damage.

Notice the green coloration of Quicksilver Storm’s projectiles. Alongside its grenade kills creating Tangles, the Catalyst likely makes this weapon deal Strand damage.

Before we cover the grenades and Tangles, it’s important to note the green coloration of Quicksilver Storm’s projectiles in the video. This all but confirms that the weapon will change from Kinetic to Strand damage in Lightfall, most likely once the Catalyst is completed. 

“Tangle” is likely yet another Strand keyword. A floating ball of Strand matter appears in the air where an enemy was killed by the grenade. One thing to mention is that we immediately see a Warlock pick up the Tangle and throw it at a Cabal unit suspended in Strand. This causes the enemy to explode and die.


Said Warlock was shown to be wearing the Swarmers, which is new Exotic Leg Armor for this class. It states that destroying Tangles spawns Threadlings.

Swarmers are Exotic Legs for Warlocks that spawn Threadlings when a Tangle is destroyed.

Swarmers are Exotic Legs for Warlocks that spawn Threadlings when a Tangle is destroyed.

These Threadlings appear to be another Strand keyword. These Strand creatures seem to seek enemies along the ground, as if the Lashes from the Titan Barricade were able to track. When they reach enemies, they detonate, damaging the enemy they reach.

One more thing to note in this section is that killing the Cabal with the Tangle possibly created another Tangle in its spot. It’s plausible that a condition was met with the class’ abilities that allowed for a Tangle to spawn, but it could have also been some careful editing.


Winterbite will be our first Exotic Glaive since Witch Queen dropped, and our first Stasis Glaive at that. It states that we can use it to “Freeze enemies with frost orb.” 

Winterbite is a Stasis Glaive with the ability to fire freezing orbs.

Winterbite is a Stasis Glaive with the ability to fire freezing orbs.

It seems as though firing the Glaive creates a slow-moving entity that fires freezing projectiles at nearby enemies. It’s not hard to imagine that there may be a condition to creating this orb, much like there is creating the other effects for the other Exotic Glaives.

With the introduction of the new Legendary Glaive, Judgement of Kelgorath, we now have Aggressive frame Glaives alongside the Adaptive frames. However, it’s hard to tell what archetype Winterbite may fall under. The massive blade may imply an Aggressive frame, but there’s no solid evidence either way.


Those are all of the new Exotics revealed for Destiny 2: Lightfall. The expansion releases on February 28th — just four weeks away. Which of the new Exotics are you most excited to get your hands on?

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