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Contest Mode for Destiny 2’s Lightfall Raid Will Be 48 Hours, Confirms Bungie

In a recent Tweet, Bungie confirmed an extension to the Contest Modifier timer for Destiny 2's Lightfall Raid. Instead of the traditional 24-hour timer, it has been extended to 48 hours for the second time in Destiny 2 history. This was due to numerous reasons according to Bungie.

Contest Mode for Destiny 2's Lightfall Raid Will Be 48 Hours, Confirms Bungie

Bungie has announced that the Contest Mode modifier for the Destiny 2 Lightfall Raid will be active for 48 hours instead of the typical 24 hours. 

In a Tweet from the newly formed Destiny2Team Twitter Account, Bungie confirmed that Contest Mode would be active in the new Lightfall Raid for 48 hours after release. Contest Mode will be active from March 10th at 9 AM PST to March 12th at 10 AM PDT. Anybody who completes the Raid during this 48-hour window is eligible for an Exclusive Emblem, previously locked behind a Day 1 completion. 

This is unlike most previous Raid races and Raid launches. Contest mode was first implemented in the Crown of Sorrow Raid and locked all Guardian’s Light Level at 30 below the Raid itself. This means that the Raid cannot be over levelled, enemies will deal more damage and Guardians will deal less damage. This was to create a fair and even playing field for all participants as, in previous Raids like Last Wish, some teams were at a disadvantage from others who simply got to Level more than they did. 

Ever since the Contest Mode modifier has been active for every Day 1 Raid Race. It is an integral part of the experience as teams try to figure out how each new Raid works. This was unsettled during last year’s Vow of the Disciple which, due to technical issues, had to have its Contest Modifier extended to 48 hours. This allowed more teams to complete the Raid and created a lot of buzz and debate in the community on whether this was something Bungie should do going forward.

Vow of the Disciple

Vow of the Disciple

In the Tweet sent out by the Destiny2Teams Twitter account, they explained that this decision was to ‘allow teams pursuing the emblem more chances to take breaks, as well as allow anyone who has commitments on Friday to still have time to participate.’ 

While this is certainly a big boon for many in the community (who didn’t have the chance to participate previously) it will undoubtedly unearth those same kinds of discussions that we had a year ago. Having Contest Mode active for longer gives more people access to the Raid and the Day 1 experience, but some may see it as trivialising or lessening the achievement for the sake of inclusion. 

Bungie says that it will share more information in a future This Week At Bungie blog post. You can find some theories and speculation on what we will be fighting in Lightfall’s Raid here on KeenGamer.

What Will We Face?

What Will We Face?

SOURCE: Destiny2Team’s Twitter Post on Lightfall Raid Contest Mode

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