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Is VR the Future of Gaming?

With the rise of VR in recent years, find out if it's worth the title of "The future of gaming." Gamers all over have provided their input into the fledgling gaming prospect and have decided upon its worth as a gaming utensil. But with hurdles like price and mental fatigue, could it be too much of a hassle to bother with?

Is VR the Future of Gaming? Cover

In March of 2020, Half-Life: Alyx was released as a VR-exclusive video game. The first game from the Half-Life series since 2007, it was immediately met with critical acclaim, with many praising the way it incorporated VR mechanics to provide a more immersive experience. Some even felt it was snubbed for Game of the Year during 2020’s Game Awards. Despite the success, it was undoubtedly a bold move on developer Valve’s part to release the game exclusively for VR, knowing most are still keen on home consoles. Given the precedent set by Half-Life: Alyx, and the growing popularity of VR-exclusive content such as Beat Saber, is it foolish to assume that VR is the future of gaming?

The following is comprised of data collected through optional polls and viewer responses. What all was collected includes:

  • 1,114 respondents through eight questions.
  • Polls running between the end of 2020 and February of 2021.
Infograph containing details about VR as the future of gaming.

Infograph containing details about VR as the future of gaming.

The following is information collected in more detailed form, going over every aspect of the graph listed above. Summarized information and some occasional discussion will also be present. Information will be provided through the following categories:

  • Price Concerns
  • Health Benefits/Detriments
  • General impressions

Price Point – Are VR Units Too Costly?

Since the inception of VR as a gaming concept, it has historically cost an arm and a leg to be able to secure all things necessary for a seamless experience. Recently, products such as the Oculus Quest 2 have brought VR-capable devices to a more achievable price point. Though not all have been brought down this far, is the high price too much to overcome?

Information about VR pricing costs.

Information about VR pricing costs.

Many struggle to save up enough to even afford most VR devices. Tie in the accessories necessary for convenience and accessibility, it would be one big Christmas present for the average gamer. Until most follow the Oculus Quest 2’s lead, it may be a while before VR is readily present in households.

Price Point – How Much Are Gamers Willing to Spend?

In a previous article dealing with next-gen consoles, it was shown that most gamers were willing to spend up to about $500. With this in mind, it would be fair to assume that VR devices likely fall under the same handicap. Or perhaps people would be more willing to spend to try a new aspect of gaming. How much are players willing to spend?

Information about how much players will spend on VR.

Information about how much players will spend on VR.

The previous assessment of $500 maximum ended up being solidified here. With the high price of VR headsets/equipment in general, it would likely take some high-end, AAA titles being developed for VR devices in order to boost sales, such as the aforementioned Half-Life: Alyx. Or perhaps something simple, but effective, such as Beat Saber.

Health Point – Would You Buy VR to Help Lose Weight?

Since the nature of VR is to supplant oneself into a world with full control, intensive physical movement is obvious. Some VR games have taken advantage of this by implementing mechanics dedicated to workouts. Finding the balance between work and fun can be tricky, but does this conscious belief of health benefits encourage people to try VR?

Information about weight loss and VR motivation.

Information about weight loss and VR motivation.

Combining work and play has become an enticing offer for gamers. With most home consoles (outside motion-control-heavy consoles such as the Nintendo Wii), encouraging prolonged sitting, VR provides more incentive to move and exercise while shooting zombies or climbing terrain. While the price point may be a detriment, the potential weight loss is a motivating factor for many.

Health Point – Are Players Concerned About Sweat Build-Up?

The physical nature of VR established, sweat build-up and hygiene become a concern. Cleaning one’s headset and an extra dosage of deodorant can be a hindrance to players after long sessions in VR. But just how much are people concerned about the prospect of a post-VR stench?

Information about player concern of sweat build-up and hygiene.

Information about player concern of sweat build-up and hygiene.

The first victory from the “No” category has arrived. While close, the inconvenience of sweat and hygiene does not seem to be too much of a sticking point for players. I suppose if the sweat build-up becomes too prominent, players can find ways to counteract it at their own discretion.

Health Point – Is Motion Sickness a Concern?

One of the more common complaints of using VR is the side effect of motion sickness. This can come fairly easily in VR, since the world one inhabits is not quite real, and can throw off the brain’s interpretation of movement in relation to the body. Motion sickness can heavily deter the enjoyment one can receive from playing games through a headset, so how much does it hamper one’s motivation to try out VR?

Information about motion sickness in VR.

Information about motion sickness in VR.

An overwhelming amount of players find motion sickness to be a large concern for VR. With price and motion sickness together, that may be more than enough to hurt interest. Should one start VR, it would be recommendable to research the signs of motion sickness and how to combat it for a healthy mindset.

Talking Point – Will It Ever Reach the Height of Consoles?

As distinct of a hook VR has, what will inevitably come to hamper its success is the already ingrained console culture. Since the home console boom in the ’80s, video game consoles have become more prevalent in the average household than ever before—currently, you’ll need to be a headhunter to get next-gen consoles. So with this established culture, will VR ever reach the height of popularity of consoles?

Information about VR popularity vs. console popularity.

Information about VR popularity vs. console popularity.

Perhaps surprisingly, most gamers are optimistic that VR will become as prevalent as the household console. Even despite issues such as pricing and motion sickness, the idea of playing in another world seems too unique and filled with potential to be kept “niche” for long. Soon enough, we may all have a Steam Index or Oculus device lying around.

Talking Point – Is VR Only Relevant with Multiplayer?

What’s better than playing VR? Playing VR with your friends. The prospect of having friends inhabit the same world, with just as much physical freedom, provides a lot of goofy potential for fun and bonding. But is this all that VR can provide? Is there room for solo experiences?

Information about the necessity of multiplayer in VR.

Information about the necessity of multiplayer in VR.

It might have been more appropriate to state if single-player is all that’s relevant with VR. As much fun as playing with friends is, sales have shown that most VR-exclusive games are for generally solo experiences. Whether solo or multiplayer, VR has a lot of content for any type of player, and neither are more relevant than the other.

Is VR the Future of Gaming?

The integral question has finally come. With all that has been discussed—be it price, health concerns, or relevance of game types—what does it say about VR’s potential overall? It has made considerable leeway throughout the years, with developers (notably Valve) attempting to make it more accessible and immersive. Do gamers share the same sentiment that is it the future of gaming?

Is VR the future of gaming, according to gamers.

Is VR the future of gaming, according to gamers.

It’s not as resounding as it could be, but more than otherwise believe that VR has a large future ahead of it. With improving technology, more buyers every year, and a catalogue of must-have games exclusive to VR headsets, there’s a lot of optimism in taking advantage of its potential. If it gets big enough, maybe Nintendo will re-release its Virtual Boy console? Anyone?

[wpdiscuz-feedback id=”pprehb284t” question=”Share your thoughts!” opened=”1″]Are you in possession of a VR headset? What do you think of it? Were the results provided by this study surprising to you? Let us know in the comments below![/wpdiscuz-feedback]

(Video by VirtualRealityOasis.)

1 Comment

  1. Avatar photo

    There’s no doubt that Virtual Reality technology is the future of gaming. The VR game development company is developing games with high-end graphics and amazing UI/UX. The experience you’ll get from VR is outstanding, you are inside the game and that experience makes VR technology more interesting. According to Statista reports, the global revenue within the VR gaming industry is forecast to grow from 0.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2017 to 2.4 billion U.S. dollars by 2024. Now you see the numbers are also in favor of Virtual Reality, hence there’s no doubt that soon we get to see more VR games. Get in touch with Red Apple Technologies, a leading game development company, and get the best VR game solutions.


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