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Zenless Zone Zero Jane Doe Build Guide | Best W-Engines, Drive Discs, Teams

Learn how to make the best Jane Doe build in Zenless Zone Zero with this easy-to-follow guide which includes a look at her dodge and Assault-heavy kit, what her best W-Engines and Drive Discs are, and what team compositions she works best in. Jane is a fan favourite character and a powerful new member of the PubSec faction who focuses on the Assault effect.

Zenless Zone Zero Jane Doe Build Guide | Best W-Engines, Drive Discs, TeamsJane Doe captured the hearts of Proxies the world over when she appeared as the leading lady of Zenless Zone Zero’s Version 1.1 story quest and, in phase two of 1.1 she’s finally become playable. Jane is an undercover agent for Public Security and she’s used to working with various disguises and personas, all of which she plays to perfection. With both charm and fighting power in abundance, Jane is easily one of the most effective and lethal weapons PubSec has in their arsenal, even if many don’t even know she’s on their side. 

As the game’s second S-Rank Anomaly unit, Jane has a very different playstyle to most other characters and DPS units. Instead of frontloading her damage, Jane’s rapid dagger strikes quickly build up Physical Anomaly on the unlucky opponent, eventually resulting in a massive amount of burst damage when the Assault effect triggers. Add on a frenetic dodge-heavy kit and a fluid set of animations and you have an excellent character who can make Anomaly comps even better than they currently are. 

Here’s how to make the best Jane Doe build in Zenless Zone Zero. This guide will include a deep dive into Jane’s dodge-focused kit as well as recommendations on what order to level her Skills. We’ll also showcase her best W-Engines and Drive Disc sets alongside some of her better team compositions. 

If you want some more Zenless Zone Zero content and guides, then you can find some here on KeenGamer:

  1. Zenless Zone Zero Zhu Yuan Build Guide
  2. Zenless Zone Zero Qingyi Build Guide
  3. Zenless Zone Zero | All Agent and Signature W-Engine Combinations
  4. Zenless Zone Zero | How to Increase Inter-Knot Level Fast
  5. Zenless Zone Zero | 7 Hidden Combat Mechanics You Should Know
Off Duty

Off Duty

Jane Doe Release Date and Banner Availability

Before we examine Jane’s kit and build with more scrutiny, let’s first go over her Channel availability in Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.1. Jane is the featured S-Rank unit of Version 1.1’s second phase, which went live on the 4th of September. 

Jane Doe’s Exclusive Channel “No Match Found” is available from September 4th to September 24th, which is when Version 1.1 ends. If you perform any pulls on this banner and get lucky enough to roll an S-Rank Agent, there is a 50% chance that the Agent in question will be Jane; fail to pull Jane and you will be guaranteed the rate-up S-Rank the next time you roll one. During this time, the A-Rank Agents Anby and Seth (who is a new Electric Defence unit) will both be on rate-up alongside Jane.

Jane is ZZZ’s third limited character and once her banner goes away at the end of Version 1.1, you’ll need to wait for her rerun if you want to add her to your ensemble of playable characters. If Zenless Zone Zero follows the same trends as Hoyoverse’s other games, then it will take about 6 months for a unit to rerun for the first time.

No Match Found

No Match Found

Zenless Zone Zero Jane Kit

Basic Attack

Jane’s first core skill, her Basic Attack, is arguably the most important part of her whole kit as it improves her main form of offence as well as her primary buff. Jane’s Basic Attack, Dancing Blades, lets her perform up to 6 attacks in front of her, dealing Physical DMG with each hit. Whenever Jane performs a move that deals DMG to the enemy or whenever she triggers a Perfect Dodge or Defensive Assist, she accumulates Passion Stream, her unique buff. Upon reaching the maximum Passion Stream, Jane enters the Passion state. 

While in the Passion state, Jane’s Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate is increased by 25% and her ATK will be raised by 2, up to a maximum of 600, for each extra point of her Anomaly Proficiency that exceeds 120. Additionally, in the Passion state, all of Jane’s damaging skills consume the Passion Stream but she can regenerate it by performing Perfect Dodges or Defensive Assists. 

Lastly, upon entering the Passion State, Jane gets one use of her special Basic Attack, Salchow Jump, which she can trigger by holding down Basic Attack. This attack causes Jane to launch rapid consecutive attacks around her, followed by a powerful Finishing Move, both of which deal Physical DMG. This attack greatly increases Jane’s Anti-Interrupt level and she takes 40% reduced DMG while casting it. 

Playing With Knives

Playing With Knives


As a dodge-heavy Anomaly unit, Jane’s Dodge skill is almost equally as important as her Basic Attack. While levelling it doesn’t improve as much as her Basic Attack, you will be dodging and dash-attacking so often that these will quickly become some of your bread-and-butter attacks. Jane’s Dodge, Phantom, is unique among all Zenless Zone Zero characters; unlike other units, Jane has two Dodge charges which she alternates between and after entering the Passion state, she can pass through enemies while dodging. 

Jane has two Dash Attacks depending on whether she is in the Passion stateEdge Jump is her ordinary Dash Attack and it has two forms based on whether you trigger it on her first dodge or her second dodge, with both dealing high Physical DMG. Meanwhile, Swift Shadow only triggers when Jane is in the Passion state, causing her to launch three swift rushing slashes in front of her, dealing very high Physical DMG. 

Similarly, Jane’s Dodge Counter also has two forms based on which state she’s in. In her neutral state, countering after a dodge will trigger Swift Shadow, once again dealing Physical DMG in two different ways depending on if the Counter is activated on her first or second dodge. Then, in the Passion state, countering will trigger Swift Shadow Dance, causing Jane to slash enemies in front of her multiple times, dealing very high Physical DMG.

An Intense Interrogation

An Intense Interrogation


If you’re playing Jane in the right team compositions, she will constantly be taking to and leaving the field, coming in to trigger Assault before scuttling away to let another team member inflict a similar debuff. As such, her Assist attacks become a relatively core part of her kit, unlike some other characters who prefer to hog most of the spotlight. 

As expected, she has two Quick Assist, Dark Thorn and Lutz Jump, based on her current state. Ordinarily, switching in Jane after the on-field character is launched will trigger Dark Thorn, causing her to unleash multiple slashes towards her opponents, dealing Physical DMG and making her invulnerable. Meanwhile, if Jane is in the Passion state, she will use Lutz Jump instead, dealing considerably more damage. 

Jane’s Defensive Assist, Last Dance, parries an enemy blow for massive Daze damage. You can then follow that up with Gale Sweep where Jane leaps up and swiftly slashes at the enemy before executing a wide sweeping slash across a large area, dealing Physical DMG. This is great for dealing with large groups of enemies, allowing Jane to easily debuff multiple targets at once.

Piercing Gaze

Piercing Gaze

Special Attack

While less potent or impactful than some of her other skills, Jane’s Special Attack and Special Attack EX serve as excellent ways to instantly inject a large amount of Physical Anomaly into an opponent, letting you trigger Assault far faster and way more consistently.

Both Aerial Sweep and Aerial Sweep – Clearout act the same, causing Jane to leap into the air to launch multiple consecutive kicks before sweeping across the arena to deal Physical DMG. While you can use both as a great source of Physical Anomaly, Jane’s EX Special Attack deals considerably more damage than the ordinary Aerial Sweep and should be the priority in most situations (57% compared to 574% at Skill Level 1). 

Gazing From on High

Gazing From on High

Chain Attack and Ultimate

Finally, the last trick up Jane Doe’s sleeve in ZZZ is her Chain Attack. The most interesting part of Jane’s Chain Attack and her Ultimate is that both instantly cause her to enter the Passion state and gain max Passion Stream, allowing the most skilled players to have stupidly high uptime on Jane’s enhanced state. 

In her Chain Attack, Flowers of Sin, Jane weaves between and slashes enemies in a large area in front of her, dealing massive Physical DMG. Meanwhile, her Ultimate, Final Curtain, does the same thing before following with a devastating Finishing Move, dealing a monstrous amount of Physical DMG.

While the high damage output is nice, you’ll likely want to save your Ultimate for your other units. Jane’s main form of stupidly high damage is her Assault triggers, which will come naturally and consistently from her Basic Attacks and Dodge Counters, and her Ultimate is simply overkill on that front. It’s honestly better to pass it to her other team members, whether that is another Anomaly character who isn’t as consistent as Jane or even a Support who can provide potent team-wide buffs in preparation for Jane’s next moment on the field

Jane's Ultimate

Jane’s Ultimate

Jane’s Core Passive and Additional Ability

Insight is Jane’s Core Passive and it acts as a powerful enhancement for the Physical Anomaly effect, Assault. When Jane hits an enemy with an attack, they will enter the Gnawed state for 10s. If any squad members trigger Assault on a Gnawed enemy, the affected opponent will Flinch, increasing the Flinch effect duration by 5s and giving the Assault DMG a chance to trigger a Critical Hit (with a base CRIT Rate of 20% and CRIT DMG of 50%). Each point of Jane’s Anomaly Proficiency further increases this CRIT Rate by 0.1%.  

Furthermore, her Additional Ability, Sore Spot, activates whenever Jane is put in a team with another Anomaly character or someone else from the Public Security Faction. This increases Jane’s Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate by 20% and increases it by a further 15% if the enemy is already suffering from an Attribute Anomaly.

Both of these passive effects are vital to the way Jane plays in ZZZ. Her Core Passive is how you’re going to trigger those massive 300k and above Assault triggers, with each point of Anomaly Proficiency only increasing the consistency of that damage even further. Meanwhile, as an Anomaly unit, Jane’s best pairings were already other Anomaly characters, with her Additionally Ability just making it even easier to synergise with them. 

Looking Good

Looking Good

How to Play Jane Doe in Zenless Zone Zero

So, now that we’ve explained how Jane Doe works, how should you play her in Zenless Zone Zero? Jane’s gameplay is relatively simple when compared to some other characters like Zhu Yuan or Qinyi, mainly thanks to most of her damage coming from her Attribute Anomaly. Anomaly DPS like Jane, Grace, and Piper rely on their Attribute Anomaly effects to deal the majority of their damage, leading to a very interesting playstyle where you’ll be switching between characters often with your sights set on high amounts of burst damage. 

At the start of a battle, your main goal will be to increase Jane’s Passion Stream as fast as you possibly can. This means using all of her damaging abilities while also prioritising Perfect Dodges, her best source of Passion Stream. As you’re doing this, Jane will be applying the Physical Attribute and preparing for a big Assault trigger.

Once she enters the Passion state, you can go to town with everything in Jane’s arsenal. All of her attacks will deal a massive amount of Anomaly damage, rapidly building up the Physical Attribute on any affected opponents until Assault pops. Continue to trigger Assault until Jane’s Passion state starts getting low. At that point, switch her off the field, preferably into another Anomaly character, and wait until you’ve triggered Disorder by applying a different Anomaly effect before bringing her back in.

Under Arrest

Under Arrest

Here’s the main combo and flow state of Jane Doe in Zenless Zone Zero:

  • Basic Attack + Dodge Counter + Defensive Assist to build Passion Stream > [Enter Passion state] > Basic Attack + Dodge Counter > Hold Basic Attack > Trigger Assault > Switch Out

Alternatively, here’s a more in-depth explanation of how to play Jane: 

  1. Begin by building up Jane’s Passion Stream by using any of her damaging abilities while prioritising Dodge Counters and Dash Attacks. 
  2. Once you’ve accumulated enough charge, Jane will enter the Passion state. 
  3. From here, continue using her damaging abilities – all of which will be enhanced by the Passion state – including the extremely potent Salchow Jump.
  4. When Jane triggers the Assault Anomaly Attribute, switch out to another member of your team, preferably another Anomaly character. 
  5. Once you trigger another Anomaly Attribute and you’ve activated Disorder, bring Jane back onto the field
  6. Rinse and repeat. 
Jane Doe, Undercover Agent

Jane Doe, Undercover Agent

Jane’s Skill Priority Order 

  1. Basic Attack
  2. Dodge
  3. Special Attack
  4. Assist
  5. Chain Attack

Because Jane’s Basic Attack dictates both her main method of damaging opponents and the potency of her Passion Stream state, it easily becomes her most important skill. In moment-to-moment gameplay, Jane’s Basic Attack combo is the main way you’ll build up the Physical Anomaly Attribute, meaning that you’ll want it to be as strong as possible.

The only thing that’s competing with her Basic Attack for investment is Jane’s Dodge, which is another vital part of her kit. However, with how often you’re going to be attacking with Jane’s Basic Attack compared to dodge countering, it makes more sense to invest in that first. Similarly, despite Jane’s EX Special Attack being an incredibly potent injection of high Physical DMG, it simply isn’t as available as often as you’d like, making it sink to third place in the priority order.

Cats and Rats

Cats and Rats

Jane’s Mindscape Cinema

While rolling on Jane’s Exclusive Channel, you may get lucky and get multiple copies of her. Duplicate copies of characters in ZZZ convert into consumables which you can use to unlock that character’s Mindscape Cinema, a collection of powerful passive bonuses and upgrades which can drastically increase an Agent’s viability and prowess.

  1. Crime Counsel: The maximum uses of Basic Attack: Salchow Jump are increased by one. While in the Passion state, Jane’s Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by an extra 15% and each point of Jane’s Anomaly Proficiency increases her DMG by 0.1%, up to a maximum of 30%.
  2. Adapt to the Enviroment: When Jane’s attack hits an enemy in the Gnawed state, or when any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state, 15% of the enemy’s DEF is ignored. Additionally, when Assault DMG triggers a critical hit, the CRIT DMG dealt is increased by an additional 50%.
  3. Anonymity: Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2.
  4. Adapt and Thrive: When any squad member triggers the Assault or Disorder effects, all squad members’ Attribute Anomaly DMG is increased by 18%, lasting 15s. 
  5. Compulsive Hoarder: Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2.
  6. Shady” Technique: While in the Passion state, Jane’s CRIT Rate increases by 20%, and CRIT DMG by 40%. After any squad member inflicts Assault, Jane instantly enters the Passion state, and gains max Passion Stream. When Assault triggers a critical hit, Jane performs an additional attack on the target, dealing Physical Anomaly DMG equal to 1,600% of her Anomaly Proficiency. 

For low-spenders or those looking to save their Polychromes, Jane’s C1 and C2 are particularly enticing. Jane’s C1 not only gives her another use of her powerful Salchow Jump attack but it also greatly increases the value of Jane’s Anomaly Proficiency stat while improving her ability to cause Assault. Meanwhile, her C2 simply makes all of her attacks, including her Assault triggers, hit even harder than they already do. 

Jane's Mindscape Cinema

Jane’s Mindscape Cinema

What is Jane’s Best W-Engine in Zenless Zone Zero?

Best in Slot: Sharpened Stinger (Anomaly)

Jane’s signature W-Engine and her best-in-slot W-Engine, Sharpened Stinger, will be available from the Exclusive W-Engine Channel while Jane’s character banner is still ongoing. Sharpened Stinger is a powerful Anomaly W-Engine which pairs perfectly with Jane’s Dash and Dodge-focused playstyles, making it easily her best option when it comes to weapons in Zenless Zone Zero

At level 60, Sharpened Stinger provides 713 ATK and 90 additional Anomaly Proficiency alongside the Indluge in the Hunt effect. Upon activating a Dash Attack, you’ll gain 1 stack of Predatory Instinct, whereas entering combat or triggering Perfect Dodge will grant 3 stacks of Predatory Instinct. Each stack increases the equipper’s Physical DMG by 12% for 10s, stacking up to 3 times. Additionally, while Predatory Instinct is at maximum stacks, the equipper’s Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 40%.

With Jane’s double dodge and enhanced Passion state, achieving high stacks of Predatory Instinct will be easy enough, allowing you to benefit from a massive increase in Physical DMG which applies to all of Jane’s attacks, including her Assault procks. Like most of the best W-Engines, Sharpened Stinger simply rewards you for playing Jane the way she’s suppossed to be played, making it an easy pick-up for anybody looking to improve their favourite rat lady. 

Sharpened Stinger, Jane's Best W-Engine

Sharpened Stinger, Jane’s Best W-Engine

Best Replacement W-Engines for Jane

With Caesar and Burnice’s arrival looming in Version 1.2, many will be hesitant to part with Polychrome, even if it’s for Jane’s best W-Engine. In that case, you’ll need to turn to other Anomaly W-Engines and, fortunately for you, Jane works excellently with almost every Anomaly option currently in the game. 

  • Fusion Compiler (S-Rank Gacha W-Engine): Increases ATK by 12%. When using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack, the equipper’s Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 25 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
  • Electro-Lip Gloss (A-Rank Battle Pass W-Engine): When there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper’s ATK increases by 10% and they deal an additional 15% more DMG to the target.
  • Rainforest Gourmet (A-Rank Craftable W-Engine): For every 10 Energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 2.5% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

Fusion Compiler is Grace’s signature W-Engine which you can pick up from the Store for 600 Residual Signals or by getting lucky (or unlucky) on the Standard Channel or W-Engine Channel. With a high overall stat package, which increases ATK considerably alongside PEN Ratio, Fusion Compiler’s main effect is simple, effective and works well with Jane’s overall playstyle, increasing her Anomaly Proficiency for simply using her Special Attack or EX Special Attack. With how potent her Special Attack is and how useful it can be to quickly trigger Assault, this is a match made in heaven. 

If an S-Rank W-Engine is a bit out of your reach, your next best option is the A-Rank Electro-Lip Gloss. This W-Engine gives you an easy way to give Jane a hefty ATK and DMG boost, especially if you’re running her in a double Anomaly composition (which is her best overall team). Meanwhile, while slightly less effective than Lip Gloss, Rainforest Gourmet is an F2P option which you can easily craft and refine with an equally easy ATK bonus to trigger. 

Jane's Best Replacement W-Engines

Jane’s Best Replacement W-Engines

Jane’s Best Drive Disc Sets

Jane really only has one main build in Zenless Zone Zero but there are a couple of ways to approach that specific playstyle depending on which Drive Disc set you want to run on her. The two main options you have are full Fanged Metal or full Freedom Blues. 

  • 4pc Fanged Metal + 2pc Freedom Blues: Increases Physical DMG by 10% and Anomaly Proficiency by 30. Whenever a squad member inflicts Assault on an enemy, the equipper deals 35% additional DMG to the target for 12s. 
  • 4pc Freedom Blues + 2pcc Fanged Metal: Increases Physical DMG by 10% and Anomaly Proficiency by 30. When an EX Special Attack hits an enemy, reduce the target’s Anomaly Buildup RES to the equipper’s Attribute by 20% for 8s.

Fanged Metal is the Physical DMG-oriented Drive Disc set and choosing it as Jane’s 4pc set bonus greatly increases her overall damage output, improving all aspects of her kit including her Assault DMG. However, because you need to trigger Assault to gain the DMG buff, you will have to remember to stay on the field for longer, which can intrude on certain playstyles and rotations, especially if you’re running other Anomaly units. This set is more selfish and is suitable for those who prefer to use Jane as a main DPS rather than a duo DPS.

Meanwhile, Freedom Blues is a bit more understated as it is the Anomaly-focused Drive Disc set and instead of directly increasing Jane’s damage, it makes her Assault triggers far more consistent and reliable. By giving you an easy way to decrease an opponent’s Anomaly Buildip RES, you can drastically increase Jane’s Assault application rate, resulting in more Assault and Disorder triggers which, in turn, may even result in more damage compared to 4pc Fanged Metal. This is the set you should go with if you want to prioritise the team over Jane herself. 

Jane's Best Drive Disc Sets

Jane’s Best Drive Disc Sets

Most Important Stats for Jane

Drive Disc set bonuses are only the first step to developing a functioning Jane build in ZZZ. As an Anomaly character who deals the majority of their damage based on Assault, Jane is on the lookout for three stats in particular. She wants ATK, which increases the base damage of all her attacks including Assault, Anomaly Proficiency, which increases the damage of all Anomaly effects, and Anomaly Mastery, which increases the buildup rate of Anomaly effects. If she gets a good spread of these stats, Jane Doe will be a force of nature. 

Here are the main stats you should be on the hunt for when it comes to Jane’s Drive Discs in Zenless Zone Zero

  • Drive Disc 4: Anomaly Proficiency
  • Drive Disc 5: Physical DMG Bonus
  • Drive Disc 6: Anomaly Mastery

Meanwhile, here are the four main substats that you should be on the lookout for when it comes to Jane’s Drive Discs: 

  1. Anomaly Proficiency
  2. ATK%
  3. PEN
  4. CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Study in Scarlet

Study in Scarlet

Jane Team Composition Recommendations 

Disorder Anomaly Comp (Jane, Grace, Seth)

Like most other Anomaly characters in Zenless Zone Zero, Jane can work in most teams as a backup DPS but she really shines in compositions alongside other Anomaly characters. Without another character who can reliably trigger a secondary Anomaly effect, Jane won’t be able to benefit from Disorder as often, limiting her viability and lethality. Meanwhile, in a team composed of opposite element Anomaly characters, you can ping-pong back and forth between said units, drowning the enemy in potent debuffs.

With that in mind, Jane’s best current composition includes Grace, the S-Rank Electric Anomaly Agent from Belobog Industries, as well as Seth, the newest Defence A-Rank in the game and a fellow member of Public Security. This composition includes two Anomaly characters who can each trigger their own Anomaly effect – Assault and Shock – as well as a very viable defensive support option with Seth. If you have all three of these characters, this is far and away Jane’s best team in ZZZ

  • Jane Doe (Sharpened Stinger) | 4pc Fanged Metal + 2pc Freedom Blues
  • Grace (Fusion Compiler) | 4pc Freedom Blues + 2pc Thunder Metal
  • Seth (Peacekeeper – Specialized) | 4pc Hormone Punk + 2pc Swing Jazz
  • Officer Cui
Duo Anomaly Jane Comp

Duo Anomaly Jane Comp

Beginning with Grace, this is Jane’s partner in crime and your secondary DPS. Like Jane, Grace excels at rapidly building up Anomaly effects, only she does it with her EX Special Attack compared to her Basic Attack combo. By switching back and forth between the two Agents, you can reliably and consistently trigger Shock and Assault which, in turn, will activate Disorder for even more damage. Both characters are quick and mobile and enhance each other’s damage potential considerably, making them a superb pairing.

Meanwhile, Seth is an interesting pick as a support option. Firstly, he’ll be relatively easy to obtain as he’s a rate-up A-Rank on Jane’s banner, making them a good choice for most players, especially because he fulfils the Additional Ability requirements of all three team members. Secondly, Seth’s main supportive benefit is that he provides a powerful shield which blocks a lot of damage,  which is already very useful as Jane and Grace are rather squishy. What’s even better, though, is that characters under the protection of his Shield of Firm Resolve have increased Anomaly Proficiency, greatly benefitting both Grace and Jane

Seth, Loyal Protector

Seth, Loyal Protector

Alternative Anomaly: Piper

Jane isn’t the first Physical Anomaly unit in Zenless Zone Zero as the A-Rank Agent Piper beat her to that title. Piper is a member of the Sons of Calydon and she’s very effective when it comes to applying Assault, putting her in direct competition with Jane. However, it doesn’t have to be this way if you’re willing to mix things up a bit. 

While you’ll be missing out on Disorder, having Jane and Piper on the same team means that you can trigger Assault even more often. This also means that they can both greatly benefit from 4pc Fanged Metal which, in this team comp, works even better than 4pc Freedom Blues as your main source of damage is going to be Assault: with two Anomaly units constantly spamming their abilities, you’ll easily trigger Assault every couple of seconds. 

The main downside to this team is obvious and that’s the absence of Disorder. While Seth can hypothetically trigger Shock, he won’t be doing so consistently, leaving Assault as your only real Anomaly effect. The lack of Disorder really hurts Anomaly characters as they lose a lot of that extra damage, something you’ll hopefully be able to side-step with two characters of the same element. 

Alternative Duo Anomaly Jane Comp

Alternative Duo Anomaly Jane Comp

That was how to make the best Jane Doe build in Zenless Zone Zero

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