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The Star Named EOS: Complete Game Walkthrough

This guide will take you from start to finish of The Star Named EOS, the narrative puzzle game that incorporates photography and astronomy. Discover how to progress through the game, solve all puzzles, how to set up photos, and even how to obtain bonus photos.

The Star Named EOS Complete Game Walkthrough

The Star Named EOS is a narrative puzzle game that takes roughly an hour to play. This playtime also depends on how you get on with solving puzzles, some of which are quite tricky. If you find yourself getting stuck playing The Star Named EOS at any time, this guide will help you.

The Star Named EOS is available to play on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X | S, and Nintendo Switch. This guide covers all platforms, but do note that the controls vary slightly. This guide was composed by playing on the PS5.


To begin The Star Named EOS, simply select New Game from the main menu. Note that you can only have one saved game at a time, and the game will autosave throughout.

When you begin, you’ll find yourself in a big beautiful space outdoors. The Star Named EOS is played in first-person view, so you’re seeing through someone’s eyes (in this case, Dei, the main protagonist). The game prompts you to look around. Rotate the camera until you see a woman. Select her to prompt the game forward.

The woman will point out a star in the sky. Click on it and it will disappear and reappear. Do this three times until the screen brightens and the scene changes.

The beginning of The Star Named EOS is very easy. Just find the woman and click on the stars.

The beginning of The Star Named EOS is very easy. Just find the woman and click on the stars.


You wake up in Dei’s bedroom. You see his mother place an envelope on his bedside table, and then she disappears. When Dei gets out of bed and the chapter begins, you’ll be standing in the middle of the bedroom.

In The Star Named EOS, you cannot walk around. To explore your environment, you use the camera to look around, and Dei stays rooted to the spot, unless you zoom in on specific places or points of interest to examine something closer or complete a puzzle. When you exit out of these areas, you return to the default position in the chapter. You interact with the world using the cursor and the Interact button.

Photo and Letter

In the Bedroom chapter, your first instruction is to turn on the bedside lamp. Look to the table beside the bed, and click on the lamp to zoom in. Now you can select the lamp to turn the light on.

You’ll notice the envelope Dei’s mother left when he was waking up. Select it. Click the envelope to flip it around and open it. Inside are two things: a photo and a letter.

First, the photo is removed, and you can examine it. It’s of a window on a train. This photo is added to your inventory and a crucial part in this chapter. You’ll be referring to it throughout.

Next, read the letter from Dei’s mother. The letter won’t go into the inventory, but will remain on the bedside table for you to read at any time. In the letter, Dei’s mother talks about the window in the photo, and mentions the red curtains and flowers. This is important. 

Return to the middle of the room. Take a good look around. You’ll notice the eye and magnifying glass symbol when hovering the cursor over certain spots. This indicates areas that can provide more information or be examined closer. 

The goal of this chapter is to recreate the photo taken by Dei’s mother. Notice the window in Dei’s room. It has a vase on the windowsill, but no curtains.

Getting the Camera and Compass

First things first, you need Dei’s camera. This is a critical piece of equipment throughout The Star Named EOS, so it makes sense to start by obtaining this. The camera is locked away in a safe in Dei’s room. In the same safe is Dei���s precious compass. You need to find out what the 4-number combination for the safe is. Note that when selecting the safe, it talks about how the camera was Dei’s birthday present. Throughout the game, you’ll see subtitled notes such as this. These provide subtle hints as to what you need to do to solve a puzzle, so pay attention to them.

Dei's safe is located underneath the TV.

Dei’s safe is located underneath the TV.

To get the combination, look around and spot the desk in the corner. Select it to get a better look. You can look in the desk drawers, but for now, focus on the birthday card on top of the desk. Note how it has a picture of a camera on the front. Read the card to look inside. You’ll see some numbers scribbled on it: 05/24. This is the date of Dei’s birthday. Notice how it’s made up of four numbers? This is the combination you need to the lock to get the camera and compass.

Go back to the combination with the numbers in mind: 0-5-2-4. As soon as you put the last correct number in, the safe will open. Collect the camera and the compass. Although it states that the compass is broken and worn out, it is still a very important object in this game, so it is kept in your inventory. The camera, on the other hand, is very much in working order, which is soon demonstrated when you are given a quick tutorial on how to use it.

Open the camera by pressing the Camera button or selecting the Camera icon on the right side of the screen. You are now in camera mode. You can look around as normal, but you can now zoom in and out as well. To take a photo, select the red button or press the Take Photo button. Photos taken are stored in your album. Up to 80 photos can be stored at a time. Unwanted photos can also be deleted from the album. You can access your camera in default mode. You cannot take photos when you’re zoomed in on areas. 

For the first photo, you need to photograph the window. The game will instruct you on the right shot and zoom. When prompted, take the photo. Dei notes that it’s not the same as the train window photo. He’s right; the curtains and flowers in the vase are missing. Therefore, your next task is to get these two things. To do this, you need to explore Dei’s room and complete puzzles.

The first photo you'll take in The Star Named EOS is of Dei's bedroom window.

The first photo you’ll take in The Star Named EOS is of Dei’s bedroom window.

Bedroom Bonus Photos

However, before you do anything, there is one extra thing you can do. When you photograph certain subjects in some chapters, you get a special photo. You know this because the photo frame will be specially decorated and there will be a caption with the photo. Five chapters in The Star Named EOS have this bonus feature, and it’s very easy to miss. In each of these chapters, there are 3 special photos to take. When you get all 3, they’ll appear in a special category in your photo album, with notes from Dei recounting memories about his mother. (I myself didn’t know about this feature until I noticed it in a screenshot I saw for the game while writing the review.)

In the Bedroom chapter, the 3 bonus photos you need are:

  1. The globe (by the carousel near the bed)
  2. Eiffel Tower (on the shelf next to the desk)
  3. The TV (above the safe)

Make sure you do these photos before you reach the end of the chapter, otherwise you’ll miss your chance. You can go back later using Chapter in the main menu, but note that you may lose your game progress, so it’s best to do these photos while you’re working on the chapter.

Flower Box Puzzle

First, start by taking a closer look at the lock box with the windmill on top. There’s a lock mechanism here in the shape of a flower. You can click on the 8 petals. To open this box, you need to press the right petals in the right order.

To find out the petal order, go to the desk where the birthday card was. Open up the drawer on the right and you’ll see a children’s book. Read it. When you turn to the next page, you’ll spot something familiar. A rabbit is wearing a shirt with a white flower on it – except the top left petal is red. Make a note of this. Turn to the next page and you’ll see a bear wearing a shirt with the same flower, except theirs has the right petal filled in red.

On the next page, you’ll see a snake with a flower shirt with the petal highlighted at the top. You should also see a cat with its bottom left petal filled in.

However, this is not the combination for the flower box. Notice how the snake page is torn? Leave the book and go to the bookcase by the window. On the shelf is a photo album. Read through it and turn the pages until you find a torn page with the character from the book on it. This is the missing torn page. Take it back to the book. To reattach the page, hold and drag it from the inventory onto the torn page and it will be fixed. What do you see now? It turns out the snake is wearing their shirt upside down! This means the third petal is at the bottom, not the top.

You can read through the rest of the book, but there isn’t anything more significant to find. Now you have the full combination for the flower box, return to it and press the petals in the following order:

  1. Top Left
  2. Right
  3. Bottom
  4. Bottom Left

If done correctly, the box will open. Inside is an origami flower. It looks familiar, doesn’t it? This is perfect for the vase on the windowsill. You can either put it in the vase now or leave it until later. It will remain in your inventory.

Open the flower box to get origami flowers for the window.

Open the flower box to get origami flowers for the window.

Star Rock Puzzle

You’ve got the flowers. Now you need the curtains. There are a few steps to this.

First, go back to the bookcase with the album. On the cupboard door, you’ll notice a boxy-looking puzzle. This looks quite complicated, but don’t worry. It isn’t too difficult to solve. The goal is to have the 3 stars going diagonally. There are two dark stones also, plus two more that are locked in. You have to figure out a way to get the 3 stars positioned diagonally across the grid by manoeuvring them. The box can be rotated left and right at a 90 degree angle. This will cause any balls to fall into any available gaps. Also note the two free spaces available in the grid, plus the pins. These pins can be removed so you can drop stones into different parts of the grid. Be aware that only one pin can be pulled out at a time. If a pin is pulled out and you pull out another, the first will automatically drop back in.

Use the free spaces, pins, and rotating box to get all 3 stars in a diagonal line. Here are the steps I took to quickly solve this particular puzzle:

  1. With all the rocks at their original starting position, rotate the box clockwise so the top star now falls into the bottom right corner.
  2. Turn the box clockwise once again. Release the left-side pin so the dark rock falls into the space where the star originally was. This stops the star from moving around. Make sure to move the pin back in afterwards.
  3. Turn the box anti-clockwise and release the pin on the right side so the star at the top falls down into the middle. Remember to return the pin.
  4. Turn the box upside down so the rock (now on the right side) falls to the bottom right.
  5. Rotate the box anti-clockwise and release the right-side pin so the rock falls into the middle-right space.
  6. Turn the box clockwise and pull out the right pin. The star on the top right should fall all the way down to the bottom right. By doing this final step, you’ve completed the puzzle!

As soon as the star rocks are correctly aligned, the cupboard will open, revealing a crank handle. If you’ve already taken a look around the room, the design of this crank might look familiar. That’s because it belongs to the musical carousel on the bookshelf to the right of the bed.

Carousel and Poster

Go to the carousel and place the handle on it. Select the handle to wind up the carousel and the horses will rotate. Eventually, a doll will appear riding on one of the horses, and it will come to a stop automatically. Pick up this doll.

Look near the mirror and safe on the floor and you’ll spot a dollhouse. There’s a lone mother doll in place, but the other doll is missing. Place the boy doll on the empty spot and the drawer below will open. Inside is a poster. Take it. Notice how there’s a distinctive star on the poster. This will be important in a moment.

Look on the wall above the globe and carousel and you’ll see a wall that looks as if something should go there. This is for the poster. Select the spot to get a better look, then drag the poster onto it. The poster will now appear on the wall.

NEWS Puzzle

There’s one more puzzle to solve in the bedroom, and the poster is part of it. Look back at the compass. Notice that the star at the north point is the same as the one on the poster. On the drawer where the flower box is, there’s a 4-symbol combination. See how each symbol is against N-E-W-S. These letters represent North, East, West, and South. If you take a close look around the room, you’ll spot a symbol on each wall. On the frame of the painting above the bed, there’s a diamond. Since the poster represents north, the painting must represent west. Then, look on the wall above the desk. A calendar there has a star on it. The calendar is south. Now you have 3 of the 4 symbols for the combination. You don’t have the one for east, but this can easily be done by doing the 3 symbols you know first, then leaving this until last and going through each symbol until the lock opens.

Return to the drawer lock and input the following:

N – 8-point star

E – Moon

W – Diamond

S – 5-point star

With the correct combination, the drawer will open to reveal curtains! Pick these up and take them straight to the window.

Setting Up the Bedroom Photo

Drag the curtains to the window to hang them up. Now the window is looking much more like the photo – except for one little detail. If you take another look at the photo, you’ll see that the flowers are positioned on the right, not the left. Yes, you have to move the vase to the other side. It’s important that every detail is counted for. With the curtains, flowers, and correctly-positioned vase, you now have everything you need to take the photo. Take the photo once again and the screen will flash to white, starting the next chapter of The Star Named EOS.


Recreating the train photo has led you onto the train itself that Dei’s mother was riding. Before you do anything, open the letter on the table. There’s a new photo, one of a plate of sandwiches. Once again, you’ll have to recreate the photo. Read the letter (which mentions something about a café) and then take in your new surroundings.

You're now on the train as seen in the photo.

You’re now on the train as seen in the photo.

Train Bonus Photos

Since you have your camera from the start, you might as well take the three bonus photos. For the Train chapter, these are:

  1. The scenery (I took a photo pointing at the sandwich coupon poster at the other end of the carriage, which is how I got this one)
  2. The map (on the table across the carriage from you, which is used for a puzzle in this chapter)
  3. The small picture on the wall on your right

Wooden Train Puzzle

Let’s get to work on taking that photo. For this chapter, it’s a little less work than the Bedroom, so it shouldn’t take as long.

On the table in front of you, there are some things of note. First is the placemat. It is currently empty. This is the base for your photo. To get everything you need, there’s more puzzle solving and environment exploring to do. There’s also a puzzle on the table, which you need to do in a moment, and a suitcase. Right now, the suitcase is locked up with another combination lock, so leave it for now.

To begin with, you might as well do the puzzle. This is a slider puzzle, where you have to put all the pieces in the right place to guide a toy train along a wooden track. This one is quite good fun, but requires some forward thinking. Some track pieces are far from their intended location, so you’ll have to do a lot of shuffling pieces around. You can only move one piece at a time and only in one direction at a time. Note that some track pieces are already locked in. This is very useful in telling you what pieces go where, helping you to link the track up. There are also four free spaces in the grid, meaning there’s plenty of room to shuffle around pieces. This puzzle is actually quite easy, so it shouldn’t take too long to assemble all the pieces. Once all the pieces are assembled, the train will move, and the box will open to reveal a magnifying glass. Pick it up.

Map Puzzle

Notice the map across the carriage from you? Go over to it to examine it closer. The map might look plain and not provide any information, but this is where the magnifying glass comes in. Set it onto the map and hold and drag the magnifying glass across. You should see lines and symbols. This map is the key to opening the suitcase.

On the map, look closely and notice the four dots. Each dot represents a number on the combo lock. With the magnifying glass, start at the bottom dot. It’s important you do this in the right order. You’ll see a symbol next to it. Follow the dotted lines to the next dot. Another symbol. Keep following the line until you get the last 2 symbols. You should now have all four. Leave the map and go to the suitcase. On the lock, input the following symbols:

  1. Circle with a diagonal line
  2. 5-point star
  3. Rectangle with dot
  4. Sideways Eight

Suitcase Puzzle

The suitcase should now open, and you’ll be met with a trunk full of stuff. First, pick up the thermal flask and metal cup. These are needed for the photo. Now though, there’s something at the bottom in the top left, but you cannot access it because there’s too much stuff in the way. To get to it, you’ll need to move the contents aside, which is a lot easier said than done. You have to shuffle the items around to make access in the top space available, but there isn’t much free room, and some of the items are bulky. They also cannot be rotated or taken out of the case completely.

Admittedly, this puzzle is a little tricky, and requires some forward thinking and logic, but you’ll get there. Eventually, the top left space will be accessible. Click it to unzip it, then again to get out the sandwich coupon.

Sandwiches and Fork

The next step is to take the coupon and place it on the tray on the table. Zoom in on the tray to access it. Make sure to ring the bell. Once will do. You’ll be brought a sandwich on a trolley. Take the plate of sandwiches.

As of now, you have the sandwiches and the drink needed for the photo, but something is missing. The fork!

Look to your right and you’ll see a light switch. Turn it on, then look at the lampshade nearby. Something is silhouetted inside it. Pick up the mysterious item, which turns out to be a metal handle. What is this for? It’s actually for the little drawer on the right side of the table, something that is easy to miss. Move the table cloth aside to get to it. Place the handle on it so you can open it. Inside is the fork.

Setting Up the Train Photo

Now you have everything you need for the photo. Zoom in on the placement. Now, you need to watch where you put the three items, but it’s actually very easy. Notice the five flowers on the placemat. You can place an item on each one. For the sandwich, place it at the top. Then place the fork to its bottom right, and the cup on the bottom left. The cup needs filling up, so drag the flask onto the cup to add the drink. You’re all set! Take the photo and the next chapter will start.

Just add the sandwich, cup and fork in the right places on the placemat and the photo is (almost) ready to take.

Just add the sandwich, cup and fork in the right places on the placemat and the photo is (almost) ready to take.


Remember the café Dei’s mother mentioned in that letter? You’re now in that very café, sitting at a table by a window. Make sure to read the letter and study the photo. Yes, there’s another photo to recreate! This one is a little different though. It’s of a campsite in a forest by a lake, with a tent and flowers. The letter also mentioned a campsite.

You're now in the café Dei's mother talked about.

You’re now in the café Dei’s mother talked about.

Café Bonus Photos

Before you start, let’s look at the 3 bonus photos you need to take:

  1. The paintings on the opposite wall
  2. The album cover (I don’t know how I got this, to be honest, but I just took a photo of the bread and it accepted it)
  3. The window opposite you

With that done, let’s get to work. This chapter of The Star Named EOS isn’t very long.

Lockbox Puzzle

First look behind you and spot the red lockbox. There’s a four number combination, but also something underneath. An equation. This is depicted as: knight + snake – building. We don’t know what these symbols represent, so we have to find out by looking around.

The red lockbox is located in the corner of the café on a table.

The red lockbox is located in the corner of the café on a table.

Look at the paintings behind you on the wall. You should see a knight. In the corner is written 1011. Note this down.

Examine the plate of sandwiches in front of you. This isn’t here for aesthetics; you can interact with the sandwich by “eating” it. Simply click on the sandwich three times to clear the plate, revealing the snake symbol. It has the number 1000 on it as well.

Now we just need the building number. But how? This requires some work. Look outside to your right and a van is blocking your way. You need them to move. Look to the left of the van where a sign is. It says no parking between 16:45 and 17:00. You might have noticed the clock on your table. However, the hour hand is missing. Have a closer look at the coat hanging on the back of the chair. It has several pockets. Look through them all and you’ll find the hand (it’s actually in the bottom right pocket – there’s nothing at all in the others). Place the hand on the clock. Now you can change the time. Fast forward time to any time between 16:45 and 17:00. When done correctly, the scene will change. The van is now gone. Not only can you access the base for the photo you need to take, but you can also see the picture of the building, and on it is the number 72.

You now have everything to solve the lockbox equation. Remember, the knight is 1011, the snake 1000, and the building 72. So, the equation is 1011 + 1000 – 72. The combination is the answer to the equation. 1011 + 1000 is 2011, and then take off 72 and you get 1939. Input 1-9-3-9 into the lock and it will open. Inside is a pair of scissors.

Tent Picture

You might think that scissors is an odd thing to get, but it isn’t. It’s for one of the components you need for the photo. Look on the floor nearby and you should see a flyer with a tent on it. Examine it closer. Drag the scissors onto it so you can cut the flyer up. Keep clicking until you’ve cut out the tent. This will be added to your inventory.

Locket Puzzle

Now you just need the flowers, but where are those? If you look on the windowsill behind you, you can just about see something on it. It’s a locket – and a new puzzle to solve. Admittedly, this can be tricky. You need to complete the picture on the locket (a rose with leaves and stems) to open it up. This puzzle is not impossible, but it’s not as easy as it seems, and requires some trial and error and some clever thinking. Here are a few things to note:

  • Clicking the outer circle will move the outer circle and the middle circle
  • Clicking the inner circle will move the outer and inner circle
  • Clicking the middle circle will move the middle and inner circle

As soon as all three circles are correctly lined up, the locket will open to reveal some flowers. Take these.

Setting Up the Café Photo

You now have everything you need for the photo. Look out of the window at the forest scene. This is the perfect base for the campsite photo. Note the three marked spots. Place the tent on the top spot, then the flowers below it on the right. The bottom left spot is left blank. You can now take the photo and end this chapter!

Use the mural, the cut up tent, and the flowers to set up the shot of the photo.

Use the mural, the cut up tent, and the flowers to set up the shot of the photo.


Guess what? You’re now at the very same camping spot that Dei’s mother was, complete with a tent, campfire, and other camping stuff. On the chair is an envelope. Look inside. Instead of another photo to recreate, there’s a letter – but the letter is torn up, and missing pieces as well. The goal of this chapter is to find all the pieces and piece together the letter.

Forest Bonus Photos

If you want to get the bonus photos, let’s start by doing those first:

  1. The tent
  2. The campsite on the other side of the lake (you’ll see the smoke rising up)
  3. The signpost

Book on Knots and Crockery

Now to find the letter pieces. Start by taking a look at the book on the table, next to the chair with the letter. Before you read the book, note this symbol scratched into the table (+IIII). It’s important for something later. Now look at the book. There are two things of importance. First are two pages with instructions on making knots. We’ll return to this later when the time comes for it.

Look at the next two pages. This is of crockery. Make a note of this for a puzzle in this chapter. It lists the crockery as S to L, or small to large, and follows this order: Cup > Small Round Plate, Small Square Plate, Bigger Square Plate, Large Round Plate. The other page notes that the cup, the smallest item, cannot be placed under the next biggest item, the small plate. For now, leave the book.

Crate and Knot Puzzle

Take a look around the campsite. You might notice some odd symbols scratched into trees and other wood. These are for a combination to open the crate, located near the tent. There are 5 symbols altogether around camp, and you can find them in the following places:

  1. The first can be seen on the table where the camping guide book is (+IIII).
  2. The second is on a tree near the grill (ITIII).
  3. The third is on a stump by the campfire (IITII).
  4. The fourth is on a tree to the left of the tent (III+I).
  5. The fifth is on the chair with the torn letter (IIII⊥).

Since we’ve got the symbols, we might as well put them to use. Select the crate and you’ll see an interesting-looking lock. This doesn’t have symbols, but five switches. The key to opening this crate is putting the switches in the right position. Click them and notice how they switch between the middle, top and bottom. Remembering the symbols you found around camp, position the switches as so:

  1. Middle
  2. Top
  3. Top
  4. Middle
  5. Bottom 

Inside the crate is rope. This is for the hammock by the lake, which is missing a rope at one end. You need to hook it back up to the tree. But hold your horses though. To put it up securely, you need to do a special knot, and to do this knot, you need to do it in the right order. Remember that book with the knot instructions? Go back to it and study the instructions. There are 4 steps for doing the knot – but pay attention to the hands underneath. It’s either a left or right hand on show. This tells you which hand to select to complete a step in doing the knot. Note down what the book says:

  1. Right once
  2. Left once
  3. Right twice
  4. Left once

Now go back to the hammock and drag the rope to it. You’ll be prompted to tie the knot. Make sure to use the correct hand in the right order. When done right, the hammock will be up. Underneath on the floor is a scrap of letter. Pick it up.

Basket Puzzle

Next, since you also read about the crockery, go to the basket by the campfire. You’ll see the basket full of crockery. Something is underneath on the left side. You need to shunter everything over to the middle and right. This puzzle is actually quite easy. You just need to remember that the cup always goes on top, and the biggest plate doesn’t go on top of anything. Before you know it, you’ll have access to the bottom left, and another piece of the letter.

Grill Puzzle

What’s next? Look to the beach, where you’ll see two things. One is a bottle, the other a fishing rod. Use the fishing rod first. All you have to do is keep pressing the crank handle until a boot is retrieved from the water. You don’t need the boot, and there’s nothing in it, so drop it back into the water. You do need the fishing hook though.

Head over to the grill. There’s something shiny under the grill: a key! This key is for the red lockbox by the campfire. However, you cannot reach it. This is where the fishing hook comes in. Drag it over to the key and they’ll be connected. That’s not the end of it though. You need to hold and drag the key on the hook through the grill, which functions like a maze. It can be a little fiddly, and easy to hit a dead-end. Just take it slow and look ahead for a route. Eventually, you’ll be able to access the key.

Take the key to the lockbox to open it. Inside is a shovel, which you’ll need very soon.

Symbols Puzzle

Now, go to the bottle on the beach. Click on the lid to take it off, then click on the paper inside. It’s actually a drawing, and an odd one at that. Study it carefully. In the middle is an eye, and surrounding it is 3 things. Above is a moon, then either side at the bottom are 2 stars. 

What does this mean? If you’ve been looking closely, you might have spotted these star symbols. One is on the tent, the other on the guitar, and the moon is above. Get the camera and take a photo in the middle of these 3 symbols. You should see a spot glowing in the ground. Click on it to investigate further. There’s something in the ground, but it needs digging out. Use the shovel to uncover it. You’ve got another letter piece!

Assembling the Letter

You now should have all the pieces needed to put the letter together. Assemble them to read the letter. You’ll notice rain spots appearing on the letter, then it really starts to rain. A storm has arrived.

Finding Shelter

It’s now very dark, with rain, thunder and lightning. On the ground in front of you, you should just about see part of a photo. Pick it up. Now, you need to find somewhere to shelter. Look around the dark forest until you see the outline of a cabin in the distance. What you need to do here is take a photo of it – but you need to wait until lightning is striking over the cabin. You’ll have time to do this, and if you miss your moment, just wait. The lightning is pretty frequent. As soon as the photo is taken, something odd will happen.

Return to Bedroom

Wait, you’re back in Dei’s bedroom? That’s strange. But it’s looking very different now. The room is dilapidated, the shelves empty, boxes full of stuff (some of it familiar from the first chapter). On the floor, you’ll see the photo album from before. Look at it. Look through the pages until you find two pages with spaces for 3 photos. Look in your inventory. Place the photo of the curtained window in the top left slot, the placemat and food in the bottom left page, and then the campsite photo on the right page.

Look further through the album until you find a torn page with something scrawled on in pink writing. Collect this.

Return to Bedroom Bonus Photos

This chapter seems to contain the final collection of bonus photos, which you can find below:

  1. The painting that was previously hanging above the bed but is now in a box on the bed
  2. The window
  3. To get this last photo, you must wait until after you’ve discovered the hidden safe on the wall (which you can read about below). Wait until you’ve read the diary and then once you can go back to viewing the room, you will be able to photograph the uncovered wall safe, which is the subject of this third and final photo.

In Dei’s messy room, there’s less stuff to interact with. However, there are some points of interest. First, notice the torn wall above the bed where the painting once hung. You can zoom in on this. However, you cannot access it – yet. Next, there’s a radio on the bedside table. You’ll need to use this very soon.

Squares Safe Puzzle

For now, look to the old safe where the camera and compass were found earlier. It’s now empty, but there’s a new combination lock. This one is quite unusual. You’ll see a grid of squares that can be pushed into. What’s this for? If you take a look at the cardboard boxes around the room, you’ll notice that some of them have squares on them, some unshaded, some shaded in. Altogether, there are four of these. Notice that they all have a line underneath them. The line symbolizes the bottom part of the squares. The purpose here is to shade in the squares to unlock the combination, using these squares. It seems tricky at first, but is actually quite straightforward. The squares and their shapes go in this order (from left to right):

  1. T-shaped squares
  2. Sideways H
  3. F-like shape
  4. Reversed chunky L

These shapes connect together almost like a jigsaw puzzle. The final appearance of the squares in the safe should look like in the picture below:

Once done, there will be another scrap of paper inside. It has more pink writing, but also something significant: FM104.9.

First Morse Code Puzzle

Remember the radio? Go to it next. Before you do anything, take the compass in your inventory. You’ll finally get to put it to good use. Slot the compass into the circle next to the dial. The radio can now be tuned. You can use the north-pointing star as an indicator. Turn the compass until the star is pointing at the bottom indicator. Then, carefully turn the smaller dial until the radio is tuned into FM104.9. You’ll know it’s worked because you’ll see blinking lights and beeping.

What are these lights and beeps for? Let’s find out. Head over to the desk and look in the left drawer, where there’s a box. Examine it and you’ll see yet another combination lock, this with five symbols to put in. Note the symbols. Now, return to the bedside table, but don’t click the radio yet. Look at the document next to it. It’s a Morse code instruction sheet, with dots and dashes next to different symbols. You can note down all the symbols now, but it’s easier to select the radio and listen to the beeps.

Select the radio and automatically the beeps will play out. Take notice of the two lights. The bigger red one matches the beeps. The smaller green light moves along a row of five little lights. Five lights, five symbols? Each light represents the symbol. The beeps constantly play, cycling through each light aka symbol. You’ll have to pay close attention, but don’t worry if it takes several listens. It’s important to get it right! Note the beeps down, listening out for short beeps and longer beeps. The short beeps represent dots, while longer beeps are dashes.

Refer back to the Morse code list. With the beeps noted, compare them to the symbols to find out which is which. This is how you find out the symbols for the lock. What you should get is this:

  1. Dot-dot-dot (Sun)
  2. Dash-dot-dash (Camera)
  3. Dot-dot-dash (Cloud)
  4. Dot-dash-dot (Star)
  5. Dash-dash-dash (Fire)

You’ve got what you need now to open that box, so go to it and do what you need to do. When it opens, there are 2 things to find. One is a knife, the other another scrap of paper.

Wall Safe Puzzle

You should now have all the scraps of paper to piece together, so do so. They spell out a number: 2365.

Next, return to the torn wall. Use the knife to tear it open. You can now see a safe with a keypad. Input 2-3-6-5. Note that half the numbers are missing, but it’s easy to know what’s what.

After clicking on the opened safe, something odd will happen. You’ll find yourself back on the train – but it looks different from before. The only thing you can do is pick up the piece of photo on the floor. Then, if you look in the top left of the carriage, a woman is sitting with her back to you. Does she look familiar? Click on her and the scene will change.

You’re now at the café. This too looks very different. Look at the floor to find the next piece of photo, then look over at the bed by the window and click on the woman again.

Another scene change, only now you’re at the campsite. On the ground near your feet (near the water) is another photo piece. Now you need to “piece” the photo together, only it looks a bit off. After this, an unsettling scene will play out, and you’ll return to the bedroom.

You’re back at the safe. There’s a bunch of stuff inside, including an album. You need to get to this to read it, but you have to move some things around first. Place the metal cup in the box with the flask, and place the cap on the hook. Also, move the locket to the right side. Now you can read the album.

This album is a bit different from the other one. This has diary entries in it for you to read. Read them carefully. There are two things to look out for: dates, written at the top; and also bold writing. These hold crucial information for solving the next set of puzzles. This section can get a little confusing, and it’s easy to get lost, so just follow these next set of instructions.

Second Morse Code Puzzle

The first thing to note is this: AM684. Go to the radio and dial it to this station. The radio will beep once again. This time, the Morse code is a bit different. Just to note, the first two symbols remain exactly the same, as does the fourth, but the third and fifth symbols are different. They are:

  1. Dot-dot-dot (Sun)
  2. Dash-dot-dash (Camera)
  3. Dash-dot-dot (Moon)
  4. Dot-dash-dot (Star)
  5. Dot-dash-dot (Star)

With that done, go back to the same box as before. There’s another compartment that needs opening now. Unlock it and you’ll see a strange device. You’ll need to click it before you can do anything else. For this, you need two things. First, return to the radio and take out the compass. You’re done with the radio now. Return to the device in the box. Place the compass on it. But it’s not complete yet. You still have that clock hand from the café chapter. Place it on the compass. You now have a functioning compass. Pick up the compass.

Compass and Telescope Assembly

You’ll now be holding the compass in your room. Notice the hand pointing around. You need to get the hand pointing to the star (north) by looking around the room, but that’s not all. The hand will stop moving once you angle the camera correctly. To help you out here, you need to be looking at the wall to the right of the TV. A doorway will mysteriously appear and open. Go inside.

You’ll enter a cupboard with a telescope that needs assembling. This is straightforward as the assembling diagram is on the wall, telling you which order to put the pieces on. For the last step, you need to add the camera to the holder.

Astrolabe Puzzle

The telescope assembled, you’ll be back in the room. Now, the room is full of stars. Look over to the shelf that had the N-E-W-S drawer at the bottom. You’ll see four glowing stars, and when looking at it through the camera, it’ll form a new cupboard. Take a photo and the cupboard will magically appear.

Leave the camera and open the cupboard. Inside is an unusual-looking device, similar to an astrolabe. Place the compass in the middle. Notice how the outer dial has months and the middle dial has dates. What you need to do here is correctly match the dates and months.

For the first part, set the date to May 24th, which is Dei’s birthday (the diary mentions this). When done right, the astrolabe will glow. Return to the camera and look to the foot of the bed. Another cupboard will appear. Photograph it, then open it. Inside is a box containing a bit of photo.

Go back to the astrolabe. Now, set the date to August 12th. With the camera, look at the top of the bookcase that had the album in the first chapter. Another cupboard appears, and with another piece of the starry photo.

Now, reassemble the photo to fit the two new pieces. Flip it over and you’ll see 9/5 written on the back.

Next, return to the astrolabe for a third time. This time, set it to September 5th. Through the camera, look at the old calendar. Six stars assemble to create another star.


The scene changes. You’re back in the forest, where the cabin is. Then, you hear a voice behind. Look behind you and you’ll see Dei’s mother. She’ll talk to you, introducing herself as Nat. You’ll be presented with three dialogue options. It doesn’t matter what you go with; it’s up to you. It doesn’t seem to affect the story.

Eventually, Nat will disappear up a path. Select the path to follow her. You’ll now be faced with many paths, with no obvious way to go – or not. What you need to do is look above the paths. The right path will have a star. The stars guide the way. Do this three times.

You’ll eventually follow Nat to a field, looking up at the stars. This next bit is easy. Just click on the glowing stars as they appear to form a special constellation. When this is complete, Nat will want to give you something. Look at her and click on her and she’ll give you the compass you’ve been using throughout the game.


Now we’ve reached the climax of The Star Named EOS. You’ll be back in Dei’s bedroom, but it looks very different now. It’s no longer a mess, but clean, bright and modern. Feel free to take a look around. The only thing you can do is select the album. Add in the completed star photo, then feel free to browse the rest of the album.

Once you’re done, select the window and the scene will change. You’re back on the train, this time with a woman. She’ll talk to you for a while. Eventually, after passing through a tunnel, you can click on the open doorway at the top end of the carriage.

The scene changes. It’s the café again, the woman there also. You need to take 3 photos before you can move on. The door will open and you can leave.

Now you’re back in the forest, but no campsite is there. Again, take 3 random photos. The woman will appear. Click her to follow her.

You’ll be in a beautiful field. Look around and you’ll spot a lot of graves. Select the one with flowers on it. This is the grave of Nat. Watch Dei place a letter addressed to his mother on her grave.

And that’s it! You’ve completed The Star Named EOS. I hope you have found this guide useful, and enjoyed playing the game. If you haven’t, you can read my review of The Star Named EOS.


  1. Avatar photo

    Hi! I found the 3rd photospot in the demolished room. It’s the window. The same where you travel through for the train 🙂

    • Avatar photo

      Thank you for letting me know. I’ve updated the guide so the final bonus photos section is now complete.


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