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The Sims 4 Tomarang World Guide

This guide gives you a complete tour of Tomarang, the new world introduced with The Sims 4 For Rent Expansion Pack. Learn about the Sims who live there, the different locations, and all the activities you should know about.

The Sims 4 Tomarang World Guide

For Rent is the fifteenth Expansion Pack released for The Sims 4, and with it comes a new world, Tomarang. This is the 25th world to be created for The Sims 4, and it has lots to offer. A new world can be overwhelming, so this guide will take you through everything you need to know about Tomarang. This includes the residential and commercial Lots, the Sims who reside there, and what you can see and do there.

If you’re interested in learning about other worlds in The Sims 4, check out these guides:

An Overview of Tomarang

The world of Tomarang is inspired by Southeast Asia and its real-world places such as Thailand, and it really does show throughout the For Rent Expansion. In Tomarang, you’ll see boats chugging along the rivers, the world surrounded by luscious jungles, exotic and vibrant architecture, and tuk tuks! This isn’t just another exciting world to visit, but one you can live in as well. What makes Tomarang stand out from other worlds in The Sims 4, apart from its Southeast Asia theme, is its brand-new Residential Rentals. While these Lots can be used in any The Sims 4 world, Tomarang gives you a good understanding of how they work.

Tomarang is split into two neighborhoods: Koh Sahpa and Morensong. They each offer something different in terms of Lots and activities. The most notable difference between the two is that Morensong has a lot of hustle and bustle, while Koh Sahpa is much quieter. Each neighborhood also has rabbit hole buildings that we’ll explore in more detail in their respective sections.

Climate in Tomarang (With Seasons Expansion Installed)

With The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion installed, seasons and weather will come to Tomarang. During the time I’ve played in Tomarang, the climate appears to be tropical, similar to other worlds such as Sulani and Selvadorada. In my personal experience playing this world, I’ve had a lot of overcast days, as well as rainy days, with surprising lack of sunshine. You might notice this throughout this guide in the images I took, hence why unfortunately everything looks so gloomy. I haven’t encountered any snow in Tomarang so far, and doubt I will in the tropical climate. Tomarang is set in Southeast Asia surrounded by jungles, after all.

Tomarang's neighborhood Morensong in dull rainy misty weather.

This is what I usually experience with Tomarang: dull and overcast, or stormy wet weather.

Collectibles in Tomarang

If you’re a collectible fan in The Sims 4, Tomarang won’t let you down in that department. Scattered across the two vast neighborhoods are plenty of collectibles to find, thanks to the rocks to dig and logs to search. There are fishing spots as well, if you’re a keen fisher in The Sims 4. However, in regards to harvestables, there doesn’t seem to be any wild plants growing anywhere in either neighborhoods in Tomarang, so don’t come here if you’re looking for new plants to harvest. Below is a list of all collectible locations in Tomarang.

Koh Sahpa
Dig Rock
  • Just behind Hothotok Shore, one to the left and right, are two rocks you can dig. One is plain while the other has gems.
Fishing Spot
  • Along the blue walkway behind Sungai Point, there’s a spot to go fishing along the water here. You can find the post amongst the boats.
  • Not far from The Screaming Gecko, there’s a small park. By the park is a river, and here you’ll find a boardwalk that has a fishing spot.
  • Behind the empty Isda Riverfront Lot, there’s a boardwalk with a fishing spot.
Frog Log
  • To the right of Isda Riverfront, just beyond some plant life, there’s a log here.
  • Near the boardwalk’s fishing spot, there’s a frog log.
Dig Rock
  • To the right of the end of the promenade (or to the left of Ro Kaya’s frog log), there’s a gem-studded rock.
  • On the grass by the park (near the road) is a plain rock to dig.
  • Behind Ro Kaya at the end of a grassy path is a plain rock.
Fishing Spot
  • Right next to the fish market, there’s a boardwalk with a fishing spot.
Frog Log
  • To the left of Ro Kaya Rockside, there’s a grassy path. At the end is a frog log.
  • Near the park’s fountain and pond on the grass is a frog log.

Lots in Tomarang

It’s time to get down to business: the official tour of Tomarang! Tomarang is split into two neighborhoods: Koh Sahpa and Morensong. Each neighborhood offers something different. Koh Sahpa, the quieter neighborhood, is home to places such as the Tiger Sanctuary and cave. Meanwhile, Morensong, the bustling neighborhood, hosts the famous night market as well as the shrine. For this guide to Tomarang, each Lot will be broken down in detail. There will also be information about any significant features.

Koh Sahpa

This neighborhood in Tomarang is the quieter of the two, but don’t think there’s nothing here. This is a good place for Sims to live if you fancy a more serene setting.

Koh Sahpa

Koh Sahpa

Hothotok Shore

Lot Type Residential
Occupied Yes (Bun Ma Household)
Cost §40,238
Size 20 x 15
Bedrooms 2
Bathrooms 1
Lot Traits Child’s Play
Lot Challenges Reduce and Recycle


This house is already occupied by the Bun Ma Household, but if you want it, you can kick them out and move your own Sims in. This scenic home may not be available for starter Sims though due to its high price. The Child’s Play Lot Trait makes this a great place to raise young ones.

Isda Riverfront

Lot Type Residential
Occupied No
Cost §1,370
Size 20 x 20
Bedrooms None
Bathrooms None
Lot Traits None
Lot Challenges None


Isda Riverfront is one of three empty Lots in Tomarang. This Lot – and the other two – have a lot of potential. You can build on it and move in, or set it up as a Residential Rental. Alternatively, you can have a commercial Lot here. There aren’t that many in Tomarang, so feel free to place a Lot such as a restaurant, spa, café, library, museum, gym, vacation home; whatever you want.

This Lot doesn’t have any pre-assigned Lot Traits or Challenges, but don’t be afraid to add your own if you wish.

Notably, there’s a fishing spot near this Lot, so keep this in mind if you want to have Sims eager to fish residing or visiting here.

Isda Riverfront

Isda Riverfront

Sungai Point (11A, 11B, 11C)

Lot Type Residential Rental
Units Available 3
Size 30 x 20
Occupied Yes (Linh-Sadya Household)
Unit Rating 4 Stars
Optional Furnishings §46,565
Lease Length 7 Days
Rent Per Day §180
Bedrooms 3
Bathrooms 2
Lot Traits Homey
Lot Challenges None
Occupied Yes (Linh Household)
Unit Rating 4 Stars
Optional Furnishings §21,315
Lease Length 7 Days
Rent Per Day §65
Bedrooms 1
Bathrooms 1
Lot Traits Great Acoustics, Gnomes
Lot Challenges None
Occupied No
Unit Rating 4 Stars
Optional Furnishings §12,604
Lease Length 7 Days
Rent Per Day §65
Bedrooms 2
Bathrooms 1
Lot Traits None
Lot Challenges Mold, Spooky


This Residential Rental is made up of three units. Two of them are already occupied by pre-made families, but the third is free for you to move into (unless you boot out the other two families as well). This Lot is the only Residential Rental in Tomarang that has multiple units. The other Residential Rental only has one, so this Lot gives you a better experience with more than one household residing under one roof. This free unit is also a good place for a starter family to move in, with its affordable rent, good rating, and two bedrooms. Just watch out for the mold and the phantom visitors!

What about the other occupied units? These are home to the Linh and the Linh-Sadya Households. They may be part of the same building, but there are differences between the units. Unit 11A has the Homey Lot Trait and more bedrooms and bathrooms, but it is more expensive to live in. The other unit, 11B, has the Great Acoustics Lot Trait, ideal for musical Sims, as well as gnomes invading the place now and again. The rent of this unit is the same price as the vacant 11C unit, but the optional furnishings cost more. It also only has one bedroom and bathroom available.

The other thing to note about Sungai Point is its backyard. It’s not very big, but it has a spirit house, and space for a little gardening, or perhaps a BBQ. The units also have their own verandas and balconies to sit out and enjoy the views of Tomarang. Generally, this is a pleasant place to live, if you don’t mind a few niggles.

Tam Nang Sands

Lot Type Residential
Occupied No
Cost §2,070
Size 30 x 20
Bedrooms None
Bathrooms None
Lot Traits Bracing Breezes
Lot Challenges Off-the-Grid


One of three empty Lots in Tomarang, and the second of two in the Koh Sahpa neighborhood. This Lot is a little different to the other two. It has the Bracing Breezes Lot Trait, which gives your Sims the Energetic mood, perfect for working out. However, there’s a Lot Challenge to be aware of: Off-the-Grid. If you’re not familiar with this Lot Challenge, this means the Lot has no power or running water. However, aside from the plenty of space to build on and the Bracing Breezes Trait, this Lot is also situated next to a small beach, making it a peaceful spot. 

Tam Nang Sands

Tam Nang Sands

The Screaming Gecko

Lot Type Lounge
Cost §41,467
Size 20 x 20
Lot Traits Convival


Your Sims deserve to have time to relax, enjoy some entertainment, and meet up with other Sims. With The Screaming Gecko lounge in Tomarang, they can do just that. This Lot has two levels. Downstairs is a bar and hot tub, and upstairs is a microphone and piano. Thanks to the Convival Lot Trait, this is a good place for Sims to work on their Charisma, Comedy, and Mischief Skills.

The Tiger Sanctuary

The Tiger Sanctuary is a special place to visit in Tomarang and is a go-to for any visitor or resident. As a rabbit hole, your Sims disappear when they go inside, and they’ll experience an off-screen adventure as they explore the sanctuary. 

The sanctuary is more than just a place to visit though. You can donate money to this place, from §10 up to §100. You can even adopt a tiger, which is amazing. You can’t take a tiger home with you and keep it as a pet, or even interact with it, but it’s the thought that counts.

Sims can also sneak into the sanctuary at night and have off-screen adventures. At this time, only this interaction will be available. Your Sims won’t be able to donate money or adopt a tiger.

The Tiger Sanctuary is located across a bridge separate from the rest of Koh Sahpa on its own island, nestled amongst a jungle. Right next door to the sanctuary is a small park. It’s a nicely landscaped garden with some benches, plus a statue you can view.

The Tiger Sanctuary and park.

The Tiger Sanctuary and park.

The Cave

If you’re visiting Koh Sahpa, you might as well drop by the cave as well. This place is well hidden and away from the other Lots and activities in Koh Sahpa. If you follow the large space of water around, you’ll find this cave in a large rock wall, hidden amongst the jungle, situated on a beach. Like all other caves in The Sims 4, Tomarang’s cave is a rabbit hole, and when your Sims bravely venture in, you’ll be presented with options on your Sim’s adventure.

Other Notable Things About Koh Sahpa

Describing Koh Sahpa compared to Morensong, it’s probably more natural than man-made. There’s more jungle than buildings. One really great feature about Koh Sahpa is the rivers, which you can swim in. There’s a vast expanse of water in this area, so don’t be afraid to take a dip. There aren’t any gyms in Tomarang, so this is a good place to have a workout and embrace Tomarang’s natural side. Tomarang also has a few beaches available. They’re not the biggest, but it’s better than nothing. 


Morensong is the busier of the two neighborhoods in Tomarang. If you’re looking for hustle and bustle, this is the place. The famous night market is based here, but there are other things to look out for as well, such as the shrine.



Chee-Wít Chee-Waa Kanto

Lot Type Residential
Occupied No
Cost §18,900
Size 20 x 15
Bedrooms 1
Bathrooms 1
Lot Traits Fast Internet
Lot Challenges Mold


This Lot is ideal as a starter home for a single Sim or a couple, but probably no more than that. It only has one bedroom and one bathroom, and is rather basic. Also, the high cost means that if you’re starting out with a new Sim, they may not have a lot of money leftover after moving in. You also have to watch out for the Mold Lot Challenge. Keep this Lot clean, or the pesky mold will take over.

Hothotok Shore is beneficial in a few ways. It is an attractive-looking Lot, so if you have some spare cash going, you can spruce it up nice. It’s also practically right next door to the night market. The Fast Internet Lot Trait makes this an ideal home for Sims with skills on the computer, such as Programming and Video Gaming. Sims in the Tech Guru, Freelance Programmer and similar careers will do well here, working on their skills and career.

Additionally, if your Sims have enough money, they can buy this property and turn it into a Residential Rental.

Ro Kaya Rockside

Lot Type Residential
Cost §2,870
Size 40 x 30
Bedrooms None
Bathrooms None
Lot Traits None
Lot Challenges None


Ro Kaya Rockside is one of three empty Lots in Tomarang, but the only one located in the Morensong neighborhood. It’s situated not too far away from the night market, but far away enough so you get some peace and quiet from the hustle and bustle. It’s right by the water, further enhancing its tranquil location.

This Lot is the biggest of the empty Lots in Tomarang, giving you plenty of room to build something here. Put whatever you like here; a home, a multi-unit Residential Rental, a commercial Lot, anything!

Ro Kaya Rockside

Ro Kaya Rockside

Taka Soi 15 (08, 09)

Lot Type Residential Rental
Units Available 2
Size 20 x 20
Occupied No
Unit Rating 2 Stars
Optional Furnishings §7,925
Lease Length 7 Days
Rent Per Day §65
Bedrooms 1
Bathrooms 1
Lot Traits Bracing Breezes, Great Soil
Lot Challenges None
Occupied Yes (Cahyaputri Household)
Unit Rating 2 Stars
Optional Furnishings §21,315
Lease Length 7 Days
Rent Per Day §65
Bedrooms 2
Bathrooms 1
Lot Traits Natural Light, Sunny Aspect
Lot Challenges None


This is the second Residential Rental Lot in Tomarang, situated in busy Morensong. It’s in an ideal spot, located near a playground for children and the night market not being too far away either. It may be a bit basic, it may not have many rooms, and it may only have a 2 star rating, but Taka Soi 15 does compensate with its Lot Traits. The ground unit, 08, has Bracing Breezes and Great Soil, making it a good place for outdoorsy Sims who are active and have green fingers. The upstairs unit has Natural Light and Sunny Aspect, great for artistic Sims.

The upstairs unit, 09, is already occupied by the Cahyaputri Household, plus they’re the Property Owner.

ZoSul Taman Botani

Lot Type National Park
Cost §33,045
Size 30 x 30
Lot Traits None


There’s not really much to say about this park. There are some nicely landscaped plants, a gazebo, and a place to have a barbeque, as well as benches to sit on. Otherwise, this park doesn’t offer much. It can be enhanced though by adding some more activities, or you can bulldoze this place and add something more worthwhile, such as a restaurant or spa. It’s up to you.

ZoSul Taman Botani

ZoSul Taman Botani

The Night Market

The night market is a must-visit place in the whole of Tomarang. It’s a very pretty place, with lots of color and light. It’s best seen at night, when it’s dark and everything is lit up. The place really comes alive then. 

Along the streets, you’ll see lots of stalls. However, only four of these stalls can be interacted with (and no, you cannot set up your own stall and sell wares, unlike stalls from previous The Sims 4 packs). It might be hard initially to spot the actually-functioning stalls among the decorative ones. There are three things to look out for. First, they all have a red awning. Second, there should be a vendor managing the stall. Third, you can interact with it.

Each of the four stalls in the night market offer something different. Three of them offer food and beverages, the fourth is a wares stall. Note that the stalls are open 6pm until 2am, so you don’t have that long if you want to get something.

Below, you’ll see a list of the four stalls and what each of them sell.

Drinks Stall
  • Thai Iced Milk Tea (§5)
  • Ca Phe Trung (§5)
  • Sugarcane Juice (§5)
Food Stall 1
  • Chicken Stir Fry (§10)
  • Chicken Chimichurri Skewers (§10)
  • Pancit Bihon (§10)
  • Banh Xeo (§10)
  • Malaysian Satey (§10)
  • Steamed Rice (§10)
Food Stall 2
  • Garlic Noodles (§10)
  • Tofu Stir Fry (§10)
  • Burmese Samosa Soup (§10)
  • Tofu Pad Thai (§10)
General Wares Stall
  • Halo-Halo (§10)
  • Bibingka (§10)

Tomarani Wares:

  • Groceries such as Bell Pepper, Flour, and Parsley
  • Jar of Marbles
  • Tassels (in a variety of colors)
  • Marbles (prices vary)
  • Mysterious Basket
  • Vegan Not-Oil Lantern

You can also purchase two unique items of clothing from this stall: a Layered Halter and Striped Shirt.

The night market, a bustling spot where you can eat food and buy unique Tomarani wares.

The night market, a bustling spot where you can eat food and buy unique Tomarani wares.

The Fish Market

It’s not just the night market where you can buy stuff. At the fish market, you can get anything associated with Fishing, even skill books. See below for everything you can get.

  • Bass (§16)
  • Fishing Vol 1: Getting Hooked (§75)
  • Fishing Vol 2: Tackles and Techniques (§150)
  • Fishing Vol 3: See the Fish, Be the Fish (§250)
  • Fishy Protein Treat (§10)
  • Koi (§17)
  • Perch (§6)
  • Salmon (§27)
  • Sturgeon (§88)
  • Tilapia (§21)
  • Trout (§16)
  • Tuna (§26)
  • Wolf Eel (§39)
The fish market, lit up at night.

The fish market, lit up at night.

The Shrine

If you remember the countdown teaser for The Sims 4 For Rent before it was officially unveiled in the reveal trailer, this was the building shown. The shrine is located at the top end of Morensong and is one of those places you should visit. Again, it is a rabbit hole, and your Sim will disappear when they go inside. The visit doesn’t take very long, maybe an hour, but your Sim should come away with a positive moodlet.

The shrine.

The shrine.

Other Notable Things About Morensong

There’s not much else to note in Morensong, except some aesthetics. The park around the National Park Lot is pretty to look at. There’s an interesting statue, and giant decorative flowers in the water nearby. A roundabout in this neighborhood has a decorative center with a statue that is lit up at night. There’s also the playground near Taka Soi 15 for child Sims to play on, as well as a game of marbles and hopscotch. Along the promenade, there’s an easel if you want to do some painting.

Residents of Tomarang

Now you know what houses, Residential Rentals, and commercial Lots are in Tomarang, let’s find out who lives there. Tomarang is a nicely populated world, with a few pre-made households residing there. Whether you want to play as them or meet them as another household, here’s everything you need to know about every household in Tomarang and the individual Sims.

Bun Ma Household

Funds: §20,000

Residence: Hothotok Shore

Bua Bun Ma

Bua Bun Ma

Bua Bun Ma
Gender Female
Age Elder
Career Retired
Traits Music Lover, Noncommittal, Wise, Collector 
Aspiration The Curator
Likes Color | Red, Yellow, Blue
Conversation Topics | Physical Intimacy, Flirtation, Gossip
Décor | Patio, Vintage
Fashion | Basics
Hobbies & Skills | Singing, Cooking, Baking
Music | World, Retro, Island, Easy Listening, Backyard
Sim Characteristics | Idealist Sims, Romance Enthusiasts, Family-Motivated Sims, Rascals
Dislikes Conversation Topics | Deception
Décor | Cosmolux
Hobbies & Skills | Mischief
Music | METAL
Sim Characteristics | Pessimistic Sims
Skills Fishing | 9
Relationships Arturo Linh | Neighbor, Good Friends
Kasem Bun Ma | Son, Supportive, Friend, Amazing Compatibility
Nina Bun Ma | Acquaintances, Good Compatibility
Sud Bun Ma | Grandson, Strict, Friend


Bua Bun Ma is the old and wise member of the Bun Ma household. She has retired from her career, so you can focus her time on her family, but maybe also her aspiration and love for fishing. She has the Music Lover trait, so she might want to dabble in some music. Her high Fishing Skill might also be an avenue for making some extra cash from selling caught fish.

Kasem Bun Ma

Kasem Bun Ma

Kasem Bun Ma
Gender Male
Age Young Adult
Career Independent Consultant (Tech Guru, Start-Up Entrepreneur, 8)
Traits Cheerful, Family Oriented, Perfectionist, Domestic
Aspiration Big Happy Family
Likes Color | Blue, Green
Conversation Topics | Flirtation, Compliments, Affection
Décor | Basics
Fashion | Basics, Hipster, Streetwear
Hobbies & Skills | Robotics, Fitness, Video Gaming
Music | Electronica, Island, Focus, METAL
Sim Characteristics | Idealist Sims, Romance Enthusiasts, Homebody Sims, Spirited Sims
Dislikes Color | Gray
Conversation Topics | Potty Humor
Décor | Shabby
Music | Americana
Skills Charisma | 3
Programming | 8
Relationships Bua Bun Ma | Mother, Friend, Supportive, Amazing Compatibility
Nina Bun Ma | Spouse, Close, Sweethearts, Amazing Compatibility
Sud Bun Ma | Son, Supportive, Friend


Kasem Bun Ma is a successful Start-up Entrepreneur in the Tech Guru career, but it seems that family is most important to him. His Big Happy Family aspiration and Family Oriented traits back this up. As Kasem, split his time between his love for technology and his family. With his high level of Programming, he can easily make some good side money from it.

Nin Bun Ma

Nin Bun Ma

Nin Bun Ma
Gender Female
Age Young Adult
Career Personal Trainer (Athletic, Bodybuilder, 5)
Traits Bookworm, Child of the Village, Romantic, Home Turf
Aspiration Fount of Tomarani Knowledge
Likes Color | Pink, Purple, Yellow, Blue
Conversation Topics | Compliments, Stories, Discussing Hobbies, Gossip
Décor | Modern, Industrial
Fashion | Basics, Polished
Hobbies & Skills | Cooking, Fitness, Baking, Wellness
Music | Romance, Island, Focus, Backyard
Sim Characteristics | Optimistic Sims, Hard-Working Sims, Family-Motivated Sims
Dislikes Décor | Mid Century
Hobbies & Skills | Acting
Sim Characteristics | Ambitionless, Idealist Sims
Skills Charisma | 4
Fitness | 7
Relationships Bua Bun Ma | Acquaintances, Good Compatibility
Kasem Bun Ma | Spouse, Close, Sweethearts, Amazing Compatibility
Sud Bun Ma | Son, Permissive, Friend


Nin Bun Ma is working her way up in the Athletic career and doing quite nicely. Her passion for Fitness, makes working on her career much easier. She has the Fount of Tomarani Knowledge aspiration active, so she might want to explore what Tomarang has to offer between her workouts. Her Bookworm trait might mean that she enjoys reading as well as exercising.

Sud Bun Ma

Sud Bun Ma

Sud Bun Ma
Gender Male
Age Toddler
Career None
Traits Clingy
Aspiration None
Likes None
Dislikes None
Skills None
Relationships Bua Bun Ma | Grandmother, Friend, Strict
Kasem Bun Ma | Father, Supportive, Friend
Nina Bun Ma | Mother, Permissive, Friend


As a toddler, Sud Bun Ma is the youngest pre-made Sim in Tomarang. He has yet to develop any skills, and as a toddler does not have any aspirations, so it’s down to you to see where Sud’s life takes him. He is assigned the Clingy trait, so he’ll become Sad if separated from his family too much, and will gain skills faster with others.

Cahyaputri Household

Funds: §20,000

Residence: 08 Taka Soi 15 

Vanesha Cahyaputri

Vanesha Cahyaputri

Vanesha Cahyaputri
Gender Female
Age Young Adult
Career Bean Blender (Barista, Level 2)
Traits Child of the Village, Creative, Good, Business Savvy
Aspiration Five Star Property Owner
Likes Color | Pink, Purple
Conversation Topics | Compliments, Gossip
Décor | Modern, Mid Century, Vintage
Fashion | Basics, Hipster, Rockstar
Hobbies & Skills | DJ Mixing, Dancing, Handiness, Mixology
Music | Alternative, Retro, DJ Booth, METAL, New Age 
Sim Characteristics | Family-Motivated Sims, High Energy Sims
Dislikes Color | Yellow, Brown
Conversation Topics | Pranks, Complaints
Hobbies & Skills | Video Gaming
Music | Cottagecore 
Sim Characteristics | Argumentative Sims, Emotional Decision-Makers
Skills None
Relationships Thi Linh | Friend, Good Compatibility
Zhafira Cahyaputri | Sister, Distant, Acquaintances


Vanesha works part-time as a barista, but her main focus is on being a Property Owner. She has set her aspirations high, thanks to the Five Star Property Owner aspiration, so that’ll be something you can work on with her. She doesn’t have any skills developed, so decide what to work on. Since she likes Handiness, that might be something worth working on, especially as it’s useful as a Property Owner. If you did decide to change her part-time job to a full-time one, consider going with the Mixologist branch of Culinary, as she also likes Mixology, making skill development easier. Another thing to note about Vanesha is that she has a distant relationship with her sister Zhafira. You can get the two of them to become closer.

Zhafira Cahyaputri

Zhafira Cahyaputri

Zhafira Cahyaputri
Gender Female
Age Teenager
Career High School Student (Grade C)
Baby Sitter (Level 1)
Traits Clumsy, Nosy, Dastardly
Aspiration Seeker of Secrets
Likes Color | Blue, Green
Conversation Topics | Silly Behavior, Jokes, Pranks, Deception, Gossip
Décor | Island, Contemporary, Art Deco
Fashion | Outdoorsy, Streetwear
Hobbies & Skills | Writing, Baking, Mischief
Music | Spooky, S-Pop, Cottagecore
Sim Characteristics | Pet Enthusiasts, Spirited Sims, Funny Sims
Dislikes Color | Red
Décor | Queen Anne
Music | DJ Booth
Sim Characteristics | Idealist Sims, Optimistic Sims
Skills None
Relationships Vanesha Cahyaputri | Sister, Distant, Acquaintances


Teen Zhafira Cahyaputri attends high school and is also a nanny. She’s on the bottom level for school and work, so you can make her work her way up. Her Nosy and Dastardly traits will help if you want to work on her Seeker of Secrets aspiration. She doesn’t have any skills, but Mischief is suited to her personality. She also enjoys writing.

Linh Household

Funds: §20,000

Residence: 11B Sungai Point

Thi Linh

Thi Linh

Thi Linh
Gender Female
Age Young Adult
Career Secret Agent (Level 7)
Traits Cringe, Genius, Slob, Gregarious
Aspiration Discerning Dweller
Likes Color | Purple, Green
Conversation Topics | Silly Behavior, Discussing Hobbies, Discussing Interests
Décor | Boho, Cosmolux, Shabby, Basics, Cute
Fashion | Basics, Boho, Country, Hipster, Outdoorsy, Polished, Preppy, Rocker, Streetwear
Hobbies & Skills | Dancing
Music | Tween Pop, NuDisco, Backyard
Sim Characteristics | Homebody Sims, Spirited Sims, Rascals
Dislikes Music | METAL
Sim Characteristics | Egotistical Decision-Makers
Skills Charisma | 5
Logic | 5
Relationships Alon Sadya | Neighbor, Multi-Unit Neighbor, Friend
Arturo Linh | Father, Friend, Neighbor, Multi-Unit Neighbor, Amazing Compatibility
Cam Sadya | Niece, Neighbor, Multi-Unit Neighbor, Supportive, Friend, Amazing Compatibility
Chánh Linh | Father, Neighbor, Multi-Unit Neighbor, Friend, Amazing Compatibility
Liên Sadya | Sister, Neighbor, Multi-Unit Neighbor, Jokesters, Friend
Panya Li | Acquaintances, Property Owner, Good Compatibility
Vanesha Cahyaputri | Friend, Good Compatibility


Thi Linh lives all on her own in her Residential Rental, but she’s got a lot of family and friends, so she’s not entirely alone. She’s doing well in the Secret Agent career and has a decent Charisma and Logic skill level. Her aspiration, Discerning Dweller, may be worth looking at if you want to develop Thi Linh more.

Linh-Sadya Household

Funds: §20,000

Residence: 11A Sungai Point 

Chanh Linh

Chanh Linh

Chánh Linh
Gender Male
Age Elder
Career Retired
Traits Family Oriented, Foodie, Goofball, Collector
Aspiration Angling Ace
Likes Color | Purple, White
Conversation Topics | Small Talk, Discussing Interests, Stories
Décor | Garden, Basics, Patio
Fashion | Basics, Outdoorsy
Hobbies & Skills | Knitting, Fishing, Gardening, Handiness
Music | Retro, Summer Strut, Backyard, Island
Sim Characteristics | Funny Sims, Cerebral Sims, Spirited Sims, Nature Enthusiasts
Dislikes None
Skills None
Relationships Alon Sadya | Friend, Amazing Compatibility
Arturo Linh | Spouse, Sweethearts, Close, Amazing Compatibility
Cam Sadya | Acquaintances, Jokesters, Amazing Compatibility
Liên Sadya | Friend, Amazing Compatibility
Panya Li | Acquaintances, Property Owner, Good Compatibility
Thi Linh | Neighbor, Multi-Unit Neighbor, Friend, Amazing Compatibility


Chánh Linh lives with his family on the top floor unit of Sungai Point and is happily retired. He is close with his family. Oddly, he has no developed skills. A good starting point would be Fishing, based on his liking for it and his assigned aspiration. 

Arturo Linh

Arturo Linh

Arturo Linh
Gender Male
Age Elder
Career Astronaut (Level 4)
Traits Geek, Outgoing, Wise, Quick Learner
Aspiration Nerd Brain
Likes Color | Orange, Yellow
Conversation Topics | Deep Thoughts, Stories, Discussing Interests
Décor | Boho, Garden, Industrial
Fashion | Basics, Outdoorsy, Polished
Hobbies & Skills | Research & Debate, Robotics, Rocket Science, Baking, Gardening, Handiness
Music | Latin Pop, Latin, Summer Strut, Focus
Sim Characteristics | Family-Motivated Sims, Nature Enthusiasts, Funny Sims
Dislikes Color | Green
Hobbies & Skills | Bowling
Music | Tween Pop
Sim Characteristics | Argumentative Sims
Skills Fishing | 10
Fitness | 2
Logic | 3
Relationships Alon Sadya | Father, Friend, Good Compatibility
Bua Bun Ma | Neighbor, Good Friends
Cam Sadya | Granddaughter, Permissive, Friend, Amazing Compatibility
Chánh Linh | Spouse, Close, Sweethearts, Amazing Compatibility
Liên Sadya | Daughter, Supportive, Friend, Amazing Compatibility
Panya Li | Acquaintances, Property Owner
Thi Linh | Daughter, Neighbor, Multi-Unit Neighbor, Friend, Amazing Compatibility


Arturo is married to Chánh Linh, but he’s not retired yet… unless you want him to. His traits should make him a likeable Sim to meet or play as. His Nerd Brain aspiration also clicks well with his personality. His maxed out Fishing Skill will make it easier to go out and catch fish, which you can use as a side venture or to stock up the refrigerator.

Lien Sadya

Lien Sadya

Liên Sadya
Gender Female
Age Adult
Career Stylist (Style Influencer, Level 8)
Traits Generous, Loyal, Vegetarian, Gregarious
Aspiration Neighborhood Confidante
Likes Color | Pink, Yellow
Conversation Topics | Compliments, Affection, Discussing Interests
Décor | Garden, Contemporary, Art Deco, Luxe
Fashion | Hipster, Polished, Preppy, Rocker, Streetwear
Hobbies & Skills | Knitting, Singing
Music | Hip Hop, Latin Pop, Island
Sim Characteristics | Hard-Working Sims, Idealist Sims, Family-Motivated Sims, Homebody Sims, Nature Enthusiasts
Dislikes Color | Brown
Conversation Topics | Arguments
Sim Characteristics | Argumentative Sims
Skills Charisma | 6
Fishing | 9
Painting | 5
Writing | 7
Relationships Alon Sadya | Spouse, Close, Sweethearts, Amazing Compatibility
Arturo Linh | Father, Friend, Supportive, Amazing Compatibility 
Cam Sadya | Daughter, Supportive, Friend, Amazing Compatibility
Chánh Linh | Friend, Amazing Compatibility
Panya Li | Acquaintances, Property Owner, Good Compatibility
Thi Linh | Sister, Neighbor, Multi-Unit Neighbor, Jokesters, Friend


Liên Sadya is a successful Stylist in the Style Influencer career. Her aspiration is ideal for her Residential Rental living. She has a lot of skills developed, all of which can be used to make a bit of side money.

Alon Sadya

Alon Sadya

Alon Sadya
Gender Male
Age Adult
Career Freelance Programmer
Traits Loves Outdoors, Neat, Self Absorbed, Collector
Aspiration Freelance Botanist
Likes Color | Red, Yellow
Conversation Topics | Flirtation, Stories, Discussing Hobbies, Discussing Interests
Décor | Garden, Island, Patio
Fashion | Basics, Outdoorsy
Hobbies & Skills | Research & Debate, Rock Climbing, Cooking, Gardening
Music | Blues, Hip Hop, Latin Pop, Soul, Summer Strut, Island, R&B
Sim Characteristics | Optimistic Sims, Nature Enthusiasts
Dislikes Music | Lullabies Radio
Sim Characteristics | Spirited Sims
Skills Programming | 5
Relationships Arturo Linh | Friend, Good Compatibility
Cam Sadya | Daughter, Close, Friend, Amazing Compatibility
Chánh Linh | Friend, Amazing Compatibility
Liên Sadya | Spouse, Close, Sweethearts, Amazing Compatibility
Panya Li | Acquaintances, Property Owner
Thi Linh | Neighbor, Multi-Unit Neighbor, Friend


Alon Sadya likes computers, especially programming, but his Loves Outdoors trait means that he doesn’t want to spend all day every day sat in front of a computer, so get him out of the house. Following his Freelance Botanist aspiration should help you out there.

Cam Sadya

Cam Sadya

Cam Sadya
Gender Female
Age Child
Career Grade School Student (Grade C)
Traits Loves Outdoors
Aspiration Artistic Prodigy
Likes Color | Yellow, Green
Conversation Topics | Discussing Interests, Stories, Silly Behavior
Décor | Garden, Island, Patio
Fashion | Basics, Outdoorsy
Hobbies & Skills | Knitting, Dancing, Photography
Music | Kids Radio, Summer Strut, Island
Sim Characteristics | Cerebral Sims, Optimistic Sims, Spirited Sims, Nature Enthusiasts, Rascals
Dislikes Music | Spooky
Sim Characteristics | Idealist Sims
Skills None
Relationships Arturo Linh | Grandfather, Friend, Permissive, Amazing Compatibility
Chánh Linh | Acquaintances, Jokesters, Amazing Compatibility
Liên Sadya | Mother, Supportive, Friend, Amazing Compatibility
Panya Li | Acquaintances, Property Owner, Amazing Compatibility
Thi Linh | Aunt, Neighbor, Multi-Unit Neighbor, Friend, Amazing Compatibility


Cam Sadya has the Creative aspiration assigned to her, but is compelled to spend time outdoors. With her interest in Photography, maybe she could use her creativity outside? She doesn’t have any skills yet, so this could be something to work on.

Here's one last image for this guide: a beautiful sunset over Tomarang.

Here’s one last image for this guide: a beautiful sunset over Tomarang.

That concludes the complete tour of Tomarang, the new world that comes with The Sims 4 For Rent Expansion. The pack is now available for PC via Steam and EA App, Mac via Origin, PlayStation 4 | 5, Xbox One | Xbox Series X/S, and Epic Games Store. If you want to learn more about For Rent, you can read our review.

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