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The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure Tips

Here are some useful tips on jungle exploration in The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure Game Pack. Exploring jungles and temples can be fun, exciting and daring, but it can also be time-consuming and dangerous. Learn how to best be prepared for an adventure in Selvadorada.

The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure Tips

If you’re looking for an adventure in The Sims 4, then the Jungle Adventure Game Pack is your answer. You can send your Sims off into the vast jungle of Selvadorada, discovering amazing ruins and natural beauty as you’ve never seen before. You can also unearth priceless relics and explore mysterious temples. Your Sims will certainly have an experience like none other!

However, traversing the jungle isn’t easy. You may encounter dangerous wildlife and traps, sometimes with dire consequences. If you’re planning to step through the entrance archway into the jungle, you need to be prepared. This will make exploring and excavating far easier and your Sim won’t suffer as much. That’s what this guide is for, to give you handy tips on your adventures into the jungle, to make sure you keep your Sims safe and happy.

The Sims 4 is available for free on PC, Mac, Xbox consoles and PlayStation consoles. The Jungle Adventure Game Pack is normally available at $19.99 USD.

For further help with The Sims 4, take a look at these guides:

Stock Up on Supplies

This first tip for The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure is a biggie. You can technically go into the jungle empty-handed, but it’s not recommended. Your Sims will have a much harder time if they have nothing on them. It’s important to have at least the basics on you, so nothing can spoil your adventure.


Hungry Sims are not happy Sims. When they are hungry, their main priority is filling their empty stomach, not digging for treasure or exploring a temple. The Hunger Need is probably the most important of all Needs in The Sims 4. If it drops to zero, your Sim dies. Other Needs are important too, like Bladder and Energy, but if they hit rock bottom, they won’t kill your Sim, just cause some inconvenience. Therefore, you mustn’t neglect your Sim’s hunger. 

Keep an eye on your Sim’s Hunger meter. If it’s green, you’re good. When it turns yellow, you might want to start thinking about feeding your Sim up. When it gets to orange, you might want to stop whatever you’re doing and have a bite to eat. At red, this is critical and your Sim must eat something immediately.

There's a food stand in Selvadorada in the square, but not in the jungle.

There’s a food stand in Selvadorada in the square, but not in the jungle.

But where do you get food in the jungle? There’s no restaurant or bar or even a food stall or vending machine in the jungle. Therefore, you’ll have to stock up on food.

You can find food in the jungle itself, primarily avocados and plantains, as well as emotion berries. Gather these whenever you come across them. These are only snacks, but if you brought no food with you at the start of your adventure, they will keep you going. Just don’t run out!

Ideally, you want to get food together before you head into the jungle. You can harvest food you grow yourself or that you find elsewhere. You can also cook meals and put them in your inventory, but they may spoil before you need to eat them. The best solution is to buy some ready to eat mac and cheese you can get from the market stalls in the hub of Selvadorada. These will fill your Sims up nicely without you worrying about them spoiling.

During your travels into the jungle, gather avocados, plantains and emotion berries when you find them so you have a supply of food to snack on.

During your travels into the jungle, gather avocados, plantains and emotion berries when you find them so you have a supply of food to snack on.


This is another important tip for The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure. While exploring the jungle, you may have some interesting encounters with wildlife. Most of the time, these encounters leave a bad mark on your Sim, giving them negative Emotions such as Uncomfortable for hours. This is not ideal if you want your Sim focused on their adventure. Therefore, you need to be prepared for anything the jungle might throw at you. 

Fortunately, you can protect yourself from the wildlife with some handy gear. You can buy sprays and bait from the vendors in the Selvadorada market square. As soon as you see a stall open, grab everything you can, and get at least one of everything. Different vendors sell different supplies and protective gear as well; no stall is the same. You’ll be thanking yourself when you head into the jungle and have your protection on hand to rid of those creepy crawlies and pesky bats.

Grab as much as you can from the market stalls. You never know what you might need!

Grab as much as you can from the market stalls. You never know what you might need!


There aren’t many tools you’ll need for the jungle – except one: the machete. This is a must-have item for any jungle adventure. You’re even supplied with a free one when you first arrive in Selvadorada. However, having just one machete isn’t enough. This is another item you’ll need to stock up on whenever you go into the jungle.

Machetes are mainly used for hacking through entranceways that lead into other parts of the jungle. You can use your bare hands if you don’t possess a machete, but it’s much harder work. It takes longer to clear the vines and your Sim may get hurt and get a negative buff. Machetes can clear vines in no time. They can also be used in some off-screen encounters.

However, while machetes are very useful, there is a catch to them. There’s a reason why you need to have plenty on you. You can easily lose them. This usually happens randomly while hacking at vines. They’ll get lost forever, with no means of retrieving them. Unless you want to be tearing at vines with your hands, keep an ample supply of machetes on you. You never know when you’re going to lose one. Machetes can also be used – and consequently lost – in some pathway encounters.

Machetes can be obtained from the market stalls. However, they can be hard to come by, and if a stall does stock them, they usually only have one available. If you spot one, grab it.

Machetes are the best tool for clearing blocked paths. It saves your Sim's hands from getting sore.

Machetes are the best tool for clearing blocked paths. It saves your Sim’s hands from getting sore.

Other Supplies

There are other things you can take into the jungle as well, such as the shower in a bottle. You can get this from the market stall. This stops your Hygiene Need hitting rock bottom. While Hygiene is far less of a priority in the jungle, keeping your Sim’s Hygiene up will at least stop them moaning constantly. When Hygiene hits zero, your Sim will automatically wash themselves with this special bottle, improving their hygiene for a while.

Another handy item to get is the Guzmania Pollenis Flower. This may seem unusual, but it can be used in a chance encounter in the jungle. 

Also, if you speak to a vendor about their stock, you’ll see a menu of items you don’t see on the stall. These include tents, chairs, cool boxes, lanterns; basically camping gear for your jungle travels. If you have plenty of cash and want to camp out properly in the jungle, consider getting some of this stuff. Sleeping in a tent is a better option than a bush.

Speak to the vendor to get some camping gear not on display on the stall.

Speak to the vendor to get some camping gear not on display on the stall.

Keep an Eye on Needs

Needs are very important in your Sims’ everyday lives. Your Sims are less happy and productive with low Needs. It’s no different when they’re in the jungles of Selvadorada. However, Need management is much trickier, as there’s limited means of fulfilling your Sim’s Needs. Keeping them at least reasonably maintained is vital to a successful jungle visit though. For your travels in The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure, here’s a few tips on how you can keep on top of all your Sim’s Needs when they’re stuck in the middle of the jungle.


This has already been discussed above in the Food section, but Hunger is the most important Need of all Needs and the one you must never let drop to zero. Doing so spells death for your Sim. Keep your Sim’s Hunger out of the red and even the orange. You want to aim to have it in the green. Gather any avocados and plantains you find in the jungle and snack on them as you go for a boost. Also consider growing fruit and veg back home so you can harvest them and take them with you on your travels. The ready to eat mac and cheese from the market stall in Selavadorada is also something you should have on hand. Have an ample supply of food on you and your Sim will never starve.

Have a hearty meal before you head into the jungle. Don't go in on an empty stomach!

Have a hearty meal before you head into the jungle. Don’t go in on an empty stomach!


When nature calls, your Sim has to go. Out in the jungle, it’s highly unlikely that anyone will see your Sim having an accident, but their Hygiene will plummet and they’ll get Embarrassed. Don’t let your poor Sim suffer! If they need to go, look for the nearest bush they can “Fertilize”. Once their Bladder is taken care of, you can continue your adventure.

These special bushes where you can empty your bladder and take a nap can be found in practically every area of the jungle. If you notice their Bladder Need getting uncomfortably low, send them to the bush. This is especially important if you are planning to raid a temple. You don’t want to be exploring temples when your Sim badly needs the toilet. It can be a long trek to the bush outside, particularly if they’ve got deep inside the temple. A tip for The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure, make a note of where all these special bushes are, in case you need them.

With this bush, your Sim can use it as a toilet or a bed.

With this bush, your Sim can use it as a toilet or a bed.


Energy is one of the fundamental Needs. Your Sim will collapse if they have no energy left at all. The last thing you want is to be in the middle of the jungle or a temple with the Energy meter in the red. 

A big The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure tip is make sure that when your Sim sets off into the jungle, their Energy Need is full. Don’t go in half full and in the yellow. You need plenty of Energy for traversing the jungle, digging for relics and temple exploration.

If your Sims do find themselves low on energy though, there are some things you can do so you don’t have to give up and head home. Those bushes aren’t just for using as a toilet. Your Sim can take a nap in them as well. It may seem a bit gross, but if you want to carry on your adventure, you’ll have to rough it. Otherwise, you can buy a tent from the vendor at the market stall.

If you don’t fancy the bush or a tent, you can recharge your Sim’s battery thanks to a simple-yet-effective reward item. If you go into the Rewards Store, you can pick up a Sleep Replacement potion, which fully fills your Energy Need. It’s surprisingly cheap at 400 satisfaction points, so as long as you’ve got these points stacked up from completing Wishes, you can get yourself one. It’s recommended that you only do this if your Energy Need is seriously low and you want to continue adventuring for much longer. Don’t waste it if the Energy Need is only in the yellow or even the orange, or if you’re planning to head back to your accommodation soon, where you can sleep in a bed.

Rewards potions such as Sleep Replacement are hugely beneficial, but spend your satisfaction points wisely.

Rewards potions such as Sleep Replacement are hugely beneficial, but spend your satisfaction points wisely.


Fun isn’t a priority Need, but Sims become Tense when it’s low. Keeping your Sim entertained in the jungle is surprisingly difficult (what’s not fun about exploring a huge jungle and ruins?) However, your Sim has one handy item on them that they’ll never lose: their phone!

If your Sims find themselves needing a little entertainment, give them a moment to play a game on their phone or browse the internet. It might not fill the Fun meter much, but it’s better than nothing and stops your Sims moaning, for a while at least. Also, if you’ve managed to access the royal baths, head over there and have a little dip, if your Sim enjoys a swim. You can also bring a book along to read.

If your Sim enjoys swimming and needs a break from jungle exploration, take a dip in the royal baths.

If your Sim enjoys swimming and needs a break from jungle exploration, take a dip in the royal baths.


Social is another Need that isn’t hugely important in the jungle, but Sims don’t like being lonely, unless they have the Loner trait. If you go into the jungle with more than one Sim, they can keep each other company, but it’s much harder if your Sim is going solo. It’s rare to find other Sims in the jungle with you, but certain areas such as the royal baths can have some Sims wandering around. If you do meet anyone, go and have a little chat with them. Your Sim’s Social Need will go up. If you go in alone and your Sim is getting lonely, give someone a call on the phone for a quick chat, if they’re available.

You may also come across some skeleton guardians wandering around the temple. They’re interactable like any other Sim, so don’t be shy in speaking to them, particularly if your Sim’s Social Need is low.

Jungle adventuring can get lonely. Don't neglect your Sim's social life.

Jungle adventuring can get lonely. Don’t neglect your Sim’s social life.


Hygiene is less important in the jungle than Hunger and Energy, and it’s inevitable that your Sims will get stinky from clearing paths and digging in dirt for treasure. While you can ignore your stinky Sim’s protests, if you really want to improve their Hygiene, grab yourself a waterfall in a bottle from the market stall. When Hygiene hits the bottom and your Sim has a waterfall bottle equipped, they’ll automatically use it. There’s a rewards potion that quickly fills your Sim’s Hygiene as well, but you might not want to waste your satisfaction points.

Need Reward Traits

Whilst on the subject of the Rewards Store and satisfaction points, you can buy traits that will stop your Sim needing to eat and sleep, among other Needs. This is ideal in any situation, but especially those long hours of jungle exploring. However, these reward traits are costly and only accessible to Sims who have gained lots of points through Wishes being fulfilled. If you’re playing with a starter Sim, these traits won’t be available for a long time (unless you use cheats to get them).

You can buy traits and potions to deal with your Sim's Needs, but only if you have the satisfaction points to spare.

You can buy traits and potions to deal with your Sim’s Needs, but only if you have the satisfaction points to spare.

Build Up on Skills

During your journey into the jungle, you may discover that some encounter outcomes is dependent on certain skills. This is one of those things you should be aware of before you begin your jungle journey. Having a lack of certain skills can be a disadvantage if you want a successful outcome in encounters, as well as a generally easier time in the jungle.

To sum it up, here are the main skills you must get to learn before heading to the Selvadoradian jungle. Aim to build these to at least level 5:

  • Charisma
  • Fishing
  • Fitness
  • Gardening
  • Handiness
  • Logic
  • Selvadoradian Culture

This is a bit of a list. Here are some tips on why you should learn them for The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure:


Having a high Gardening skill allows Sims to tear away those pesky vines much quicker and without hurting themselves, giving a short-lived-but-still-annoying negative buff. This also means that you won’t have to worry if you lose a machete and have to use your hands to clear away vines. Additionally, you gain the Gardening skill as you clear away the vines.

By clearing away vines with your hands, you gain Gardening skill. Higher Gardening means quicker clearing and less sore hands.

By clearing away vines with your hands, you gain Gardening skill. Higher Gardening means quicker clearing and less sore hands.


If you’re going to be venturing into the temple a lot, then you need to work on the Handiness skill. This is important for your Sims working out the traps and disabling them so you can continue through the temple to the treasure.

Examining traps in temples increases your Sim's Handiness skill, a very useful skill to have.

Examining traps in temples increases your Sim’s Handiness skill, a very useful skill to have.


Fitness is generally a good skill to learn in The Sims 4. It’s especially handy for exploring the jungle and heading into the temple. Fitness can help you with positive outcomes in jungle encounters, and also evading those nasty traps in the temple. They can dodge those poisonous darts, saving you a lot of trouble.

Sims with good Fitness can avoid dangers like poisonous darts.

Sims with good Fitness can avoid dangers like poisonous darts.

Selvadoradian Culture

This is a unique skill your Sim will learn while in Selvadorada. While it’s not a mandatory skill, if you reach the highest level available (level 5), it’ll help you avoid unpleasant encounters in the jungle.

Maxing the Selvadoradian Culture skill helps Sims avoid startling encounters in the jungle.

Maxing the Selvadoradian Culture skill helps Sims avoid startling encounters in the jungle.

Charisma / Fishing / Logic

Charisma, Fishing and Logic are the other skills you’ll find yourself needing in the jungle whilst exploring. It’s worth building these up.

Fishing sometimes pops up in jungle encounters.

Fishing sometimes pops up in jungle encounters.


Another skill you should consider learning while you’re in Selvadorada is the Archaeology skill. This is the only place in all the worlds of The Sims 4 where you can dig in those special excavation piles. While exploring the jungle, look out for those excavation dirt piles and take a moment to get digging. You never know what you’ll find, and you’ll make a good profit. Here’s another The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure tip: they’re a great and quick way of making cash to fund your next trip.

Archaeology is an interesting and rewarding skill to get into.

Archaeology is an interesting and rewarding skill to get into.

Disable Bad Weather (Seasons Expansion)

If you have the Seasons Expansion Pack installed, you’ll know that occasionally you can experience fiercesome thunderstorms. These are usually bad for your Sims because your Sims get spooked and want to run indoors. Thunderstorms can be disruptive to your jungle adventure, so to be on the safe side, disable certain weather such as thunderstorms in the game’s settings. You could also disable rain, so you don’t have to worry about your Sims getting soaked, which makes them Uncomfortable.

Explore Everywhere

The jungle of Selvadorada is a pretty big place. It’s broken up into different areas, which you have to access by ridding the vines. Not all areas are available in one trip; you’ll have to return to Selvadorada in a separate vacation to gain access to new areas. However, you may find that areas you’ve been able to explore before are now blocked and off-limits. Therefore, you must make the most of your trip, whether you’re just visiting once or plan to make several trips to the jungle.

The jungle is huge, and it’s easy to get lost or lose your focus. Whenever you come across a new place, take a moment to have a look around and see what there is. Are there any harvestables? Are any excavation dig piles available? Where can you go next, and what’s blocked off?

Selvadorada is a big place, and it's easy to lose your way.

Selvadorada is a big place, and it’s easy to lose your way.

If your goals in the jungle are specific, whether it’s digging up relics or finding the temple or harvesting some emotion berries, that’s completely fine. There’s no rules. However, you never know when you’ll be back in the jungle and what will be available if you return. A Sims 4 Jungle Adventure tip then is to consider making the most of your exploring; harvesting everything in the area, digging in all piles, and accessing all available areas. Also, make sure you don’t miss any treasure chests!

Unless your Sim is loaded and they practically live in Selvadorada for being there so much, vacationing there can be costly and jungle exploring is time and energy consuming, not to mention dangerous. You should grab the opportunity and make the most of your trip, unless you’re really not fussed about harvesting plantains or emotion berries or excavating relics. If you’re just there to seek the temple and its treasures, go for it. 

Your vacation won't last forever, and not everything will be available, so make the most of it.

Your vacation won’t last forever, and not everything will be available, so make the most of it.

Take Your Time

It’s very easy to make time fly in The Sims 4, thanks to the fast forward buttons. You’ll probably use it a lot when your Sim is crossing the vast jungle, busy removing vines from a path, carefully digging for relics, or studying traps. This is fine, but don’t feel that you have to rush your vacation in Selvadorada, particularly if you want to make the most of it. 

The Sims 4 is very flexible on vacation lengths. You can go as little as one day, or as long as 7 days. You can also go back as many times as you like; there’s no limit. It’s important not to miss anything though, or be so focused on jungle and temple exploration that you find yourself neglecting your Sim’s Needs. This is why it’s important to take your time while you’re in Selvadorada.

Jungle exploring and temple plundering is hard work, so take a moment to enjoy the beauty of Selvadorada.

Jungle exploring and temple plundering is hard work, so take a moment to enjoy the beauty of Selvadorada.

Although you might be busy relic excavating or temple venturing, if you notice your Sim’s Needs dipping into the orange, considering taking a break to tend to their Needs. It’s not a race to get through the temple – unless your vacation time is nearly up. Remember you can extend your vacation if you need to. If you’re short on funds, get some harvestables or find some treasure and sell them.

If you’re going to make a visit to the temple, there’s something important to keep in mind: once you leave, that particular temple won’t be available to you again. That’s why you don’t want to rush and skip anything. You don’t want to miss any excavation piles or treasure chests. Also, when you leave, you cannot return to the temple area. It will be blocked off to you for several days. It’s possible that you may have to return to Selvadorada on another trip to get into the temple again.

If you plan to go into the temple, be prepared with all the supplies you need, especially food, and make sure your Needs are as high as they can be, especially the essential ones such as Hunger and Energy. You don’t want your valuable temple time to be cut abruptly short before you reach the main prize because your Sim desperately needs sleep.

The temple's layout, traps and treasures change in every visit, so explore everything before you leave.

The temple’s layout, traps and treasures change in every visit, so explore everything before you leave.

Final Tips for The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure

Whatever you choose to do when you visit Selvadorada is up to you. However, it’s an incredible place with a lot of history and culture, and it’s worth checking out everything it has to offer.

  • You should take a trip to the market and the bar at least once. Here, you can speak to the locals and get advice on the jungle. 
  • While Selvadorada offers an adventure vacation, you can take some time to unwind and take in the sights. Try out the local delicacies and go for a spot of fishing. If you locate the royal baths while exploring the jungle, take a dip in the pool. You should have a bit of relaxation time, as it can be tiring and dangerous exploring the jungle, and the temple can be difficult to get through.
  • If you’re waiting for the temple to become available again and you still have plenty of vacation time left, use the time to explore the rest of the jungle or hang out in town, or examine those relics you found.
  • If your Sim ever finds themselves cursed or poisoned through their adventures, seek a cure immediately. If you’ve found some Ancient Bone Dust, don’t get rid of it. Hang onto it, as you can trade it for an antidote from a market vendor. You can also interact with the statue in the market square to rid of any Selvadoradian ailments.
  • Your Sims may turn into a skeleton during their jungle outing. Don’t panic if they do. While other Sims might be freaked out at the sight of your skeletal Sim, it does come with some benefits. Their Needs won’t decay while in their skeletal form, useful for uninterrupted adventuring.
  • One final tip for Jungle Adventure is to consider where you’re staying during your time in Selvadorada. You can only stay on a rental lot, and there’s 4 altogether. They vary in size, the amount of beds and bathrooms, facilities, and cost. You also have to keep in mind the Lot Traits. If you’re going to spend most of your time in the jungle, it may not seem so important, but you have to consider how many Sims you’re bringing along with you, your budget, and if you’re willing to put up with any creepy crawlies, which at least one place has.
The market square has plenty of Sims to mingle with, tourists and locals alike. Also, come here if you fall foul of poisons or curses.

The market square has plenty of Sims to mingle with, tourists and locals alike. Also, come here if you fall foul of poisons or curses.

If you have any tips to share on The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure, let us know in the comments.

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