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The Sims 4 Business Career Guide

Work your way to the top of the Business career in The Sims 4 with this guide, taking you through the Investor and Management branches. Plus, learn how to complete daily tasks such as filling out reports, making business calls, and researching stocks.

The Sims 4 Business Career Guide

There are so many careers in The Sims 4, you are spoiled for choice picking one to give your Sims something to do to earn some money. One of these is the Business career, which is available with The Sims 4 base game. Believe it or not, the Business career wasn’t originally part of the game when it first came out in September 2014. The Business career was later added in a free update in December 2014 (Patch 9, if you want to be precise), along with the Athlete career.

The Business career is certainly lucrative and well-paid, earning your Sims some serious bucks, particularly as they climb higher in the ranks. However, it is a bit of a slog to get to the top. Depending on which branch you go down, you’ll need to max out either your Sim’s Charisma or Logic skill. At the very least, to get to level 10, you’ll need to reach level 8 of both these skills. To get to the top of the Business career, your Sims will need to work hard, but it will be worth it.

This guide will take you through the Business career in The Sims 4, starting at the very bottom at level 1, all the way up to the top. We’ll explore both branches: Investor and Management, which has different promotional requirements and tasks. We’ll also show you what rewards you can earn as you work your way up, and give you everything you need to know, such as working hours, daily tasks, and salary.

We’ve got more career-based guides for The Sims 4, including these:

Applying for the Business Career

Just like any other career in The Sims 4, applying for the Business career is easy as pie. You have a few ways to do this, all very simple. You can apply via the phone through the Business icon (orange with a briefcase) and selecting Find a Job. If you have access to a computer, you can use Career > Find a Job. If your Sim currently has no job, you can open up the Careers menu by going to the Careers panel and selecting Join a Career.

Whichever method you choose, you’ll be taken to the Careers menu. The Business career will be listed near the top. Simply select it and apply and your Sim will instantly be enrolled in the Business career, no job interviews required.

As with all careers in The Sims 4, the Business career can be applied through Find a Job or Join a Career.

As with all careers in The Sims 4, the Business career can be applied through Find a Job or Join a Career.

Normally, you would start at level 1 of the Business career. However, there are a few exceptions. If your Sim has graduated from high school with exceptional grades, they’ll find themselves starting at level 2 or even level 3 of the Business career instead of right at the bottom. You’ll also get a major bump up if you have successfully completed a degree at university related to the Business career. Depending on how well you did and your final grade, you could find yourself at level 8 of the Business career, plus a generous boost in their salary! For more information on the Business career and university degrees, see the Business Degrees section of this guide.

What You Need for the Business Career

If you’re serious about the Business career in The Sims 4 and want to be successful, not to mention prepared, there are certain objects you’ll require. These include:

  • A computer or laptop. This is mandatory for completing daily tasks, as they are all done on the computer (except the Make Business Calls task). A computer is also used to invest in stocks, if your Sim joins the Investor branch. The computer doesn’t have to be particularly fancy or expensive, but if you can afford it, buy a computer that is Unbreakable so you don’t have to worry about unwanted breakdowns.
  • A mirror. This is needed to build up your Sim’s Charisma, although socializing with other Sims is the other way to build this skill.
  • Something to build your Sim’s Logic, such as a telescope or chess table. The Logic skill is prominent throughout the Business career, along with Charisma, so invest in something that you can use to increase your Sim’s Logic. Whichever object, or objects, you go with is up to you. Chess tables are good for putting your Sim into a Focused mood, which builds Logic faster, and also increases the Fun Need. Sims can also play against others. Other Logic skill objects include the telescope (the standard one and the big one), and the microscope. With the telescope and microscope, you can get special prints which you can then keep or sell for extra money.

Although you can access these objects for free at other Lots, it is easier to purchase your own on your Sim’s property, so they’ve got everything they need without having to go out.

Chess tables can be found at Community Lots, but it's ideal to buy your own.

Chess tables can be found at Community Lots, but it’s ideal to buy your own.

All Levels in the Business Career

Now you’re enrolled in the Business career, what can you expect? How many days do you work a week? What’s the salary like? What are the titles for each position? What do you need to do to get promoted? This section and the following sub-sections will walk you through the Business career, including the Investor and Management branches.

The First 6 Levels in the Business Career

We’ll first take you through the first six levels of the Business career, leading up to when you choose which branch you want to go with. These are fairly easy to get through and don’t require too many skill levels.

Mailroom Technician

Level: 1

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Work Hours: 9am – 5pm

Salary: §16 per hour

Daily Task: Fill Out Reports

Promotion Requirements: None

All Sims have to start somewhere. In the case of the Business career, it’s in the mailroom. Your Sims won’t be in there forever, so long as they keep on top of their daily task of Filling Out Reports, plus going to work in a good mood. At this point, your Sims won’t be required to build any skills. However, it’s not a bad idea to start working on your Sim’s Charisma and Logic. They’ll need them sooner or later, and having a good head start makes the grind much easier.

From the start, Sims unlock a unique Business social interaction: Gossip About Office Romances.

Sims at the bottom of the Business career start in the mailroom.

Sims at the bottom of the Business career start in the mailroom.

Office Assistant

Level: 2

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Work Hours: 9am – 5pm

Salary: §20 per hour

Daily Task: Fill Out Reports

Promotion Requirements: Charisma Skill Level 2

Promotion Rewards: §130, Desk Nameplate (Stolen), New Clothes, Make Fun of Corporate Goons social interaction

Your Sim is on their way up! They’ve got a long way to go though. The job is pretty much the same; same work days, same hours, same daily task. The only difference is they get paid 4 Simoleans more an hour. They also get a new outfit to wear to work, and a new interaction: Make Fun of Corporate Goons.

If your Sim wants to get to the next level, they’ll need their Charisma Skill to at least level 2. Get your Sims practicing in front of a mirror and it won’t take long at all.

At level 2, your Sim goes from the mailroom to the office.

At level 2, your Sim goes from the mailroom to the office.

Assistant to the Manager

Level: 3

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Work Hours: 9am – 5pm

Salary: §23 per hour

Daily Task: Fill Out Reports

Promotion Requirements: Charisma Skill Level 2, Logic Skill Level 2

Promotion Rewards: §156, S.A.L.E.S. Award, Imitate Boss social interaction

Your Sim is now not just an assistant, but an assistant to the manager! They’ll get paid a little more now, but not by much. Perhaps that’s why they’ve got the new Imitate Boss, to vent about their low wages!

In order to get promoted this time, you need to work on your Logic skill. Keep working on your Charisma and Logic. You’ll need them at least level 8, at most maxed out, if you plan to reach the top of the Business career ladder.

After getting past the low-level Business jobs, your Sims will start wearing suits to work.

After getting past the low-level Business jobs, your Sims will start wearing suits to work.

Assistant Manager

Level: 4

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Work Hours: 9am – 5pm

Salary: §35 per hour

Daily Task: Fill Out Reports

Promotion Requirements: Charisma Skill Level 3, Logic Skill Level 2

Promotion Rewards: §187, Brag About Job Title social interaction

Your Sim is almost a manager! Well, they’re doing better than the mailroom, anyway. They at least get to brag about their job title via a new interaction now.

If you want your Sim to become a real manager, get their Charisma to level 3.

As your Sims work their way up, their work outfits get updated.

As your Sims work their way up, their work outfits get updated.

Regional Manager

Level: 5

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Work Hours: 9am – 5pm

Salary: §53 per hour

Daily Task: Fill Out Reports

Promotion Requirements: Charisma Skill Level 4, Logic Skill Level 2

Promotion Rewards: §281, Pie Chart Presentation, New Clothes, Offer Career Advice social interaction

Your Sim is doing well, now they’re a manager. Their salary is increasing as well, plus they get some new clothes to wear to work, and a new interaction.

The next level up requires bumping your Charisma Skill up to level 4.

At level 5, your Sim gets their third new work outfit.

At level 5, your Sim gets their third new work outfit.

Senior Manager

Level: 6

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Work Hours: 9am – 5pm

Salary: §75 per hour

Daily Task: Fill Out Reports

Promotion Requirements: Charisma Skill Level 4, Logic Skill Level 4

Promotion Rewards: §527, Tiny Tranquility Zen Garden

Your Sim is really on their way up now, being a manager and all. They’ve broken the three-digit threshold in terms of their salary, which should start making a big difference in their income.

Their next promotion asks your Sim to get their Charisma and Logic to level 4. Plus, they’ve got a very big decision to make: do they go down the executive route as a Manager, or get busy with money via the Investor branch? As soon as the promotion is theirs, you’ll be presented with this option: Investor or Management. Choose carefully, as they both have different salaries, bonuses, and promotion requirements. However, they are both rewarding, so whichever you go with, you can’t go wrong. However, if you want to go with the branch based on salary, Investor pays more than Management.

Your Sim is one step away from being their own boss (for the most part) at level 6.

Your Sim is one step away from being their own boss (for the most part) at level 6.

Investor Branch

So, you’ve decided to go down the Investor route. This is an interesting option, focusing on the financial side of Business. You’ll unlock some unique interactions on the computer, including Research Stocks and Invest in Stocks. Your Sims can make some good money this way. When choosing a branch, consider that the Investor branch requires you to totally max out your Logic skill, so you’ll be spending a lot of time at chess tables, telescopes, and microscopes. Don’t neglect your Charisma Skill either; you’ll need it at least level 8 to get to the top level of the Investor career.

Futures Trader

Level: 7

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Work Hours: 8am – 4pm

Salary: §112 per hour

Daily Task: Research Stocks

Promotion Requirements: Charisma Skill Level 5, Logic Skill Level 6

Promotion Rewards: §746, Executron Personal Stock Tracker

Your Sim is on the path of an Investor. Instead of Filling Out Reports, they now have the daily task of Researching Stocks. You might also notice that your work hours are now slightly different. Instead of 9 to 5, it’s 8 to 4.

Keep working on your Charisma and Logic skills for that next promotion, but focus particularly on the Logic skill.

Keep working on that Logic Skill. You'll need it if you want to be a successful investor.

Keep working on that Logic Skill. You’ll need it if you want to be a successful investor.

Hedge Fund Manager

Level: 8

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Work Hours: 8am – 4pm

Salary: §145 per hour

Daily Task: Research Stocks

Promotion Requirements: Charisma Skill Level 6, Logic Skill Level 8

Promotion Rewards: §1,343, Executron Desk Pen Set, New Clothes, Give Fake Investment Tips social interaction

The money is really rolling in now, as your Sim is well underway in the Investor business. Your Sim gets a new outfit for work, and a new interaction to try out.

To get the next promotion, your Sim will need to grind their way up the Charisma and Logic skills.

Now your Sim will really look like the big boss at work with their final outfit upgrade.

Now your Sim will really look like the big boss at work with their final outfit upgrade.

Corporate Manager

Level: 9

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Work Hours: 8am – 4pm

Salary: §218 per hour

Daily Task: Research Stocks

Promotion Requirements: Charisma Skill Level 8, Logic Skill Level 10

Promotion Rewards: §1,746, Chronos Magazine (Framed Collector’s Edition Issue)

Okay, this is it. The last big push to the top – if you want it. You’ll need your Logic skill maxed out, so get onto that chess table/microscope/telescope. Don’t forget your Charisma skill as well.

As an Investor, make sure to keep on top of your stocks research.

As an Investor, make sure to keep on top of your stocks research.

Angel Investor

Level: 10

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Work Hours: 8am – 4pm

Salary: §406 per hour

Daily Task: Research Stocks

Promotion Rewards: §2,619, Executron Executive Desk, Modern Day Money-Maker Suite Styled Room

The Modern Day Money-Maker Suite will really inspire your Sim to invest lots of money.

The Modern Day Money-Maker Suite will really inspire your Sim to invest lots of money.

Management Branch

You’ve chosen Management over being an Investor. Seems fair enough, as you spent the last few levels of the Business career being a manager. Why not take it up to another level? Since you’ll be busy managing other Sims, your Sim will need to seriously work on their Charisma, but don’t forget your Logic skill as well.


Level: 7

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Work Hours: 10am – 6pm

Salary: §90 per hour

Daily Task: Make Business Calls

Promotion Requirements: Charisma Skill Level 6, Logic Skill Level 5

Promotion Rewards: §746, Executron Executive Desk Throne, Make Business Calls phone interaction

Now your Sim is official a Manager, they’ll be busy Making Business Calls instead of Filling Out Reports. Their work hours will also shift about. They’ll now start work at 10am and won’t finish until the evening at 6pm. This does at least allow them to sleep-in in the mornings, or complete some work tasks.

Want to get another promotion? Get their Charisma to level 6 and their Logic to level 5.

Instead of filling out those dull reports, your Sim is now required to make very important business calls outside of work.

Instead of filling out those dull reports, your Sim is now required to make very important business calls outside of work.


Level: 8

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Work Hours: 10am – 6pm

Salary: §134 per hour

Daily Task: Make Business Calls

Promotion Requirements: Charisma Skill Level 8, Logic Skill Level 6

Promotion Rewards: §1,074, Executron Bookshelf, New Clothes

Your Sim is no longer Vice President, but President, and making lots more money. They’ve got a new work outfit to show for it as well. They’re not quite top dog of Management yet, but keep working and you will be. You’ll need to get your Charisma to level 8 and Logic to level 6 if you want to make it happen though.

Nice suit!

Nice suit!


Level: 9

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Work Hours: 10am – 6pm

Salary: §201 per hour

Daily Task: Make Business Calls

Promotion Requirements: Charisma Skill Level 10, Logic Skill Level 8

Promotion Rewards: §1,612, Executive Desk Chair

CEO! Can you really do any better than that? As it turns out, you can! You’re just one promotion away from the top – but it’s not going to be easy. Your Charisma skill needs to be maxed out, and your Logic at least level 8.

Make your Sim speak in front of the mirror until they max out their Charisma Skill - even if it means losing their voice!

Make your Sim speak in front of the mirror until they max out their Charisma Skill – even if it means losing their voice!

Business Tycoon

Level: 10

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Work Hours: 10am – 6pm

Salary: §375 per hour

Daily Task: Make Business Calls

Promotion Rewards: §2,417, Executron Executive Desk, Elegant Executive’s Chamber

Your Sim will feel like a real business boss with this elegant and sophisticated Styled Room.

Your Sim will feel like a real business boss with this elegant and sophisticated Styled Room.

How to Complete Daily Tasks for the Business Career

The Business career in The Sims 4 is not an active career, like the Doctor career, but there are daily tasks that you need to do in order to get promoted. The task depends on your level in the Business career, and which branch you’ve taken. Here are all the daily tasks and how to complete them.

Fill Out Reports

This is something you’ll get from the get-go: filling out boring old business reports. It’s not a very exciting task, unfortunately, but if you want that promotion, you’ve got to get on with it. Fortunately, it’s fairly straightforward to do. You just need access to a computer, plus giving yourself enough time to do it. Filling out reports does take time.

To do this task, select any computer. The Fill Out Reports interaction is NOT found under Careers. In fact, no Business interactions can be found under this category, except Quit Job. Everything you need for the Business career is found under the Web category. You’ll have to scroll through the computer options until you find it, usually listed at the end. Select Web and you’ll see Fill Out Reports. Choose this to initiate the task.

Remember, Fill Out Reports is under the Web option on the computer, not under Careers.

Remember, Fill Out Reports is under the Web option on the computer, not under Careers.

When doing this task, it’s best to do it all in one go. There’s no desirable mood you’ll want to be in to make it go faster, so don’t bother making your Sims Confident or Focused beforehand. Also, you’ll want to attend to your Sim’s Needs before you start. You don’t want to start the process and then have your Sim complaining that they’re hungry or tired halfway through.

The Fill Out Reports interaction is quite time consuming. It takes about 2 to 3 hours in the game to complete. While this isn’t always the case, sometimes, your Sim will finish this task and get a Bored moodlet. It shouldn’t last though.

I said that filling out reports was boring!

I said that filling out reports was boring!

Make Business Calls

If your Sim opts to join the Management side of Business, they’ll have their hands full working to manage a big corporation. One such task is making business calls. Doing this is a requirement in order to get promoted in the Management branch. Making business calls is actually very easy, or at least the interaction itself is. The trickier part is actually being able to do it, if the interaction becomes available. This is because the option to Make Business Calls is only available at certain times.

The Make Business Calls can be found under the orange Business category on your Sim’s phone. From there, you’ll see Make Business Calls near the top. This task doesn’t take very long to do, certainly in comparison to filling out reports. You only have to do this interaction once to fulfill the daily task. Make sure you do it before your Sim heads to work!

However, as you’ll discover, the Make Business Calls option isn’t always available. You might go into the Business section of your Sim’s phone and find the option annoyingly grayed out. If you hover over it, it’ll tell you that your Sim’s business partners are currently not working, therefore you can’t do it. So, when can you Make Business Calls? As it seems, this option only becomes available between 8pm and 8am. This is something very important to keep in mind. Although Management Sims don’t go into work until 10am, don’t leave making those calls until before they go to work. The best time to do this task is the night before. Alternatively, if your Sim is an early bird, have them make the call the first thing they do when they wake up, so they don’t miss their chance.

Why are they never at the office when you need them?

Why are they never at the office when you need them?

Research Stocks

As an Investor, your Sim has to keep on top of the stock market. In order to do this, they need to Research Stocks, which they can do on the computer. This interaction can be found under the Web option. Like the Make Business Calls task, Research Stocks doesn’t take that long. However, completing this task once isn’t quite enough. You’ll find after doing it the first time, they daily task notes it as being 75% done. You just need to repeat the interaction, and very quickly, the game will update the task’s completion to 100%. Just keep this in mind so you don’t accidentally not fully complete the task.

Research Stocks is found in the same place as Fill Out Reports.

Research Stocks is found in the same place as Fill Out Reports.

Other Tasks in the Business Career

Aside from the given daily tasks, there are other activities you can do that are exclusive to the Business career.

Invest in Stocks

If you go with the Investor branch, you unlock the ability to Invest in Stocks. This doesn’t appear as a daily task, but is instead an optional extra. However, it’s not one you should ignore, particularly if you’ve got plenty of money to spare and risk playing with.

The option to Invest in Stocks is available under the Web category on the computer. When you select it, you have 3 choices. You can invest in either a minimum of §1,000, §2,000, or the maximum of §5,000. Pick whichever you like. However, note that once you’ve made your choice, there’s no going back. Also, the option to Invest in Stocks becomes unavailable for a while. If your Sim doesn’t have much cash saved, it’s best not to spend your money, unless you feel confident. However, since the Business career is quite lucrative, if you do have plenty of money to invest with, do so. The more you invest, the more you’re likely to get back.

You’ll have to wait a few in-game days before you find out how successful your investment was. You’ll get a notification when you hear back. With any luck, you’ll make a tidy profit.

Business Career Chance Cards

Sometimes when your Sims are at work, they might randomly get what is called a Chance Card. This is a pop-up that appears, automatically pausing the game. There’s no option to disable Chance Cards, and you cannot skip them. With Chance Cards, you’ll be given two options. One will reward you with a positive outcome, usually a bump up in your Sim’s work performance. The other may dip your Sim’s performance on the other hand, so choose wisely, particularly if you’re working to get promoted. A bad outcome can make the difference in getting a promotion that day, and you’ll lose the hard work you and your Sims put into working their way up. However, you will never get a Chance Card that will result in your Sim getting demoted or even fired, unlike The Sims 2. The Chance Cards your Sim gets depends on the level of their career, and also what branch they’re currently in.

You never know what might happen when your Sim goes to work, what encounters they will have.

You never know what might happen when your Sim goes to work, what encounters they will have.

Here are some examples of Chance Cards you might get in the Business career in The Sims 4, the options available, and outcomes:

Assistant’s Request
[Sim Name]’s assistant wants the day off to take care of some family matters, but there is a lot to get done. Should [he/she/they] give the assistant the day off, or keep him working for the day?
Option 1: Give Day Off
Option 2: Keep Him Working
Option 1 Chosen, Result: The assistant is very grateful and works extra hard over the next few days!


Political Problems
[Sim Name] learns that the government is planning to publish new regulations that will hurt the company’s profits. Should [he/she/they] put effort into fighting the new legislation or draft a major rework of the company’s business model to mitigate the effects of these new regulations?
Option 1: Fight Legislation
Option 2: Rework Business 
Option 1 Chosen, Result: [Sim Name] releases a media blitz which turns the public against the pending legislation and makes sure it would be career suicide for any politician to support it. The legislation has no chance at passing now and businesses can continue unscathed. Performance Gain – Large


Promotion Predicament
A new middle management position has opened up and [Sim Name] must decide whether to hire internally and promote a loyal employee, who is not necessarily fully qualified for the position, or hire a more qualified applicant from outside the company.
Option 1: Promote Employee
Option 2: Hire Outsider
Option 1 Chosen, Result: Promoting from within will ensure a smooth transition since the loyal employee already has relationships with the people they will be working with. [Sim Name] is congratulated for keeping things running smoothly and promoting internal talent.


The Write Stuff
The CEO of Gobias Industries has recently released a best-selling book outlining how her ingenious business strategies were at the heart of the company’s massive success. Not wanting to be outdone, [Sim Name] considers writing a book to show off [his/her/their] own business savvy.
Option 1: Write Book
Option 2: Ignore
Option 1 Chosen, Result: Sim gets paid §10,000.


Volatile Market
Some of the investments that [Sim Name] manages have taken quite a beating lately. This has made them lose much of their value. Should [he/she/they] sell now while they’re still worth something, or wait to see if the market turns around? 
Option 1: Sell Now
Option 2: Wait
Option 1 Chosen, Result: Sim gets paid money.


Drastic Measures
[Sim Name]’s boss tells [him/her/them] that in order for the company to meet this year’s fiscal targets, drastic measures will be required. [Sim Name] must decide whether to cut all bonuses this year, or close down an underperforming branch. Either way, people aren’t going to be happy.
Option 1: Cut Bonuses
Option 2: Close Branch


Elevator Encounter
While riding the elevator, [Sim Name] looks up from [his/her/their] phone to see the doors open and the CEO of the company to walk in. Will [Sim Name] say something to make an impression or keep quiet?
Option 1: Say Something
Option 2: Keep Quiet
Option 1 Chosen, Positive Result: [Sim Name] strikes up a conversation with the CEO, who ends up being quite friendly. It’s nice to know that the company’s leadership is still in touch with their workers.
Option 1 Chosen, Negative Result: [Sim Name] launches into a story about a funny picture [he/she/they] recently saw online. The CEO gives [Sim Name] a strange look, then busies himself with his phone. The rest of the elevator ride passes in awkward silence.


Hostile Co-Worker
A member of the board of directors has been making comments that [Sim Name] is not performing well. Will [Sim Name] confront them in front of everyone at the next board meeting or deal with it privately?
Option 1: Confront
Option 2: Deal Privately
Option 2 Chosen, Result: [Sim Name] takes the critical board member out to lunch to discuss their concerns. After some friendly conversation, compromises are made on both sides so that they can put this disagreement behind them.

The Sims 4 Get Famous Chance Cards

If you have The Sims 4 Get Famous Expansion installed, you might be aware that now and again, you get special chance cards that can directly affect your Sim’s fame status. This also applies to your Sims when they are at work, including the Business career. Unlike base game Chance Cards, Fame Chance Cards are completely optional, meaning you can ignore them and your Sim’s work status won’t be changed. Depending on whether you want to become famous, you should take caution with these special chance cards. The reason being that negative outcomes may result in your Sim getting fired from their job, not ideal if you’re planning to work your way up to the top. But at the end of the day, it’s your choice.

Get Famous Chance Cards are a little different to the ones you get with the base game.

Get Famous Chance Cards are a little different to the ones you get with the base game.

Here are some examples of Chance Cards you can get with Get Famous installed in the Business career:

Coming Up Short
The stock market has gone on a recent tear, and speculative trading is running rampant amongst [Sim Name]’s fellow investors. It’s tempting to follow the trends… after all, a rising tide lifts all boats; right? Still, [Sim Name] has a nagging feeling that this bubble will burst, and a precipitous drop lies just ahead.

Does [Sim Name] have the gumption to short the market and hope for stocks to tumble, or should [he/she/they] go with the flow?

Option 1: Short the Market
Option 2: Follow the Trend
Option 1 Positive Result: Sim will gain fame.
Option 1 Negative Result: Sim will lose money.
Option 2 Result: No change.


Nasty Business
Business is booming… well, at least it is for [Sim Name]. [His/Her/Their] competitor across town isn’t doing nearly as well. If [Sim Name] really wants to make a savvy business move, [he/she/they] could attempt a hostile takeover. While it’d establish a near monopoly for [Sim Name]’s business, would [he/she/they] successfully be able to sway public opinion into believing that this is a friendly merger with the customer’s best interests in mind?

What will [Sim Name] do?

Option 1: Execute the Takeover
Option 2: Don’t Get Involved
Option 1 Positive Result: Sim will gain fame and money. 
Option 1 Negative Result: Sim will lose reputation.
Option 2 Result: No change.

Business Career Rewards

The Business career in The Sims 4 is rewarding in many ways. For one thing, it’s well-paid, especially after you get to choose either the Investor or Management branch. However, the Business career also lets you unlock lots of cool objects as climb the ranks. Although the rewards have been mentioned earlier in the guide, here is a collective list of all the objects you can unlock from completing the Business career:

  • Desk Nameplate (Stolen) (Level 2)
  • S.A.L.E.S. Award (Level 3)
  • Pie Chart Presentation (Level 5)
  • Tiny Tranquility Zen Garden (Level 6)
  • Executron Personal Stock Ticker (Level 7, Investor)
  • Executron Executive Desk Throne (Level 7, Management)
  • Executron Desk Pen Set (Level 8, Investor)
  • Executron Bookshelf (Level 8, Management)
  • Chronos Magazine (Framed Collector’s Edition Issue) (Level 9, Investor)
  • Executive Guest Chair (Level 9, Management)
  • Executron Executive Desk (Level 10, Investor and Management)
  • Modern Day Money-Maker Suite Styled Room (Level 10, Investor)
  • Elegant Executive’s Chambers Styled Room (Level 10, Management)
This is everything you can unlock from the Business career, from level 1 to 10, from both the Investor and Management branches.

This is everything you can unlock from the Business career, from level 1 to 10, from both the Investor and Management branches.

Business Degrees (With Discover University Expansion)

If you have The Sims 4 Discover University Expansion, you can study Business via a degree. Doing so will give you a serious jump in the career. Instead of starting at level 1 or even level 3, you could start at level 6, or even level 8!

The following are the degrees that will help you get a big jump start in the Business career:

  • Communications (Management branch)
  • Economics (Investor branch)

For the Distinguished degrees, you’ll want to choose the university you enrol in carefully. For Communications, you want the University of Britechester. For Economics, it’s Foxbury Institute you want.

Both these degrees will help you enormously when you apply for the Business career, as well as giving you a bigger salary. Whilst your Sim studies these degrees, your Sim will also develop their Charisma and Logic, both very important for promotions.

Final Tips for the Business Career in The Sims 4

To round up this guide for the Business career in The Sims 4, here are a few final tips to ensure that your Sims are successful and make the most of it:

  • Watch out for Burnouts when working in the Business career. It can be easy to get, particularly if you have your Sims Work Hard during their work day. You can still use this option, but if your Sim is starting to get stressed, don’t overwork them. Scale back to a Normal work day. Also, if they come home stressed, let them relax and unwind before sending them to fill out reports or work on their Charisma or Logic. A burned out Sim is not a productive one, and an unproductive Sim doesn’t get promoted, causing a loss of time and effort.
  • Keep in mind your Sim’s personality and traits. Sims who have the Genius trait tend to be more Focused, better for building Logic. On the other hand, Self Assured Sims get Confident a lot, perfect for building their Charisma. If you don’t have these personalities, make sure you use Ponder Moves or Psych Sim Up on a chess table and mirror respectively before starting to work on their skills. Having your Sim in the right frame of mind helps build skills faster, and it can take much longer to max skills out when they reach the higher levels.
  • If you’re struggling to build up those skills, particularly getting Charisma and Logic maxed out, it’s worth investing in the Savant reward trait in the Reward Store. This will speed up the amount of time it takes to increase these skills when working on them. It’s quite costly though, at 4,000 satisfaction points. If you don’t have enough and badly want it, consider using the cheat code to give yourself free satisfaction points (found in our The Sims 4 Base Game Cheats Guide.)
Be careful when setting your Sims to Work Hard. They can easily Burnout if they overwork.

Be careful when setting your Sims to Work Hard. They can easily Burnout if they overwork.

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