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The First Descendant | Ranking the Ultimate Descendants from Best to Worst

This guide aims to help The First Descendant players understanding about the game's Ultimate Descendants, the apex characters who can unleash incredibly powerful abilities against the enemies, by analyzing their strengths and weaknesses, and assess whether they are a worthy upgrade compared to their original forms.

The First Descendant Ranking the Ultimate Descendants from Best to Worst

The First Descendant rewards its toughest players who manage to breach through some of its most challenging content, typically Void Intercept Bosses and Void Reactors, with Amorphous Materials. These materials may contain an Ultimate Descendant component that is necessary to research them at Albion. In this guide, we will help you understand which Ultimate Descendants are the best, based on their value increase compared to their original form, and which Ultimates, ultimately, underperform when compared to stronger Ultimate Descendants. So, let’s begin.

Nexon released The First Descendant on July 2, 2024, on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S, and recently launched the Season 1 Invasion Update on August 29, 2024.

If you’re looking for additional guides and content on The First Descendant, then you can check them out here on KeenGamer through the links below:

Who Are the Ultimate Descendants?

Ultimate Descendants are the epitome of all that have received countless upgrades and breakthroughs from joining the Ultimate Projects. While regular Descendants are already potent enough to face off the Vulgus enemies and drive them back from Ingris, their Ultimate variants are currently the kings and queens of The First Descendant, ready to meet any battle you decide to use them on.

Six characters have received the Ultimate upgrade right now: Bunny, Ajax, Lepic, Viessa, Gley, and Valby. The seventh will come on October 10th, when Freyna will join the Ultimate Project after confronting her dark past. These characters are the apex predators of the Vulgus, and once you get them, it is wise to dismantle their original versions to save some space in your Descendant slots.

Acquiring Ultimate Bunny.

Acquiring Ultimate Bunny.

Ultimate Descendants Tier List

Before diving into the intricate details of each Ultimate, it is important first to set up a general tier list. For ease of understanding, we have gathered the following points to base the characters’ tier ratings, which range from S-Tier to C-Tier:

  1. The Ultimate Descendant is easy to use and capable of clearing Missions and handling the Void Intercept Bosses efficiently, even without maximum investment.
  2. Their stats increase compared to their original versions.
  3. How accessible it is to farm the Ultimate Descendant, by looking through at their materials’ drop rates.

These parameters are crucial for analyzing the best Ultimate Descendants in The First Descendant, ensuring no biases in making the rankings, which you can see below:

Tier Rating Ultimate Descendants
S Ultimate Gley, Ultimate Bunny, Ultimate Valby
A Ultimate Lepic, Ultimate Ajax
B Ultimate Viessa

Ultimate Gley (S-Tier)

We will discuss the first Ultimate Descendant, which is also the best among all Ultimates right now, Ultimate Gley, the Hope Seeker, now readier than ever to vanquish the Vulgus. Even among other characters, she stands out thanks to a multitude of reasons.

The first reason why Ultimate Gley is the best among all Ultimates right now is her stats increase compared to her base Descendant version. Statistically speaking, Ultimate Gley receives a staggering 80% DEF increase compared to her base character, making her one of the sturdiest Descendants in the game, just behind Ajax and Lepic, who both don’t get a massive DEF increase like Gley. 

Another reason she’s the best Ultimate Descendant right now is thanks to her innate abilities that are even more potent, especially since she gets four Module slots already Crystallized, meaning that you won’t have to invest as many Crystallizations as her base variant. 

However, what I think is the penultimate reason as to why Ultimate Gley is the best Ultimate Descendant right now is the fact that she can do anything exceptionally well. If you need a character for farming materials, completing Infiltration Missions, Invasions, or taking on Void Intercept Bosses, she can handle them all flawlessly, as long as she’s built correctly.

Nevertheless, being almost perfect as she is, farming for Ultimate Gley is the hardest hurdle for you, as every component she needs before you can research her has a staggeringly low drop rate, only at a minuscule 6% rate.

Ultimate Gley, master of all trades.

Ultimate Gley, master of all trades.

Ultimate Bunny (S-Tier)

The second-best Ultimate character in The First Descendant is Ultimate Bunny, who boasts the fastest running speed among her peers, giving her an edge to top out the chart in the Ultimate Descendants tier list.

In the current The First Descendant climate, Ultimate Bunny is the fastest character to use for farming and mobbing purposes, thanks to her Lightning Emission skill that pairs exceptionally well with her Light Speeding skill, which means that not only will you gain top speed that will outpace other Descendants, but you also get a tool to clear out the enemies’ waves without having even to shoot your weapon.

Meanwhile, in terms of her materials’ accessibility, she’s one of the easier Ultimates to farm, just behind Ultimate Valby and Ultimate Lepic. However, Ultimate Bunny Code is still a tough nut to crack, and it stands at only 6% drop rates from all amorphous material sources. I’d recommend going after her other resources first before dedicating some time to farm her Ultimate Bunny Code.

Overall, Ultimate Bunny should be your main character for farming materials or fighting in Infiltration Missions and Invasions, as her skills allow her to quickly dismantle any opposition that comes her way, you should try to farm Ultimate Bunny as soon as possible, especially since her best-in-slot Transcendent Module, High Voltage, is locked behind her Ultimate variant.

Ultimate Bunny, the beautiful yet deadly carry.

Ultimate Bunny, the beautiful yet deadly carry.

Ultimate Valby (S-Tier)

The latest character to join the fray after receiving enhancements from the Magisters’ Ultimate Project is Valby, who still retains her powerful Water Arche abilities, but is now ready to tackle challenges with new upgrades.

Just like Ultimate Gley, Ultimate Valby is also a great character to pick for farming or bossing purposes, as her abilities, especially Clean Up, allow her to not collide with enemies and create a Waterway on the ground, where enemies standing in the Waterway take continuous damage and are inflicted with Laundry. In the Liquefied state, cannot jump or use skills.

Moreover, Ultimate Valby’s stats increase compared to her base variant is also quite big, giving plenty of bonus HP and DEF increase, thus further increasing her chances to tank most of the enemy attacks, including attacks from Void Intercept Bosses. 

Other than those reasons, getting Ultimate Valby is relatively easier than her fellow Ultimate Descendants, as most of her resources, including Ultimate Valby Code, drops at a heightened chance, ranging from 20% to 32% drop rates, meaning that she’s the perfect entry Ultimate Descendant to have beside Ultimate Bunny thanks to her accessibility. 

Ultimate Valby, the master controller.

Ultimate Valby, the master controller.

Ultimate Lepic (A-Tier)

Now that we have discussed all three Ultimate Descendants that reached the pinnacle of the S-Tier realm, it’s time to move on to the next realm, and this time around, Ultimate Lepic will be the one that fills the first spot within A-Tier. While inherently strong, especially against Void Intercept Bosses that are weak to Fire, he is severely weakened by Bosses who have strong resistances against his Grenades.

Ultimate Lepic gains access to one of the best Transcendent Modules in the game, Firearm Master, which allows Lepic to gain a Skill Range bonus when he reloads his weapon and increases his Skill Power when he changes weapons. While on paper this Module isn’t all that great, the practical use of Firearm Master gives Lepic a powerful boost to his tools, particularly for his Overkill ability.

For his accessibility, Ultimate Lepic is the second easiest character to farm just behind Ultimate Valby, as his Enhanced Cells and Stabilizer have 32% and 20% drop rates respectively, meaning that you can gain access to one of the best Fire Attribute Descendants in the game relatively easy. Lastly, for his stats increase, Ultimate Lepic receives a 62% DEF boost compared to his base variant, making him the third sturdiest character in The First Descendant, just behind Ultimate Gley and Ultimate Ajax.

Ultimate Lepic.

Ultimate Lepic.

Ultimate Ajax (A-Tier)

The next character who accompanies Ultimate Lepic in A-Tier is Ultimate Ajax, the absolute tanker in The First Descendant who always protects his allies through his barriers and defense capabilities. 

Stat-wise, Ultimate Ajax, unlike his compatriots within the Ultimate Project, only gained an 18% DEF increase from his base variant. While this may seem insignificant, that stat boost helps Ajax tremendously in his tanking abilities since he primarily uses DEF to strengthen his shields. This is a major reason why we place Ultimate Ajax at A-Tier.

However, generally speaking, Ajax himself has niche uses in the game, seeing minimal play time from players who are mainly doing Infiltration Missions or Invasions, as he is more geared towards fighting the Void Intercept Bosses, where his abilities shine bright like a sanctuary that denies the Void Intercept Bosses which can one-shot your characters if not for Ajax’s shield.

In addition to that, you don’t particularly need to aim for Ultimate Ajax since his best Transcendent Module is available even for his base variant, so besides the DEF boost that he gains from the base variant, there is not much to see in Ultimate Ajax.

Ultimate Ajax.

Ultimate Ajax.

Ultimate Viessa (B-Tier)

For the final and unfortunately, worst Ultimate character in this list, we have Ultimate Viessa. While she is the queen of the Void Fragment Shards farm, especially for Polymer Shards, her usability against Void Intercept Bosses is limited to just those who are weak to Chill Attribute.

However, Ultimate Viessa gains access to her best Transcendent Module, Absolute Zero, which gives her the capacity to defeat her enemies in a new way when using one of her Skills, though at the cost of Ice Shackle no longer active. When the Skill lands a Critical Hit, inflicts Frostbite on the target, and if successful, the Frostbite triggers Ice Sphere.

Overall, Ultimate Viessa is in no way a weak character, however, compared to her fellow Ultimate Descendants, there are many limitations imposed on her that others don’t have, making her usability weaker than say Ultimate Bunny or Ultimate Gley. 

Ultimate Viessa.

Ultimate Viessa.

And that’s everything you need to know to understand which Ultimate Descendants are the best, and which ones are subpar compared to other characters in The First Descendant. We will update this list for every new Ultimate Descendant that will arrive in the game, with the closest being Ultimate Freyna, which drops on October 10, 2024.

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