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The First Descendant: Best Yujin Healing Build

Learn more about the best healing descendant, Yujin, in The First Descendant! This guide breaks down the best Yujin build for top-notch healing and support, helping you and your squad stay strong and tackle any challenge the game throws your way.

The First Descendant Best Yujin Healing Build

Yujin is a vital support character in The First Descendant, distinguished by his exceptional healing and debuffing abilities. As a versatile support, Yujin can sustain his team’s health with potent area-of-effect healing, while also enhancing allies’ damage output and weakening foes through strategic debuffs. His unique skill set not only keeps the team alive but also amplifies their effectiveness in battles, making him an invaluable asset for both offensive and defensive strategies. Therefore, a good Yujin Build in The First Descendant would always focus on his healing. 

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Who Is Yujin in The First Descendant?

Yujin is a versatile and essential character in The First Descendant, designed primarily as a support healer with the unique ability to both heal and enhance his allies while debuffing and dealing damage to enemies. As a healer, Yujin excels in keeping his team alive through a variety of healing abilities, ensuring that his allies can maintain peak performance during battles. He stands out due to his ability to provide substantial Area of Effect (AOE) healing and buffs, making him invaluable in prolonged fights, especially during challenging boss encounters.



In addition to his healing capabilities, Yujin is also adept at debuffing enemies, which not only increases the damage they receive but also provides additional healing to his team when they attack or defeat these debuffed foes. This dual role allows Yujin to be a cornerstone in any team composition, supporting both offensive and defensive strategies. This only means that the best Yujin Build in First Descendant would revolve around his healing. 

How to Unlock Yujin

Before delving into the Yujin Build First Descendant, you must first unlock him. Players to either purchase him directly from the in-game store or research him through the crafting system. If you opt for the crafting route, you’ll need to gather a variety of materials and blueprints. This process involves a bit of grinding, as you’ll need to collect specific resources and complete certain missions to obtain all the necessary components. Here’s a step-by-step guide to unlocking Yujin through research:

Game Store

Game Store

  1. Visit the Research Institute: Start by heading to the Research Institute in the game, where you can find Magisters Anais. This NPC is crucial for crafting and researching new characters, including Yujin.
  2. Gather Required Materials: To research Yujin, you’ll need to collect a specific set of materials and blueprints. These materials can be found in various locations throughout the game, often in hard-mode missions or special zones. It’s important to check the Acquisition Info for each item to know where it drops.
  3. Complete Specific Missions: Many of the required materials for Yujin are obtained from specific missions or zones, typically those labeled as “Hard.” You’ll need to clear these missions multiple times to collect all the resources needed.
  4. Craft Yujin at the Research Institute: Once you have all the materials, return to the Research Institute and select Yujin from the crafting menu. Follow the prompts to complete the research and add Yujin to your roster
Material Quantity Location
Yujin Enhanced Cells 1
Craftable or Store Purchase
Flectorite 292
Found in Echo Swamp (Hard Mode)
Reverse Charging Coil 455
Available in Fortress Fallen Ark (Hard Mode)
Divided Plasma Battery 22
Obtained from Sterile Land Restricted Zone (Hard Mode)
Yujin Enhanced Cells Blueprint 1
Available from Research Institute NPC
Yujin Stabilizer 1
Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp (Hard Mode)
Compound Coating Material 239
Fortress Fallen Ark (Hard Mode)
Carbon Crystal 554
Sterile Land Restricted Zone (Hard Mode)
Pure Energy Residue 40
White-night Gulch Observatory (Hard Mode)
Yujin Stabilizer Blueprint 1
Research Institute NPC
Yujin Spiral Catalyst 1
White-night Gulch Observatory (Hard Mode)
Hardener 386
Available from Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor (Various Locations)
Ceramic Composite 408
Dropped in Fortress Fallen Ark (Hard Mode)
Anode Ion Particle 27
Found in Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor (Various Locations)
Yujin Spiral Catalyst Blueprint 1
Research Institute NPC
Yujin Code 1
Found in Echo Swamp, Fortress, Sterile Land, White-night Gulch
Credits 400,000
Earned through various missions and activities


Yujin’s Skills and Abilities

Yujin’s unique skill set makes him a versatile support character capable of healing allies, buffing their damage, and debuffing enemies. A good healing Yujin Build in The First Descendant would make optimal use of his healing abilities. Here’s an in-depth breakdown of Yujin’s skills and abilities:

Solidarity Healing

Solidarity Healing allows Yujin to summon a healing drone that attaches itself to a targeted ally within range. The drone provides continuous healing over time, and when its duration expires or it gets too far from the target, it grants both Yujin and the allied target a significant boost to Firearm Attack (ATK) and skill power for a short duration.

Solidarity Healing

Solidarity Healing

The healing drone is best used on allies who are likely to take continuous damage, such as tanks or frontline damage dealers. The healing effect lasts for 8 seconds, with a 40-second cooldown period. When the drone’s duration ends, the accelerant buff is applied, increasing both Yujin’s and the target’s offensive capabilities for 5 seconds.

Deploy Solidarity Healing on an ally that is consistently engaged in combat to maximize the healing and offensive boost. This skill should be used not only to sustain the team’s health but also to enhance the damage output at crucial moments. Keeping a close watch on the drone’s range is vital to ensure it stays attached to the intended target for the full duration. It’s also useful for quickly topping off the health of an ally and then transitioning into a burst damage phase due to the buff it grants.

Restructure Serum

Restructure Serum is a projectile skill that fires a serum at enemies, inflicting them with the “Allergy” debuff. Enemies affected by Allergy take increased damage from all sources and, when attacked, heal nearby allies. Killing an enemy with this debuff grants additional healing to the descendant who struck the killing blow.

Restructure Serum

Restructure Serum

This skill provides a dual purpose of debuffing enemies to increase the team’s overall damage output and simultaneously healing allies when engaging those targets. The debuff lasts for 5 seconds and can stack up to two times with a cooldown of 30 seconds per stack. The healing effect radius is 8 meters around the debuffed target, which can be expanded through mods.

Use Restructure Serum on high-priority targets or bosses to maximize the damage increase and sustain your team with healing. It’s especially effective in boss fights or against tough enemies where prolonged engagement is expected. Timing the use of this skill during critical damage windows can make a significant difference in a battle, allowing your team to focus fire on weakened targets and rapidly heal through residual effects.

Stimulant Spray

Stimulant Spray is a stationary healing ability that provides a damage reduction buff and healing over time to allies within its radius. The skill remains active in a fixed position, creating a zone of safety and recovery for teammates.

Stimulant Spray

Stimulant Spray

This skill is ideal for situations where mobility is limited, such as holding a position or when allies are reviving each other. The healing and damage reduction effects scale based on how often allies within the area are attacked, making it particularly effective in high-intensity combat scenarios.

Place Stimulant Spray in a central, accessible location during fights where your team needs to hold ground or when allies are in need of immediate protection and healing. It works best in choke points or defensive positions where multiple team members can benefit from the stationary healing zone. Additionally, it’s effective during prolonged engagements where team members frequently take damage.

Hyperreactive Healing Ground

Hyperreactive Healing Ground is an AOE healing skill that heals Yujin and allies within a certain radius, providing immunity to debuffs and additional recovery based on the number of allies and enemies nearby. It also grants Yujin a temporary boost to his ATK and skill power. This ability is a must-have for a healing Yujin Build in The First Descendant.

The healing provided by this skill scales with the number of characters within an 8-meter radius, making it more potent in densely packed fights. It removes debuffs and grants immunity, making it particularly useful against enemies that apply status effects. The additional buff to Yujin’s ATK and skill power can help increase his own damage output and support effectiveness.

Use Hyperreactive Healing Ground when surrounded by multiple allies and enemies to maximize the healing and debuff removal. This skill is best employed in chaotic or crowded combat scenarios where multiple allies can benefit from the healing and buffs. Positioning is key; try to activate it in the center of the action to cover as many allies as possible.

Stop Overreacting (Passive)

Stop Overreacting is a passive ability that enhances Yujin’s ability to rescue downed allies. It significantly reduces the time required to revive teammates, and those revived by Yujin gain an immediate boost to their maximum health for a limited time.

This passive skill improves Yujin’s effectiveness as a support character by allowing him to quickly get allies back into the fight, minimizing downtime and maintaining the team’s overall strength.

This passive ability requires Yujin to be aware of his surroundings and the status of his teammates. When an ally is downed, Yujin can quickly move to their position and revive them faster than other characters, ensuring the team stays at full strength. It’s especially valuable in high-pressure situations where every second counts, such as during boss fights or when dealing with waves of enemies.

Best Modules for Yujin

Modules are vital for a healing Yujin Build-in The First Descendant because they enhance Yujin’s abilities by providing various buffs and effects, allowing him to perform his role as a support and healer more efficiently. The right combination of modules can significantly improve his healing output, reduce cooldowns, and increase his overall utility on the battlefield. Here are the recommended modules for Yujin’s build:

Modules on Yujin

Modules on Yujin

Proliferating Allergy

The Proliferating Allergy module adds an explosive chain reaction effect to Yujin’s Restructure Serum skill. This module not only debuffs enemies with the Allergy effect but also causes them to explode when defeated, dealing area-of-effect (AOE) damage to nearby enemies. This greatly enhances Yujin’s crowd control capabilities, allowing him to contribute more to damage dealing while still focusing on his primary role as a healer.

Proliferating Allergy in action

Proliferating Allergy in action

Proliferating Allergy is best used in situations where Yujin needs to support his team in dealing with waves of enemies or controlling large areas of the battlefield. It complements his healing skills by providing additional crowd control, making him more versatile in different combat scenarios

Conditional Recharge

Conditional Recharge reduces the cooldowns of Yujin’s skills when specific conditions are met, such as when he heals allies or debuffs enemies. This module is essential for maintaining a high uptime on Yujin’s abilities, allowing him to provide constant healing and buffs to his teammates while keeping enemies debuffed.

This module decreases the cooldowns of Yujin’s skills based on certain actions, such as landing successful debuffs or achieving critical healing thresholds. It ensures that Yujin can use his key abilities more frequently, increasing his effectiveness as a support character.

Conditional Recharge is most effective in prolonged engagements or boss fights where cooldown management is crucial. By reducing cooldowns, Yujin can keep his healing skills and debuffs active more often, ensuring his team remains buffed and enemies debuffed throughout the fight

Stim Accelerant

Stim Accelerant enhances Yujin’s healing and buff abilities by increasing the potency and duration of the buffs provided by his skills. This module is particularly effective for skills like Solidarity Healing and Stimulant Spray, which benefit from extended duration and increased effectiveness.

Stim Accelerant amplifies the effects of Yujin’s healing and buffs, making them stronger and last longer. This module ensures that when Yujin uses his abilities, they benefit his teammates, increasing their survivability and damage output.

It is best utilized when maintaining sustained buffs and healing is critical, such as during tough encounters or high-stakes battles. By increasing the duration and potency of Yujin’s buffs, this module allows him to provide continuous support to his team, enhancing their overall effectiveness.

To sum it all up, the best Yujin Build in The First Descendant focuses on his healing and support capabilities. His skills offer both substantial healing and significant offensive and defensive buffs, making him a crucial asset in any team. By effectively utilizing his abilities and the right modules, Yujin can enhance his team’s performance and turn the tide in challenging battles.

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