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Stellar Blade | Simple Puzzle Solution Guide

In this quick and easy guide, we'll show you how to complete and solve the Simple Puzzle terminal quest in Stellar Blade. Simple Puzzle is one of the first submissions you can accept once you reach the main hub, Xion, in Stellar Blade and it asks you to decipher a series of sequences to find a formula which can be used to find a final code.

Stellar Blade | Simple Puzzle Solution GuideStellar Blade gives the player much to do in its first few hours, between learning the surprisingly deep combat sandbox, exploring the beautiful devastated landscapes of Eidos 7 and the Wasteland, and collecting plenty of pretty outfits and accessories for EVE to wear. One of the things players will get access to relatively early is the Bulletin Board, the main hub for submissions and side quests in Stellar Blade. The initial batch of quests is pretty short, at least until you travel to the Wasteland, but one of the first submissions you’ll be able to take on is the Simple Puzzle quest, the first in the Puzzle series of side quests.

Simple Puzzle is a short but pretty tricky quest when you first get your hands on it. You’ll be tasked with deciphering a series of codes at a hidden terminal somewhere in Xion, hoping to figure out the formula for each so you can use it to find the final code required to complete the quest. For those who aren’t great at maths or numbers in general, this can be pretty daunting. However, the rewards are very worthwhile early on so we’re here to help you.

Here’s how you can solve the Simple Puzzle quest in Stellar Blade. If you’d like to know how to solve the next puzzle in this quest chain, the Wisdom Puzzle, you can also find a guide to that here on KeenGamer, as well.

Oarcle, the Mastermind of Xion

Oarcle, the Mastermind of Xion

How to Start the Simple Puzzle Quest

The Simple Puzzle quest is one of the first submissions you can receive in Stellar Blade after reaching Xion. To accept it, all you need to do is progress the main story until you leave Eidos 7 with Lily and Adam, with the latter taking you back to his home, Xion.

After talking with Oarcle and making plans with Adam to head to the Wasteland, return to the dusty streets of Xion and make your way towards the Bulletin Board on the eastern side of town. The Xion Bulletin Board is very easy to find, especially because Xion’s resident info broker, Roxanne, stands right next to it.

If you’re at the right part of the game, all you need to do is open up the Bulletin Board and there should be about five sub-missions in your first batch of requests. One of these requests will be Simple Puzzle.

Xion's Bulletin Board and Info Broker

Xion’s Bulletin Board and Info Broker

Simple Puzzle

After accepting the Simple Puzzle quest, you’ll be directed to a hidden terminal near the entrance to the Presence Chamber. To reach it, make your way towards the train car which takes you to Oarcle and the Presence Chamber but, before hopping onto the car, stop. Then, walk around the right side of the room with all the Sentinels in it and, behind one of the pillars, you’ll find a terminal. Without the Simple Puzzle quest in your Mission Log, this terminal will be dead, only coming alive once you’ve visited the Bulletin Board.

Once you enter the terminal, you’ll be presented with a list of four sequences. Each sequence has three numbers separated by an @ followed by a final 6-digit code. You need to figure out how the first three sequences ended up with their final totals so that you can apply that same formula to the fourth sequence, earning you the code required to complete the quest.

Here’s how the Simple Puzzle sequence looks in Stellar Blade:

  • 4@7@8 = 285684
  • 9@3@5 = 271542
  • 6@2@7 = 121426
  • 5@6@7 = ?

The code you need to find will come from the last sequence – 5@6@7 – so keep that in mind.

Simple Puzzle

Simple Puzzle

Stellar Blade Simple Puzzle Solution

To solve the Simple Puzzle in Stellar Blade, you need to input 304272 into the console. If you’d like to know how this sequence is correct, we’ll discuss what the formula is and how you can decipher itself later shortly. Once you’ve entered the correct code, the terminal will beep and you can return to the Bulletin Board where your quest began.

For completing the Simple Puzzle quest, you’ll be awarded 1000 Gold as well as 2 Vitcoins. The Gold is nice but the real reward is the Vitcoins as they’re required to buy new accessories and outfit blueprints for EVE: in fact, 2 Vitcoins are just enough to buy EVE some new eyewear from D1g-g2r in the Wasteland, in case you want your Valkyrie looking even more stylish in battle.

Simple Puzzle Solution

Simple Puzzle Solution

Simple Puzzle Explanation

As for how we got the final code of 304272, it comes down to multiplying the numbers in each sequence together before adding the totals of that sum together. If you look at each sequence as three distinct numbers separated by an @ and then substitute the @ for a multiplication sign, you’ll quickly come to see two distinct sums. From there, you need to figure out the total of each sum and then add them together.

To put it more plainly, start by multiplying the first number in each sequence with the second number, and then do the same with the second number and the third number. The two totals you receive will, when placed side-by-side, make up the first four digits in the final code of each line. Then, add the two totals together to get the last bit of the code. After that, you only need to put them together to make one 6-digit number, which should match the final code.

Here’s how the formula applies to the first three sequences so that you can see how it works:

  • 4@7@8: 4 X 7 = 28 | 7 X 8 = 56 | 28 + 56 = 84 | 285684
  • 9@3@5: 9 X 3 = 27 | 3 X 5 = 15 | 27 + 15 = 42 | 271542
  • 6@2@7: 6 X 2 = 12 | 2 X 7 = 14 | 12 + 17 = 26 | 121426

With that formula in mind, you just need to apply the same rules to the fourth line and you’ll get a final total of 304272.

  • 5 X 6 = 30
  • 6 X 7 = 42
  • 30 + 42 = 72
Quest Rewards

Quest Rewards

That was how to solve the Simple Puzzle quest in Stellar Blade, the first in the Puzzle series of sidequests. Once again, if you’d like to see the solution for the next quest in this chain, Wisdom Puzzle, then you can find it here on KeenGamer.

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