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Stellar Blade | Quiel Boss Fight Guide

Learn how you can manage to successfully challenge Quiel in this Stellar Blade guide, by learning her attacking patterns that rely on her massive spear, requiring you to notice and counter her strings correctly, as failing to do so will give Quiel a chance to replenish her Shield. You can find Quiel during your attempt to enter Altess Levoire after sifting through the Wasteland's vast canyons.

Stellar Blade Quiel Boss Fight GuideEVE starts her journey in Stellar Blade by exploring the now abandoned Eidos 7, a sprawling city center that holds dark secrets and tough enemies, including our first encounter against Bosses such as Abaddon, Corrupter, and the cream of the crop, the first Alpha Naytiba we found, Gigas. Moving on from that location, we met Adam and Lily and decided to settle in Xion City as the main base of operations for the next parts of the game. During a mission to the Wasteland, we must head into Altess Levoire to recover the second Hyper Cell for Xion City and Orcal.

However, unexpectedly, there is a barrier that EVE must push through before she can enter the den of death, and her name is Quiel, a Guardian of Xion City tasked with protecting Altess Levoire’s entrance from external threats, as well as providing a test to those daring enough to enter the location. Quiel decides that EVE must defeat her in battle before she can allow her to enter Altess Levoire, thus making her one of the Bosses in Stellar Blade that we need to defeat.

Bearing that in mind, this guide will help you successfully challenge and defeat Quiel, Guardian of Xion City by learning how she works, and what sort of attacking patterns she has, which might seem monotone at a glance, but the mechanics behind it provide Quiel with an almost overpowered Shield regeneration.

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Who is Quiel?

Once you depart from the Xion City and head into the Wasteland area, your Main Mission there is to proceed to Altess Levoire, a dangerous and treacherous facility that has become the home of nasty Naytibas, including but not limited to Defilers and Infectors. However, shortly before entering the facility, we met another Royal Guard beside Rael, and her name is Quiel.

While her attire is strikingly similar to Rael and clad in bright red armor like her fellow Guardian, Quiel’s attitude towards us is slightly less friendly. Instead, her demeanor even in the presence of an Angel, people who are revered and respected by Earth’s humans, is standoff-ish, and she quickly asks EVE to challenge her and prove her worth before allowing her to take a step into Altess Levoire.

Overall, being a top member of Xion City’s Royal Guards, Quiel is not someone that you can take lightly, as doing so will be your last mistake while battling her in Stellar Blade, even though she appears to be on our side.

Moments Before the Fight.

Moments Before the Fight.

How to Successfully Defeat Quiel

Unlike the previous Bosses, who rely on their brute strength and massive statures, the Royal Guard Quiel prefers to fight you in more technical terms, meaning that instead of galloping and destroying you from afar or using super-sized punches to hold you down, Quiel utilizes precise and incredibly fast spear strikes that you must perfectly counter, lest she will continuously regenerate her Shield.

However, it is not impossible to defeat her fair and square in a battle, as EVE can beautifully dance around her opponents by using Perfect Parries, Dodges, and Combo Attacks of her own, and Quiel is no exception. To do so, here are the major things you need to be wary of: Quiel’s attack patterns and Perfect Parry timings against her.

Pay Attention to Her Attacking Patterns

The first step you need to take while fighting Quiel here is to analyze her attacking patterns. In general, Quiel only relies on one string of swift attacks, which consists of six different attacking stances. A good takeaway to see is when Quiel suddenly moves away from you, that means she’s ready to begin a new string of six attacks, doing so unfailingly each time.

This string of attacks begins with a spinning strike from your left side, followed by a quick follow-up attack from the right side. From there, Quiel will spin her spear momentarily before performing an upward thrust from EVE’s left side, then she once again follows that up with a spinning attack from the right. However, the tricky part comes from Quiel’s fifth attack, as the timing of this attack is incredibly fast and sometimes unseeable because she sweeps her spear from the lower right side before ending the string with a jumping attack. I find Quiel’s moves charming and beautiful, akin to a dancer matching her dances with the tune.

This Boss Fight in Stellar Blade can be quite challenging for players because Quiel does not tolerate any failure if the players do not manage to counter her moves. After all, every time we fail, Quiel will simply regenerate her Shield, thus reducing the damage she takes from EVE’s attacks. However, there’s a way to counter that, and that will be using Perfect Parries, which I will fully explain in the next section.

Use Perfect Parries to Counter Quiel’s Regenerative Shield

If there’s an annoying thing to face during Quiel’s Boss Fight, I will say her regenerative Shield. Sure, you can still defeat her without paying attention to this mechanic, however, the fight will become much easier and feel more rewarding if you decide to counter her Shield’s restoration properly.

To do so, your main and only way is by using Perfect Parries. The Royal Guard Quiel is unyielding and relentless, and more importantly, this Boss Fight challenges your Perfect Parry timings to make sure that you are ready against future enemies within Stellar Blade, which I understand because the previous Bosses do not necessarily feel like they are truly challenging and checking your game knowledge.

Quiel Replenishes Her Shield.

Quiel Replenishes Her Shield.

Quiel has 6 Balance Nodes, meaning that to successfully end one of her perpetual Shield regenerations, you need to successfully land all six Perfect Parries against her attacks. When you Parried her last attack, then you can use Retribution to slash a substantial amount of Quiel’s HP, though you will need at least three Retributions to inflict major damage to her, as you can also deal damage with your regular Combo Attacks during Quiel’s downtime. 

Occasionally, she will try to keep her distance from EVE to build up her attacks, so make sure you also pay attention to this move as her first strike after dashing to you will be a swift one. Overall, Quiel presents a challenging yet fair duel for all kinds of Stellar Blade players, and the fact that she’s also the first humanoid Boss we fight makes our encounters with her (yes, we must fight her twice, the latter being several Main Missions after the first one) a memorable experience.

A Total Knockout With the Knee.

A Total Knockout With the Knee.

And that’s all the crucial steps you need to defeat Quiel and pass through her tests in Stellar Blade.

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