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Stellar Blade | How to Unlock the Ocean Maid Nano Suit | Complete Fishing Guide

Learn how you can unlock the Ocean Maid Nano Suit, as well as everything you need to know about fishing, in Stellar Blade with this quick and easy guide. Ocean Maid is one of the most sought after outfits in Stellar Blade but, in order to get it, you'll need to work hard and dedicate yourself to fishing, one of the game's more in-depth and fun mini-games.

Stellar Blade | How to Unlock Ocean Maid Nano Suit | Complete Fishing GuideGetting new outfits for EVE is easily one of the most exciting parts of Stellar Blade. Alongside the superb combat and brilliant boss encounters, just exploring the world and getting excited about EVE’s next outfit is such a surprisingly compelling part of the game. With so many styles to choose from and so many ways to mix and match them with various accessories and hairstyles, unlocking new Nano Suits quickly becomes one of the main draws of Stellar Blade. Some of these outfits, for better or for worse, have attracted a lot more attention than others, with the Ocean Maid Nano Suit being near the top of that list. 

The Ocean Maid Nano Suit has been a fan favourite outfit since it was revealed, a pretty swimsuit which marries a sailor theme with a maid-inspired look. As one of the most highly sought-after Nano Suits in all of Stellar Blade, many players are going to want to get it as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it’s one of the most difficult Nano Suits to unlock in the entire game. This is because the Ocean Maid outfit is tied to fishing, one of Stellar Blade’s more in-depth mini-games. Not only do you have to do a lot of fishing but you’ll also need to master it if you want to claim this outfit for yourself. 

Here’s everything you need to know about fishing in Stellar Blade to unlock the Ocean Maid Nano Suit for yourself. 

If you’re looking for more Stellar Blade content and articles, then you can find it here on KeenGamer:

  1. Stellar Blade | Wisdom Puzzle Solution Guide
  2. Stellar Blade | Simple Puzzle Solution Guide
  3. Stellar Blade | Recruit Passcode Specialists Guide (All Prayer Locations)
New Nano Suit Unlocked

New Nano Suit Unlocked

How to Unlock Fishing in Stellar Blade

To unlock fishing in Stellar Blade, you need to unlock access to the Great Desert. This is the fifth location you’ll unlock in the game after completing the Matrix 11 section. In terms of structure, the Great Desert is more like the Wasteland than Edios 7 or Matrix 11 as it’s an expansive open area where you are free to explore and teleport around. 

If you’ve got fish on the brain and are desperate to jump into the water (or just get started on picking up the Ocean Maid outfit), you need to head to the Great Oasis. As the name suggests, this is a beautiful oceanic haven in the middle of the sand dunes, a relatively peaceful place where you could happily fish away your days. If you scour the Great Oasis for long enough you’ll eventually find a make-shift hut built at one end of it.

This is Clyde’s home, a friend of Adam and a master of fishing. After speaking to Clyde, he won’t show much interest in you until you pick up a nearby fishing rod. Doing this will unlock the Fishing Rod gadget to use at any time. Once you’ve caught a few fish for yourself, Clyde will become much more talkative and even start offering your fishing data or bait in trade for points you earn from catching fish. 

All Fish in Stellar Blade

In total, there are 25 fish in Stellar Blade which are split up into five categories: Small, Medium, Large, Gigantic, and Jumbo. Each fish category has its own collection of rare fish within it, with each fish being given a star rating to denote their rarity and catching difficulty. 1 Star Fish are the easiest and most common type of fish, whereas 3 Star Fish are incredibly rare and much harder to catch, usually requiring more precise button inputs. 

Furthermore, each category of fish has a preferred type of bait. If you use that kind of bait, there’s a much higher chance of fish from that category showing up (although, it isn’t guaranteed). Small Fish prefer Small Shrimp, Medium Fish prefer Wriggling Insects, Large Fish prefer Fish Slices, and Gigantic Fish prefer Strange Bait. There are also the two Jumbo Fish who require Fantastic Bait to appear. 

All Fish in Stellar Blade

All Fish in Stellar Blade

Small Fish:

  • Goldfish (1 Star)
  • Mudskipper (1 Star)
  • Betta (2 Star)
  • Butterfly Fish (3 Star)
  • Porcupine Fish (1 Star)
  • Lobster (1 Star)

Medium Fish:

  • Flying Fish (1 Star)
  • Trigger Fish (1 Star)
  • Football Fish (3 Star)
  • Sea Bass (1 Star)
  • Mackerel (1 Star)
  • Red Seabream (3 Star)
  • Koi (2 Star)
  • Channel Catfish (1 Star)
  • Salmon (2 Star)
Small and Medium Fish

Small and Medium Fish

Large Fish:

  • Mahi-Mahi (1 Star)
  • Halibut (1 Star)
  • Ocean Sunfish (1 Star)
  • Sailfish (2 Star)
  • Pacific Bluefin Tuna (2 Star)

Gigantic Fish: 

  • Arowana (2 Star)
  • Piraucu (2 Star)
  • Great White Shark (3 Star)

Jumbo Fish:

  • Whale Shark (3 Star)
  • Dunkleosteus (3 Star)

As for how you can tell which type of fish is which, one of three things will happen when you get a bite. If nothing pops up, it’s a 1 Star Fish. Meanwhile, if two orange exclamation marks pop up, you’ve caught a 2 Star Fish. Finally, if, instead, you get three purple exclamation marks to appear, it means you’ve caught a 3 Star Fish. 

Once you’ve caught a fish, you can take it back to Barry in Xion. He’ll buy your fish for a sum of Gold, with rarer fish fetching a higher price. While you likely won’t need the Gold at this point in the game, giving fish to Barry will progress his quest and allow you to complete certain side quests for him later on. 

Large, Gigantic, and Jumbo Fish

Large, Gigantic, and Jumbo Fish

Best Fishing Spots in Stellar Blade

Of course, to fish, you actually need places to fish. In Stellar Blade, there are select locations hidden around the world which are considered fishing spots. The best way to tell these apart from ordinary pools of water is that they are usually crystal clear and have fish swimming around inside them.

There are a decent number of fishing spots in the game but there are only really three main fishing spots that you need to know about. 

  • The Great Oasis (The Great Desert)
  • Hidden Cave (The Wasteland)
  • Xion Pool (Xion Outskirts)

You’ve already visited the Great Oasis to start your angler adventure, but the other two spots aren’t as obvious. The hidden cave in the Wasteland is located near the Solar Tower. Meanwhile, the Xion fishing spot is a tiny little pool of water located just before you reach the border with the Wasteland. Both of these spots are equally as important as the Great Oasis as they’re not only bountiful sources of new fish but they’re also easy to get to.

There is also the Eidos 7 fishing spot near the broken clock tower which you’ll need to visit for one of the fishing requests. However, because this spot is so much smaller and so far out of the way, it isn’t a consistent recommendation like any of the other three spots.

Do Fishing Spots Give Different Fish?

With so many different fishing spots in the game, do they actually make a difference? You’ll often find yourself catching the same fish no matter the spot you visit, which may lead some to think that the actual fishing spot doesn’t matter, only the bait does. 

According to people online, it’s possible to catch almost every fish in the game at the Great Oasis. This is far and away the best fishing spot in the game, especially Clyde is right there in case you need to purchase more fishing data or bait. However, with such a large potential pool, the chance of fishing up one of the rarer fish is a lot harder at the Great Oasis.

Gigantic Great White

Gigantic Great White

Meanwhile, if you visit the other two fishing spots, you’ll find yourself catching different fish at a far more common rate. This is because each fishing spot in Stellar Blade appears to have a pool of fish that have a higher chance of spawning, including the Great Oasis. This is especially true of the rarer 2-star and 3-star fish, which have a much higher chance of spawning at specific locations.

So, in short, while it’s possible to just camp at the Great Oasis for hours on end, we highly recommend moving around the fishing spots regularly as each spot appears to have a higher chance of giving certain fish. Doing so will save you a ton of time, especially when some people have said they’ve spent hours fishing at just the Great Oasis. 

All Fishing Quests in Stellar Blade

Because fishing is a surprisingly deep and integral part of Stellar Blade, there are several side quests attached to it. In total, there are six requests tied to fishing in Stellar Blade, with all of them coming from the Bulletin Board. These will unlock at different points in the story but, once you unlock fishing from Clyde, you should be able to complete most of the back-to-back.

  • Wife’s Water Tank
  • An Unforgettable Fish Dish
  • Fish Research
  • A Gift for a Fish Maniac
  • Where is the Fantastic Bait?
  • The Fish of Legends

If you want to pick up the Ocean Maid Nano Suit for EVE in Stellar Blade, you need to complete these requests, no questions asked. Not such much for the rewards and Gold they offer but because you need to reach the quest Where is the Fantastic Bait? 

The Fish of Legends Request

The Fish of Legends Request

Where is the Fantastic Bait? 

The most important fishing quest in Stellar Blade is Where is the Fantastic Bait? This is because it’ll award you with the Fantastic Bait, the last bit of bait you need and the only thing which will draw in Jumbo Fish. You’ll only get this request from the Bulletin Board after you’ve completed the four previous fishing quests. The request itself comes with a small memo that essentially instructs you on the steps to take. 

First things first, to properly start the quest and begin your search for Fantastic Bait, you need to catch 20 species of fish. Considering that two of the fish in Stellar Blade require the Fantastic Bait, that leaves you 23 other options that you could catch. It doesn’t matter which ones you catch, only that you have 20 of them before visiting Clyde. To even have a chance at getting your hands on the Gigantic Fish, you’ll need to upgrade your Fishing Data at Clyde.

Where is the Fantastic Bait? Request

Where is the Fantastic Bait? Request

Once you’ve caught 20 fish, head over to Clyde at the Great Oasis and speak to him. Along with his usual options to Shop or speak about various aspects of fishing, there’ll be a new option to ask him about the Fantastic Bait. He’ll reveal that it’s the strongest bait in the world and that, while he does have some, he doesn’t have enough to sell. Instead, he says he’ll give you some information on the best fishing spot in the world if you bring him some. 

This leads us to the next part of the quest, which involves visiting Roxanne in Xion. Similar to Clyde, her wares and services are joined by a new piece of information about the Fantastic Bait, which you should purchase. The data Roxanne gives you will tell of a locked chest somewhere in the Wasteland, one that’s deep underwater. Fortunately, it’ll also give you the passcode to this chest, meaning that all you need to do is find it. 

The chest is located within the power plant near the elevator which takes you to Altess Levoire. This area is flooded and you’ve likely visited this part of the Wasteland for previous quests. If you dive under the water at this location, you should find a large, but somehow subtle, hole which leads deeper down into a flooded underground cave. The chest containing the Fantastic Bait is all the way at the bottom of this hole. 

Once you find it, simply pop in the code and the Fantastic Bait is yours. Now, you can return to the Bulletin Board, collect your 6,000 Gold and be well on the way to completing your fishing journey. 

How to Unlock the Ocean Maid Nano Suit

The Ocean Maid Nano Suit is one of the most highly sought-after outfits in Stellar Blade and, if you want, you’ll have to work for it. This is because you’ll need to catch every single fish in the game at least once to unlock it. This means catching all 25 fish from each category, including all of the Gigantic and Jumbo Fish

The two biggest roadblocks for the Ocean Maid Nano Suit are going to be the two Jumbo Fish, the Whale Shark and the Dunkleosteus. This is because they both require Fantastic Bait to appear and, while the Whale Shark is almost guaranteed to show up once you have the Fantastic Bait, it’ll still take you a while to get there. What makes it worse is that the Dunkleosteus is especially rare and the hardest fish to catch in all of Stellar Blade, so expect to catch more than a few Whale Sharks on your journey to a full fish Pokedex. 

To give yourself the highest possible odds of completing this challenge in a reasonable team, make sure to hop around to different fishing spots. The only exception is for the Jumbo Fish and both the Whale Shark and the Dunkleotus will only spawn at the Great Oasis, with the Whale Shark having a much higher chance of appearing. 

However, once you have all 25 fish catalogued and caught, you can return to Clyde one final time. This will start a small cutscene where Clyde gives you his “ultimate fishing treasure” which, as it happens, is a pretty maid-themed swimsuit for EVE. They awkwardly banter back and forth for a bit but, once the cutscene ends, the Ocean Maid Nano Suit is yours. 

Ocean Maid Nano Suit

Ocean Maid Nano Suit

That was how to unlock the Ocean Maid Nano Suit in Stellar Blade

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