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Starfield | Top 10 Food Packs To Collect

Our list of the best-food packs in Starfield will help you make the most of your culinary adventure. Find out what items are best to keep and best for selling while keeping yourself free of bulky options. No matter if you're a new player or a veteran, food will be the best place to start earning credits!

Starfield Top 10 Food Packs To CollectFood Packs in Starfield vary vastly depending on what you’re looking for. With multiple companies and cultures to pick from, many of our real-world recipes made it to the galley’s dinner table. That being said, not all food was created equal as several of these prepackaged instant meals are better than others. So, here’s a list of some of the best-food packs to collect on your journey while playing Starfield! Keep in mind that this list is created on the ideas of value, health gained, and weight of the unit. There are some clear winners. Despite this, there are a few stipulations about what will be on the list, and what won’t be.

There will only be food packss on this list, and most of them will be multipacks. Anything crafted or a drink will be out. Also, tavern food and specialty goods are off the list because they must be packaged. Basically, anything you can find in a convenience store or general goods shop is what we’re looking for. When you need a prepackaged snack, here are the best-food pack items to get in Starfield!

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Meal Kit

While exploring Starfield looking for a bite to eat, the simple meal kits will have your back. Being able to restore four points of health per meal kit consumed, they are a relatively hefty item mass-wise. That being said, meal kits are useful not only for crafting but also for selling. Because most of the better recipes will require meal kits in order to produce them, you’ll always want to keep at least a few on hand. Not to mention in a pinch when you have no medpacks they can save your life. That being said for the relatively low amount of health restored, these items aren’t all that economical. With a large mass size of 1.5, they can easily hold the player down if he’s carrying too many of them.

Besides their weight, meal kits are especially difficult to find from vendors. They will typically only have one or two of them for sale, making it one of the few items on this list better to loot than buy. All things considered though, when you have meal kits on hand from looting, you stand to make a neat little profit. It looks like a white and yellow sealed container, like a TV dinner. Generally, they cost around 80 credits from any vendor and can be used in a variety of crafting recipes. Vendors can sell meal kits for up to seventy credits with the right perk, so they’re a good starting point. 

Midnight Delights

A superior food item you can find is the seemingly ordinary Midnight Delights. This unique bag of meat can be found just about anywhere that sells food and has a few upsides to it. For one midnight Delights are incredibly light at about .30 mass per package. Additionally, midnight Delights will heal the player for five HP per pack they eat. For food pack, this is quite an economical way of not only healing yourself but also making a profit. Like the rest of the food items on this list, Midnight Delights is not only great for crafting but also for selling. The relatively low weight means you can easily stack a large quantity of this item up for a massive profit. It’s easy to sell these for about 55 credits a piece, giving you three times the profit per mass than meal kits.

Meal Kit

Meal Kit

Unfortunately, as great as midnight Delights are for the profit, they are one of the nonessential healing items of the game. Only giving back five points of health means you’ll not only be eating your profits. You can’t really use just a couple of these items seeing it gives you so little, and thus is a slightly better version of the meal kit. For the inventory space you have, it’s usually just better off collecting these for selling, and other foods for healing. Lastly, unlike other foods, Midnight Delights may have the least amount of crafting recipes associated with it. 

Seaweed Multipack

Once you get past the relatively hefty meal kit, and the slightly better midnight Delights we get into seaweed multipacks. The first Multipack on the list is the bulk version of the standard item. As a result, it heals four times more than the standard singular unit. Multipacks have the downside of being bulky, and they can’t be split into singulars. As a result, your character will eat four times as much food and get that much healing back. Seaweed Multipacks are incredibly useful for crafting some of Starfield‘s more exotic foods.

Subjectively, seaweed multipacks are only slightly better than meal packs and midnight Delights. While they may be able to sell for a slightly higher price, they only heal eight points in total. This is lower than some of the better multipacks and leaves the player needing a large stack to fully heal up. An issue that arises with this strategy is that seaweed multipacks weigh the same as other more useful multipacks. As a result, they are generally weaker to use on oneself than something like Ramen or Soba. You can usually find seaweed multipacks at food vendors for a reasonable price. Also, you can find them around abandoned U.C. locations. 

Midnight Delight

Midnight Delight

Sushi Rolls Multipack

If eating a package of seaweed isn’t your thing, for a slightly heavier mass cost you can get sushi rolls. These generally heal for the exact same amount as the seaweed Multipack, however, these sell for far more. Generally, a multipack of sushi rolls can run for three hundred credits, double their mass cost. Because of this, a stack of them can prove to be extremely profitable when you’re just starting out. This aside, sushi roll multipacks aren’t used for any Particularly crafting recipes, making them perfect for selling. So for the added weight, you can have a slightly less effective Multipack than something like Ramen or Soba. The big upside is that they are worth just slightly more than the average Multipack. 

Besides not being used for any particular crafting recipes, and being worth slightly more for less there are a few downsides. For one, sushi multipacks can quickly send a player into the territory of over-encumbered. Additionally, you’ll have to deal with the fact that outside of looting these from abandoned facilities. Because of this, sushi rolls can be expensive to stock up on and hard to offload. So in the long run, while they may be great if you have them on hand, they aren’t worth investing in. Finally, while sushi rolls can be one of those items that give us real-life comfort, in-game they just act as a slightly watered-down version of better meals. 

Soba Multipack

The first of the incredibly good to collect multipacks is the Soba variety. These are great not only because of the amount of health they give back per pack but also because of their value. A single Multipack of Soba can run the player 250 credits which when sold can result in a great little profit. They certainly make themselves better by being included in three different crafting recipes. Because of their general weight-to-value ratio, they can be one of the better items to collect when adventuring around Starfield. This when coupled with the fact that 10 of them can fully heal a base character, they do better than some other multipacks. The main goal for using these over medpacks is that they will cut down on the cost of medpacks which can range from 300-700 credits a use. 

Soba Multipack

Soba Multipack

One could argue that by buying these multipacks you’re getting less than traditional medical packs. This is mostly true which is why they’re better picked up as loot rather than buying them. Food items are also one of the best ways to make money since they sell for a decent price. To that end, Soba Multipacks will do a great job of reducing the amount of healing items you use overall. Though they are far from the best, and from here the better ones will be in value over bonuses.

Miso Soup Multipack

Next up in terms of value is the miso soup Multipack, as they are worth around 150-330 credits a piece. These are incredibly great for collecting when you’re looting enemy locations. Miso soup restores the same ten health points as other kits and weighs a little less at 1.45 mass. If you really wanted to, you could collect more of these meal kits and make a little more money. In Starfield, miso soup doesn’t really give you any other bonuses, but its value alone is worth carrying. Finally, miso soup can be used in a few crafting recipes in order to make some high-tier meals. As far as food packs go, collecting Miso Soup Multipacks isn’t a bad way to make a tidy profit.

The downside of miso soup is that they aren’t terribly useful for what they’re intended for. You can only really use them as a profit point as most of these multipacks aren’t sufficient to heal you fully. It will take at least ten multipacks of miso soup in order to get to full health which is about 14 mass. Besides this, the expensive nature of these multipacks makes them a hard choice to get when you’re shopping with vendors. This can lead to you outright ignoring it in favor of the number one Multipack, or anything worth slightly more. Instead keep these on hand as a haggling tool, able to make you credits where they fail as healing items. 

Miso Soup Multipack

Miso Soup Multipack

Mochi Multipack

When looking for a real profit in Starfield on Multipacks, you’re better off starting with Mochi Multipacks. These food packs are great for trading with vendors as they can run upwards of 350 credits. In spite of that, mochi tend to weigh a bit more than other multipacks, so it’s harder to collect them in bulk. Additionally, while these may sell for a lot, they still only give you the basic 10 HP back which makes them tough to use. As a healing item in general they tend to be lackluster, being instead a wonderful means of a tidy profit. Finally, mochi is one of the few foods in Starfield that isn’t used in any particular recipe.

Besides being a great way to make credits, there isn’t much else that can be said about Mochi Multipacks. They only end up so high on the list because they can give you a wonderful amount of credit if you collect them. Almost never buy these from a vendor, instead, they can be found around the Freestar Collective’s abandoned outposts. This seems to imply that they were a favorite of Freestar soldiers and officers, being an expensive taste for sure. If you do manage to collect at least ten of them though, they might be able to net you a few thousand credits very quickly. For this reason, they are worth their weight in credits, so long as you have a decent cargo hold.

Udon Multipack

When you want a tight profit from a good mass-to-value ratio, Udon multipacks are one of the best ways to get along. Using the same ten HP bonus, they are absolutely useless after a certain point of healing. Instead, they have a relatively low weight which causes them to be perfect for selling to vendors. The return comes at the cost that they typically sell for 175-250 credits, with ramen being worth ever so slightly more. With that in mind, udon is capable of being stored in bulk far more easily than the previously food packs mentioned in this list. Your profit margin because of this can be a lot higher before you become over-encumbered than some other multipacks. 

A single pack of Udon Noodles for comparison to multipacks

A single pack of Udon Noodles for comparison to multipacks

The downside to udon is that it’s relatively uncommon in the scheme of loot. Lots of vendors will carry it, but the idea isn’t to buy it but to find it in the places you explore. Additionally, udon noodles can be used in crafting recipes, but on a limited scale. This means they automatically enter the territory of resource-level values, making them all the more hard to find. If you can manage to collect a fair amount of udon though, they make for a great means of making money quickly, especially early game. Just remember if you are struggling with weight capacity, sometimes it’s the smaller things that are worth the most!

Ramen Multipack

The more expensive cousin of Udon in Starfield would undoubtedly be Ramen multipacks. These are about the same weight but are worth on average 200-375 credits per unit. This means you are able to make a serious profit if you can stack enough Ramen Multipacks up. Additionally, they are a lot more common than Udon, meaning you’ll be more likely to collect more of it. No matter what settled system cluster you’re in, vendors tend to carry ramen more often than udon. Ramen is the second-best food pack you can collect no matter where you are. If you want to make a lot of credits, keep one of the best instant foods around!

Because of the fact that Ramen Multipacks weigh less than most other food packs around, they are okay at being a healing item. This doesn’t make them the best, as any number of crafted foods will do significantly better. With that in mind, getting ten hp back per unit equates to about 7.5 mass for a full heal versus others 14+. Unfortunately, it loses out to the best-food pack in Starfield because it fails to offer the player anything else. Despite this, Ramen can be used in a number of recipes that can be sold for a much higher price!

-source: Horizon Gaming

Battle Meal Multipack

The best-food pack in Starfield is undoubtedly the Battle Meal Multipack, as they not only offer substantial healing but also a bonus. When you eat a Battle Meal Multipack, you’ll have access to an additional 16 carry weight for three minutes. This alone makes it one of the best simple healing items to pick up, especially if you have access to Bog’s Grog. These Battle Meals are worth a substantial amount of credits, generally selling for 600 credits per unit. Finally, these packs are practically engineered for a looting build as they allow you to carry far more items than usual. When trying to craft, or explore unknown areas this can be especially vital to keep on hand.

Although it is the best-food pack item in the game, Battle Meal Multipacks unfortunately have a few downsides. For one, they weigh upwards of three masses which can make them hard to carry in large stacks. Secondly, these multipacks are rare to find and generally cost a fair amount of credits from any local vendor. Last but not least, you can’t craft with the Battle Meal Multipack, so it’s limited. All of this aside, you get some powerful healing and carrying bonuses that make purchasing them a little more viable. At the very least, having a few on hand can make tough grinds a lot easier.

Battle Meal Multipack

The Best food pack item you can get in Starfield, Battle Meal Multipacks grant the player

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