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Starfield | Top 10 Non-Alcoholic Drinks To Collect

Our Top 10 list of the best Non-Alcoholic Drinks in Starfield will give you everything you need to make the most of your playthrough! With several unique bonuses and multiple drinks to choose from, we’ll help you get the most for your credits. 

Starfield | Top 10 Non-Alcoholic Drinks To CollectDuring your journey in Starfield, you’ll notice that one of the largest categories of items belongs to food and drink. Among those groups is the non-alcoholic drinks which have been greatly touched upon since previous titles. Each coffee, tea, and soda offers the player everything from experience boosts and oxygen regeneration to movement speed and extra stamina. Because of this, it can be a real service to collect as many of the best non-alcoholic drinks in the game as you can!

There are multiple kinds of non-alcoholic drinks throughout the game from soda and energy drinks to coffee and teas. Around this, you have several companies that put out these products such as Tranquilitea, and Terrabrew coffee. Because of this, it can be hard to know exactly what’s better than what. Unless you spend a bunch of time going through every consumable item in the game, there’s a fair chance you’ve missed something. So here are the top 10 best non-alcoholic drinks to collect in Starfield!

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Bullet Coffee

To start off our list of the best non-alcoholic drinks to collect, we have Bullet Coffee. You can find this drink everywhere, in hospitals, on spacers, and in coffee shops. With its stimulant and warm drink properties, it’s known to relieve breathing issues. Bullet Coffee comes in a bag that looks like distilled water with a cap. Because of this, the drink is easy to store and has a .3 mass. In three minutes, Bullet Coffee can restore five points of health and grant 20 percent oxygen recovery. Bullet Coffee is great because it negates some of the more aggressive alcoholic drinks or stimulants. You can counteract a loss of stamina with bullet coffee, and it tastes great!

Specifically, Bullet Coffee is described as coffee mixed with butter and is a classic recipe for the keto diet. What lands Bullet Coffee dead last in this spot is compared to other nonalcoholic drinks, this is more of a counteractant than a stimulant. You are better off keeping these on hand if you are looking to create an aid cocktail of food and drugs. Even when you’re not willing to use it on yourself, Bullet Coffee sells for an easy 140 credits a unit. While you are better off getting some of the better items on this list, Bullet Coffee is a great way to use drinks like Bog’s Grog without the full debuff. 

Terrabrew Espresso

Terrabrew Espresso will be the only member of the Terrabrew Coffee Company’s menu on this list. As it’s the best option for your credits on the company menu, you’ll be treated to some better bonuses than our previous option. Additionally, you’ll get this drink in the stylized coffee cup of the brand. For 75 credits you’ll be treated to a health point gain of four points, and an oxygen regeneration of 20 percent for three minutes. Since it weighs the same and has identical stats to Bullet Coffee, it’s generally a better option for collecting. You can find Terrabrew Coffee across the galaxy both on enemies and in their coffee shops. That being said, you are more likely to want the espresso over other options since they grant the largest bonus of the bunch. 

Bullet Coffee

Bullet Coffee

Because it’s cheaper and just as effective as Bullet Coffee it tends to be the more popular choice among spacers. That being said, you aren’t going to make a profit from collecting this drink, in fact it may be one of the most worthless things you can get. Because of this, credit-wise they are far from an investment, but as aid, they are as good as gold. Items that are cheap with good effects like this are always the best choice to go with given how many things there are to spend money on. Like Bullet Coffee, Terrabrew espressos make a better counteractant to the stamina loss of other items overall. You can get a good boost from using them, but stamina is all they really offer you.

Yuko’s Coffee

Here’s Yuko’s coffee, a specialty version of Terrabrew original with a little spice added. This coffee can only be found by looting abandoned sites. Yuko’s coffee is only found by looting, so it can be used or sold. There’s nothing you can do wrong with being pure profits by having it. That being said it weighs as much as the standard coffee does at .3 mass and sells for 75 credits. Granting the player two health points back and regenerating oxygen by 20 percent for 3 minutes. Yuko’s coffee can’t be bought at any vendors nor crafted making it relatively rare, though it does have a random chance of spawning in the game.

There isn’t much that you can do with this unique coffee besides either drink it or sell it. There isn’t a quest associated with it, nor is the healing you get from it all that good. Instead, you should probably just have it for the collectible purpose of having all the named items in the game. It is a little humorous that one of those many items is a simple cup of coffee which could be easily overlooked. That being said, when it comes to healing, it is a free item and thus is better than anything you’d have to pay for!

Yuko's Coffee

Yuko’s Coffee

Yellow Giant Splash

Speaking of free items that are better than those you pay for, Yellow Giant Splash is a non-alcoholic drink you can craft! Being made with spice, peach, and orange after you’ve researched beverage development 1, it’s relatively simple to produce. Keeping it on hand is a good idea as this stuff not only sells for 150 credits at .3 mass, but also has great effects. These effects include getting five lives back when consumed, as well as getting 25 extra oxygen for five minutes. This means you’ll get temporary bonus stamina points which can’t be overlooked. Bonus stamina is a unique bonus that most drinks are incapable of, and makes Yellow Giant Splash a great choice for any adventurer. 

Essentially it seems to be a non-carbonated fruit drink that comes in a plastic bag. Like the Bullet Coffee, this has a resealable cap and is easy to store. Unlike Bullet Coffee, this drink has a peculiar yellow appearance which justifies the name given to it. While it is fruit juice and spices, it’s notable that this seems to have a close resemblance to something like Mountain Dew in our real world. Either way, the effects it grants make Yellow Giant Splash worth the crafting! 

Chai Latte

The chai latte is one of the better options for new players because it has decent effects and comes relatively cheap. Valued at 155 credits you’ll get the bonuses of ten health restored, a 20 percent oxygen regeneration buff, and something extra. Chai lattes offer the player an additional fifteen oxygen to their character for five minutes. These bonuses mean you’ll be able to not only get some decent stamina recovery but also more of it. Obviously being the next step up from Yellow Giant Splash, Chai Lattes can be found across the galaxy. Fortunately, you can also craft chai lattes with dairy, spice, and tea. Because of this chai lattes are one of those nonalcoholic beverages you’ll want to keep on hand! 

Chai Latte

Chai Latte

Chai Lattes are another one of those drinks that comes in a plastic bag with a resealable cap. Because of this, the .3 mass makes the drink incredibly easy to keep on hand. The only downside is that it could be better than other drinks on this list which gives you a clear experience boost. Additionally, while they can be found throughout the galaxy, there are just better things out there for you to collect. That being said, early game when exploring these lattes can make the process go by a whole lot quicker. 

Alien Energy Drink

When it comes to non-alcoholic drinks that are capable of boosting your stamina, Alien Energy Drinks are the best you’ll get. Since they give you the highest bonuses of any oxygen regeneration booster, they are made better by being crafted. For starters, you’ll get a 15 percent movement speed bonus, and regeneration 10 percent more oxygen for three minutes. When crafted you’ll be able to constantly move through fights and abandoned locations quicker than otherwise. You can craft an alien energy drink with aromatics, distilled water, and metabolic agents. You’ll need to have access to the recipe once you’ve researched food and drink. Being worth 105 credits you’ll be able to make a neat profit off this product if you choose to sell it.

Alien Energy drinks appear like the typical plastic bag with a resealable lid. This is filled with a brown liquid that could easily be mistaken for cola or coffee. Alien energy drinks are one of the easiest and best non-alcoholic drinks to collect. Almost all of the ingredients can be looted from dead enemies or abandoned locations, so it’s versatile! In most abandoned places, you’ll have to carry a lot of them to get the full bonus. 

Alien Energy Drink

Alien Energy Drink

Cafe Et The Prime

Cafe Et The Prime is one of the specialty non-alcoholic drinks that can be found throughout Starfield. Being acquired after completing the Proper Tea Theft side quest, you’ll have access to this unique and potent drink. Being worth 140 credits it grants the player four health back and 12 percent oxygen recovery for three minutes. Additionally, this drink gives the player a 1 percent experience boost for a half hour, which can be really powerful. Since you can complete this quest early on, there’s no reason not to stock up on the potent mixture. Because it weighs the same as other drinks, it’s not only economical to keep on hand, but it’s great for bartering. 

The specialty drink, Cafe Et The Prime appears to be a milk tea mixture with high-grade leaves. This can be described as a high-energy drink that is a good alternative to something like coffee. It comes in a plastic bag with a resealable cap and looks almond brown. You’ll have to wait a few days before you can buy it once you finish the side quest. The only downside to this beverage is that there are better experience boosters you can gain access to early on. In the long run though, it is a unique consumable worth collecting! 

Boba Alien Tea

Another one of useful recipes you can unlock through going down the food and drink research tree is Boba Alien Tea. Being downright one of the better crafting items to have on hand, you’ll be treated to quite a few bonuses. For starters, you’ll receive three health back when drinking it, along with a 10-point increase in your oxygen for five minutes. Additionally, you’ll be given access to a two percent experience bonus for 15 minutes. Even though it’s not as long as Cafe Et The Prime, you’ll get more experience in half the time. If you can craft enough of them, you’ll be able to make a nice profit on this item. The recipe for this drink is super simple at aromatics, distilled water, and membranes. 

Alien Boba Tea

Alien Boba Tea

Boba Alien Tea appears in a plastic bag with a resealable cap. A greenish liquid that resembles green milk tea is located inside. There are boba pearls located at the bottom of the drink which is meant to add texture to the product. While there are better consumables to collect, this one is absolutely something you should keep on hand as soon as you can make it. If paired with other food items and drinks, you could get as high as a ten percent experience booster. Easily making you as the player capable of powering through levels quickly. 

Tranquilitea Lotus

Tranquilitea Lotus is the second-best non-alcoholic drink in Starfield; it’s the only drink from its brand on this list. It might be one of the best starting-out drinks around because it’s so cheap, plus you’ll get bonuses. Only being worth around 67 credits, you’ll have access to a two percent experience bonus for fifteen minutes. Paired with the normal three points of health restoration, you can have a very affordable method of power leveling early on. Tranquilitea Lotus is only dwarfed by the number one consumable because it falls off the later game you get into. Nonetheless, you can stack this item along with others for a very potent experience boost. 

Presented in a powder blue paper cup, it’s clear they were designed for cafes and restaurants. With Tranquilitea being a favorite of both settled systems, you’ll have no problem replenishing your supply. When kept on hand, it can really make a difference when grinding out battles. Finally, since you can only buy this item, it falls short compared to the best consumable, which can be crafted. 

-source: Tof Gaming

Sunray Tonic

Finally, the best non-alcoholic drink you can get in Starfield is flat-out the Sunray Tonic. Being a high-level consumable that you get after researching food and drink, it has a mix of some of the best bonuses in the game. For starters, you’ll have five life points restored when you drink it, along with a 10 percent oxygen recovery bonus. Along with this, you get access to a 2 percent experience bonus for thirty minutes that exceeds any other drink’s timer. Because of this, it’s undoubtable that this is one of the best consumables you can craft in the game. You can craft Sunray Tonics with Boom Pop! Cherry, Spice, and Tea. 

Coming in a resealable bag like many of the other drinks on this list, Sunray tonics have a yellow and red appearance. It’s clear that the mixture does not fully go together as there’s a layer of separation between the two. This drink is not only craftable but worth 140 credits per sale, so you can make a killing using it or selling it to vendors. Make sure you have a lot of them so you can power level in both experience and credits!

Sunray Tonic

Sunray Tonic is the best non-alcoholic drink in Starfield because of its ability to give an experience boost, oxygen regeneration bonuses, and health back.

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