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Starfield | Top 10 Crafted Foods To Collect

Our guide to Starfield's best consumables will help you make the most of your interstellar adventure. With insights on the best combat stimulants, drinks, and food items you'll have the best results for any situation. Narrowing your selection down to the best 10 items to collect will help you save room while maximizing your efforts!

Starfield | Top 10 Crafted Foods To CollectWhen traveling around the settled systems of Starfield you’ll come across a good majority of vendors selling food. From the generic prepackaged food you’d expect in a science fiction universe to freshly grown food, there’s a lot to take in. On top of this, the consumables menu includes potent alcohols and stimulants that can further add bonuses to your character. Like potions in Skyrim, or chems in Fallout consumables can turn a losing situation into a winning one quickly. Just keep in mind that while most items can be crafted, a few specialty goods can really make a difference.

For this reason, we will be narrowing down this list to generic cooked food items or things you can openly craft through the gastronomy skill. This leaves out specialty things like Blend, or the other assorted bartender drinks located across the game. Keeping this in mind, there’ll also be a restriction on battlestim items like cqb-x and amp as even though they can be crafted at pharmaceutical labs, they aren’t really food or drink. Finally, anything that could be considered high society food will be left for their own guide as there’s plenty to be considered for their own guides!

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Alien Jerky – A Basic Necessity

When dealing with many of the alien threats around Starfield, you’re more than likely to come across their organic material along the way. This loot can be useful for a variety of crafting recipes, however, one of the best trademarks is Alien Jerky. Offering the player both a decent means of using this mass quantity resource as well as giving back some health. You can acquire this recipe right off the bat, giving new players an added bonus. The ideal means of using alien jerky as a consumable is to replace the need to use medpacks when outside of combat. Additionally, they can make a decent early game selling items that can ring you a few caps.

There may be a lot more exciting recipes available to players down the line, but starting out this can be quintessential. One of the many bonuses of getting your hands on a decent ship is that your galley will be able to produce these goods. It should be noted that these galleys are often buggy, but any cooking station will do, even the one in the basement of the lodge. Stocking up on these and our next item early in the game can make a lot of the slog fights a lot easier, especially on higher difficulties! Just remember to stock up on plenty of organic material when you want to make it!

Recipe: 1 Membrane, 1 Nutrient

Alien Jerky

Alien Jerky

Alien Liquor – Interstellar Party

While Alien liquor is another basic essential for any aspiring Starfield player since it offers great starting bonuses. Giving you your first taste at added bonuses outside of just health, this easy-to-craft liquor is a great staple. Being better than simple beer or other alcohols, Alien Liquor offers the player some great bonuses. Granting the player an additional eight pounds of carry weight, you can make the most of your looting adventures. The only downside to alien liquor continues to be that it will reduce your O2 production by 25 percent to their respective owners. This can be a good trade-off from being over-encumbered, especially early on.

There are many consumables that can grant better carry weight bonuses, but starting out Alien Liquor is the easiest to make. Because of the fact its production is simple, you can make a small fortune off the sale of alien liquor throughout the galaxy. Just keep in mind it isn’t nearly as valuable as some of the other bottled spirits you can find. Despite this, by collecting alien liquor you’ll have a constant supply of buffers between running and being over-encumbered. Luckily, like Alien Jerky, you can unlock this recipe with basic research and no perks. 

Recipe: 1 Alkanes, 1 Nutrient

Alien Kebab

Alien Kebab

Alien Kabab – A Quick Bite

Surprisingly, in the interstellar adventure of Starfield one of the best delicacies is a hot meatloaf. Indeed the typically downed-on dish of the modern age grants you some great bonuses to oxygen when eaten. That being said, it has some of the more costly ingredients, however, it is well worth it. Giving the player a fair amount of oxygen and health points when consumed. For ten minutes you’ll get twelve oxygen restored a second which can be great for traveling around the galaxy. All of this being said, meatloaf has the added bonus of being worth quite a lot in outer space!

Because of the fact that this recipe is a bit more advanced, you’ll need to make sure you stock up on the ingredients to make it. That being said, the eight minutes your energy resistance will last gives you plenty of time to finish off whatever made you take it. Additionally, these kebabs make traveling through especially energetic landscapes a bit easier. No matter where you go, so long as lasers are blasting make sure your alien kebabs are at the ready!

Recipe: 1 Aromatic, 1 Nutrient, 1 Spice



Xenowurst – Alien Sausage

Another one of the many alien foods you can acquire in Starfield is Xenowurst. Acting as a great means of increasing your stamina, this helpful food ups your O2 production. This means you can fight for longer, and keep trekking through the worst environments. While many recipes that use organic material will give you bonuses to your defense, they rarely help with exploration. Instead, when surveying the many planets you’ll come across, xenowurst allows the process to go all the more quickly. These sausages not only allow you to run longer but also give you a fair amount of health back!

Appearing as a set of sausages in a piece of Tupperware, it is one of the first craftables in the game to be seen packaged. You can make this great crafting item after finishing Exotic Foods 2 in the research branch. Beyond the benefits it grants the player, xenowurst is a great means of making money as its ingredients are relatively easy to find. As a truly great way to live off the interstellar land, xenowurst is truly one of the better-crafting items you can have.

Recipe: 1 Membrane, 1 Nutrient, 1 Spice



Meatloaf – Just Like Mom Used To Make

Surprisingly, in the interstellar adventure of Starfield one of the best meals is a hot meatloaf. Indeed the typically downed-on dish of the modern age grants you some great bonuses to oxygen when eaten. That being said, it has some of the more costly ingredients, however, it is well worth it. Giving the player a fair amount of oxygen and health points when consumed. For ten minutes you’ll get twelve oxygen restored a second which can be great for traveling around the galaxy. All of this being said, meatloaf has the added bonus of being worth quite a lot in outer space!

Meatloaf in Starfield appears as it would in our age with the added bonus of Tupperware. It can be understated that this food has some of the better effects in the game, as well as a special version. While the special recipe requires that you start out with the kids stuff perk, you can get the special “grandpa’s meatloaf” recipe. This has even greater bonuses, though the basic version is just as good! No matter how you play Starfield, a slice of home cooking can go a long way!

Recipe: 1 Dairy, 1 Egg, 1 Red Meat

Alien Scramble

Alien Scramble

Alien Scramble – Yummy Eggs

Early on, one of the best ways to defend yourself from higher-level creatures is through damage resistance. Luckily with that in mind, Alien Scramble has your back! Giving the player the ability to resist sixty percent of incoming damage for five minutes you’ll be well protected in hard situations. Beyond this, alien Scramble will give the player a fair amount of health points back like any other decent consumable on this list. With all of this in mind, you should always keep this potent item on hand, especially early in your playthrough. Quintessentially, damage reduction items are far and few between early on, so the more you have the better off you are. 

Along with being a relatively simple recipe to craft, you can also sell it for a fair amount of credit. It can’t be understated just how useful the alien scramble is when dealing with some of the many high-damage enemies you’ll find. Additionally, these eggs are a great way of keeping your inventory free of unnecessary resources. The more you play, the more you will collect which can lead to an overburdening amount of crafting resources. These foods are especially great for lowering the supply while maintaining their value!

Recipe: 1 Egg, 1 Nutrient 

Collect as many sandwiches as you can

Collect as many sandwiches as you can

Reuben Sandwich – Hold The Mayo

Another great item for traversal that can be easily crafted is the Reuben Sandwich. Being a classic among sandwich lovers for generations, the Ruben makes its day view in Starfield with great results. Capable of giving you an O2 bonus greater than the xenowurst, you get faster regeneration for exploration. This can come in handy because the materials required to make the Reuben can be found in most major settlements with ease. Beyond this, they offer you ten minutes of O2 regeneration that can’t be undermined. Not to mention the Reuben might be one of the tastiest options you’ll find when exploring the greater universe.

Not only are these sandwiches great to keep in high supply when trying to explore, but they sell for a lot of credit. You’ll find them in most cities and bars as a popular staple food. With this in mind, it’s not hard to supplement your use of medpacks with these powerful sandwiches. In the long run, it will not only save you a couple of hundred credits, but will taste great too, theoretically speaking. Not to mention the Reuben might be one of the tastiest options you’ll find when exploring the greater universe coming from old earth cuisine.

Recipe: 1 White Bread, 1 Cheese, 1 Red Meat

Alien Stew

Alien Stew

Alien Stew – Atleast It Isn’t Squirrels

As part of the three best crafting recipes for consumables, Alien Stew is easily one of the dishes you’ll want to stock up on! Using relatively simple ingredients, and requiring a few perks you’ll have access to one of the best damage-reduction foods. This consumable will give you 100 percent damage resistance for 12 minutes which is more than enough to destroy your enemies. Besides this, alien Stew can grant the player 20 health upon eating it which is significantly higher than most other foods. When mixed with an oxygen item, and a carrying capacity drink you could fully restore your health without using a med pack. 

Outside of this, Alien Stew is a wonderful means of making your leftover resources more effective. On top of this, when dealing with a boss fight or overwhelming odds, these alien strews can utterly take the stress away. On top of this, when selling these stews you’ll be sure to receive a neat little profit as they tend to go for a high price. The only downside to alien Stew is that a good majority of its ingredients will require you to hunt aliens. So if you want the added experience, these alien stews are for you!

Recipe: 1 Aromatic, 1 Distilled Water, 2 Nutrient, 1 Spice

Nebula Wat

Nebula Wat is one of the best foods you can craft in Starfield for its damage resistance, health regain, and other unique bonuses!

Stellar Kebabs – Intergalactic Flavor

Arguably one of the best food items you can construct comes in the form of Stellar Kebabs. Not only are they exceptional for the fact that they grant the player oxygen and health but also for it’s amazing energy resistance. This food grants the player 175 percent resistance to all energy attacks which can greatly help during spacer engagements. This food will require you to have the third level of exotic foods researched, however once done you’ll have access to potent Recipes like this one. Not only can you combine this with alien Stew for complete damage resistance but also it will bring back nearly half of your health.

Stellar Kebabs are incredibly easy to craft once unlocked and are well worth the perks spent to make it. Beyond this, they sell for an extreme amount of credits as one of the easiest means of making money outside of alcohol. Not only do these kebabs protect the player and make a neat profit, but when given to your companions they can easily act as an undying human shield. Just keep in mind that in order to have access to these powerful craftables you’ll need to first put perk points into gastronomy. 

Recipe: 1 Aromatic, 1 Quark Degenerate Tissue, 1 Spice

-source: Loli Ho

Nebula Wat – Time To Go Fast

Undoubtedly one of the best crafting consumables you can make is the food known as Nebula Wat. Not only does it give you an excellent damage reduction of 150 percent, but a movement speed bonus of 25 percent. Both of these when coupled with the 25 health regain make this food especially potent no matter the situation. As an end-level crafting recipe that requires you to max out gastronomy, it serves as a perfect means of escaping hard conflicts. Not only this but the increased movement speed can help you navigate through tight areas, or explore open spaces. Without the perk, you can still buy this potent food but it tends to be fairly pricey.

In the lore of Starfield, Nebula Wat is one of those meals that comes from high society. Most people who order it are wealthy or well-off, so being able to make it yourself is great. Once you get your hands on the New Atlantian recipe, you’ve got multiple chances to make credits. If you can sell it in bulk, you can easily make your fortune with this dish alone. You’ll have an easier time playing Starfield with the speed boost and damage reduction.

Recipe: 1 Bread, 1 Egg, 1 Butter, 1 Quark Degenerate Tissue

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