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Persona 5 Tactica | How to Beat Quest 2 (Easy 1 Turn Clear Guide)

In this quick and easy guide, we'll show you how to beat Quest 2 in Persona 5 Tactica, a particularly tricky mission early in the game. Compared to other early mission, Quest 2 can be a real brainteaser in P5T, mainly thanks to its strict 1 turn clear requirement and focus on 1 More Action triggers. Fortunately, we're here to help guide you through it.

Persona 5 Tactica | How to Beat Quest 2 (Easy 1 Turn Clear Guide)

Persona 5 Tactica is a big departure from its namesake, forgoing the traditional turn-based formula for a strategy game more akin to Fire Emblem. Instead of roaming around Palaces and fending off wandering Shadows, you and your party will be going up against fixed missions and skirmishes which test your brain and strategic knowledge more than anything else. Nothing emphasises this shift more than the Quests which are small side activities which task you with solving an encounter in a very specific way, usually honing your understanding of a specific mechanic in the process. They’re really fun and are worth doing whenever they pop up, especially for the extra GP they give you. 

Relatively early in your journey through the first Kingdom in P5T, you’ll unlock Quest 2. Despite it being quite literally the second Quest you’ll ever attempt, it’s a big step up in terms of difficulty, which is mainly due to the very strict clear requirements. If you want to get through it successfully, it requires a precise solution, one which asks you to have a good understanding of how cover, debuffs and the 1 More Action mechanics work. It’s certainly tricky, especially with it being so early in the game, but we’re here to give you a helping hand. 

Here’s how to easily beat the tricky Quest 2 mission in Persona 5 Tactica

Quest 2 Overview

Quest 2 – Stealing Classified Info – is a massive step up in terms of complexity and challenge compared to Quest 1. You’ll unlock it after completing Main Mission 11, which is where you venture into Marie’s castle to free Ryuji and Haru from her corrupting grasp. After returning to the Hideout, you’ll have two new party members to choose from and Quest 2 waiting diligently for you.

Like most other Quests in the game, your main reward for beating this mission is going to GP for certain party members. In this case, a successful run will earn you 20 GP for Joker and 10 GP for Erina, helping you pick up some useful abilities and skills from the Skill Tree early in the game. 

Quest 2, Stealing Classified Info

Quest 2, Stealing Classified Info

At first glance, Stealing Classified Info seems like a pretty easy mission to complete. Your three party members are split up and isolated behind different areas of the map and your goal is to simply make it to the target location on the other end of the arena. To make things even better, most of the enemies are out of cover, giving you plenty of opportunities for 1 More triggers and free actions.

Well, that’s due to the strict clear requirements. To beat Quest 2 successfully, you need to complete it in a single turn. If you allow the enemies to take a turn for any reason, the Quest will instantly end in failure and you’ll repeat the whole thing. In order to successfully conquer this Quest and make it to the end goal, you’ll need to figure out a way to chain 1 More Action procks between certain characters at the right moments: waste a Down opportunity and you’ll likely have to restart.

So, how do you beat Quest 2 in Persona 5 Tactica

Quest 2 Map Layout

Quest 2 Map Layout

How to Beat Quest 2 in Persona 5 Tactica

Party Set-Up

In Quest 2, your party composition isn’t anywhere as free or open as the rest of P5T. You’ll only have one free slot to choose from as you’ll be forced to use both Joker and Erina in this fight. 

As for who should take up that final slot, we recommend choosing Ryuji. The reason why you should pick Ryuji isn’t really for his combat abilities but mainly for Zio, his Lightning attack which afflicts enemies with Shock after dealing light damage. Honestly, your third-party member isn’t going to be doing a lot doing this fight and their only real requirement is that they can afflict an enemy with a debuff such as Burn, Shock or Freeze.

Because of that, Ryuji isn’t actually a strict requirement: you can use Ann, instead, or even choose a different party member equipped with an appropriate sub-Persona. At the point when this quest becomes available, Ryuji is just the simplest and best choice, thus our recommendation of him.

Zio and Shock

Zio and Shock

Strategy and Turn Order

In essence, this Quest is a tutorial on the strengths of 1 More Action and how you can exploit it to gain a bunch of additional attacks and movement options. Thanks to the ladder placement in this mission, only Erina has a viable chance of reaching the end and you’ll need to chain together over 5 different instances of 1 More Action to make it there. 

With that in mind, begin by controlling Erina. You’ll want to move her right to the edge of her available movement (something you’ll repeat any time you’re in control of her during this Quest) before attacking the nearby Legionnaire. Most of the enemies in this stage stand right out in the open, allowing the character who Downs them to get a free Action and this is what we’ll be using to get Erina to the end goal.  

Once the Legionnaire goes down and Erina gets another turn, have her Dash down the nearby ladder and then wait at the edge of the boxes close by. Do not end your turn here and, instead, switch over to Joker. 

1 More Action is Vital

1 More Action is Vital

Joker’s play space is a lot more confined than Erina’s but he spawns very close to two more Legionnaires who are stacked up near a ledge. To proceed, you’ll want to melee attack them so that it not only gives Joker 1 More Action but knocks both of the Legionnaires down into the pit next to Erina.

Before you switch back to controlling Erina, use Joker’s 1 More Action to Eiha the nearby Legionnaire at the bottom of the ladder. Any enemies who are behind cover are considered Resisted, meaning that they won’t get Downed after being attacked. If you debuff them with a status effect such as Despair or Shock, however, allied attacks will then ignore cover, allowing you to Down them for another 1 More Action. As such, Joker casting Eiha at this point readies this Legionnaire for when Erina passes by later. 

Before Debuff vs After Debuff

Before Debuff vs After Debuff

After you Despair the enemy with Joker, switch back to Erina. From here, you can Down one of the enemies Joker knocked down earlier for some extra movement and another action, which you should use to get as far away as possible. This time, the edge of her movement will land her right beside the Legionnaire afflicted with Despair. Have Erina use her Art, Partisan, to strike the Despaired foe, landing her a free Critical from behind cover and another 1 More Action trigger. Shuffle a little further down towards the goal but don’t forget to use Partisan a second time on the enemy standing on the wooden platform next to Ryuji for some more movement.

When Erina reaches the final threshold (which should be right next to the finish line) it’s Ryuji’s turn to shine. Have him Dash up the ladder on his side of the field but ignore the enemy that Erina just Downed. Instead, you’ll want to have him climb down the ladder on the opposite side to get in range of the Legionnaire hiding behind a nearby box. Using the same method we did with Joker, you’re going to use Zio on this enemy to afflict them with Shock, another status which allows allied attacks to bypass cover.

Regain control of Erina, perform Partisan one final time on the Shocked Legionnaire and then use the extra movement granted by this last 1 More Action to cross the goal. Congratulations! You’ve cleared Quest 2 in a single turn using 5 different instances of 1 More Action on a single character. 

Quest 2 Complete

Quest 2 Complete

Step-by-Step Guide

If you want to see how to complete this Quest in a more step-by-step description: 

  1. Start by moving to the edge of Erina’s available movement and then shoot the Legionaire closest to her to trigger 1 More Action.
  2. Using that extra movement, have Erina descend to the bottom of the nearby ladder.
  3. Switch to Joker and have him melee attack the two enemies closest to him. Make sure you’re facing Erina so that the enemies get sent down to the bottom of the pit. 
  4. Once Joker’s 1 More Action triggers, go down the nearby ladder on his side of the field and then Eiha the Legionaire in cover to inflict them with Despair.

At this point, Joker’s role in the battle is over and he can take a backseat for the remainder of the fight. 

  1. Switch back to Erina and have her attack the Legionnaires that were sent to her by Joker’s melee attack. When she gets another 1 More Action prock, move as far down towards the goal as you can. 
  2. Use Erina’s Partisan ability to Down the Legionnaire afflicted by Despair near Joker, triggering yet another 1 More Action for Erina. Continue moving down as far as you can.
  3. Repeat this step and use Partisan on the Legionnaire on top of the platform near Ryuji for another Action and more movement. 
  4. Then, switch to Ryuji, Dash up the ladder, go down the other side and use Zio on the Legionnaire behind cover to afflict them with Shock
  5. Switch back to Erina for the final time and use Partisan on the Shocked enemy. This will give you the last bit of movement you need to cross the goal in a single round.

That was how to clear Quest 2 in Persona 5 Tactica in only a single round. 

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