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Palworld | Pal Party Blitz Strategy

Our guide to palworld’s necklace skills will help you blitz your targets, and speedrun through the map! Don’t get caught up with hard-to-beat tanks, instead gang up on them with a team full of powerful pals coming all out at once. Through the pal necklace, this is a perfectly plausible feat you can unlock as soon as level eight!

Palworld | Pal Party Blitz StrategyPal blitzing is a strategy referring to the use of multiple friendly pals at once to attack either a group or a singular target. In the simplest means, any pal that can have a necklace where it is freely around you outside of a sphere is capable of performing this strategy. A good reason to use this strategy is that you can easily damage syndicate towers bosses, or raid tier pals easier. Early on, your best chance of doing this is through obtaining the level eight daedream necklace and two pal choices. In effect, this will allow you to create a small squad of constant damage that will subvert attention to yourself. 

Not only is this strategy effective for taking care of raid bosses, but can work in your favor when it comes to gathering resources. In essence, since strength in numbers is a sound strategy for larger tankier enemies due to more attacks per second  Making sure you maximize your pal strength through support enhancers makes a real difference in creating the ultimate Pal Party Blitz! To accomplish this all you’ll need is some duplicate pals, the necklace accessory for them, and a pal that boosts their stats when used. This will create an opportunity window where large amounts of friendlies prevent your enemies from hitting you. 

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Pal Necklaces

Pal necklaces are a type of essential item you can craft from the specialized equipment bench. They allow for your pals to roam around with you freely once they’ve been put in your party. How this differs from using your picked pal is that you get access to all of the pals associated with the necklace. Having multiple necklaces of different pals allows you to have a spread of different ones, however, having duplicates isn’t bad. What’s great about the pal necklaces is that one necklace will affect every duplicate of that pal in your party. Each pal will act independently and can attack aggressive targets. 

Besides combat, these necklaces are great to keep on hand when you’re working on your base, or gathering resources. Mainly this is because they will assist you in your tasks as a group, making some harder-to-finish tasks excessively easy. However, the best aspect of these necklaces is that you can just move around with a small swarm of cute or terrifying creatures to menace your opponents. During boss raids and syndicate towers, these necklaces can make short work of high health pools, all the whole mitigating damage. In this way, you’ll be able to finish every fight well within the time limit!

Obtaining Pal Necklaces

Essential items like a pal necklace can be obtained by leveling up your character and spending technology points on them. Of all the things you can make, essential items will be hidden until you have the pal itself caught. Once done these necklaces or other associated essential items will become available to purchase with your technology points. Generally, the first one you’ll be able to get is for daedream which starts at level eight for your character. Once you have caught enough duplicates of them, you should have enough to get a fair chunk to level eight itself. Keep in mind that essential items like pal necklaces require you to craft them from a special workbench.

Pal Necklaces are a great way to activate the pal blitz strategy!

Pal Necklaces are a great way to activate the pal blitz strategy!

Support Pals

When doing this pal party blitz strategy, you might think it’s best to just go with all of the same pals, getting more bang for your necklace. However, by investing in a pal you can sphere summon that boosts a type stat, you can easily maximize these party members. For instance, using daedream you can easily catch a hootcretes to get a bonus to all dark-type damage. This aside, most pals have a variety of attacks and skills that can be made more effective by your support pal. However, another thing to keep in mind with support Pals is their overall health pool. 

Since they’ll be the lynchpin of your strategy, you’ll want to make sure they can easily hold their own. In this regard, learning when to recall these supports to let them heal will be a powerful part of the overall process. So consider the defensiveness and longevity of these supports, so your unbridled attacks don’t fall short of success. Nonetheless, with a substantial damage boost to your onslaught of attacks, you’re bound to have a fun time!

Advantages Of Pal Blitzing

The advantages of using multiple pals at once mostly come from being able to cause as much mayhem as possible. By having up to five pals dealing constant damage, plus your own, there are very few forces that can withstand it. Besides this obvious increase in firepower, you’ll have access to an expanded workforce outside of what your base can handle. This is a positive uptick very early on when the base has only a few spots for your pals to work from. As you level up this can just be a constant increase that makes production of spheres, weapons, and structures far easier.

These necklaces will become unlocked at level eight, and can help you deal high damage for two technology points.

These necklaces will become unlocked at level eight, and can help you deal high damage for two technology points.

Besides all of this, having this expanded amount of pals out to protect you can make your experience in Palworld more enjoyable. Just having access to a small army of potentially high-level pals for you to field stomp any issues that come your way. Especially early on, this can be an important strategy when ammunition and resources are limited. Exploring with a larger force is also a far better experience than trying to rely on one pal at a time.

Disadvantages Of Pal Blitzing

While pal blitzing can be a really powerful strategy, there are some downsides to doing it. For one, you’ll need to send these pals back to heal more often than using one at a time. Additionally, these pals will make it exceedingly hard to catch new ones. This comes from them dealing a lot of damage on a concentrated area which can just defeat the pal outright. Besides this, you’ll need to keep in mind that food resource needs and gathering abilities are going to increase dramatically. So to mitigate this make sure you produce a bunch of feed bags and healing items so you can keep your pals in the fight longer.

Because you cannot catch pals when you’re focusing on a single target, you’ll be forced into many more group engagements. This may be difficult at first especially when your pals are still gaining levels and learning moves. However, within this, you’ll be getting a lot more resources and experience than you usually would, if you can handle the extra heat. Overall this is a great strategy for a group, or even to just melt opponents. However, when you try to catch things individually, that melting can become a double-edged sword against you.

You can have up to five pals out at once with this strategy

You can have up to five pals out at once with this strategy, this can be accomplished through the pal necklace!

Pal Blitz In A Roaming Raid

Roaming raids are one of the better times to utilize this strategy if you’re within level range of the opponent. However, if the target has a massive damage boost over you and your team, there’s only going to be a quick end to you. A major issue comes from the fact your pals will group around you, so cluster attacks such as a fire blast could easily wipe your entire party out. To circumvent this, try to engage the enemy from a distance, and keep in constant motion much the way you would with a singular member of the team. 

By staying in motion, or behind cover you have a better chance of making it out of the situation. The biggest issue with roaming raids is that these pals can be interfered with by outside sources. Because of this, you’ll have both the blessing and the curse of potentially being joined or attacked by other players or pals. No matter what though, your main issue you’re going to deal with is that catching these pals will be harder with the extra aggressors. So if you want to catch these roaming raid bosses, maybe try a different strategy. 

Pal Blitzing In Dungeon Raids

A far more effective use of pal blitzing is through dungeon raids you come across like caves. You can easily explore through them with a full party of damage dealers and collect all the loot hiding within. Of course, catching pals this way will be a little harder, but you have more of a chance of your attacks spreading out. This is because the smaller spaces of the dungeons are confined, full of enemies, and allow your blitzes to pick different targets. Keep in mind that sometimes these raids will include multiple pals in the official boss fight, so this can make for a great means of catching the boss itself. 

Adding a hootcretes is a great way of making your pals deal more damage if they're a dark type!

Adding a hootcretes is a great way of making your pals deal more damage if they’re a dark type!

To ensure you have the most effective time in dungeons though, make sure to maximize on the support pal portion of the guide. If you can increase the overall output of damage, you’ll be able to openly complete these challenges much more thoroughly. Besides this, you could openly use these pal blitz strategies in combination with a tombat for the sonar ability. Ensuring that you’re able to find all of the rare pals that might be hiding behind the cover of darkness. Also, remember that cave dungeons are a great place to find powerful pals like daedream who can use necklaces. 

Pal Blitzing In Syndicate Towers

The bread and butter of pal blitzing is undoubtedly in the limited-time challenges of a syndicate tower boss battle. These fights generally include a high-level pals and human combo that requires you to beat them in ten minutes. Because of this, the massive amount of damage can be accomplished via multiple pals and a support booster. By increasing the damage dealt per second you are ensuring that you can not only beat the clock, but the enemy. There are a few things to keep in mind, however, such as the need to stay behind cover, and to avoid enemy attacks. Especially in a situation where healing may become harder than usual.

In these limited events, you don’t have the time to swap between your pals for different effects. So by using all of them, or most at once, you’re almost ensuring to use the maximum damage potential of your chosen team. Like with roaming raid battles, you need to make sure that you don’t get caught in area-of-effect attacks. Since your pals will stick close to you, ranged attacks and mobility will almost always be the best possible means of attack. For attack, this is the undoubted beat use of the Pal Blitz. Otherwise, using them for building and collecting materials is your best possible option for this strategy.

You can have the pal necklace out, as well as a pal sphere summon like hootcretes in this case.

You can have the pal necklace out, as well as a pal sphere summon like hootcretes in this case.

Pal Blitzing When Capturing

One of the harder aspects of the pal blitz strategy is trying to capture pals while doing so. You’ll find that your little platoon of elemental creatures is going to put a lot of shots down range toward the enemy. This means before you get the chance to correct the course, most of your enemies will be taken out in a matter of seconds. This leaves a tiny and unflattering window of time where most pals will just flat-out faint before you have the chance to catch them. In this sense, it can become incredibly difficult to try and build your ranks when you’re doing a pal blitz. However, if you keep at a constant pace, your pals have more of a chance of spreading their damage out to multiple targets.

In that sense, your best course of action for pal blitzing and trying to get captures is to simply attack multiple enemies. The more opponents you have engaging you, the more your pals will be broken up to focus on various threats. In this way, you can almost take advantage of this by capturing multiple pals in a quick rotation. You’re more likely to have this happen during a dungeon raid or near syndicate outposts. However, once you get the sphere launcher, most of these issues go away as you can just damage pals with the sphere you’re catching them with.

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