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Palworld | Guide to Everything Farming

Master the art of farming in Palworld with this guide! The powerful Farming ability can make you fat stacks of eggs, wool, and even money. In this Farming roadmap, you'll learn everything about the ranch, and the pals that make it shine. 

Palworld - Guide to Everything Farming
Farming is a bit of a deceptively named ability. It may imply that it’s about growing crops and managing the soil – but in 
Palworld, Planting occupies that job. Instead, Farming refers pretty much exclusively to ranches and ranching. Animal Husbandry would be a better way to refer to this skill. For example, common yields include (but aren’t limited to!) milk, wool, and eggs.

But there is more to Farming than that. What makes this skill the odd one out is that Pals don’t scale in it. All the other skills have four levels. A Pal with Kindling level 4 is four times as effective at working your furnace than a Pal with Kindling level 1. Farming doesn’t work that way. Every single Pal has Farming level 1. But, their drops vary massively. While a Pal with the Lumbering ability always provides wood, Pals with the Farming ability can provide a total of 11 different goods. So without further ado let’s dive into the wonderful world of farming!

More interested in the many other abilities Pals can have? Then check out our Ultimate Abilities Guide!

Ranches – The Gateway to Farming

To even start farming, you need to construct a Ranch. It’s a fairly simple and easy building to reach. Reach level 5, and spend some ability points to unlock the building. Make sure that you don’t waste your technology points on other, more trivial inventions. Ranching is among one of the most important buildings to progress, so prioritize getting it early.

Fortunately, a ranch is easy to research and easy to build.

Fortunately, a ranch is easy to research and easy to build.

Once you unlock the Ranch, you can construct it from the buildings tab. It’s a fairly cheap building. You only need:

  • 20 Stone
  • 30 Fiber
  • 50 Wood

Congratulations, you’re all set to start farming! Don’t forget to throw your Pals that can farm into the ranch to assign them permanently. Ranching is a full-time job! Many materials that ranches generate are only obtainable by hunting and gathering. Who even has time for that?!

Staffing Your Ranch With Farming Pals

So you have your ranch set up, fantastic! Now it’s time to find the right Pals to work them. There are 11 materials that the ranch can generate, depending on the Pal that works it.


Wool is a great early material. It’s usable for saddles, beds, and most notably, cloth. Cloth is used for loads of items – but we’ll discuss that later down this guide. For now, a steady wool supply is one of the many pillars that make your small settlement work. 

Don't miss your chance for good early wool supply!

Don’t miss your chance for good early wool supply!

Pals that generate wool are CremisLamball, and Melpaca. You can find each of these Pals early in the Windswept Hills. 


If you’ve ever played a cooking game, or even cooked anything, you’ll know the glory of eggs. They’re the basic ingredient to a ridiculous amount of dishes. You can just fry them or turn them into an omelet, but you can also combine them with some nice Rushoar Pork for Rushoar Bacon ‘n’ Eggs. However, the best recipe in Palworld is Cake, which is essential for breeding. 

Where would the world be without eggs?

Where would the world be without eggs?

The only Pal that generates Eggs in a ranch is, unsurprisingly, Chikipi. This is another easily obtainable Pal, as it roams around right outside of spawn in the Windswept Hills. 


Milk is pretty similar to Eggs, in the sense that it’s another fundamental ingredient to everything cooking. It’s another central ingredient to the aforementioned Cake, but you can also use it for Pancakes and Pizza. Do keep in mind that Milk spoils – so once you have it, you should put it in a Cooler Box or a Fridge.

Milk spoils, so make sure you've got a fridge nearby!

Milk spoils, so make sure you’ve got a fridge nearby!

Once again, there’s only one Pal that can produce Milk when assigned to a ranch. And again unsurprisingly, it’s Mozzarina, the Cow. It can be a little tricky to find in the early game. Mozzarina roams around the southeastern Bamboo Groves, to the west of the Windswept Hills. 


We’re continuing the list of farming consumables with Honey – yet another ingredient necessary for Cake. It’s almost like such a good recipe takes a lot of ingredients. Either way, Honey is a bit more difficult to get since the Pal you need to assign to a Ranch is a bit further away. 

Honey can be tricky to get, so having it in a ranch is very convenient.

Honey can be tricky to get, so having it in a ranch is very convenient.

That Pal is Beegarde, a highly versatile Pal that lives a bit further away. It’s in the Moonless Shore, the area directly to the north of the Windswept Hills. Make sure to toughen up before you venture here since the Pals around this place can be pretty tough. 

Red Berries

Red Berries are an incredible early-game food source. They’re easy to farm, and extremely effective at feeding both you and your Pals. However, I wouldn’t recommend using your Ranch for Red Berries. They can also grow in Berry Plantations – while there are plenty of resources that you can only get on a Ranch. 

There are better uses for your ranch, but you can still use it for berry farming.

There are better uses for your ranch, but you can still use it for berry farming.

Still, if you want to use your Ranch for Red Berries, you can do so by assigning a Caprity to it. It’s a simple catch, roaming around in multiple areas throughout the map. One of those is the Windswept Hills, so just catch one there. 

Cotton Candy

Let’s have a look at the final consumable you can get from a Ranch – Cotton Candy. This one is perhaps the most straightforward ingredient to get. It’s consumable on its own, and it isn’t part of any recipe. So get the Cotton Candy, eat the Cotton Candy, and move on.

Cotton Candy is super niche, but food is always good to have.

Cotton Candy is super niche, but food is always good to have.

The Pal that yields Cotton Candy is also just a single one, who can’t do anything else but graze. That Pal is Woolipop. This extremely niche Pal is found in the far south of the Bamboo Groves, just west of the Windswept Hills. 

Flame Organ

I’m not entirely sure how you farm organs without doing some serious damage to a Pal, but I suppose anything is possible in Palworld. A Flame Organ is a useful material that you can use for a wide range of items, from couch sets to cooking pots, lanterns, and furnaces. 

Flame organs are very useful when you industrialize!

Flame organs are very useful when you industrialize!

Either way, the Pal that can farm these in a Ranch is Flambelle. It isn’t exactly a common find. Flambelle roams the eastern edges of Mt. Obsidian, on the western edge of the map. It also exists on the easternmost edges of Verdant Brook, to the northeast of the Windswept Hills, and beyond the Moonless Shore. Alternatively, you can also hatch one from a Scorching Egg. 

High-Quality Cloth

For the finest armor, the best gliders, and some powerful weapons, you need more than wool. You even need more than cloth. You need high-quality cloth. It’s a rare and labor-intensive material to get, so having a steady supply on a farm will save you considerable time and effort.

Looking for great armor or a nice glider? Get some high-quality cloth.

Looking for great armor or a nice glider? Get some high-quality cloth.

The Pal to get this rare material from isn’t an easy one to get, however. Sibelyx only roams the faraway Astral Mountains, located in the far north of the known world. It will be an ordeal to get there early on, let alone survive there. So your best odds early on is to hatch one from a Large Frozen Egg.

Gold Coins

Yep, you can farm gold on Palworld. Having a gold-farming Pal is an excellent addition to any Ranch. With gold, you can buy materials and schematics from Wandering Merchants. You can even buy Pals from Pal Merchants. I don’t think I need to waste too many words to explain the value of money.

Gold digging cat? Heck yeah, sign me up!

Gold digging cat? Heck yeah, sign me up!

By far the most reliable way to get gold coins is by assigning a Mau to a ranch. You can also use its subspecies, Mau Cryst. These Pals  aren’t easy to get. They aren’t anywhere on the map, instead roaming around in time-limited dungeons that appear all over the map. If you can’t find one, you can also try hatching one from a Dark Egg, breeding one, or buying one from a Black Marketeer. 

Arrows, Gold Coins, Pal Spheres

You read it right! There is a single pal that can farm more than one good. Pal Spheres, Mega Spheres, Gold, and even Arrows. Arrows and Pal Spheres are crucial inventory items that you’ll never have enough of, and gold coins are a valuable commodity. So which Pal is responsible for a constant supply of great loot?

Vixy is a versatile addition to any farm - a real must have!

Vixy is a versatile addition to any farm – a real must have!

That Pal is Vixy, a tiny fox that’s tricky to find but does roam the southern areas of the Windswept Hills. It can take a while to find one, but it’s a search well worth it. Alternatively, you can breed one. Vixies can be the offspring of a few common and accessible Pals, like Lamball and Lifmunk, Chikipi and Foxparks, or Sparkit and Teafant. 

And that’s all there is to farming in Palworld. I hope you enjoyed this guide, don’t forget to check out our preview!

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