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Once Human: How to Beat Ravenous Hunter Boss

If you're ready to finally defeat the Ravenous Hunter in Once Human, then this comprehensive guide walks you through each phase, offers strategic tips, recommends the best loadout, and highlights rewards. Get prepared to face this level 10 Rift Entity boss and unlock the Broken Delta region!

Once Human How to Beat Ravenous Hunter Boss

In Once Human, the Ravenous Hunter stands out as a challenging level 10 Rift Entity boss encountered in the Monolith of Greed. Known for its formidable attacks and strategic complexity, this boss fight is crucial for unlocking the Broken Delta region.

This guide will walk you through each phase of the Ravenous Hunter battle, offering strategies, loadout recommendations, and tips to help you emerge victorious. Prepare for an intense fight as we break down how to defeat the Ravenous Hunter and claim your rewards.

Who Is Ravenous Hunter in Once Human?

The Ravenous Hunter is a level 10 Rift Entity boss in Once Human. It is one of the early bosses players encounter and must defeat to progress through the game, specifically to unlock the Broken Delta region. This biomechanical creature, formerly known as the Foul Shadow Hunter, is notable for its yellowish sac in its head, where it traps its humanoid host. Players face the Ravenous Hunter in the Monolith of Greed within the Dayton Wetlands region.

The boss fight has three phases, each with unique challenges and attack patterns. Defeating the Ravenous Hunter yields valuable rewards, including the Festering Gel Deviation, Energy Links, Weapon Mod Parts, and more.

How to Unlock Ravenous Hunter

To unlock the Ravenous Hunter in Once Human follow these steps:

  1. Reach the Required Level: Ensure your character is at least level 8, as the Ravenous Hunter is a level 10 boss.
  2. Start the Welcome Back Quest: The Ravenous Hunter is encountered during the Welcome Back quest. Begin this quest to set the stage for the boss fight.
  3. Head to the Monolith of Greed: Navigate to the Monolith of Greed in the Dayton Wetlands. This is the specific location where the Ravenous Hunter resides.
  4. Enter the Rift Beacon: Once inside the Monolith of Greed, find and interact with the Rift Beacon. This will allow you to select the difficulty level for the encounter.
  5. Engage the Ravenous Hunter: After selecting the difficulty, you can initiate the boss fight. Be prepared for a challenging battle that unfolds in three distinct phases.
  6. Defeat the Ravenous Hunter: Successfully defeat the Ravenous Hunter to progress in the game and unlock the Broken Delta region.

After defeating the Ravenous Hunter, you can return to its location and fight it again at the same or higher difficulty levels, provided you meet the required levels for each difficulty

Best Loadout for Ravenous Hunter

Below is a recommended loadout you should use for the boss:

Sniper Rifle

Sniper Rifle

Primary Weapon

  • Sniper Rifles: These are highly effective against the Ravenous Hunter due to their ability to deal significant damage from a distance. Recommended sniper rifles include:
    • SN700 – Gulped Lore: Known for its high damage output and critical hit potential.

Secondary Weapon

  • Pistols: A reliable secondary option to round out your weapon loadout. Consider the following:
    • DE.50: Offers a good balance of damage and accuracy, making it a solid choice for close to mid-range encounters.

Additional Tips

  • Weapon Mods: Equip mods that enhance damage, critical hit chance, and accuracy to maximize your effectiveness against the Ravenous Hunter.
  • Healing Items: Carry sufficient healing items like Activators to restore health during the fight, especially during cover breaks.
  • Deviants: Utilize combat Deviants such as the Festering Gel Deviation for healing support, and the Butterfly Deviant for additional damage.

This loadout ensures you have the firepower and support necessary to handle the Ravenous Hunter’s attack patterns and phases effectively

Ravenous Hunter Phases

The Ravenous Hunter in Once Human has three phases: Phase 1 involves avoiding its Minigun until it overheats; Phase 2 requires destroying Spawners while dodging rockets; Phase 3 features Rocket Launcher attacks, including Missile Clusters, Artillery Strikes, and Acid Attacks. Each phase introduces new challenges and tactics.

Phase 1 

In Phase 1, the Ravenous Hunter attacks with its Minigun. Players should take advantage of the boss’s initial roar to deal damage, focusing on the head for critical hits. Once the Minigun overheats, the boss becomes temporarily vulnerable.

Phase 1 of the Boss

Phase 1 of the Boss

Target the head and right arm to sever the Minigun, then use it against the boss. When the Ravenous Hunter’s health drops by one-third, it will become immune and teleport away, requiring players to destroy two Spawners to continue the fight.

Phase 2

In Phase 2, the Ravenous Hunter reappears with its Minigun and resumes attacking from range. Utilize the brief window after it reenters to inflict damage or throw Explosive Barrels at it. The boss will again become immune after losing two-thirds of its health, teleporting away to summon Spawners.

Phase 2 of the Boss

Phase 2 of the Boss

Destroy these Spawners while avoiding the boss’s rockets. Continue using cover and targeting the weak spots to manage this phase effectively.

Phase 3

In Phase 3, the Ravenous Hunter switches to a Rocket Launcher, introducing new attacks:

Phase 3 of the Boss

Phase 3 of the Boss

  • Missile Cluster: The boss fires a cluster of homing rockets. Take cover or run perpendicular to avoid damage.
  • Artillery Strike: Rockets are fired in an area, indicated by a red light. Move away from the targeted zone to avoid damage.
  • Acid Attack: The boss spits acid, creating damaging pools on the ground. Avoid these areas.
  • Homing Missile: A single homing rocket targets players. Use cover or dodge to evade.

After each attack, capitalize on brief windows of vulnerability to deal damage and aim to deplete the remaining health.

Ravenous Hunter Boss Fight Rewards

Defeating the Ravenous Hunter grants a variety of valuable rewards:

Festering Gel as A Reward for The Ravenous Hunter Boss Fight

Bossfight Rewards

  • Festering Gel Deviation: A Combat Deviation that provides a healing area of effect when summoned.
  • Energy Links: Useful for various upgrades and enhancements.
  • Weapon/Melee Weapon (Tier 1): New weapons or melee options to enhance your arsenal.
  • Gear Mods: Modifications for improving your gear.
  • Weapon Mod Parts: Components for customizing and upgrading weapons.
  • Stardust Source: A resource used for crafting and upgrades.
  • Electronic Parts: Materials required for various crafting recipes

To sum everything up, defeating the Ravenous Hunter in Once Human is a crucial achievement, providing both a tough challenge and valuable rewards. By targeting weak spots, managing each phase’s unique mechanics, and using strategic cover, you can conquer this boss. Equip the right loadout, stay adaptable, and secure the Festering Gel Deviation along with other loot to advance in the Broken Delta region. Good luck!

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