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Once Human: Acid Farming Guide

Learn the ultimate secrets to efficient Acid farming in Once Human with our detailed guide! From crafting and upgrading gear to producing ammunition and converting resources, discover essential tips for maximizing your Acid collection. Learn the best farming locations and both active and passive methods to keep your resource supply steady and your gameplay on point.

Once Human Acid Farming Guide

In the world of Once Human, Acid stands as a vital resource with numerous applications that significantly impact gameplay and progression. From enhancing your gear through crafting and upgrades to producing ammunition and converting resources, Acid is integral to optimizing your performance and survival. Understanding how to effectively farm this resource can make all the difference in your journey through the game’s challenging environments.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential uses of Acid, strategies for efficient farming, and preparations to maximize your resource collection. Whether you’re just starting or are well into the late game, you’ll find valuable tips on both active and passive farming methods.

What Is Acid Used for in Once Human?

In Once Human, Acid is a valuable resource with several critical uses that enhance gameplay and progression. Here are the main applications for Acid in the game:

Crafting and Upgrading Gear

Acid is a key component in crafting and upgrading weapons, armor, and other gear. It is used in various recipes to enhance your equipment’s durability, effectiveness, and special attributes. By incorporating Acid into crafting processes, players can create more powerful and specialized gear tailored to their play style.

Crafting and Upgrading

Crafting and Upgrading

Ammunition Production

Acid is essential for producing ammunition because you need gunpowder which is made by Acid. This resource is required to manufacture and replenish ammo, making it crucial to maintain combat effectiveness during battles. Efficient Acid farming ensures a steady supply of ammunition for extended engagements.

Producing Ammo

Producing Ammo

Resource Conversion

In addition to direct crafting and ammunition uses, Acid plays a role in resource conversion processes. It can be used in conjunction with other materials to produce advanced resources or items. Acid is used in converting raw materials into more valuable or specialized components, which can be essential for progression and survival in the game.

Overall, Acid is a versatile and crucial resource in Once Human, impacting several aspects of gameplay from crafting to base management. Efficiently collecting and utilizing Acid is essential for optimizing your performance and advancing through the game.

Preparing for Acid Farming 

Before diving into Acid farming in Once Human, players should take several preparatory steps to ensure maximum efficiency and safety. Here are key preparations to consider:

Cook Preserved Deviated Chops

Preserved Deviated Chops are a valuable crafting item in Once Human that enhances Acid farming efficiency. When consumed, these chops increase the Acid dropped by Deviants by 50%, significantly boosting your resource yield.

Preserved Deviated Chops

Preserved Deviated Chops

To create them, players must unlock the Dishes 3 recipe from Tier 4 Logistics, gather Peppercorn and Salt, and use an Electric Stove or Kitchen Set. By consuming Preserved Deviated Chops before engaging Deviants, you can maximize your Acid collection, making them an essential tool for efficient farming and crafting in the game.

Upgrade Equipment

Upgrading equipment in Once Human is crucial for optimizing your Acid farming efforts and overall gameplay. As you progress through the game, you’ll encounter increasingly challenging enemies and higher-level areas that require more advanced gear. To keep pace, players should focus on enhancing their weapons and armor using available resources, including Acid.

Upgrading improves your combat effectiveness and survivability, allowing you to farm more efficiently and handle tougher foes. Investing in equipment upgrades not only boosts your damage output but also increases your chances of completing high-yield Acid farming activities and other challenging in-game tasks.

Base Location

Choosing an optimal base location in Once Human is vital for efficient Acid farming and overall survival. Ideally, your base should be situated near a polluted water source, which is essential for passive Acid extraction. This proximity allows you to set up Water Pumps and other necessary equipment without frequent travel.

Base near a Polluted Water Source

Base near a Polluted Water Source

Additionally, positioning your base in a region with easy access to high-density enemy areas or resource nodes can streamline your active farming efforts. A well-chosen base location not only maximizes resource collection but also enhances your strategic advantage, providing a solid foundation for both defensive and offensive operations in the game’s challenging environment.

Active Acid Farming 

For players who prefer a hands-on approach, active Acid farming in Once Human involves engaging in various combat and event-based activities to gather Acid efficiently. Here are the primary methods:

Kill Deviants

Deviants are a primary source of Acid in Once Human, and targeting them can be an effective farming method for this crucial resource. These enemies, when defeated, drop Acid as part of their loot, making them a valuable target for players looking to build up their supply.

For optimal results, focus on locations where Deviants spawn in high numbers. Holt Town, with its dense population of Deviants and a recommended level of 30, is particularly effective. Lower-level players might find Brookham and High Banks to be more manageable alternatives.

Production Facility Events

Production Facility Events in Once Human offers a dynamic way to farm Acid by participating in defensive missions at various in-game facilities. These events involve defending a Production Facility from waves of enemies, with Acid being one of the rewards for completing the event.

Blackfell Production Refinery

Blackfell Production Refinery

To initiate these events, players need to use Blackfell Refinery and Extraction Permits, which can be obtained from loot crates and exploration quests.

Strongholds and Points of Interest

Farming Acid at Strongholds and Points of Interest in Once Human involves targeting specific areas on the map where enemies frequently drop Acid. These locations are often rich in combat opportunities and can yield significant amounts of Acid through enemy drops.

Gnawers and Charred Maniacs are notable enemies that commonly drop Acid, making them prime targets. Engaging in combat at these sites, especially in areas with high enemy density, can result in a steady accumulation of Acid.

Refine Starchrom

Refining Starchrom is an advanced method for farming Acid in Once Human, and it involves a strategic approach to resource management. To start this process, players need to convert items like Eclipse Cortexes into Starchrom using a Stardust Resonant Filter at their base. Once the Starchrom is being refined, players will need to fend off waves of enemies that appear during the refinement process. These enemies not only provide additional Acid drops but also contribute to the overall efficiency of the farming method.

Starchrom Farming

Starchrom Farming

This approach requires a well-equipped base and proper preparation, as the refining process can attract significant enemy activity. While refining Starchrom can be a slower and less reliable method compared to direct farming techniques, it offers a steady, if gradual, way to accumulate Acid. Utilizing this method alongside other farming strategies can help maintain a consistent supply of Acid, essential for crafting and survival in the challenging world of Once Human.

Passive Acid Farming

AFK (Away From Keyboard) and passive Acid farming in Once Human offer players a way to gather Acid without actively participating in the game.

This approach is especially useful for those who want to accumulate resources while focusing on other tasks or taking breaks from intense gameplay. To set up an effective AFK Acid farm, players need to leverage various in-game systems and technologies to create a semi-automated process.

Setting up a Passive Farm

To start, players should ensure they have unlocked key technologies from the Logistics tab in the Memetics menu. These include Water Pumps, Reverse Osmosis Purifiers, and Brewing Barrels. First, locate a polluted water source on the map; this is crucial as Acid is extracted from contaminated water. Once you’ve identified a suitable location, place your Water Pump directly in the polluted water. The Water Pump will begin drawing in the contaminated water, which is then channeled into the Reverse Osmosis Purifier.

Reverse Osmosis Purifier

Reverse Osmosis Purifier

The Reverse Osmosis Purifier separates the water into Pure Water and Impure Acid. Next, connect the purifier to the Brewing Barrels, where the Impure Acid will be processed into usable Acid. Make sure to place Pure Water in the Brewing Barrels’ top row and Impure Acid in the middle row. Over time, the Brewing Barrels will convert these materials into Acid, which will appear in the bottom row as a finished product.

While the setup requires an initial investment of resources and crafting, it allows for continuous Acid production even when you’re not actively playing the game. This method is particularly beneficial for players who want to maintain a steady supply of Acid for crafting and ammunition while engaging in other activities or taking a break from the game. Although the process is slow and may not provide immediate large quantities of Acid, it ensures a consistent accumulation of this vital resource over time.

Best Acid Farming Locations

Finding the best locations for Acid farming is crucial for optimizing your resource gathering in Once Human. Efficient Acid farming locations are those where you can maximize the amount of Acid collected per unit of time spent. These locations vary depending on your progress in the game and the level of your character.

Early-game players might focus on areas with high enemy density and lower-level threats, while late-game players can target high-level zones where Acid drops are more abundant. Identifying and utilizing these locations effectively can significantly enhance your resource acquisition and help you maintain a steady supply of Acid for crafting and ammunition needs.

Early Game Acid Farming

In the early stages of Once Human, Acid farming is all about leveraging low-level enemies and easy-to-access areas to start building up your Acid reserves.

At this point, your options are somewhat limited, but there are still effective strategies to employ. Focus on areas where enemies that drop Acid are frequently encountered. Early-game locations often include less dangerous zones where you can engage in combat with enemies like Gnawers and Charred Maniacs. These enemies are known to drop Acid and can be farmed efficiently if you use the right tactics.

Gnawers and Charred Maniacs

Gnawers and Charred Maniacs are two enemy types that are particularly valuable for Acid farming in the early game. Gnawers are notorious for dropping Acid upon their defeat, making them a reliable source of this essential resource. Charred Maniacs also have a chance to drop Acid, though not as consistently as Gnawers.

Targeting these enemies in their high-density spawning areas allows players to gather Acid relatively quickly. Players should aim to maximize their skills in these areas, ideally using boosts or items that increase Acid drop rates, such as Preserved Deviated Chops.

Using Disassembly Benches

Disassembly Benches offer an alternative method for acquiring Acid in Once Human. Once you have access to a Disassembly Bench, you can break down unwanted items into their component materials, which include Acid.

Disassembly Bench

Disassembly Bench

This method is particularly useful for converting excess or low-value items into more valuable resources. By dismantling items collected from crates, enemies, or other sources, you can accumulate additional Acid to supplement your active and passive farming efforts. This approach helps in efficiently managing your inventory and making the most out of every resource you gather.

Late Game Acid Farming

As you progress to the late game in Once Human, Acid farming becomes more streamlined and efficient. High-level locations typically offer better yields and faster farming opportunities compared to early-game areas. At this stage, players should focus on high-density enemy areas and regions with higher drop rates for Acid.

Two notable locations for late game Acid farming are Holt Town and East Blackfell Junction. These areas feature high-level enemies and frequent Acid drops, making them ideal for players who have advanced gear and skills.

Holt Town and East Blackfell Junction

Holt Town and East Blackfell Junction are prime locations for late-game Acid farming. Holt Town, situated on the border of Chalk Town, is densely populated with level 30 enemies. This high enemy density, combined with the right gear, allows players to collect large amounts of Acid quickly.

Holt Town

Holt Town

East Blackfell Junction, a part of the main storyline, is another excellent spot. It features dense enemy spawns, including spiders and other high-yield enemies, which are ideal for farming Acid. Both locations require a high level of gear and character progression but offer substantial rewards in terms of Acid collection.

Stardust Farms and Conversion

Stardust Farms provides a unique method for Acid farming, particularly in the late game. By controlling oil refineries or stardust-rich areas, players can gather Stardust, which can then be converted into Acid. This method involves managing and utilizing stardust resources effectively.

Players need to set up proper filtration systems to convert Stardust into usable Acid. Additionally, placing your base near polluted stardust areas allows you to pump and filter water, transforming it into Acid through fermentation barrels. This process is slower but offers a steady passive supply of Acid, complementing more active farming methods.

To sum it all up, efficient Acid farming in Once Human is key to crafting and survival. By leveraging both active and passive methods, preparing effectively, and targeting the right locations, you can ensure a steady supply of this crucial resource. Apply these strategies to enhance your gameplay and advance through the game with confidence.

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