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MapleStory Hyper Burning Guide: Which Class Should You Burn?

This guide breaks down the most optimal ways to use your burning character bonuses based on the current progression of your MapleStory account. Whether you want to make a new main character or progress your account in other ways, this guide has all the advice you need.

The question of which class to burn in MapleStory is more relevant than ever with the upcoming hyper burning event. This event will allow you to level up three times instead of once every time you fill up your exp bar, all the way to level 250. There are several reasons to hyper burn a character to level 250 in MapleStory and in this guide I will lay out those reasons in order of importance. I am a reboot player, but these tips should be equally applicable to both reboot and regular servers.

Making A New Main

This one is fairly obvious. If you want to make a new main character, you should use your burning boost on that character. Not only does it let you level more quickly, but you also get all of the standard hyper burning event progression boosts like nodestones, arcane symbol boosters, and a fake absolab weapon to give you a head start on your new MapleStory character. Some of the more recent burning events have also come alongside a rework of a specific set of classes, with extra bonuses for levelling one of those classes. In this event those classes are the Cygnus knights: wind archer, blaze wizard, night walker, thunder breaker, dawn warrior, and Mihile. If you want to make one of those your new main, this is the perfect time as you will get even more nodestones and experience boosters than you would from hyper burning any other class.

Choosing which character to main is a big topic and deserves a guide of its own (let me know in the comments if you want this!), but I can give a few recommendations depending upon what type of gameplay you enjoy.

The most important thing to remember is to main a class that you enjoy playing! If you hyper burn a class just for the damage numbers you will most likely burn out or stop enjoying MapleStory, so go with what you like, and you will get much further in the long run. If in doubt, Grandis library is a great website for checking out all of the different things that each class can offer. That said, if you are totally stuck here are some recommendations for each gameplay type.

Easy Grinding

These classes make the levelling up and farming part of the game a breeze.

  • Luminous: The classic easy grinding class, your 4th job skill reflection hits more or less the entire screen, so levelling up is pretty easy.
  • Ice/Lightning Mage: Chain lightning and frozen orb both hit a large amount of monsters at once and cover more or less the whole screen.
  • Pathfinder: Your main mobbing skills cardinal burst and cardinal deluge hit a very large amount of monsters, and spawn arrows which seek out monsters elsewhere on the screen.
  • Hayato: Starts off very slow, but by 5th job you can just rotate your full screen attack skills and clear most maps without moving very much.
  • Kanna: Very strong summons and large skill hitboxes make grinding trivial.
  • Adele: Similar to pathfinder, your main attacking skills have large hitboxes and spawn flying swords which seek out monsters, making grinding very efficient.
    Luminous is the class that everyone thinks of when easy grinding is mentioned. They aren't as far ahead of the pack as they used to be, but they are still very good.

    Luminous is the class that everyone thinks of when easy grinding is mentioned. They aren’t as far ahead of the pack as they used to be, but they are still very good.

Strong Bossing

All classes can clear all of the content in MapleStory with enough stats, but some need much less to reach the same point, this makes them perfect targets for hyper burning.

  • Demon Slayer: It is hard not to recommend this class for bossing. They get so many extra free stats when attacking a boss that they are undoubtedly one of the strongest unfunded bossing classes. On top of this their link skill gives %boss damage, which helps even more.
  • Adele: One of the more recently released classes with very good sustained damage and reasonable burst. This class is solid in pretty much every aspect of the game
  • Night Lord: The king of burst. You can bind a boss and burst it down very easily with night lord, but their damage is lower while their burst skills are on cooldown.
  • Hero: Gets a lot of free final damage from its buff skills, which boosts the effectiveness of any upgrades you get massively. Almost all of its skills are designed for single target, but as a trade-off its mobbing is mediocre at best.
  • Paladin/Dark Knight: These two are good for very similar reasons, you can just ignore a lot of boss mechanics. Paladin has extremely high defence which reduces the effectiveness of %maxhp moves from bosses. Dark knight has a skill which makes them invincible for up to 40 seconds, which allows them to just ignore many major boss mechanics. These are both great choices for players bossing for the 1st time. Paladin has higher survivability, but lower damage, so dark knight scales much better into the lategame.
  • Dawn Warrior: Similar to hero in that it has a lot of final damage buffs in its kit which amplifies the benefit of any stats that you gain. The class is quite ping reliant however, so probably one to avoid if you have unreliable internet.
  • Buccaneer: Great burst damage, decent sustained damage and mobility, overall just very solid.
    It often feels like demon slayer was made specifically for bossing. So many of its skills get extra bonuses which make it perfect for killing bosses.

    It often feels like demon slayer was made specifically for bossing. So many of its skills get extra bonuses which make it perfect for killing bosses.

High Skill Cap

Some players love classes that continue to evolve with them, and continue to reward mastery well beyond what most classes do.

  • Blaster: Blaster is the typical class that everyone will think of when it comes to high skill cap. Comboing abilities together takes practice and precise timing. Beware however, long time blaster mains often complain about hand pain caused by repeated inputs.
  • Thunder Breaker: Similar to blaster this class is a combo class requiring multiple successive inputs often very quickly.
  • Cadena: Cadena has some of the most active skills of any class in the game, and managing them all is a challenge. If you can manage them all effectively, you get a class which is very powerful in both mobbing and bossing.
  • Hoyoung: Similar to Cadena, this class just has a huge amount of active skills, and managing them all is required to bring out the best damage the class has to offer.
  • Ark: Managing your spectre form alongside your spell bullets and dodging boss abilities can be challenging, but if you can master it the class performs very well.
    Cadena is a class that takes some practice to master, but is extremely rewarding once you do.

    Cadena is a class that takes some practice to master, but is extremely rewarding once you do.

Support Skills

There aren’t too many support classes in MapleStory, but they are in high demand, so finding a place on a bossing party shouldn’t be too hard.

  • Bishop: The classic support. Provides tonnes of party buffs, healing and increased exp/droprate for nearby party members. The recent explorer rework has also introduced a “damage mode” for bishop, which makes training and solo bossing far less painful than it has been in the past.
  • Kanna: Every single bossing party wants a Kanna because of just a single skill. Bellflower barrier provides a whopping 20% damage and 5% boss damage to anyone who stands inside it. Your own damage may not be great, but you more than make up for it through the damage you give to other players.
  • Battle Mage: Battle mage uses various auras to buff party members and debuff nearby monsters. Of the supportive classes this is probably the strongest on its own, and can more than handle solo content.
  • Beast Tamer: The beast tamer cat form provides tonnes of party buffs for nearby players, covering pretty much every stat from hp to crit rate. It is a fairly unique class where you can switch between different animals to perform different roles.
  • Mechanic: I hesitated to include this here as it is the least supportive of the classes mentioned. Your robot summons do provide some party utility by setting up portals to teleport around the map, and by healing and debuffing the defence of nearby monsters.
    Bishop is the typical support class from any MMO. If you like buffing and healing your allies, then this is the class for you.

    Bishop is the typical support class from any MMO. If you like buffing and healing your allies, then this is the class for you.

What If the Class I Am Thinking of Hasn’t Been Mentioned?

If your class hasn’t been mentioned in any of these sections, don’t worry, that doesn’t mean it is bad. Every class brings something to the table and none of them are totally terrible wastes of space. Just picking the class you like the most will not lock you out of any content.

Making a Bossing Mule

Say you have already been playing MapleStory for quite some time, and have a main that you want to keep playing, what is the best way to use your hyper burn? The answer is most likely a bossing mule. A few patches ago the amount of mesos you get for selling boss crystals increased massively on both regular and reboot servers. These boss crystals drop every time you kill a boss. As such, one of the best ways of farming mesos is making more characters to kill weekly bosses. These characters are commonly called bossing mules. This offers significantly more mesos on reboot where the boss crystal sell values are higher, but it can still be profitable on regular servers.

So, if you want to make a bossing mule which classes should you choose? The requirements are largely similar to making a main, but because you will only be playing this character specifically to boss, classes with a strong early game are preferred. I will focus on bossing mules that kill up to Lotus and Damien every week, as this is where I have most experience. You can have bossing mules that go beyond this, but they require much more investment and are almost a main at that point.

Recommended Classes

The type of class you will want to pick will depend on the type of bossing mule that you want. Some players prefer to do as much damage as possible and get it over and done with. Others prefer to pick classes with more survivability so that they don’t have to pay as much attention. Content creators like Duky have made some excellent videos explaining every possible bossing mule in detail if you are interested. It is slightly out of date at the time of writing as the Cygnus knights have been updated, and I don’t agree with every single placement, but it is still a great resource. Keep reading for my recommendations!

Video Courtesy of Duky on YouTube

High Damage

  • Demon Slayer: This class seems to have been designed to be the perfect bossing mule. Many of your key skills have extra IED or %boss damage built into them. This makes demon slayer very strong vs bosses when compared to other classes at the same level of funding. 
  • Buccaneer: Very versatile with high burst and decent survivability. Does a lot of damage without much funding.
  • Dawn Warrior: High %final damage, meaning any upgrade you make is amplified. Getting to the point where you can deal enough damage to kill Lotus and Damien is easier with this class than others.
  • Hero: Very similar to dawn warrior. High %final damage, meaning any upgrade you make is amplified. Their playstyle is much more simple than dawn warrior if you are looking for something less involved.
  • Aran: Lots of built in IED and critical damage makes Aran a good choice for a bossing mule. The playstyle is also fairly simple once you have practiced the combo inputs enough.
    Dawn warrior is freshly reworked and pumping out huge numbers, so you should be able to kill Lotus and Damien with relatively little investment. This makes it a solid hyper burning choice if you are looking for a bossing mule.

    Dawn warrior is freshly reworked and pumping out huge numbers.

Lazy (High Survivability)

  • Wind Archer: Wind archer gains a shield with 300% of the wind archers max HP. This means you can take 3 max HP attacks without dying. Wind archer also has a crystal summon which draws the bosses attention, meaning for many low tier bosses you won’t get hit at all.
  • Bow Master: Quiver cartridge heals you for every attack that hits an enemy, and you will be hitting a lot. This makes it extremely difficult to die as a bow master if you know what you are doing.
  • Dark Knight: Dark pact gives 40s of invincibility meaning you can ignore many boss mechanics.
  • Paladin: Takes reduced damage overall, meaning that %maxhp attacks will do significantly less damage to a paladin.
  • Mihile: People have killed Lotus with a blindfold on by playing Mihile. It just doesn’t take any damage.
    Wind archer has a whole array of tools that make avoiding damage extremely easy. If you are looking for a lazy bossing mule then wind archer may be the right choice.

    Wind archer has a whole array of tools that make avoiding damage extremely easy. If you are looking for a lazy bossing mule then wind archer may be the right choice.

Link Skills

In modern MapleStory all classes come with link skills. So should you use your hyper burning on a class with a good link skill? Most link skills cap out at level 120, but a few classes gain extra bonuses at level 210. That said, if you don’t intend to play the character beyond level 210 then the hyper burn would be a bit of a waste. It would probably just be better to wait for the next tera burn instead and do levels 200-210 normally. That said, there are some classes which have good link skills and make good bossing mules such as:

  • Demon Slayer: 20% boss damage.
  • Aran: +900% combo kill orb exp. Great for levelling new characters.
  • Luminous: 20% IED. IED is one of the hardest stats to get, so this is an important source of IED for many players.
    Aran is one of a handful of classes that both have a good link skill and make an excellent bossing mule. Well worth investing in if you want a dual purpose hyper burn.

    Aran is one of a handful of classes that both have a good link skill and make an excellent bossing mule. Well worth investing in if you want a dual purpose hyper burn.

If you really have nothing better to do with your hyper burn, then the other good link skills are:

  • Angelic Buster: 60% damage for 10 seconds, cooldown 90s. Angelic buster can be a decent bossing mule, but not as good as the ones mentioned above.
  • Arc: Scaling damage for continuing to attack, up to 16% at max stacks.
  • Beast Tamer: 10% crit rate, 10% boss damage, 5% hp and mp. Crit rate is a fairly rare stat, and it is very important for classes that cannot reach 100% on their own.
  • Demon Avenger: 15% damage. Demon avenger has potential to be a good bossing mule as it has been buffed a lot in recent patches.
  • Evan: Rune duration +70%. This is good for training as the rune buff gives 2x exp for the duration. I personally really do not enjoy training Evan, but some people do.
  • Kaiser: 20% HP. This is only really useful if you are maining a demon avenger, but Kaiser can be a decent bossing mule.
  • Mercedes: 20% bonus exp. This is great for levelling and Mercedes itself is a very annoying class to train.
  • Phantom: 20% crit rate. Crit rate is a fairly rare stat, and it is very important for classes that cannot reach 100% on their own. Phantom is also quite slow to train normally.

Legion Bonuses

The final reason to hyper burn a character in MapleStory is for the legion bonuses. Every class comes with a corresponding legion bonus. These are often smaller bonuses than link skills, but you can have much more of them at a single time. As the bonuses are smaller there is less of a reason to use your hyper burn for these. The difference between a level 200 legion bonus and 250 legion bonus may only be 1%. There are a few classes which are really slow to level, but have very good legion bonuses. Those are the only ones I would seriously consider hyper burning for legion bonuses.

Those classes are:

  • Blaster: IED, 6% at 250, 5% at 200. This class has very low range on its skills. Levelling it is a nightmare unless you really enjoy the class.
  • Mechanic: %buff duration, 25% at 250, 20% at 200. This legion bonus is very good on some classes and near useless on others. Check whether your class takes good advantage of increased buff duration before investing into this. The mechanic class is also quite slow and tedious to train, with many players not enjoying it.
  • Shade: Crit damage, 6% at 250, 5% at 200. Shade’s skills have very low range, so training one can be very slow.
  • Marksman: Crit Rate, 5% at 250, 4% at 200. Marksman trains very slowly, but because it is an explorer you can level a pathfinder instead and the use a job transfer coin. I wouldn’t recommend investing in this unless your main is struggling to get 100% crit rate.
    Blaster is the typical class that most people don't enjoy levelling. Their skills have very low range, and spamming them hurts many players' hands in the long run.

    Blaster is the typical class that most maplers don’t enjoy levelling. They might be worth the hyper burn just to avoid that pain!

MapleStory Hyper Burning TLDR

The general priority for hyper burns is as follows:

  1. Hyper burn a new main if you want to make one.
  2. Hyper burn a good boss mule.
  3. Hyper burn for good level 3 link skills.
  4. Hyper burn for good legion bonuses.

For options 3 and 4 you are mostly wasting the extra bossing potential that burning all the way up to level 250 provides over level 200, but if you have no better uses for the burn then they aren’t the worst options.

If you have gotten all the way to the bottom of the priority list and still not found advice that is relevant to you, then you should probably be giving me advice! Your account is most likely very progressed and you should just do whatever you think will be the most fun.

Leave a comment if you liked this article and would like to see more guides! Good luck with your hyper burns!

Video Courtesy of Arcah on YouTube

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