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League of Legends Smurf Queue – Everything You Need to Know

This guide will help you understand the definition of a Smurf Queue in League of Legends. Find out the difference between a normal queue and a Smurf queue in ranked games, you will also find out the reasons why you might be placed in a Smurf Queue.

League of Legends Smurf Queue Image

As most of the competitive games that exist, there are some terms players tend to use occasionally, which are “Smurf” or “Smurfing” and no, they don’t mean the famous ‘The Smurfs Film’. “Smurf” has a unique definition.

What Does Smurf Mean in LoL?

The definition “Smurf” or “Smurfing” in LoL means that the player who is called that definition is playing on a level that is not his actual level. For example, if you are a Diamond on your main account and you are playing on an account that is Gold level, obviously, you will perform way better in Gold than when you are playing on your main account.

Usually, when you play on a new account with a low number of games, the game determines that you are a smurf and then you get placed in a Smurf Queue.

Check out players’ opinions on smurfing on the Reddit post below

What is Smurf Queue in LoL

Smurf Queue is a League of Legends ranked queue that gathers players who are believed to be smurfs.

Winning games in the smurf queue could be super hard if you are not a smurf that is placed in the smurf queue, and sadly there is no way to fix that except by playing a lot, however, the bright side here is that you gain more LP than you lose and therefore, you can rank up faster (might as well skip ranks if you are on a winning streak).

Why Am I in Smurf Queue?

Riot Games usually put players in a smurf queue based on a few factors such as their win and lose ratio and kill and death ratio.

Normally when you create a new account, you need to play 10 games so you could earn a rank, games usually get harder by each game, if you win most of the games played or even win all of the 10 games then you are most likely to be placed in a smurf queue.

The other factor that the game use to determine if you are a smurf or not is the K/D factor, most of the time a new player will not have an insane K/D but if you are high-rank player playing on a new account and you gain abnormal scores such as 30/0/0 then there are very high chances that you will be placed in a Smurf Queue.

How to Know if You Are in a Smurf Queue

Knowing if you are in a smurf queue is easy, even if there is no sign that will tell you whether you are in a normal queue or in a smurf queue.

Simply queue up and check out the players you are playing with and against on op.gg, if you find their scores good in their previous games then they are most likely to be smurfs.

Another way to know whether you are playing against smurfs or not is by noticing how they are playing, if they are getting a few Penta kills and doing fancy stuff then you are most likely playing with or against smurfs.

How Can I Play in Smurf Queue

If you are curious and would want to try the smurf queue to see how challenging it is, there are a few ways to play in a smurf queue

  • If you are normally a high rank, e.g. Diamond, create a new account, reach level 30 then try to win most games in the placements
  • Ask a high-rank friend whether he has an account in the smurf queue and lend it from him
  • Buy an account that is in a smurf queue, there are many sites that offer these kinds of services such as Lol Smurf or Turbo Smurf

(Video by RATIRL)


If you are looking to avoid the smurf queue in League of Legends, unfortunately, there is no way. But if you are not a smurf that is in the smurf queue, you can play many games and eventually, the game will realize that you are not a smurf and put you back in the normal queue. Have fun grinding in League of Legends.

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