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How to set the GTA V on your computer?

There were a lot of discussions like "Can I run it on my computer?". And so many people said "No way!". Somebody has already prepared to throw their old PCs from the window, or even worse – to buy a console.


Actually, I was one of them. Games require so much these days. I barely could play Battlefield 4 on the lowest settings. And you can’t imagine how much I was surprised when it appeared that this
game runs smoothly as a clockwork.

Frankly, I haven’t seen such an amasing optimisation of the game for a very long time.

As you may already know, Grand Theft Auto V has a lot of different graphics settings and each and every one of it has it’s own impact on your PC. As you start the game, your system will set by itself depending on the possibilities of it. But what if you want to improve the graphic without losing the performance and you don’t have time and patience to experiment (lots of settings will ask you to restart the game)?

I hope I can help you with the deal. Here is the list of settings with their effect on the performance:

  • FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti-aliasing): has a insignificant impact on the performance. By default, it’s basically the recommended anti-aliasing.

  • MSAA (Multisample Anti-aliasing): has a very strong impact on performance.

  • Population density, Population variety and Distance scaling: has a low impact, can be increased.

  • Texture quality: medium impact.

  • Shader quality: medium impact.

  • Shadow quality: medium impact.

  • Reflection quality: medium impact.

  • Water quality: low impact.

  • Particles quality: medium impact.

  • Grass quality: very strong impact.

  • Soft shadows options: medium impact.

  • Post FX options: medium impact.

  • Motion blur strength: low impact.

  • In-game depth of field effects: medium impact.

  • Anisotropic filtering: medium impact.

  • Ambient occlusion options: medium impact.

  • Tesellation options: medium impact.

It is worth adding that almost every setting, except MSAA, has not so great influence on the performance. It seems that Rockstar Games worked hard over the scalability of the project (although, it may sound contradictory).

These are my recommended specifications:

Processor: Intel Core i5-3470 @ 3.2 GHz or AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz

Memory: 3GB RAM or above

Graphics: GeForce GTX 660 or above


I hope I could help.

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