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How to Open the Bunker Door in Pikmin 4 | Bunker Door Code Guide

If you want to learn where to find all three pieces of the hidden Bunker Door code in Pikmin 4, check out this quick and easy guide to learn more. In order to continue progressing through Pikmin 4's main story, you'll need to unlock a tricky vault door with a special code. The code is random for every player and there are three pieces to the code hidden around the map.

How to Open the Bunker Door in Pikmin 4 | Bunker Door Code Guide

The Bunker Door is a puzzle that may stump a fair few people in Pikmin 4. While the Pikmin series is no stranger to puzzles or riddles, this one takes a bit of brainpower to figure out because you need to locate a specific code required to unlock a Bunker Door and continue the main story. Seasoned gamers will think to look for a code hidden on a wall somewhere, but the solution in Pikmin 4 is a bit stranger. What’s worse is that the code is random for every player, meaning that you cannot copy another person’s code and need to find it all on your own. Fortunately, we’re here to help with that little problem.

Here’s where to find all pieces of the code required to open the Bunker Door in Pikmin 4

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Where is the Bunker in Pikmin 4?

Opening the Bunker Door is a main part of the Pikmin 4 storyline. Getting the code to the Bunker is how you will progress the “Find Captain Olimar” main story questline. 

You’ll find the door in the Hero’s Hideaway, the fourth area in Pikmin 4Toto unlock this area you must first collect enough Sparklium from the other three main regions – Sun-Speckled Terrace, Blossoming Arcadia and Serene Shores – and have conducted several late-night expeditions with Yonny. You’ll need to do at least 8,000 to 12,000 Sparklium and do three different midnight missions to unlock the Hero’s Hideaway.

Once you land in the Hideaway, you can make your way to the Vault Door rather easily. Just jump down from your elevated ledge to the floor below and then start heading to the opposite side of the room. Eventually, you’ll spy a white fan blasting air upwards which, when jumped into, will take you straight to the Vault Door in Pikmin 4.

So, now that you know where to find the door, how do you open it?

How to Open the Bunker Door

Toto open Olimar’s Bunker Door in the Hero’s Hideaway you’ll need to find three pieces of code. This will allow you to unlock the safe door and get inside.

As for where you can find the code, each piece is hiding on an object around the area. To be more specific, they’re hidden on three playing cards around the Hero’s Hideaway. The number on each card correlates to one of the numbers needed to open the Bunker Door, with the specific order determined by the card’s suit. Additionally, to help track your progress, a code tracker will appear in the top right of the screen while in the Hero’s Hideaway, showing how much of the code you currently have located.

It should also be worth noting that it seems the code is randomised for every player. While the Treasure locations remain consistent, the code does not: for example, the number I got for Spade was 7 but the tutorial in Olimar’s Voyage Logs shows that very same card with the number 2. As such, you cannot just put the same code in every time to open the door and you’ll need to go the find the code in every subsequent playthrough. 

The code for the Bunker Door is hidden on three playing cards around the Hero's Hideaway, with the number of the card correlating to the suit on the door | Pikmin 4 Bunker Door

Secret to the Code

Club Number

The first card you’ll likely stumble across is the card belonging to the Club suit. This can be found early in the Hero’s Hideaway and will be the first piece of the code many manage to get, even before they discover the door. 

From where you initially land in Hero’s Hideaway (Camp 1), head directly north while remaining on the elevated ledge you find yourself on. You should spot a big corkboard with two Treasures stuck on it: a blue-tipped dart and a playing card being held against the board by the said dart. To unlodge the two treasures, simply ram directly beneath the dart with Oatchi’s Rush attack which should cause everything to scatter to the ground.

Then the process is as simple as taking the card back to the base to get your first piece of the code. 

Diamond Number

Next up is the Diamond suit card. This (as well as the final card) is a lot trickier to locate than the first. You’ll find it resting atop several ledges near Camp 2 in the Hero’s Hideaway: while you can get up to the first set of ledges via a buried tunnel, the ledge with the card on is completely inaccessible, even to Yellow Pikmin.

What you need to do to reach this card is to travel up north past the Bunker Door and towards the kitchen. On the right side of the room will be a bookshelf you can only climb with the help of a floating platform which, when stood on, will ascend to the top. Once there, turn away from the rather inviting kitchen countertops and look right to spy a grind rail. 

Ride the Rails

Ride the Rails

This grind rail is your ticket to the Diamond card. While Oatchi cannot ride it, you and your Pikmin certainly can. Hop on the rail, enjoy feeling like Sonic the Hedgehog for a few moments, pass underneath the Bunker Door and you’ll arrive at the location containing the card.

From here, just begin transporting it back to the nearby base. Remember to unfurl the rope here, too, so you have easy access in case you make a mistake.

Heart Number

Finally, we have the Heart card, the most annoying one to find. You’ll need to be looking in the kitchen area of the Hideaway for this which can be accessed using the floating platform you used to reach the previous card. Instead of grinding the rail, you can just waltz on into the kitchen area and begin exploring.

However, to get to the card, you’ll want to activate the third Hero’s Hideaway base on the kitchen floor. Once you’re there, look along the left wall for a massive cardboard box inconspicuously placed on the floor. The strength of 10 Pikmin is required to shove this box aside, revealing a hidden tunnel that can be dug up with the aid of Oatchi or your Pikmin.

Uncovering the Way Forward

Uncovering the Way Forward

Once the way has been unblocked, you can take it to the very top of the central kitchen countertop, an area previously inaccessible to you. There are a few things of note here such as a few Treasures and enemies but your main target is the fan at the far end. It blows a stream of air over to a small stool across the way, which has another fan which will send you straight to the card. Unfortunately, both fans cannot be active at the same time. 

As such, you’ll need to split up your part here. Or, to be more accurate, you’ll need to separate yourself and your Pikmin from Oatchi. When you push down the blue button, the countertop fan remains active: use this opportunity to jump into it and ride it over to the countertop. When you make it to the other side, switch control over to the Oatchi by holding down the Y button. Then have your lovable Rescue Pup jump on the other button, turning on the fan next to yourself. 

Two Person Job

Two Person Job

From here, the job is relatively simple. Hop into the air stream once more and it will jettison you straight to a small stepladder. On the top of the ladder (where you’ll likely land) is a Leafy visage castaway who will challenge you to test your Dandori: on the next level down, though, will be your final card.

Once you have all the pieces to the code, return to the Bunker Door. Now, just throw Pikmin at each dial until the correct numbers appear: do it correctly and the vault will open, revealing the final Dandori battle between you and the Leafified Captain Olimar.

That was how to open the Bunker Door in Pikmin 4

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