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How to Complete the All for One Crota’s End Raid Challenge | Destiny 2 Crota Challenge

Learn how you can easily and efficiently complete the Crota Raid Challenge in the reprised edition of the Crota's End Raid in Destiny 2 with this quick guide. This is the final Raid Challenge for Crota's End and it's called All for One, asking you to defeat the Son of Oryx in a slightly unorthodox manner to secure some additional loot and rewards.

How to Complete the All for One Crota's End Raid Challenge | Destiny 2 Crota Challenge

The final Raid Challenge for Crota’s End has just gone live in Destiny 2. Over the last few weeks, Guardians have been venturing deep into the Hellmouth for yet another rematch with our dear friend Crota, with some of those fireteams taking on special Raid Challenges in order to earn some additional loot. Previously, Challenges for the Abyss, Bridge and Deathsinger encounters have all come and gone, leaving only one challenge left to conquer. Raid Challenges are required to obtain the Swordbearer Title but they also serve as an additional source of loot (both normal and Adept, depending on the difficulty) and even Essence of Oversoul for the Necrochasm quest and Catalyst. 

That one remaining challenge pertains to the final encounter in Crota’s End, which is a brawl against the Son of Oryx himself. The challenge, All for One, makes the fight a lot more about consistency and planning than the usual scramble it can often become. You’ll need to be precise and coordinate effectively with your team so you can get it done. While it certainly isn’t the most challengeing on its own, it can quickly become tiresome or draining thanks to everything else surrounding it. 

Here’s how to complete the Crota Raid Challenge, All for One, in the Destiny 2 version of Crota’s End. 

Want more Destiny 2 content and articles? You can find our guides to the other Crota’s End Raid Challenges and more on KeenGamer:

  1. How to Complete the Preservation of Energy Crota’s End Raid Challenge | Destiny 2
  2. How to Complete the Precarious Balance Crota’s End Raid Challenge | Destiny 2
  3. How to Complete the Equal Vessels Crota’s End Raid Challenge | Destiny 2 Deathsinger Challenge
  4. Destiny 2 | Threatening Reach Raid Triumph Guide for Crota’s End
  5. Destiny 2 Season of the Witch Grandmaster Nightfall Guide | Season 22 Grandmasters

What Are Raid Challenges in Destiny 2?

Before we take a look at the Crota Raid Challenge and how you can easily complete it, let’s first go over what Raid Challenges actually are and what you’ll earn by completing them. Raid Challenges are special restrictions or requirements added to already existing Raid encounters that Guardians can undertake for additional loot and rewards. The requirements of each challenge change from encounter to encounter.

Crota’s End has 4 distinct encounters, each of which drops unique loot and has a different weekly Raid Challenge attached to it: those encounters are the Abyss, the Bridge, Ir Yut and Crota himself. Raid Challenges rotate weekly, beginning with the challenge for the first encounter (which, in the case of Crota’s End, is the Abyss) and then rotating to the next one at weekly reset.

The main prize of Raid Challenges is that they drop additional Raid loot upon completion. If you complete a Raid Challenge on Normal difficulty, you’ll get an additional chest which drops an additional piece of loot from that encounter’s loot table. If, instead, you complete a Raid Challenge on Master mode, the extra chest will award you one of the Adept versions of the Raid weapons: these variants of the Raid weapons are special, able to slot exclusive Adept mods and have their perks turned into Enhanced variants at the Enclave.

So, now that you know what Raid Challenges are and what you seek to gain by completing them, how do you complete the All for One Raid Challenge for Crota’s End in Destiny 2?

Raid Challenges

Raid Challenges

Crota’s End Crota Challenge: All for One

All for One is the last Raid Challenge for the Destiny 2 reprisal of Crota’s End and, obviously, takes place in the Crota encounter. The D2 version of this encounter is essentially switched around from its Destiny 1 variant, with the main goal being to lower Crota’s shield using Swords that the oh-so-familiar Hive Swordbearers drop. Upon breaking his shield, you’ll enter damage phase for 30 seconds and, at the end, you’ll need to use an Enlightened buff to destroy his Oversoul and prevent a wipe. There’s a lot to keep track of with this encounter, especially when you’re on an invisible timer each phase which can lead to a wipe if you aren’t fast enough. 

This is, of course, without having to complete the All for One Raid Challenge, which adds some additional steps and requirements. To complete the Crota Raid Challenge in D2, you need to one phase Crota’s shield each time you want to enter the damage phase for the full duration of the encounter

To complete All for One, you need to destroy Crota's shield in one cycle each damage phase | Destiny 2 Crota Challenge

Destroying Crota’s Shield

In normal runs, most teams will usually kill the first Swordbearer, have someone with Enlightened grab the Sword and then use that to slightly damage Crota’s shield while they work to obtain the second, with that second sword usually beginning the damage phase. For this Raid Challenge, though, whenever you start dealing damage to Crota’s shield, it needs to break or else you will fail the challenge. In essence, whenever you damage Crota, that white bar below his main health bar needs to be fully erased by the time your Sword disappears: if anything is left after the Sword vanishes, even if it’s just a tiny amount, you’ll fail. 

The two main difficulties of this encounter come from the intensity of Crota himself and the need for consistency. Crota is going to be absolutely relentless during the fight, capable of killing you very quickly at both long and short range, with Sword-holders being the most at risk of an ill-timed sword strike from the Son of Oryx. While that’s all going on, you need to ensure that you can guarantee (or near guarantee) a shield break each time you go to do damage: whether it’s gathering three swords or piling buffs beforehand, that added pressure is going to lead to a lot of problems, especially on Master mode. 

Six Against One

Six Against One

How to Complete the Crota Raid Challenge in D2

The majority of this encounter is going to go the exact same as a normal run, with no special shenanigans or mechanics up until the shield break. One thing you will need to consider prior to the encounter starting is who is going to be running Tractor Cannon: this Exotic will be used to debuff Crota before you go to break his shield, allowing you to squeeze out a little bit more damage which can be the difference between victory and defeat. Additionally, you’ll also want to run as many Well of Radiance as possible (given Crota’s tendency to break them) and have as many additional melee buffs, like Banner of War. Any little helps when it comes to making that shield break more reliable.

Once you’ve gathered all of your Swords and have an additional Enlightened ready for the Oversoul, you can start prepping for the damage phase. If you have buffs like Banner of War or Radiance, you need to begin proccing them prior to the damage so that the Sword-holders can actually benefit from them. To effectively achieve this, we recommend keeping the middle of the arena where the Thralls spawn pretty empty, allowing those players ample access to the adds they need to activate their bonuses. A quick reminder that Banner of War does not work with the Hive Sword.

When all your buffs are good to go, have your team group up at the Crystal where you start the encounter in order to lure Crota away from the towers (thus keeping you away from the pesky Knights and their Hive Boomers). Then, to begin damage, have your Tractor Cannon player shoot Crota to debuff him and then move in with your Sword-holders. From there, just keep swinging until his shield breaks or the Swords vanish. If you manage to do it correctly, damage Crota like normal and then pop the Oversoul using Enlightened to prevent a wipe.

Then, simply rinse and repeat until Crota, the Son of Oryx, falls, netting you a Raid completion as well as the All for One Raid Challenge.  

Challenging the Son

Challenging the Son

However, before we discuss loot, there’s something else to consider when tackling this challenge. Depending on your team composition, you’ll have a choice on how many Swords you need to gather before damaging Crota. The safer, and more consistent, path is to always grab three Swords before you start tackling Crota’s shield: if all three players land their hits and full combos, it will be a near-guaranteed shield break every time. However, this method means that you’ll need to kill another Swordbearer, which means killing another round of Knights and Ogres, making the encounter drag on and giving you more time for deaths, mistakes or errors.

Alternatively, if you have access to the appropriate buffs, you only need two Swords to break Crota’s shield. If you’re suped up on buffs like Radiant or Banner of War as you go in to attack a Tractor Cannon debuffed Crota, it’s definitely possible to get consistent breaks so long as both players land all their hits. This method is far faster but, if course, there’s still the risk of whiffing a swing or missing a Super, leading to a potential reset when you cannot break the shield. We recommend trying out the two Sword strategy with your team a few times to see if you can reliably break the shield; if you find yourself lacking that consistency, simply switch to three Swords. 

Awaken the Hive God

Awaken the Hive God

All for One Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re looking for a more straight-forward, step-by-step guide: 

  1. Before the encounter starts, ensure that one player on your team has Tractor Cannon equipped (as well as other buffs like Banner) for more consistent shield-breaks.
  2. Start the fight as normal by passing around the Chalice while killing the Knights in the Towers to spawn the Swordbearer.
  3. Once the first Swordbearer is dead, the first player who had Enlightened should pick it up and then keep ahold of it.
  4. Continue passing the Chalice and killing Swordbearers until you have at least two players with a Sword: three is preferable and more consistent, but it is doable with only two players jacked up on buffs.
  5. With your Swords ready, have the Tractor Cannon user shoot Crota before you begin damaging his shields. 
  6. If all goes well, Crota’s shield should break and you can deal damage as normal.
  7. Once you destroy the Oversoul and enter the next phase, rinse and repeat the above strategies for each subsequent damage phase.
  8. Keep going until Crota falls. 
Final Face Off

Final Face Off

Additional Raid Challenge Loot

Now that you’ve conquered Crota’s End and every challenge it has thrown at you, what you can expect in terms of a payout? If you complete the challenge on Normal mode, you’ll recieve an extra chest upon defeating Crota which contains an additional loot drop. This extra piece comes from the Crota encounter loot pool and will be an additional Pinnalce drop for any player still seeking max Light Level. For this challenge, specifically, you have the chance to nab yourself: 

  • Swordbreaker Strand Shotgun
  • Abyss Defiant Solar Auto Rifle
  • Word of Crota Void Hand Cannon 
  • Legendary Helmet (Willbreaker’s Watch, Unyielding Casque, Deathsinger’s Gaze)
  • Legendary Legs (Willbreaker’s Greaves, Tireless Striders, Deathsinger’s Herald)
  • Legendary Class Item (Mark of the Pit, Shroud of Flies, Bone Circlet)

Meanwhile, Master mode will offer you a slightly different reward for conquering the challenge. That extra chest will still spawn only, this time, it will give out a guaranteed Crota’s End Adept weapon. Adepts come with a unique lick of paint not available anywhere else and have special qualities such as gaining additional stats upon Masterworking. The biggest boon for an Adept weapon, though, is that they can slot Adept mods such as Adpet Big Ones or Adept Range, letting you carve out a more refined build for your weapon. Specific for the Root of Nightmare and Crota’s End Adepts, you can also take these to the Enclave on Mars and turn their perks into Enhanced variants.

As for what Adept you’ll get from each challenge completion, it’s completely random until you have obtained all six Crota’s End weapons as Adept variants. So, if I obtain the Song of Ir Yut as my first Adept drop, I won’t get it again until all 5 other weapons have dropped. At that point, Master Challenge completions will randomly award any of the six weapons, with additional rolls available for purchase with Spoils of Conquest at the end of a Master Raid run. 

Adept Crota's End Loot

Adept Crota’s End Loot

That was how to complete the All for One Crota Raid Challenge for the reprised edition of Crota’s End in Destiny 2. If you’re wondering how to complete the other Crota’s End Raid Challenges, be sure to check out our guides for them here on KeenGamer.

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