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How to Build Lucrative Civilization 6 Seaside Resort Tile Improvements

This page tells you how players can build seaside resorts and enhance their values in Civilization 6. A Civilization 6 seaside resort is a tourist attraction that can generate as much gold as a Stock Exchange building. So, check out the guide to building lucrative seaside resort tile improvements in Civ 6 below.

How to Build Lucrative Civilization 6 Seaside Resort Tile Improvements

The Civilization 6 seaside resort is a tile improvement for generating tourism. It’s a coastal tourist attraction where visitors can soak up the sun, sea, and sand in your nation. The value of this improvement for securing a cultural victory in Civilization 6 is obvious enough. However, seaside resorts can also be lucrative gold sources for boosting your nation’s economy in Civ 6, making them valuable for any victory condition. This is how you can build more lucrative seaside resorts in Civilization 6.

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How the Civilization 6 Seaside Resort Works

Seaside resorts generate tourism and gold equal to their tile appeal rating. A tile must have an appeal rating of +4 (breathtaking) or higher for you to add a Civilization 6 seaside resort. It will immediately generate a specific amount of gold based on the appeal rating of its tile. For example, a resort tile with +6 appeal will generate +6 gold.

A Civilization 6 seaside resort will generate tourism based on this formula: tourism per turn = 1 x tile appeal rating. The tourism per turn a seaside resort generates will gradually attract more foreign visitors as its lifetime tourist accumulation increases. Click the Tourism map lens to see how many foreign visitors a seaside resort is attracting. That will be zero at first, but it will attract visitors after some time has elapsed.

The Tourism lens in Civilization 6

The Tourism lens in Civilization 6

You can only build seaside resorts on coastal tiles by the sea. Flat deserts, grassland, and plains are the only terrains you can add resorts to in the vanilla Civilization 6 game. However, players with the Gathering Storm expansion can also add resorts to tiles with volcanic soil terrain.

How to Set Up a Civilization 6 Seaside Resort

To set up a Civilization 6 seaside resort, you must first research Radio. Researching this technology unlocks the seaside resort tile improvement for Builder units. Radio is a mid to late-game technology you probably won’t be able to research until at least the 1700s.

Establishing more settlements along coastlines during the early game period will enable you to build more seaside resorts later. You will then have more coastal tiles on which to add resorts. The more coastal tiles you have, the more seaside resorts you can build.

The Radio technology

The Radio technology

When you have the required Radio technology, recruit a Builder unit to set up a Civilization 6 seaside resort. Select your Builder and scan the coastal tiles within your territory to see if there’s anywhere you can add a seaside resort. The umbrella label in the snapshot below highlights some tiles on which you can add resorts.

The umbrella label for the seaside resort

The umbrella label for the seaside resort

However, the game doesn’t highlight all tiles within your territory you can add seaside resorts. If you don’t see any resort umbrellas, click the Appeal map lens option. This will show you the appeal ratings of tiles. Look for dark green coastal tiles with +4 appeal ratings or higher that you can add seaside resorts to.

The Appeal lens

The Appeal lens

When you’ve found a suitable tile, move your Builder unit onto it. Click the Build Improvement Seaside Resort option to add the beach to your nation. Your civilization will now have a new holiday hotspot where visitors can soak up the sun, sea, and sand.

A Builder unit

A Builder unit

How to Increase the Value of a Civilization 6 Seaside Resort

Any new Civilization 6 seaside resort established will generate at least +4 gold based on the minimal tile appeal value required for it. In comparison, a Market that takes turns to build generates +3 gold. The economic potential of seaside resorts is considerable since they can generate up to +8 gold (one more than a Stock Market building) on tiles with very high appeal ratings.

You can make your seaside resorts boom by building the Eiffel Tower. This wonder increases the value of all tiles in your civilization by +2. Thus, a Civilization 6 seaside resort with a tile appeal rating of four will increase to six after constructing the great French landmark. The Eiffel Tower will also increase the number of tiles in your territory on which you can build the resorts. More seaside resorts amount to more visitors and gold.

To further increase the value of a Civilization 6 seaside resort, plant trees on its adjacent tiles where you can. The woods terrain feature has a +1 tile appeal adjacency bonus. Unlocking Conservation enables you to plant woods with Builder units. Planting two woods beside a seaside resort will increase its tile appeal rating by +2. A couple of adjacent woods combined with the Eiffel Tower can increase the revenue generated by a resort from +4 to +8, making it both a gold mine and a tourist magnet.

A seaside resort that generates eight gold

A seaside resort that generates eight gold

Building the Cristo Redentor wonder of the world increases the tourist value of seaside resorts. This wonder of the world doubles the tourism output of seaside resorts, enabling them to attract more foreign visitors. So, enhance your resorts with that wonder if seeking a cultural victory.

A Civilization 6 seaside resort can be a very valuable tourism and economic asset when you increase the appeal of its tile. Building more than 10 resorts can potentially increase your civilization’s gold per turn by 50-100. So, it’s worth building those resorts for an economic boost even when not targeting a cultural victory.

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