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Honkai: Star Rail Yunli Build Guide | Best Light Cones, Relics, Teams

Learn everything you need to know in order to make the best Yunli build in Honkai: Star Rail with this easy to follow guide which goes over Yunli's kit, her best Relic sets and Light Cones, what premium or F2P teams she should be run in, and more. Yunli is a young Sword Hunter from the Zhuming who boasts monstrous strength and an interesting counter-focused kit.

Honkai: Star Rail Yunli Build Guide | Best Light Cones, Relics, Teams

The Wardance Ceremony has arrived on the Xianzhou Luofu in Honkai: Star Rail Version 2.4 and, with it, several new figures have emerged as playable characters, including the incredibly charming Yunli. This Sword Hunter from Xianzhou Zhuming is the grandaughter of Zhuming’s Arbiter General and she wields a ferocious amount of strength, wielding a gigantic blade many times her own height. Despite that, she’s still but a child, obsessing over sweets and blades like the Luofu’s own Yanqing. 

Yunli is our second dedicated counter character in HSR, a title she shares with another 5-star Physical Destruction character, Clara. In combat, Yunli flourishes her behemoth of a blade Old Mettle against any who attack her, striking back with monstrous force in a display which cuts the very clouds. Although stronger than Clara in many ways, Yunli’s path is also a mote more complicated, requiring strict timing and a lot more luck to work efficiently. 

Here’s how to make the best Yunli build in Honkai: Star Rail Version 2.4, including a look at Yunli’s entire counter-focused kit as well as what her best Light Cones and Relics are, what premium or F2P teams you should run her in, and much more.

If you’d like to read more Honkai: Star Rail build guides, then you can find some here on KeenGamer:

  1. Honkai: Star Rail | All Lordly Trashcan Locations in 2.2
  2. Honkai: Star Rail | All Scorchsand Audition Venue Hidden Challenge Solutions
  3. Honkai: Star Rail | Simulated Universe World 6 Guide (Easy F2P Clear)
  4. Honkai: Star Rail | The Seven Errors of Cycranes Guide
  5. Honkai: Star Rail | Luminflux Pyxis Day 3 Puzzle Guide
Earth Hurled, Ether Curled

Earth Hurled, Ether Curled

Yunli Release Date and Banner Availability

Firstly, let’s start by discussing when Yunli’s banner begins and how long it’ll be around. Yunli is the new featured 5-star of Honkai: Star Rail Version 2.4’s first phase alongside the returning 5-star Wind Abundance healer Huohuo. 

Yunli’s Character Event Warp, “Earth Hurled, Ether Curled”, begins on July 31st at the start of Version 2.4 and will continue until Phase 1 ends on August 21st. Any 5-star character you are lucky enough to pull on the Earth Hurled, Ether Curled Event Warp has a 50% chance of being Yunli: if, instead of Yunli, you get a standard banner 5-star, the next 5-star unit you pull on the Character Warp is guaranteed to be the featured 5-star. Additionally, both Yunli and Huohuo’s Event Warps feature Hanya, Yukong, and Lynx as rate-up 4 stars. 

Yunli is a limited character in Honkai: Star Rail which means that you will be unable to summon her once the Earth Hurled, Ether Curled banner ends at the start of Phase 2. If you don’t get a copy of Yunli by that time, you’ll need to wait until she gets a rerun to try again. Limited units in HSR generally take about 6 months to rerun. 

Version 2.4 Phase 1 Banners

Version 2.4 Phase 1 Banners

Yunli Materials

  • 15x Artifex Module / 15x Artifex Cogwheel / 15x Artifex Gyreheart (Xianzhou Luofu Enemy Materials)
  • 65x IPC Work Permit (Physical Stagnant Shadow Drop)
  • 308k Credits

It’s been a while since a new character has needed the Artifex series of enemy drops but, seeing as 2.4 is a return to the Xianzhou Luofu, it makes sense. Artifex Modules, Cogwheels, and Gyrehearts are dropped by Xianzhou’s Ingenium Automatons, which includes the likes of the Golden Cloud Toad, Obedient Dracoloid, Aurumaton Gatekeeper, and Illumination Dragonfish. The best way to track down these foes is to head to either the Cloudford or Words 4 to 7 in the Simulated Universe.

Yunli’s other essential ascension material is the IPC Work Permit, a new Stagnant Shadow Drop introduced in Penacony. You’ll find this Stagnant Shadow in Clock Studios Theme Park and it’s known as the Shape of Duty. In it, you’ll face an IPC Team Leader as the main adversary who’s weak to Ice, Imaginary, and Fire DMG. 

Finally, while not necessary for Yunli’s ascension, there are several other key materials she’ll need. Make sure to collect a lot of Bosirin Teeth, Lupitoxin Sawteeth, and Moon Rage Fangs so that you can upgrade each of Yunli’s Traces. Additionally, once you want to unlock any of her major Traces, you’ll also need Regret of Infinite Ochema, the Weekly Boss material from the Phantylia fight on the Xianzhou Luofu. 

Got You!

Got You!

Honkai Star Rail Yunli Kit Overview

Galespin Summersault (Basic ATK)

Yunli’s Basic ATK is Galespin Summersault which is pretty underwhelming. When cast, Yunli deals minor Physical DMG to a single target. 

I wish there was more to this ability but there simply isn’t, it’s just an easy chunk of Physical DMG. Galespin Summerault doesn’t even mesh or synergise with any of Yunli’s other abilities, either, making it even less worthwhile when compared to any of her other abilities. It has its uses – namely when Yunli doesn’t have any SP to use – but those opportunities are few and far between. 

Yunli's Basic ATK

Yunli’s Basic ATK

Bladeborn Quake (Skill)

Bladeborn Quake, Yunli’s Skill, is where things get a bit more interesting. This Skill restores Yunli’s HP on cast while also dealing minor Physical DMG to a single enemy, as well as adjacent targets. 

On an offensive level, Bladeborn Quake is only marginally better than Yunli’s Basic ATK, but the real magic here is in the healing because Yunli is a counter character like Clara. Yunli’s most powerful attacks are all locked behind her taking damage, a dangerous game if there isn’t any way to either mitigate or heal off that damage. Well, Yunli’s Skill does just that as it gives her an easy and efficient way to heal back any damage she takes between counters, allowing her to have a degree of safety other counter characters do not have. 

Yunli's Skill

Yunli’s Skill

Earthbind, Etherbreak (Ultimate)

Earthbind, Etherbreak is easily Yunli’s most powerful ability, although it does come with some caveats. When cast, Yunli enters the Parry state, increasing the CRIT DMG of her next Counter by 120% and Taunting all enemies until the end of the next ally’s or next enemy’s turn. When an enemy triggers Yunli’s Counter effect, she launches Intuit: Cull against the aforementioned opponent, removing the Parry state. If no Counter is triggered while Parry is active, Yunli will immediately launch Intuit: Slash on a random enemy once the Parry state runs out. 

Intuit: Cull is the strongest counter in Yunli’s arsenal. It deals massive Physical DMG to whoever attacked Yunli, as well as any adjacent enemies, before dealing several additional instances of Physical DMG to a random enemy. Meanwhile, Intuit: Slash is the same, only without the additional instances of damage after the initial hit. 

Think of Yunli’s Ultimate as a stronger, but far more limited, version of Clara’s Ultimate. While Intuit: Cull is incredibly powerful and much stronger than anything in Clara’s arsenal, it has more requirements and conditions you need to meet. For one, you need to time it correctly and hope that her Taunt is successful: if you pop her Ultimate before an ally acts or if the Taunt fails, she’ll perform the much weaker Slash counter, instead. Manage to balance all of that and pair Yunli with a nice Ultimate battery and you have a really strong set of attacks which can turn most enemies into mincemeat without issue. 

Yunli's Ultimate Counter

Yunli’s Ultimate Counter

Flashforge (Talent)

We’ve mentioned Yunli’s ability to counter opponents a few times now and her Talent, Flashforge, is the source. Whenever Yunli is attacked by an enemy target, she regenerates additional Energy and immediately launches a Counter against the attacker, dealing high Physical DMG against the target and any adjacent opponents. If there is no immediate target to Counter, she attacks a random enemy instead.

Flashforge is the backbone of Yunli’s whole kit. While her regular Counters are nowhere near as powerful as her Cull and Slash attacks, they will be used far more frequently and will make up the majority of her damage output. That being said, they’re also a great way to quickly and efficiently build to her Ultimate thanks to her additional Energy gains. Like Clara before her, Yunli’s Talent is a vital part of her identity as a main DPS in HSR.

Prepare to Counter

Prepare to Counter

Posterior Precedence (Technique)

Yunli’s final major ability is her Technique, Posterior Precedence. For the price of one Technique Point, Yunli gains the Ward effect for 20 seconds. During this time, entering combat by either attacking enemies or receiving an attack instantly casts Intuit: Cull on a random enemy. 

As we mentioned earlier, Intuit: Cull is Yunli’s strongest single attack and being able to get it off at the start of the battle for free is really powerful, especially in boss-oriented modes like the Simulated Universe or the Hall of Memory. While it isn’t the flashiest Technique or the most impactful on the whole fight, it is a nice bit of chip damage right out of the gate.

Master and Student

Master and Student

Yunli Traces and Passive Skills

By unlocking all of Yunli’s minor Traces, she’ll get the following bonuses to ATK, HP, and CRIT Rate:

  • 28% ATK Boost
  • 18% HP Boost
  • 6.7% CRIT Rate

Yunli’s Character Ascension 2 Trace is Fiery Wheel. After each use of Intuit: Slash, the next Intuit: Slash becomes Intuit: Cull. This Trace isn’t something you’ll use particularly often – Slash only triggers if Yunli isn’t struck after activating her Ultimate, which has taunt and activates the much stronger Cull counter – but it does make her damage output way more consistent. Now, if you get unlucky and Yunli’s Taunt fails twice in a row, you can take comfort in knowing that you’ll still be able to get out at least one Cull counter.

Next up is Yunli’s Ascension 4 Trace, Demon Quell. While in the Parry state induced by her Ultimate, Yunli resists Crowd Control debuffs and reduces DMG taken by 20%. Yunli’s playstyle is inherently more dangerous than most other damage dealers in Honkai: Star Rail because she needs to take damage to dish it back out and, even though she can heal herself with her Skill, giving her additional damage mitigation and Crowd Control to stop her from being Frozen or Imprisond is a great, if small, quality of life improvement.

Lastly, once you reach Character Ascension 6, Yunli unlocks True Sunder. When using a Counter, Yunli’s ATK increases by 30% for 1 turn. This Trace is simple, effective, and efficient, giving Yunli a way to boost her own damage by simply countering her opponent’s blows. There’s not much else to discuss with this Trace: more ATK means more damage, simple as.

Smug Prodigy

Smug Prodigy

Yunli Trace Priority Order

  1. Flashforge (Talent) + Earthbind, Etherbreak (Ultimate)
  2. Bladeborn Quake (Skill)
  3. Galespin Summersault (Basic ATK)

Counters are the core of Yunli’s playstyle as without them she can’t access her ATK buff or the apex of her damage, which comes from two main sources. Her regular Counter damage is dictated by the level of her Talent, whereas the damage of her more powerful Slash and Cull counters is based on her Ultimate level. Slash and Cull are where most of Yulin’s big chunk damage is going to come from, but her regular Counter is more consistent and will be used far more often. 

In short, both Yunli’s Talent and Ultimate are of equal importance: if you neglect Yunli’s Talent in favour of her Ultimate, she’ll hit like a wet noodle for 90% of the fight, whereas investing too heavily in her Talent at the detriment of her Ultimate will make her most powerful attacks lose their potency. You want Yunli to be a consistent heavy hitter, with short bursts of insane damage thanks to her Ultimate enhancement. As such, give both her Ultimate and Talent equal attention and investment as you level up Yunli. 

When it comes to her other two abilities, her Skill is the more important of the two. Yunli will be taking constant damage to trigger her counters, which means you’ll be using her Skill a lot to restore that lost health. Higher Skill investment means more healing and more damage, making it a great pick after Yunli’s Ultimate and Talent. Then, in last place, we have her Basic ATK which, simply put, isn’t as impactful and won’t be used nearly as often as any of her other abilities. 

Yunli the Sword Hunter

Yunli the Sword Hunter

Yunli’s Eidolons

If you get lucky enough to roll multiple copies of Yunli while her banner is active, additional copies of her will be converted into Yunli’s Eidolons. Unlocking a character’s Eidolons grants them access to several incredibly powerful bonus abilities or passive effects which have the chance of completely changing that unit’s kit. Yunli has some especially powerful early Eidolons which are a prime target for those wanting to make her even better.

  1. Wuthered Blade Does Not Sully: Increases DMG dealt by Intuit: Slash and Intuit: Cull by 20%. Increases the number of additional DMG instances for Intuit: Cull by 3.
  2. First Luster Breaks Dawn: When dealing DMG via Counter, Yunli ignores 20% of the target’s DEF.
  3. Mastlength Twirls Mountweight: Ultimate Lv. +2 and Basic ATK Lv. +1.
  4. Artisan’s Ironsong: After launching Intuit: Slash or Intuit: Cull, Yunli’s Effect RES increases by 50%, lasting for 1 turn.
  5. Blade of Old Outlasts All: Skill Lv. +2  and Talent Lv. +2.
  6. Walk in Blade, Talk in Zither: While Parry is active, if an enemy actively uses their abilities, regardless of whether it attacks Yunli or not, it will trigger Intuit: Cull and remove the Parry effect. When dealing DMG via Intuit: Slash or Intuit: Cull, increases CRIT Rate by 15% and Physical RES PEN by 20%.

Yunli’s E1 and E2 are particularly strong and a good option for low-spenders. Her E1 simply increases the damage of both versions of her Ultimate-enhanced counter, which is her primary source of damage. Meanwhile, her E2’s DEF shred is incredibly potent as it will trigger on any kind of Counter, including her super powerful Intuit: Slash and Intuit: Cull abilities. 

A Child's Rage

A Child’s Rage

Yunli’s Best Light Cones in Honkai: Star Rail

Best in Slot: Dance at Sunset (Destruction)

While Earth Hurled, Ether Curled is the current featured Character Event Warp, Yunli’s signature Light Cone and her best in slot Destruction LC, Dance at Sunset, will be available on the Light Cone Event Warp. Dance at Sunset is tailor-made to Yunli’s kit and specifications, greatly increasing her chance of countering opponents while also massively boosting her direct damage output in two key ways. 

At level 80, Dance at Sunset provides the wielder with 1058 HP, 582 ATK, and 463 DEF, as well as the Deeply Engrossed effect. This greatly increases the wearer’s chance of getting attacked while also boosting their CRIT DMG by 36%. Then, once the wearer uses their Ultimate, they gain 1 stack of Firedance for 2 turns which can stack up to 2 times. Each stack of Firedance increases the damage dealt by the user’s follow-up attacks by 36%.

Perhaps the most important, yet underrated, part of this Light Cone is the increased aggro for the wielder. Even though Yunli’s Ultimate has a taunt, she won’t have the aggro for the majority of the encounter which, if you get unlucky, can result in a pathetic amount of counter opportunities. With more aggro, though, she won’t have to worry about that as much, increasing her viability and consistency dramatically. Alongside that, the extra CRIT DMG is great for boosting her overall, as is the follow-up attack of the Firedance stacks. It’s just a great Light Cone for Yunli, as well as other Destruction units like Clara or even Blade.

Yunli's Best in Slot, Dance at Sunset

Yunli’s Best in Slot, Dance at Sunset

Best Replacement Light Cones for Yunli

Of course, not everyone is going to have enough Stellar Jade to nab both Yunli and her signature Light Cone. These players will need to rely on the existing repertoire of Destruction Light Cones currently available in Honkai: Star Rail. Fortunately, even though we won’t be recommending any limited 5-star Light Cones, Destruction is one of the best-serviced Paths for free or easily accessible LCs in all of HSR.

If you can’t get Dance at Sunset, consider using one of the following Destruction Light Cones on Yunli:

  • On the Fall of an Aeon (Herta Shop 5-star Light Cone): Whenever the wearer attacks, their ATK increases by 8% in this battle. This effect can stack up to 4 times. After a character inflicts Weakness Break on an enemy, the wearer’s DMG increases by 12% for 2 turns).
  • A Secret Vow (Gacha 4-star Light Cone): Increases DMG dealt by the wearer by 20%. The wearer also deals an extra 20% of DMG to enemies whose current HP percentage is equal to or higher than the wearer’s current HP percentage.
  • The Moles Welcome You (Gacha 4-star Light Cone): When the wearer uses Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate to attack enemies, the wearer gains one stack of Mischievous. Each stack increases the wearer’s ATK by 12%.

As a powerful and free 5-star option, On the Fall of an Aeon is easily the best replacement option for Yunli. Not only can you reliably get it to S5 through Herta’s shop but its massive ATK bonus will greatly increase all of Yunli’s damage, with her Counter and Ultimate-enhanced Counter receiving the greatest bonus. Thanks to Yunli’s taunt, she’ll be the priority target in most battles, making it very easy for you to get max stacks from Aeons. After that, the bonus DMG from Breaking a Target is a nice cherry on top. 

If you can’t get ahold of On the Fall of an Aeon, Secret Vow is what you should aim for next. The large DMG increase she’ll get from simply equipping the Light Cone is already excellent, with the bonus DMG from striking high health or equal health targets being relatively easy to achieve. Yunli’s entire playstyle revolves around getting hit and losing HP – which she can easily recover with her Skill for a high degree of safety – so you’ll have pretty high uptime on that 40% DMG bonus. Lastly, The Moles is a solid third choice for its high ATK potential but, unfortunately, most of Yunli’s Counters won’t generate Mischievous stacks.

Best Replacement Light Cones for Yunli

Best Replacement Light Cones for Yunli

Yunli’s Best Relics and Planar Ornaments

Like Clara, Star Rail’s other counter-based DPS, most of Yunli’s damage output comes from her follow-up attacks. With that in mind, you’ll want to consider outfitting her with one of the following sets for Yunli’s main four-piece Relic set:

  • 4pc Wind-Soaring Valorous: Increases ATK by 12%. Increases the wearer’s CRIT Rate by 6%. After the wearer uses a follow-up attack, increases DMG dealt by Ultimate by 36%, lasting for 1 turn(s).
  • 4pc Ashblazing Grand Duke: Increases the DMG dealt by follow-up attack by 20%. When the wearer uses follow-up attacks, increases the wearer’s ATK by 6% for every time the follow-up attack deals DMG. This effect can stack up to 8 times and lasts for 3 turns. This effect is removed the next time the wearer uses a follow-up attack.

Wind-Soaring Valorous is the newest FUA set and it seems to have been built, at least partly, with Yunli in mind. Seeing as she scales off of pure ATK, the bonus ATK% and CRIT Rate will obviously improve the damage output of her entire kit, follow-up attacks included. Meanwhile, she’ll have almost permanent uptime on that 36% Ultimate DMG Bonus because of how frequently she performs counters. This, in turn, massively boosts the damage of her enhanced counter effects as they are considered Ultimate DMG. 

On the other hand, Duke’s increase in follow-up attack DMG is very nice and, with her consistent countering, Yunli has no trouble gaining stacks for the ATK bonus. The main difference between the two sets is consistency. While Grand Duke’s effect is undeniably more potent, it will continually reset as Yunli performs counters: to get the most out of Grand Duke, you need to have time between FUAs, something you cannot rely on with Yunli. As such, we recommend the more reliable, if limited, 4pc Wind-Soaring Valorous for most players

Yunli's Best Relics

Yunli’s Best Relics

Meanwhile, when it comes to Yunli’s two-piece Planar Ornaments, pick one of these two options:

  • 2pc Duran, Dynasty of Wolves: When an ally uses a follow-up attack, the wearer gains 1 stack of Merit, stacking up to 5 times. Each stack of Merit increases the DMG dealt by the wearer’s follow-up attacks by 5%. When there are 5 stacks, additionally increases the wearer’s CRIT DMG by 25%.
  • 2pc Inert Salsotto: Increases the wearer’s CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer’s current CRIT Rate reaches 50% or higher, the DMG dealt by the wearer’s Ultimate and follow-up attack increases by 15%.

The main deciding factor with Yunli’s Planar Ornaments is who you decide to run her with. In a duo DPS composition with other follow-up attackers, Dynasty of Wolves is vastly superior. 5 stacks of Merit grants you a 25% FUA damage bonus, which is already pretty huge on top of any main Relic set bonuses Yunli can take advantage of, and that’s not even considering the extra 25% CRIT DMG. If you can reliably and consistently get those Merit stacks from a character like Topaz early in the battle, there’s no reason to choose Salsotto over Dynasty. 

Where Inert Salsotto can shine, though, is in compositions where she’s the main DPS and the only follow-up attacker. The 50% CRIT Rate requirement should be pretty easy for Yunli to hit on account of her Traces and the extra CRIT Rate from Salsotto. If you can manage it, it will result in a huge passive boost to Yunli’s damage output, especially to her Ultimate-enhanced counters which can take advantage of both the Ultimate and FUA DMG bonus. In the end, it comes down entirely to your team composition. 

Yunli's Best Planar Ornament

Yunli’s Best Planar Ornament

Most Important Stats for Yunli

As an ATK-scaling main DPS, Yunli’s three most important stats are ATK, CRIT Rate, and CRIT DMG. There’s nothing too fancy to note here, with the ATK increasing the base damage of each of her attacks whereas the CRIT values increase the damage even further. 

Here are the main stats you should be looking for on each of your Relics for Yunli in Honkai: Star Rail:

  • Body: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
  • Boots: ATK%
  • Sphere: Physical DMG Bonus
  • Rope: ATK%

Furthermore, here are the best sub-stats for Yunli’s Relics: 

  1. ATK%
  2. CRIT Rate
  4. Energy Recharge
Peace Restored

Peace Restored

Yunli’s Best Teams in Honkai: Star Rail

Yunli Main DPS Team

As a DPS who relies on her follow-up attacks for the majority of her damage, Yunli is really flexible as a character as she’s able to work efficiently as a solo or duo damage dealer. Compared to many of Star Rail’s recent damage dealers, Yunli is far more free to experiment with different compositions and team styles depending on how you want to run her. 

Our first team recommendation for Yunli is one where she is the main DPS. The entire composition revolves around buffing or protecting Yunli so that she can deliver as many empowered Counters as possible. If you want to have Yunli succeed as a main DPS, run her alongside Pela, Tingyun, and Huohuo to help her reach peak effectiveness. Additionally, as we mentioned earlier in the Relics sections, solo DPS Yunli prefers to run 2pc Salsotto. 

  • Yunli (Dance at Sunset) | 4pc Wind-Soaring Valorous + 2pc Inert Salsotto
  • Pela (Resolution Shines as Pearls of Sweat) | 2pc Guard of Wuthering Snow + 2pc Messenger Hackerspace + 2pc Broken Keel
  • Tingyun (Dance, Dance, Dance!) | 2pc Guard of Wuthering Snow + 2pc Messenger Hackerspace + 2pc Fleet of the Ageless
  • Huohuo (Night of Fright) | 2pc Longevous Disciple + 2pc Messenger Hackerspace + 2pc Broken Keel
Main DPS Team

Main DPS Team

Tingyun and Huohuo are a classic combo in Star Rail thanks to their absurd Energy Regeneration which is already absurd on their own, never mind when they’re both in the same team. As a buffer, Tingyun kind of does it all; she has a very strong ATK buff which persists over several rounds, she can increase her allies’ SPD, and she can regenerate up to 50% of an ally’s Ultimate with her own. Meanwhile, Huohuo is a very effective healer who also can raise ATK and Ult charge. With Tingyun and Huohuo aiding Yunli, you’ll be able to buff her, keep her alive, and get Yunli her Ultimate at an incredible rate, leading to much higher damage output.

Meanwhile, Pela is more of a flex unit but she’s a great Nihility unit who works well with Yunli. She specialises in DEF reduction, especially if you run her with her BiS Light Cone, which gives her additional ways to lower DEF. Her Ultimate, in particular, is great for softening up the entire battlefield. What this means for Yunli is that any enemy who attacks her will be suffering for a potent DEF debuff, allowing her to almost always hit for a massive advantage. 

Energy Battery Healer Huohuo

Energy Battery Healer Huohuo

Yunli Duo DPS Team 

The other main path for Yunli is in a duo DPS team alongside another follow-up attacker. As long as you aren’t running Yunli with someone who can steal her aggro or CC opponents with stunning effects like Freeze or Imprisonment, she makes an excellent sub or duo DPS with plenty of other FUAs. 

If you want to run Yunli alongside another powerful follow-up attacker while also benefiting from massive buffs to her own Counters, run her with Topaz, Robin, and Huohuo. In this composition, you’ll want to run Dynasty of Running Wolves on Yunli as she’ll actually be able to take advantage of the Merit effect, greatly improving her own damage output as Topaz performs her FUAs. 

  • Yunli (Dance at Sunset) | 4pc Wind-Soaring Valorous + 2pc Dynasty of Running Wolves
  • Topaz (Worrisome, Blissful) | 4pc Ashblazing Grand Duke + 2pc Dynasty of Running Wolves
  • Robin (Flowing Nightglow) | 2pc Wild Wheat Musketeer + 2pc Messenger Hackerspace + 2pc Broken Keel
  • Huohuo (Night of Fright) | 2pc Longevous Disciple + 2pc Messenger Hackerspace + 2pc Broken Keel
    Duo DPS Team

    Duo DPS Team

Topaz is who Yunli will be sharing the spotlight with and she’s an excellent sub-DPS support hybrid. On her own, Topaz can deal some pretty nutty damage with Numby, especially after she casts her Ultimate. In fact, Topaz has one of the highest follow-up attack rates in the game, especially when she’s paired with someone like Yunli who will also be using her follow-up attack a lot. Topaz’s ability to increase all follow-up attack DMG with Proof of Debt is also incredible, especially if you can pair it with Yunli’s Cull or Slash attacks. These two units just pair excellently with one another.

Of course, with a team so focused on follow-up attacks, you’ll also want to include the best support for FUA teams: Robin. You do need to be a bit careful when running Robin and Yunli together because of how Yunli’s Ultimate works but it’s undeniable that the massive DMG and CRIT DMG she provides are invaluable to both Topaz and Yunli. Lastly, Huohuo acts the same in this composition as she does in the main DPS comp, which is to funnel Energy and ATK buffs to Yunli so she can crush her enemies with more consistent Ultimate empowered Counters.

Yunli's FUA Partner, Topaz

Yunli’s FUA Partner, Topaz

Yunli F2P Team

Because of how flexible Yunli is, she has a bunch of great F2P pairings which can work excellently. Yunli’s best F2P team is a variant of her main DPS composition. where, instead of running Pela, Tingyun, and Huohuo, you’ll want to switch out the latter pair for Hanya and Lynx, two characters who have been offered for free multiple times. While neither of these units has the insane Energy Regeneration of Tingyun or Huohuo, they are able to offer a variety of other potent effects and buffs.

  • Yunli (On the Fall of an Aeon) | 4pc Wind-Soaring Valorous + 2pc Inert Salsotto
  • Pela (Resolution Shines as Pearls of Sweat) | 2pc Guard of Wuthering Snow + 2pc Messenger Hackerspace + 2pc Broken Keel
  • Hanya (Dance, Dance, Dance!) | 4pc Messenger Hackerspace + 2pc Fleet of the Ageless
  • Lynx (Quid Pro Quo) | 2pc Longevous Disciple + 2pc Messenger Hackerspace + 2pc Broken Keel

Hanya is a very interesting Harmony unit in HSR. With her Unburden debuff, Hanya will ensure that the team always has enough Skill Points, letting you spam Yunli and Lynx’s Skills with reckless abandon. Additionally, she can increase an ally’s SPD and ATK with her Ultimate, and while Yunli prefers to be a bit slower than her opponents so that she can get off more Counter attacks, the ATK buff is very effective.

Lynx is this team’s healer but she has more to offer than just that. The main utility Lynx provides is that she can increase the aggro of Yunli with her Skill, greatly increasing the chance of Yunli being targeted by opponents. Getting unlucky with unsuccessful Taunts or random enemy targeting RNG sucks for Counter characters so having a way to reliably increase those odds is excellent. This pairing will result in Yunli being able to counter more often which will protect her squishier teammates while raising the damage output significantly. 

F2P Team

F2P Team

That was how to make the best Yunli build in Honkai: Star Rail

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