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Honkai: Star Rail Luocha Build Guide | Luocha Best Light Cones, Teams and Relics

Honkai Star Rail Luocha Build Guide | Luocha Best Light Cones, Teams and Relics

Luocha has ever been a man of mystery since he arrived as part of the Xianzhou Luofu storyline in Honkai: Star Rail. Wearing the face of one of the evilest villains in Honkai lore and with a deep secret lurking inside his coffin, this supposed merchant certainly drew more than a few eyes. Now, in the second half of Version 1.1, he has become playable. As the third Path of Abundance character to join the game, Luocha has become insanely viable and very sought after. He is a unique kind of Imaginary healer who focuses on stacking ATK rather than DEF or HP, making him an offensive force alongside his already superb healing capabilities. If you’re looking for a second or even just a replacement healer, you can do no better than Luocha. 

Here’s how to make the best Luocha build in Honkai: Star Rail. This guide will include a deep dive into all of Luocha’s skills and how they work, what Luocha’s best Relics and Planar Ornament sets are, what his best Light Cones are as well as what premium and F2P teams you should include him in. 

Want more Honkai: Star Rail content and articles? You can find more here on KeenGamer:

  1. Honkai: Star Rail | Simulated Universe World 4 Guide (Easy F2P Clear)
  2. Honkai: Star Rail | Simulated Universe World 6 Guide (Easy F2P Clear)
  3. Honkai: Star Rail | How to Level Up Fast and the Best Ways to Get Trailblaze EXP
  4. Honkai: Star Rail | The Seven Errors of Cycranes Guide (All Missing Cycrane Locations)
  5. Honkai: Star Rail | Luminflux Pyxis Day 3 Puzzle Guide

Luocha Materials

To get Luocha to the maximum Ascension level in Honkai: Star Rail, he’ll need the following materials:

  • Artifex’s Module / Artifex’s Cogwheel / Artifex’s Gyreheart (Enemy Materials)
  • Golden Crown of the Past Shadow (Stagnant Shadow Material) 

The Artifex series of drops come from slain Ingenium automatons aboard the Xianzhou Luofu. This range of enemies includes the Entranced Ingenium enemies (the Obedient Dracolion, the Golden Cloud Toad and the Illumination Dragonfish) which can mainly be found in the Cloudford and Stargazer Navalia portions of the Luofu. You can also encounter them in the Simulated Universe, most commonly in World 5 and World 6, where you can repeatedly farm them for parts. Alternatively, the Omni-Synthesizer can also create the Artifex parts you need, either by converting low-tier Machina parts into higher ones or by exchanging other enemy drops.

The other major drop for Luocha is the Golden Crown of the Past Shadow. This material drops from the Shape of Mirage Stagnant Shadow, which you can find in the Backwater Pass area of Belobog. Each run of the Stagnant Shadow costs 30 Trailblazer Power and you’ll earn more drops if you attempt it at a higher difficulty. In terms of what you’ll be fighting in this Stagnant Shadow, the enemy weakness type shared by all enemies is Lightning, with the main boss being a Decaying Shadow which is also which to Fire and Wind.

Additionally, Luocha will also need the resource required by all those on the Path of Abundance. You will need all three rarities of the Abundance plants – the Seed of Abundance, the Sprout of Life and Flower of Eternity – which you can easily obtain from the Bud of Abundance Crimson Calyx, which just so happens to also be in Backwater Pass. Lastly, Luocha needs Guardian’s Lament to unlock and level his Traces: you can acquire this weekly by completing the Cocolia, Mother of Deception Echo of War in Belobog. 

What's in the Box?

What’s in the Box?

Luocha Skills Breakdown

Basic Attack: Thorns of the Abyss

Luocha’s Basic Attack is Thorns of the Abyss. Upon cast, this will cause Luocha to deal minor Imaginary DMG to a single target. 

Luocha’s Basic Attack is one of the more isolated parts of his kit. On the surface, it doesn’t do a lot and doesn’t synergise with the rest of his other abilities. That doesn’t mean you should discount it, though: as one of the few Imaginary characters in the game, Luocha can reliably trigger Imprisonment, one of the best Weakness Breaks, with his Basic Attack. Additionally, Luocha is a healer who stacks off of ATK, meaning that even his Basic Attack will still deal decent damage if you build him correctly.

Thorns of the Abyss

Thorns of the Abyss

Skill: Prayer of Abyss Flower

Next up, we have Luocha’s Skill, Prayer of the Abyss Flower. This is really where the more interesting parts of his kit come into play. After using his Skill, Luocha immediately restores the HP of a targeted ally based on Luocha’s ATK while also gaining 1 stack of Abyss Flower. Whenever an ally falls below 50% HP, an effect equivalent to Luocha’s Skill will immediately trigger and ally to the damaged ally: this bonus has a 2-turn cooldown and doesn’t relate to the Abyss Flower mechanic. 

There are a lot of different parts of this Skill and it’s one of the primary reasons why Luocha is so sought after. The immediate healing is always going to be nice in a time of need but it’s the two additional parts of the Skill that warrant more interest. Prayer of the Abyss Flower will be Luocha’s primary way of gaining Abyss Flower stacks, the effects of which tie into his Talent: getting as many Abyss Flower stacks as possible is of great interest to you as it will drastically improve the survivability of your entire team, making this Skill already pretty great.

Obviously, that isn’t all. Detached from the Abyss Flower mechanic are the automatic heals allies will receive when they drop below 50%. Once again, this is a great tool that will aid you dramatically in clutch moments. It can either be used to keep weaker, squishier targets like Tingyun or other Harmony characters alive or help add to the defence of tankier characters like Clara. Having a free clutch heal that doesn’t need Skill Points, is extremely potent and generates Abyss Flower stacks is a quick way of making Luocha one of the best healers in the entirety of Honkai: Star Rail.

Prayer of the Abyss Flower

Prayer of the Abyss Flower

Ultimate: Death Wish

Death Wish is Luocha’s Ultimate ability. When cast, this will hit all enemies on the field for 240% of Luocha’s ATK as Imaginary DMG. This will also remove 1 buff from all enemies and give Luocha one stack of Abyss Flower.

Just like his Skill, Luocha’s Ultimate is another great part of his kit and one that allows him to excel outside of the role of healer. Death Wish is more utility and damage than it is healing, letting Luocha be more proactive and aggressive than some other Abundance characters. Even then, it still plays back into that supportive playstyle by granting a stack of Abyss Flower: if you get off his Skill and his Ultimate in one turn, you’ll be dealing massive damage, stripping all enemies on the field of their buffs and creating a constant supply of healing from your Skill and Talent. This Ultimate is great and synergises excellently with the rest of Luocha’s kit.

Death Wish Ultimate

Death Wish Ultimate

Talent: Cycle of Life

Luocha’s Talent, Cycle of Life, is where the effects of the Abyss Flower stacks come in. When Abyss Flower reaches 2 stacks, Luocha consumes all stacks of Abyss Flower to deploy a Field against the enemy. When any enemy is attacked while the Field is active, the attacking ally’s HP is immediately restored by an amount based on Luocha’s ATK. This Field lasts for 2 turns and will be dispelled if Luocha is knocked down.

The Field is one of Luocha’s most unique elements and the one which pushes him above even Natasha and Bailu as one of, if not the best, healers in HSR. Once the field is active, you can focus fully on offence with all of your characters, including Luocha, without worry as they’ll constantly be healed every time they attack. Between the bonus effects of his Skill, the frequency of his Ultimate and the Abyss Flower mechanic, Luocha can become an unstoppable force that doesn’t let your team ever fall while carving away the ranks of the enemy with ease.

Usually, most Abundance characters need to play quite conservatively, especially when so many of their healing capabilities rely on Ultimates or Skill Points. Luocha, on the other hand, can quickly get into a cycle of constant healing and constant offence. Once you’ve got your Field up, you can focus purely on offence, allowing him to Imprison enemies or just deal considerable damage to them while everyone else stays healthy thanks to the automatic healing. If that wasn’t all, even his Traces and Eidolons work to make this part of Luocha even better, increasing his healing and support capabilities drastically. 

Luocha's Talent Field

Luocha’s Talent Field

Technique: Mercy of a Fool

Lastly, we have Mercy of a Fool, Luocha’s Technique. This is an enhancement type Technique. After the Technique is used, Luocha’s Talent will immediately trigger upon starting the next battle, erecting the Field from turn 1.

This Technique is incredibly convenient and a great choice to spend your points on in modes like the Simulated Universe or Hall of Memory. One of Luocha’s weaker points is that, while he will eventually become a constant whirlwind of healing and damage, he needs to get to that point by getting enough Abyss Flower stacks. Mercy of a Fool cuts out that preparation time, giving you instant access to the Field and allowing you to start the battle on the offensive, as opposed to just milling around while you wait for an ally to get hurt or wait for your Ultimate to regenerate. Pair this with an offence technique such as Silver Wolf’s of Clara’s and you’ll be starting the fight completely in your favour.

Mercy of a Fool

Mercy of a Fool

Luocha Traces

Luocha’s Traces serve to improve his viability as a support in multiple ways. Not only do they make his healing more reliable and of higher potency, but they also allow him to shrug off negative Crowd Control effects and provide the mantle of the healer to basically anyone in the team while still having high survivability in his own right. For his minor Trace stat increases, Luocha can get the following bonuses:

  • 28% ATK (4 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 8)
  • 12.5% DEF (5 + 7.5)
  • 18% HP (4 + 6 + 8)
Luocha Traces

Luocha Traces

In terms of Luocha’s major Traces, we begin with Cleansing Ritual. This is Luocha’s Ascension 2 Trace and it means that, when he uses his Skill, he removes 1 debuff on the targeted ally with Prayer of the Abyss Flower. This is very similar to other Traces on Natasha and March 7th and it just makes Luocha way better and more versatile, giving his most direct form of heals another utility option that will prove massively useful in endgame content. Whether it’s DoT damage or a straight Defence Down debuff, Luocha will be your man to take care of it. 

Next is Luocha’s Ascension 4 Trace, Sanctified. When an enemy inside the Field is attacked by an ally, all allies (except the attacker) restore HP equal to 7.0% of Luocha’s ATK plus 73. This is an interesting Trace as it massively buffs the effectiveness of the Field generated by his Talent. The attacking ally is already going to get healed thanks to the base effects of the Talent but this means that, whenever someone engages the enemy offensively, they become a pseudo-healer. This takes a lot of weight off of Luocha’s back and allows him to slot nicely into Skill Point-reliant teams. 

Lastly, there’s Through the Valley which unlocks at Character Ascension 6. This Trace simply increases Luocha’s chance to resist Crowd Control debuffs by 70%. While not as flashy or gimmicky as some other Traces in Honkai: Star Rail, this is still supremely important for keeping Luocha feeling consistent and reliable: you don’t want your healer getting caught off guard and being unable to act thanks to CC, especially not one who essentially has an instant heal whenever an ally drops to 50%. 

Light in the Darkness

Light in the Darkness

Luocha Trace Priority

For Luocha’s skills, we recommend prioritising the following Traces when you start levelling them: 

  1. Prayer of the Abyss Flower / Cycle of Life
  2. Death Wish
  3. Cycle of Life / Prayer of the Abyss Flower
  4. Thorns of the Abyss

Whether you find yourself relying more heavily on Luocha’s Skill for healing or whether you can make do with the Field from his Talent will determine which one you prioritise. Certain team compositions are more reliable at spawning the Field (Energy Regeneration bonuses, Ultimates, etc.), meaning that Skill Points can be saved for offensive abilities on other characters: in this scenario, Cycle of Life becomes the most important thing to level. On the other hand, if you find yourself using his Skill far more often for healing purposes, focus on that instead (especially because the level of his Skill influences the instant heal he does when an ally drops below 50%). Your choice in investment will change depending on the specificities of your HSR Luocha build and team. 

Of the Traces left Death Wish is going to be the more important one as Luocha’s biggest source of damage. His Ultimate not only hits the entire field, potentially allowing an arena-wide Imprison on Imaginary weak enemies, but it will strip debuffs and interact with several other elements in his kit, so you’ll want this to be as powerful as possible. Thorns of the Abyss is in last place regarding priority simply because it is an isolated part of Luocha’s kit: it doesn’t interact or synergise with anything else, putting it at the back of the pack even if it’s still worth levelling.

Luocha, Outworld Sojourner

Luocha, Outworld Sojourner

Then, in terms of what major Traces you should try and get first: 

  1. Sanctified
  2. Cleansing Revival
  3. Through the Valley

All of Luocha’s Traces are important and should be picked up whenever you can. However, in terms of which ones are the most impactful, Sanctified is undoubtedly the most important: as we mentioned in the section above, it turns your entire team into a healing unit, one which will constantly outlast and out heal any damage coming their way. That level of consistency and strength in healing shouldn’t be disregarded. After that comes Cleansing Revival to facilitate Luocha’s role as a more diverse support, but it won’t likely make itself useful in every single battle like Sanctified. This just leaves Through the Valley as a nice top-up at the end of the tree – not anything game-changing but something that will make Luocha much better. 

Oath Adrift

Oath Adrift

Luocha’s Eidolons

Here are all 6 of Luocha’s Eidolons in HSR. To get more of Luocha’s Eidolons, you’ll need to pull multiple copies of him from his Character Event Warp. As a limited character, you’ll only be able to get additional Luocha copies by rolling on the “Laic Pursuit” Character Event Warp while it is active. 

  1. Ablution of the Quick: While the Field from Luocha’s Talent is active, the ATK of all allies increases by 20%. 
  2. Bestowal From the Pure: When his Skill is triggered, if the target ally’s HP is lower than 50%, Luocha’s Outgoing Healing increases by 30%. If the target ally’s HP is over 50%, the ally receives a Shield that can absorb DMG equal to 18% of Luocha’s ATK plus 240, lasting 2 turns.
  3. Surveyal of the Flood: Skill Lv. +2 and Basic ATK Lv. +1.
  4. Heavy Lies the Crown: When Luocha’s Field is active, enemies become Weakened and deal 12% less DMG. 
  5. Cicatrix ‘Neath the Pain: Ultimate Lv. +2 and Talent Lv. +2.
  6. Reunion With the Dust: When Ultimate is used, there is a 100% fixed chance to reduce all enemies’ All-Type RES by 20% for 2 turns.
A Bond Remains

A Bond Remains

Luocha Best Light Cones

Best in Slot Light Cone: Echoes of the Coffin

Luocha’s Best in Slot Light Cone is easily Echoes of the Coffin, his own signature Light Cone. This Light Cone is exclusive to the Light Cone Event Warp “Brilliant Fixation” which is running for the same duration as Luocha’s Character Event Warp. Created specifically to heighten Luocha’s potential in particular, this Light Cone boosts his offensive support potential dramatically.

At level 80, Echoes of the Coffin will provide 1164 HP, 582 ATK and 396 DEF. The main skill for this Light Cone is simply called Thorns and it does a myriad of things. Firstly, it will increase the wearer’s ATK by 24%, a massive boon for Luocha’s healing and attacking prowess. Secondly, after the wearer uses an attack, for each different target the wearer hits, regenerate 3 Energy. Lastly, whenever the wearer uses their Ultimate, all allies gain 12 SPD for 1 turn.

Like the rest of Luocha’s kit, this Light Cone is packed with different things to make him better. As we noted, the ATK buff on its own is a fantastic way of increasing his potential as both a healer and an attacker, as most of his kit primarily stacks his ATK. Then, the other two parts work to make his Ultimate more consistent and effective. Death Wish will refund you tons of Ultimate Energy back whenever you hit a lot of enemies with it while simultaneously boosting the SPD and performance of your entire team. More SPD means more turns which means more Energy which means more UItimates which means a smoother experience for you and your team. 

If you’re willing to spend some Stellar Jade, Luocha will become much better if you can pick up Echoes of the Coffin for him. This is easily the best Light Cone for the best Luocha build in Honkai: Star Rail.

Echoes of the Coffin

Echoes of the Coffin

Luocha Replacement Light Cones

What if you can’t get Echoes of the Coffin? What if you’re saving for Kafka or lose the 75/25? Are you doomed? Of course not! Luocha is very versatile, giving him plenty of replacement options in terms of Abundance Light Cones, many of which can fill the void left behind by his signature one.

Before we continue, we should note that all recommended Light Cones will be 4-Star Abundance Light Cones. This is because more players are likely to have several 4-Star Light Cones, affording them more choice and variety. If you happen to have a 5-Star Light Cone – like Time Waits for No One – give that a go on Luocha first as it may prove more beneficial than any of the recommendations we’re about to give. 4-Star Light Cones in Honkai Star Rail are usually pretty at competing with 5-Star options, but it wouldn’t hurt to try if you happen to have one.

For Luocha, we recommend using either Post-Op Conversation or Quid Pro Quo for your Abundance Light Cone.

Post-Op Conversation

Post-Op Conversation

Post-Op Conversation is a Light Cone you have a chance to acquire from pulling on any of the Event Warps. At level 80, it will provide 1058 HP, 423 ATK and 330 DEF and it has the main effect of Mutual Healing. This increases the wearer’s Energy Regeneration Rate by 8% and increases Outgoing Healing when they use their Ultimate by 12%. Luocha’s Ultimate is one of the main pillars of his kit, being his biggest source of damage and a key way of gaining Abyss Flower stacks. As such, any Light Cone which makes his Ultimate easier to obtain is an instantly good pick, and Post-Op Conversation’s additional Outgoing Healing is the cherry on top.

Then, we have Quid Pro Quo. This is a F2P Light Cone which you can pick up from a few areas across Honkai: Star Rail, but the main way to obtain it is through the Hall of Memory shop. At level 80, it will give 952 HP, 423 ATK and 396 DEF along with the ability Enjoy With Rapture. At the start of the wearer’s turn, regenerate 8 Energy for a randomly chosen ally (excluding the wearer) whose current Energy is lower than 50%. While this doesn’t directly add to Luocha’s kit, it does make him even more adaptable and adds another arrow to his quiver: with Quid Pro Quo, he not only regenerates Energy but also HP while being able to remove buffs. As a utility option, Quid Pro Quo is a great pick. 

Quid Pro Quo

Quid Pro Quo

Best Relics and Planar Ornaments for Luocha

Thanks to how Luocha is built and what he stacks off as a supporting character in HSR, there’s one clear choice for his best Relic and Planar Ornament sets. 

For Luocha’s best Relic set in Honkai: Star Rail, you’ll want to run 2 pieces of Passerby of Wandering Cloud and 2 pieces of Musketeer of Wild Wheat along with the Planar Ornament set Sprightly Vonwacq. 2-Piece Passerby will increase Outgoing Healing by 10% whereas 2-Piece Musketeer will increase Luocha’s ATK by 12%. Additionally, having both pieces in the Sprightly Vonwacq Ornament set will increase Luocha’s Energy Regeneration Rate by 5% and Advance Forward his first turn in combat by 40% should you reach a minimum of 120 SPD.

Relics and Planar Ornaments

Relics and Planar Ornaments

Luocha is, fortunately, rather straightforward when it comes to Relics. Despite being healing, all of his healing directly stacks off of how high his ATK is. As such, running 2 pieces of Passerby along with 2 pieces of Musketeer just makes the most sense: you get a bunch of insanely useful stat bonuses and upgrades that will aid in numerous parts of Luocha’s kit. In comparison, going 4-Piece on either set just wouldn’t be as impactful thanks to Luocha’s hybrid role. Meanwhile, the main reason to use the Vonwacq set is that nice 5% Energy Generation bump, allowing Luocha to get his Ultimate back at a much better pace. The other benefits are nice, too, as they allow Luocha to take charge and begin healing or setting up his Field very early in a fight.

If you aren’t feeling Sprightly Vonwacq, though, there are other options for Luocha. We would recommend 2-Piece Space Sealing Station, which will raise Luocha’s ATK by 12% and increase it a further 12% if you reach 120 SPD. More ATK is always going to be good on Luocha, letting him hit for more damage and heal higher amounts of damage. 

Passerby of Wandering Cloud and Musketeers of Wild Wheat

Passerby of Wandering Cloud and Musketeers of Wild Wheat

Most Important Main Stats and Substats

When hunting for good Relics, here are the best main stats you should keep an eye out for to make the best Honkai: Star Rail Luocha build: 

  • Body: ATK% / Outgoing Healing Bonus
  • Feet: ATK% / SPD
  • Planar Sphere: ATK% / HP%
  • Link Rope: Energy Recharge Rate

Meanwhile, here are the best substats you need to consider for Luocha’s Relics: 

  1. ATK
  2. SPD
  3. Energy Recharge Rate
  4. CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate
A Beautiful Flower

A Beautiful Flower

Best Teams for Luocha

Premium Team

Honestly, Luocha can fit relatively well into any number of teams. Star Rail is starved for healers right now, with only Natasha being a guaranteed member on everyone’s account. Add on Luocha’s kit and his incredible amount of self-sustain, support and damaged capabilities and he will fit into any team just fine. If you want his very best team, though, there are a few options. You’ll want to make a team that can benefit from his healing and support while also enabling him to deal high damage and take advantage of his role as an Imaginary character to the fullest. 

For Luocha’s best premium team in Honkai: Star Rail, we recommend using Welt, Yukong and Silver Wolf.

Interestingly, Welt is going to be our primary DPS for this team. While he is a Nihility character and is often toted as being one of the best supports in the game, he also excels at being a superb damage dealer. Welt is a great source of Imprison and Slow, making sure your team gets off as many actions as they need to win the battle. When paired with 3 other Imaginary characters and someone who can implant Weakness in Silver Wolf, Welt’s strength will only grow even more.

Silver Wolf, Path of Nihility

Silver Wolf, Path of Nihility

Silver Wolf is up next and she’s going to serve as an excellent enabling supportive unit for your entire team. Her main utility here is in her ability to make mono-element teams work – Imaginary, in this case – thanks to her Skill, Allow Changes? By implanting a near-guaranteed Imaginary Weakness in all your foes, Silver Wolf can make sure that all of your characters are dealing high damage and consistently pulling off Imprison. Additionally, her Ultimate Talent makes her a great debuff, lowering everything from DEF to ATK. If you want to learn how to properly build Silver Wolf so you can fit her nicely into your Luocha team, you can check out our Silver Wolf build guide here. 

Lastly, we have Yukong, a character who joined Honkai: Star Rail at the same time as Luocha. She’s an Imaginary Harmony character and will be our main buffer, pairing nicely with our main buffer, Silver Wolf. You can think of Yukong as a team-wide Tingyun, one who can raise the ATK of all her allies but for a much shorter period. Considering that everyone in our team deals relatively good damage, Yukong can facilitate great team synergy and support: Silver Wolf can make targets weak to Imaginary, Yukong can buff everyone to high heaven and then Welt can rip them to shreds with support with Luocha. This team is incredibly strong and Yukong is one of the main pillars of that strength. 

Luocha's Premium Team includes Yukong, Welt and Silver Wolf | Honkai Star Rail Luocha Build

Premium Team

Free-to-Play Team

If your character roster is looking a little leaner, don’t panic. As we said above, Luocha is an excellent addition to any team and pulling him means that you’ll have 2 dedicated healers for taking on the Hall of Memory’s tougher floors. Even still, there are F2P characters Luocha certainly favours, ones who will buff him considerably and ones he can help support in turn. 

For Luocha’s best F2P team, we recommend using him alongside Asta, Dan Heng and the Preservation Trailblazer. 

Asta, Path of Harmony

Asta, Path of Harmony

We’ll start with Asta, who will be our main buffer and Breaker. Asta has more than earned her place on even some premium teams thanks to her high damage, reliable Weakness Break abilities and her Harmony-focused buffing. With her Talent, Asta can raise the ATK of the entire team based on how many hits she has landed: this is great for increasing our damage, but it will also help Luocha keep everyone alive. That’s not all, though, as her Ultimate will drastically raise the SPD of all units on the field, letting you hit harder and faster than the enemy.

Next is our main DPS, Dan Heng. Depending on how you prefer to play, you could switch out Dan Heng for another damage-oriented character like Serval or Qingque. Whoever you choose, this character will be your main DPS and be the one dealing the most direct damage to the enemy. For Dan Heng, you have a strong Wind-aligned Hunt character who can get his Ultimate back quickly and deal high damage with his Skill, whereas Sevral or Qingque are far more focused on group damage. Most DPS characters tend to be on the squishier side and Luocha will be there to ensure that they do not fall.

Finally, there’s the Preservation Path Trailblazer (or more simply the Fire Trailblazer). They’re here as our main tank, somehow who will attract the enemy’s attention and take a beating while your buffers and main DPS whittle them away. While they can create shields, their Skill will be their main asset to the team as it can taunt and draw all enemy aggro towards the Trailblazer: this will help keep your entire team alive, especially when they’re on the more fragile side. They will also deal considerable damage if built properly, something that will be aided by Asta and her Talent.

Luocha's F2P team is a main DPS (Dan Heng, Serval or Qingque), Asta and Fire Trailblazer | Honkai Star Rail Luocha Build

F2P Team

That was how to make the best Honkai: Star Rail Luocha build. Good luck with your pulls, Trailblazers!

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