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Honkai: Star Rail Guinaifen Build Guide | Guinaifen Best Light Cone, Relics and Teams

Learn how to make the best Guainifen build in this easy to follow guide for Honkai: Star Rail which includes a deep dive into Guinaifen's Burn-focused kit, what Light Cones and Relics you should be running on her and what premium and F2P team comps she fits into. As HSR's first Burn-centric Nihility character, Guinaifen has a ton of potential.

Honkai: Star Rail Guinaifen Build Guide | Guinaifen Best Light Cone, Relics and Teams

Alongside Jingliu and Topaz, the 5-star heavy hitters of Honkai: Star Rail Version 1.4, a new 4-star Nihility character has arrived in the form of Guinaifen, a streamer extraordinaire from the Xianzhou Luofu. As HSR’s first Fire Nihility character, Guinaifen’s kit is entirely based on the Burn status, similar to how Sampo is focused on Wind Shear or Kafka is based on Shock. Her ability to apply Burn is consistent and her damage multiples are really high, allowing Guinaifen to fit nicely into most team compositions as a potent sub-DPS and that isn’t even mentioning her light support capabilities. Guinaifen is a solid addition to the Nihility Path and one of the best damage-over-time characters in the game.

Here’s how to make the best Guinaifen build in Honkai: Star Rail, including a breakdown of her entire kit and how her unique instance of Burn works, what her best Traces are and what order you should prioritise levelling them, what her best Relics and Light Cones and what premium or F2P you should be running her in. 

Want more Honkai Star Rail content and guides? You can find more here on KeenGamer:

  1. Should You Pull for Blade or Kafka in Honkai: Star Rail
  2. Honkai: Star Rail | Simulated Universe World 4 Guide (Easy F2P Clear)
  3. Honkai: Star Rail | Simulated Universe World 6 Guide (Easy F2P Clear)
  4. Honkai: Star Rail | The Seven Errors of Cycranes Guide (All Missing Cycrane Locations)
  5. Honkai: Star Rail | Luminflux Pyxis Day 3 Puzzle Guide

Guinaifen Ascension Materials

To begin this Guinaifen build guide, we’ll discuss what materials you need to collect to ascend our pyromaniac streamer. Reach maximum Ascension allows you to access several important Traces, including Guinaifen’s final major Trace and two of her most impactful stat increases, as well as a large boost to the unit’s HP, ATK and DEF stats. To reach max level with Guinaifen, you’ll need to find the following materials: 

  • 12x Artifex’s Module / 13x Artifex’s Cogwheel / 12x Artifex’s Gyreheart
  • 50x Searing Steel Blade
  • 246,000 Credits

First up is the Artifex series of enemy drops, the main material you’ll be using to ascend Guinaifen in Honkai: Star Rail. The Artifex series contains three materials of different rarities – Artifex Modules (Green), Artifex Cogwheels (Blue) and Artifex Gyrehearts (Purple) – and they only drop from one type of enemy on Xianzhou Luofu. To be more specific, the Ingenium Creatures are the source of Artifex materials, with their ranks including the Golden Cloud Toad, Illumination Dragonfish and Aurumaton Gatekeeper. Your best bet for finding these enemies is to visit the Cloudkeep or Alchemy Commission locations on the Luofu, complete the Fire Lord Inflames Blades of War Assignment or visit Worlds 4, 5 and 6 of the Simulated Universe. 

After the Artifex drops we have the Searing Steel Blades, a new Stagnant Shadow material introduced in Version 1.4. The Steel Blades drop from the Shape of Scorch Stagnant Shadow which you’ll find deep into the Great Mine on Belobog. As the name implies, the Searing Steel Blades are used to ascend Fire characters, namely Guinaifen and Topaz, and you can gather more Steel Blades by running the Shadow at higher difficulties. The guardian and main boss of this Shadow is a Searing Prowler, a Belobogian machine which utilises fire attacks and is weak to Ice, Lightning and Imaginary DMG. 

Lastly, there are several additional materials you’ll want to pick up for when you start levelling Guinaifen’s Traces. Firstly, you’ll need to gather Nihility materials, specifically the Obsidian of Dread, Obsidian of Desolation and Obsidian of Obsession drops which come from the Great Mine Crimson Calyx. Secondly, you’ll also want to run the Phantyllia Echo of War for Regret of Infinite Ochema, which is required to pick up Guinaifen’s major Traces and reach the higher levels in her core Traces. 

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Honkai Star Rail Guinaifen Kit and Abilities Overview

Basic Attack: Standing Ovation

First up on our discussion of Guinaifen’s kit is her Basic Attack, Standing Ovation. When used, this simply deals minor Fire DMG to a single target.

Compared to the rest of Guinaifen’s kit, this is completely superfluous and pretty pointless on its own. However, it does become a lot more useful on account of one of Guinaifen’s major Traces, allowing her Basic ATK to inflict Burn and causing Standing Ovation to better synergise with the rest of her kit. With that Trace active, her Basic becomes a lot more useful as a consistent source of Burn without needing to spend Skill Points; without it, though, it’s a pretty lacklustre ability and definitely not the focus of her Burn-based kit. 

Patience in Time

Patience in Time

Skill: Blazing Welcome

The star of Guinaifen’s kit is Blazing Welcome, her Skill, and it’s largely on account of its ability to consistently Burn. When cast, Guinaifen will throw an explosive firecracker towards a target, dealing Fire DMG to the chosen enemy and then minor Fire DMG to any adjacent enemies, with a very high chance of Burning them. 

Burn is the name of the game when it comes to Guinaifen and, with a 100% base chance to Burn with this Skill, Blazing Welcome is easily the best and most consistent way to apply the fiery damage-over-time effect. Additionally, levels invested into this Skill will not only determine the base damage of the initial throw but how much the Burn damage does, with the total rising to some pretty crazy numbers (over 200%) based on Guinaifen’s ATK.

Blazing Welcome simply has everything you want for a DoT-heavy character: it’s flashy, it’s strong at a baseline, it consistently applies the chosen status effect and it hits multiple targets for easier DoT spread. This is easily the pinnacle of Guinaifen’s kit in HSR and you should get used to seeing fireworks if you plan on using her in your team. 

Guinaifen's Skill

Guinaifen’s Skill

Ultimate: Watch This Showstopper

Not to be outdone, the next ability up Guinaifen’s sleeve is her Ultimate, Watch This Showstopper. At the cost of 30 Energy, Guinaifen will summon a little hoard of Ditings to swarm the enemy and release a bomb which deals Fire DMG to all targets on the field. Additionally, if the target enemy is currently inflicted with Burn, then their Burn status immediately triggers and deals damage one time. 

In essence, this is an excellent companion piece to her Skill. You’ll use Blazing Welcome to prime the targets and inflict them Burn, readying them for the explosive might of her Ultimate. The Burn damage, once again, is based on the level of Guinaifen’s Skill and even a single additional proc of it can deal nutty damage, especially against boss targets. That isn’t even mentioning the decent damage Guinaifen will deal to the entire field, making this a powerful Ultimate.

Watch This Showstopper also makes Guinaifen a unit that works well in both solo and team compositions, as any instance of Burn can be triggered using her Ultimate. You can either just use Guinaifen’s Burn as the base trigger, allowing Guinaifen to be completely self-sustaining, or you use the Burn from characters like Himeko or Asta for a nice Fire synergy. Either way, fire will rain in your wake once you cast this ability on the battlefield. 

Guinaifen Ultimate

Guinaifen Ultimate

Talent: PatrAeon Benefits

Guinaifen’s Talent, the creatively named PatrAeon Benefits, is up next and it’s one of the most interesting parts of her kit as it makes Guinaifen more of a utility or support unit. When Guinaifen is on the field, there is a high chance of applying the Firekiss effect to an enemy after they take damage from the Burn status. Firekiss makes the target receive increased damage for 3 turns and can stack up to 3 times.

Considering that Burn is Guinaifen’s entire thing, Firekiss should be active almost 100% of the time and enemies should be taking way more damage as a result. Pair this with Guinaifen’s consistent ability to apply Burn to multiple targets with her Skill and you have a really solid sub-DPS who can effectively debuff targets for the entire team, as the damage increase from Firekiss isn’t limited to just Guinaifen. While extremely simple conceptually –  Burning an enemy lets you do even more damage with everything else – Firekiss is a very important part of Guinaifen’s kit, making her Talent an equally potent portion of her arsenal. 

Firekiss Talent

Firekiss Talent

Technique: Skill Showcase

Finally, we have Guinaifen’s Technique, Skill Showcase. When cast, this immediately attacks any nearby enemy by throwing a firecracker at them. After entering battle, deals minor Fire DMG to a single target which bounces to different targets a total of times, inflicting Firekiss with each damage instance.

This Technique is good at giving you a solid headstart at the beginning of a fight, debuffing enemies with Firekiss before a single Action has even been made. Paired with some supportive Techniques and buffs, you can enter battle with the upper hand in almost any situation. Honestly, if you have the Technique points spare, there’s no reason not to use Skill Showcase on any enemy you see as it just makes your life way easier. 

Guinaifen's Technique

Guinaifen’s Technique

Guinaifen Traces

With her core Traces out of the way, we discuss the major and minor Traces available to Guinaifen via her Trace Tree. Overall, Guinaifen’s passives and Traces all work to make her Burn and Fire DMG more potent, allowing her to serve as a more efficient and powerful sub-DPS specialising in DoT. Firstly, we’ll take a look at the variety of stat boosts you can pick up from unlocking Guinaifen’s minor Traces:

  • 24% Break Enhance (Break Effect)
  • 22.4% Fire DMG Bonus
  • 10% Effect Hit Rate
Guinaifen's Traces

Guinaifen’s Traces

Starting off with Guinaifen’s Character Ascension 2 Trace, we have High Poles. This is the Trace which gives her Basic ATK an 80% base chance to inflict the enemy with Burn, with the damage of said Burn being equivalent to that of her Skill. High Poles is an important Trace for rounding out Guinaifen’s kit and giving her a source of Burn without needing to use Energy or Skill Points. While her Skill is always going to be more impactful, having a near-guaranteed Burn for the moments when your SP is running low is going to be a lifesaver.

After that is Bladed Hoop, her Ascension 4 Trace. When the battle begins, Guinaifen’s action is Advanced Forward by 25%. This is a nice boost early in the fight and will help Guinaifen secure some early Burns, even if she doesn’t have the best SPD. However, when compared to the rest of her kit, it pales slightly because it’s only active for that first turn. It’s still an extremely useful Trace and will work in ending lower-difficulty fights much faster but, on the whole, it’s one of Guinaifen’s weaker aspects.

Lastly, we have Guinaifen’s Ascension 6 Trace, Walking on Knives, which simply makes Guinaifen deal 20% more DMG to Burned enemies. This Trace is as sweet as it is simple. More damage is never going to be a bad thing and we’ve already banged on enough about how consistent Guinaifen’s Burn application is. Paired with Firekiss, Guinaifen should be dealing some nice numbers without needing to juggle any additional buffs or bonuses: she just needs to deal damage and Burn targets for everything to go her way.

Guinaifen Trace Priority in Honkai: Star Rail

  1. Blazing Welcome (Skill)
  2. PatrAeon Benefits (Talent)
  3. Watch This Showstopper (Ultimate)
  4. Standing Ovation (Basic ATK) 

As we previously alluded to Blazing Welcome is easily the most important piece in Guinafen’s kit. Not only is it the best and most consistent way for her to apply Burn to a large swathe of enemies, but the Burn damage from all of her attacks is based on how much investment her Skill has received. It doesn’t matter whether she has stupid high ATK or whether the Burn proc came from her Basic ATK or Ultimate, the damage is always based on her Skill’s level. As a result, this should be the number one priority so you can ensure that Guinaifen’s Burn is always doing the highest amount of damage it can, no matter the source. Also, higher investment also increases the Skill’s base damage, which is very nice.

After that is PatrAeon Benefits, Guinaifen’s Talent. Because of how prevalent Burn is and how easy it is for Guinaifen to apply it, Firekiss is going to have near-permanent uptime. As such, you want that damage increase effect to be as potent as possible, necessitating investment in the Talent. Then we have her Ultimate which, while very powerful, only works most effectively when used alongside an already applied Burn, limiting its usage compared to the other aspects of her kit. Its damage and ability to trigger Burn outside of the enemy’s turn still make it very worthwhile, though. 

While it is true that Blazing Welcome is last on the priority list, it doesn’t mean that this ability is useless or should be neglected. We’ve already talked about how having a guaranteed Burn in your back pocket, especially one which doesn’t need Energy or SP, is very useful. However, considering that the Burn damage is based on Guinaifen’s Skill and that it should only be used as a backup, it just makes sense to prioritise her Basic ATK last. Don’t forget about it but don’t prioritise it over any of her other abilities, either. 

Guinaifen the Magnificent

Guinaifen the Magnificent

Guinaifen Eidolons in Honkai: Star Rail

Next up, here are all six of Guinaifen’s Eidolons and the various effects they will provide her. Eidolons are acquired each time you pull a duplicate copy of a character and each Eidolon provides a unique bonus or effect. As a 4-star unit, Guinaifen’s Eidolons are much easier to obtain than those of 5-star characters as, after the conclusion of 1.4, she’ll have a chance of appearing on any Warp. However, if you’re specifically looking for Guinaifen Eidolons, your best bet is to wait until she’s one of the featured 4 stars on a Character Event Warp, such as the Topaz and Seele Banners in the second phase of 1.4. 

  1. Slurping Noodles During Handstand: When Guinaifen’s Skill is used, there is a 100% base chance to reduce the attacked target enemy’s Effect RES by 10% for 2 turns.
  2. Brushing Teeth While Whistling: When an enemy target is Burned, Guinaifen’s Basic ATK and Skill can increase the DMG multiplier of their Burn status by 40%.
  3. Smashing Boulder on Chest: Skill Lv. +2 and Basic ATK Lv. +1.
  4. Blocking Pike with Neck: Every time the Burn status inflicted by Guinaifen causes DMG, Guinaifen regenerates 2 Energy.
  5. Swallowing Sword to Stomach: Ultimate Lv. +2 and Talent Lv. +2.
  6. Catching Bullet with Hands: Increases the Firekiss stack count by 1. 
Guinaifen's Final Eidolons

Guinaifen’s Final Eidolons

Guinaifen Best Light Cones in Honkai: Star Rail

Guinaifen’s Best in Slot LC: Solitary Healing

Without a signature Light Cone in the Nihility, nailing down which Light Cone is best for Guinaifen is a bit tricky. However, fortune smiles on those who brave the Simulated Universe because Guinaifen’s best Light Cone is the Solitary Healing (Path of Nihility). Despite being a 5-star Light Cone, you can obtain Solitary Healing, as well as several other LCs such as Crusing on the Stellar Sea, by spending 8 Herta Bonds at the Simulated Universe Shop, which is one of few F2P methods for acquiring powerful endgame LCs. As for what it can provide Guinaifen, it increases two of her most important stats and heightens her overall damage when dealing DoT. 

At level 80, Solitary Healing provides the wearer 1058 HP, 529 ATK and 396 DEF along with the signature skill Chaos Elixir. This increases the wearer’s Break Effect by 20% and then also increases their DoT damage by 24% for 2 turns whenever they use their Ultimate. Additionally, when an enemy suffering from DoT imposed by the wearer is defeated, the wearer regenerates 4 Energy.

Break Effect is a large part of Guinaifen’s identity, especially because it’s another way to inflict Burn on a target, so additional damage on a Break is never going to be a bad thing. Aside from that, more DoT damage on Ultimate usage gives her Ultimate another source of utility outside of just dealing damage and triggering an instance of Burn, making it overall more useful, and the bonus Energy is always going to be a nice addition so that you can get back that Ultimate more consistently.

Overall, while not purpose-built for Guinaifen like most best-in-slot Light Cones are, it adds a ton of power and utility to Guinaifen’s already-packed kit, allowing her to double-down on her impressive DoT damage while adding another way to earn back her Ultimate. In a lot of ways, it’s a very greedy Light Cone, which works well with how self-sustaining a lot of Guinaifen’s kit is. If you don’t already have Solitary Healing, pop down to see Herta and get it as soon as you can. 

Solitary Healing Nihility Light Cone

Solitary Healing Nihility Light Cone

Recommended Replacement Light Cones for Guinaifen

While Solitary Healing is a F2P Light Cone and is relatively easy to obtain, it may take a while for you to build up the Herta Bonds required to purchase it, meaning that you’ll have to use something else on Guinaifen in the meantime. Fortunately, most of the other Nihility Light Cones are pretty well suited to Guinaifen’s needs and will help improve her viability and damage output significantly. 

Before going any further, we’ll just mention that the only replacement recommendations we’ll give are 4-star in rarity. Solitary Healing is the only F2P 5-star most players can obtain and, while true that other Nihility LCs such as In the Name of the World may be better for her, other higher rarity options are much harder to get ahold of. If you do happen to have a rare Nihility Light Cone, give it a spin on Guinaifen first before committing to a lesser option.

With that out of the way, the replacement Nihility Light Cones we recommend for Guinaifen in Honkai Star Rail include Good Night and Sleep Well and Eyes of Prey. 

Good Night and Sleep Well

Good Night and Sleep Well

Good Night and Sleep Well is a 4-star Nihility Light Cone you can obtain through Warping. At level 80, it’ll give the wearer 952 HP, 476 ATK and 330 DEF. Toiler is the unique LC skill and it increases the DMG dealt by the wearer by 12% for every debuff (including DoT) the target has, stacking up to 3 times for a 36% damage increase. Guinaifen’s excellent Burn application already means that you’ll be getting a near-constant 12% boost but, thanks to Firekiss, that total raises to 24% when just accounting for Guinaifen’s individual debuffs: pair her with any number of other Nihility units and she’ll be benefitting from a massive surge in damage output for just doing her job. 

Meanwhile, the other main option is Eyes of the Prey, another 4-star Nihility Light Cone from Warps. At level 80, Eyes of the Prey provides the wielder with 952 HP, 476 ATK and 330 DEF along with the Self-Confidence ability. This simply increases the wearer’s Effect Hit Rate by 20% and the wearer’s DoT by 24%. This Light Cone is super simple and super useful, giving Guinaifen some incredible bonus stats, and giving her a huge boost in Burn damage while making the Burn application more reliable when enemies have some form of resistance. Outside of Solitary Healing, Eyes of the Prey is probably Guinaifen’s best replacement Light Cone.

Eyes of Prey

Eyes of Prey

Guinaifen’s Best Relics and Planar Ornaments

While Light Cone and team choice are some of the largest components to a build in Honkai: Star Rail, Relic set choice is equally as important. A difference in which set bonuses your character benefits from can make all the difference in terms of damage output, survivability or any number of other factors. For Guinaifen, we want Relics which improves her Fire and Burn damage while adding to her most important stats.

With that in mind, the best Relic and Planar Ornament combination for Guinaifen is full 4-piece Firesmith of Lava Forging with 2-piece Pan-Cosmic Commercial Enterprise. Full Firesmith will give Guinaifen a 10% increase to her Fire DMG, 12% additional Skill DMG and 12% additional Fire DMG on her next attack after using her Ultimate. Meanwhile, Kingdom of Banditry is an Effect Hit Rate set which provides 10% additional Effect Hit Rate while also increasing ATK by an amount equal to 25% of the wearer’s current Effect Hit Rate.

Path of Conflagration

Path of Conflagration

Starting with Firesmith, everything the full set provides is a huge boon to Guinaifen. All of her main attacking moves can benefit from the additional Fire and her Skill, in particular, will receive a massive boost, allowing her to deal considerable damage alongside the impressive Burn application. On the opposing side, Commerical Enterprise will simultaneously ensure that she manages to apply Burn to targets with high Effect Resistance while still increasing her ATK by a solid amount. As a DoT-heavy character, CRIT DMG and CRIT Rate aren’t as important as on most damage dealers, allowing Guinaifen to focus far more on ATK and this set bonus is perfect for that.

If Pan-Cosmic Commercial Enterprise isn’t your thing, though, and you’d rather not have to juggle Effect Hit Rate, try taking 2-piece Space Sealing Station, instead. This will give Guinaifen 12% ATK which jumps to 24% once you hit 120 SPD or higher. That second requirement can be a tough ask but with SPD buffers like Asta, it is easily doable. While this combination has less overall power and consistency, you have to juggle far less and focus on pure ATK, making it a better option for those who struggle balancing stats or buffs. 

Best Guinaifen Relics

Best Guinaifen Relics

Most Important Stats and Substats for Guinaifen in Honkai: Star Rail

Relic set bonuses are predetermined but the minute details of a build in Honkai: Star Rail are largely determined by the main and substats on those Relics. If you manage to get the right main stat, you can expect a huge jump in your stats. As such, you’ll want to be on the hunt for bonuses and stats which specifically benefit Guinaifen’s build and playstyle: 

  • Body: ATK%
  • Feet: ATK% or SPD
  • Planar Sphere: Fire DMG Bonus
  • Link Rope: ATK%

Alongside those main stats, here is a list of substats you should be on the lookout for when grinding out Relics, as well as how important they are to Guinaifen’s overall build. The more of these substats you can find on your Relics, the stronger and better Guinaifen will be:

  1. ATK%
  2. Effect Hit Rate
  3. Energy Recharge
  4. SPD
Tick, Tick, Boom

Tick, Tick, Boom

Best Teams for Guinaifen in HSR

Premium Guinaifen DoT Team

Guinaifen’s self-sustaining nature as a powerful sub-DPS means that she can thrive in a wide variety of teams, including those focused around DoT or those where Guinaifen herself can step up and become the main carry. We’ll be recommending two different premium teams today and the first one is focused on her damage-over-time capabilities and how they can impact other Nihility characters to become one of the best DoT teams in the game.

The best premium DoT team for Guinaifen includes Kafka, Sampo and Fu Xuan.

Starting with the most important piece of the puzzle, we have the infamous Stellaron Hunter Kafka, the queen of DoT in Honkai Star Rail. If you have a damage-over-time team it’s almost an obligation that you run Kafka because of how much she syngerises and buffs different DoT effects. Her own abilities – namely her Skill, Ultimate and Talent – all deal considerable Shock damage with impressive upfront damage to match, making her a super solid main DPS in almost any team. The real magic comes from the fact that she can trigger a damage proc from any source of DoT using her Skill: pile up Kafka’s Shock, Guinaifen’s Burn and Sampo’s Wind Shear onto a single enemy and they’ll be in for a really rough time. Kafka lives up to her reputation and is a perfect partner for Guinaifen. 

Kafka, Wanted Stellaron Hunter

Kafka, Wanted Stellaron Hunter

The other DoT applicator on the team is Sampo and he’s in charge of Wind Shear. Similar to Guinaifen’s relationship with Burn, almost everything about Sampo’s kit and Traces revolves around Wind Shear, improving its damage output and duration and even forcing enemies to do less damage while under its effects. Additionally, his Ultimate will cause all enemies to take increased DoT damage for 2 turns, pairing perfectly with both Kafka and Guinaifen. The three of these characters together form a wicked strong DoT team capable of bringing even the strongest foes to their knees.

Lastly, we need some form of sustain for this team, especially because all three DoT characters lack a form of healing. Fortunately, Fu Xuan is here to step up to the plate as one of the best Preservation units in the game. Her Matrix of Prescience will Distribute damage taken by other members back onto herself, improving overall team survivability dramatically while also increasing the whole team’s Max HP and CRIT Rate. While you can go for a more traditional healer like Luocha or Natasha, Fu Xuan’s aggressive form of defence is a nice pick for the DoT team. 

Guinaifen's best premium damage-over-time team includes Kafka, Sampo and Fu Xuan | Guinaifen Build

Best Guinaifen DoT Team

Premium DPS Guinaifen Team

The other team you can try running Guinaifen in is one where she gets to be the star she’s always dreamed of being. Her already impressive damage output can be made even better with the aid of several support characters, allowing her to transition from a sub-DPS to a bonafide main DPS carry. 

Guinaifen’s best premium main DPS team includes the likes of Bronya, Asta and Luocha

Beginning with one of the best and most valuable Harmony characters in all of HSR, we have Bronya. The reason why Bronya is so strong and so desirable is that she can Advance Forward any character and give them another turn instantly while also providing them with a hefty damage buff. For Guinaifen, this means another turn of applying Burn which will quickly build up her Ultimate. Additionally, Bronya’s own Ultimate is a great ATK and CRIT DMG boost, giving the entire team a little more kick when it comes to their offence. 

Supreme Guardian Bronya

Supreme Guardian Bronya

Alongside Bronya is another mainstay Harmony character, Asta. Despite being F2P, Asta’s support potential is insane, capable of buffing ATK and SPD to an insane degree with her Talent and Ultimate, respectively. More ATK means that Guinaifen will be dealing more damage with both her attacks and Burn whereas more SPD means that she can attack more often, especially alongside Bronya, which means more Ultimates and more Burn triggers. This is alongside the fact that Asta is an impressive Fire Breaker in her own right, allowing her to be a nice source of additional Burn as well.

Lastly, like the first team, this team needs a source of sustain and, this time, the number one pick is Luocha. As arguably the best healer in the entire game, Luocha’s ability to automatically heal those who drop below 50% is superb and will be an excellent asset for any mode or activity. This is alongside his Field which, thanks to the onslaught of attacks from Guinaifen and Asta, should be enough to keep the entire team consistently healthy, even against the tougher bosses and opponents. 

Best Guinaifen DPS Team

Best Guinaifen DPS Team

F2P Guinaifen Team

Of course, some players may not have access to the powerful limited 5-stars used in either of the premium teams, leaving them with a much more limited pool of characters to choose from. Well, luckily, Honkai Star Rail has some of the best free-to-play units in a gacha game and you will certainly be able to still make a great team with the options available. For this F2P, we’ll be running Guinaifen as a sub-DPS alongside another DoT-heavy character.

The first F2P team for Guinaifen in Honkai: Star Rail includes Serval, Asta and Natasha. 

Serval, Shocking Soloist

Serval, Shocking Soloist

Considering that we’ve already spoken about Asta in the previous team, we won’t go over her again as her role is the exact same here. Serval is a new addition though and she’ll be taking over for Kafka. While she isn’t a Nihility character, Serval’s ability to consistently apply Shock with her Ultimate and Breaks is great, especially when her Skill deals additional damage against Shocked opponents. There isn’t anything explicitly in her kit that benefits Guinaifen’s Burn but with two DoTs on the field, you have more opportunities to benefit from Light Cone effects or Blessings in the Simualted Universe. Also, watching an enemy crumble, struck by lightning and fire at the same time, is pretty metal.

Finally, we have the saviour of any F2P team, Natasha. As the only free-to-play Abundance character, Natasha always ends up on most teams looking for a healer, so it’s a good thing that she’s a really impressive one. Her Ultimate heals the entire party and can be used to clutch up fights in the last moment, whereas her Skill has a solid heal and cleanse so you’ll never be stuck in a bad situation. When she isn’t healing, Natasha makes for an excellent Skill Point battery, which is grand because Guinaifen, Serval and Asta are all very SP-hungry units. 

Best Guinaifen F2P Team

Best Guinaifen F2P Team

That was how to make the best Guinaifen build in Honkai: Star Rail

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