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Honkai: Star Rail Feixiao Build Guide | Best Light Cones, Relics, Teams

Learn how to make the best Feixiao build in Honkai: Star Rail with this easy-to-follow guide on her best Light Cones, best Relic sets, best teams, and what order you should prioritise leveling her Traces. Feixiao is an extremely powerful 5-star Wind Hunt unit who specialises in follow-up attack and Ultimate DMG to rip apart her foes.

Honkai: Star Rail Feixiao Build Guide | Best Light Cones, Relics, TeamsA second Xianzhou General has become playable with the release of Honkai: Star Rail Version 2.5 as Feixiao, the legendary Merlin’s Claw, joins the roster. Feixiao is a prolific war hero and hunter of the Abundance who shares her status as a General of the Xianzhou alongside Jing Yuan. Preferring her self-selected title of the Lacking General – lacking in worries, regrets, and rivals – Feixiao first showed up in the story during the beginning of the Wardance Festival in Version 2.4 and she continues to play a large role in the 2.5 storyline. 

As a combatant, Feixiao is our first 5-star Wind Hunt unit and she focuses primarily on Ultimate and Follow-Up Attack DMG. By accumulating Flying Aureus stacks, Feixiao can unleash devastating follow-up attacks each turn which slowly build up her Ultimate; once enough stacks have been reached, you may rain down terror onto a single foe in a blistering series of attacks. Feixiao has the potential to be one of the strongest Hunt characters in the game, especially thanks to her synergy with several F2P characters.

Here’s how to make the best Feixiao build in Honkai: Star Rail, including a look at Feixiao’s best teams, her best Relic sets, her best Light Cones, and more.

If you’re looking for more HSR content and guides, you can find some here on KeenGamer:

  1. Honkai: Star Rail | All Lordly Trashcan Locations in 2.2
  2. Honkai: Star Rail | All Scorchsand Audition Venue Hidden Challenge Solutions
  3. Honkai: Star Rail | Simulated Universe World 6 Guide (Easy F2P Clear)
  4. Honkai: Star Rail | The Seven Errors of Cycranes Guide
  5. Honkai: Star Rail | Luminflux Pyxis Day 3 Puzzle Guide
The Difference Between Generals

The Difference Between Generals

Feixiao Release Date and Banner Availability

Before we go any further, let’s first take a look at Feixiao’s Character Warp. The Lacking General is the new featured 5-star of Honkai: Star Rail Version 2.5’s first phase, alongside the new triple rerun banner consisting of Robin, Black Swan and Kafka. 

“Stormrider’s Bolt”, Feixiao’s Limited Character Warp, begins when Version 2.5 launches on September 10th 2024 and will last until October 2nd. During this period, any 5-star characters you pull on the Stormrider’s Bolt banner have a 50% chance of being Feixiao. If you lose the 50/50 to a Standard Banner 5-star, the next 5-star character you pull is guaranteed to be the featured unit, including Feixiao. 

Feixiao is a limited unit in HSR, so you’ll need to wait for her rerun if you want to snag her after her initial availability period ends. Characters in Star Rail typically rerun about 6 months after their debut but, with the additional of additional rerun banners, the Merlin’s Claw may show up even earlier than expected. 

Stormrider's Bolt

Stormrider’s Bolt

Honkai Star Rail Feixiao Kit Overview

Boltsunder (Basic ATK)

The first of Feixiao’s combative abilities is Boltsunder, her Basic ATK. This attack deals minor Wind DMG to a single target. 

Despite the awesome name, Boltsunder is rather superfluous when you look at the rest of Feixiao’s kit. In no scenario do you want to use her Basic ATK over her Skill and, nine times out of ten, you will be using most of your Skill Points to fuel Feixiao’s massive damage output and follow-up attacks. As such, her Basic ATK is of little importance, especially compared to the grandiose nature of the rest of her kit.

Hold Aloft Your Gunblade

Hold Aloft Your Gunblade

Waraxe (Skill)

Waraxe, Feixiao’s Skill, is where things start to get interesting. This attack deals Wind DMG to a single enemy and immediately launches Feixiao’s follow-up attack afterwards, the damage of which is governed by her Talent. 

Feixiao’s FUAs are a massive part of her playstyle and her Skill’s ability to not only deal good damage on its own but also readily give you a way to trigger them on her turn is massive. The more follow-up attacks Feixiao gets off, the quicker you’ll earn enough stacks to trigger her most important ability: her Ultimate. As such, Waraxe is a priority move for Feixiao and should almost always be chosen over her Basic ATK. 

Spray of Blood and Booze

Spray of Blood and Booze

Terrasplit (Ultimate)

Feixiao’s Ultimate is the crux of her entire kit. You can trigger Terrasplit once Feixiao acquires 6 stacks of Flying Aureus, taking a chosen enemy into a realm of surging torrents and ravenous tempests. In this state, Feixiao can launch Boltsunder Blitz or Waraxe Skyward attacks up to six times, with each attack type doing something different: Waraxe Skyward deals additional damage to opponents who have yet to be Weakness Broken, whereas Boltsunder Blitz deals additional damage against Weakness Broken targets

Furthermore, during her Ultimate, Feixiao will ignore the Weakness Type of an enemy, allowing her to lower their toughness regardless of what element they’re weak to. Feixiao’s Weakness Break Efficiency is greatly increased when battling non-Weakness Broken opponents.

Similar to Acheron, Feixiao’s Ultimate is not dependent on Energy but on stacks, limiting her potential with Energy boosters like Huohuo or Tingyun. This can work to your advantage, though, as you can very easily gain stacks in the right team comps, allowing Feixiao to pop her Ultimate almost every turn. Additionally, her Ultimate is very versatile, being strong against any target no matter if they’ve been Weakness Broken, and you can go up to a maximum of 12 stacks of Flying Aureus, allowing you to stockpile back-to-back Ultimates for trickier opponents

Awaken the Dragon

Awaken the Dragon

Thunderhunt (Talent)

Thunderhunt is the aspect of Feixiao’s kit that determines the damage caused by her follow-up attacks. Feixiao will gain Flying Aureus stacks for every two attacks by allied targets – which does include her own and other allies’ FUAs – and she’ll be able to use her Ultimate once she reaches 6 stacks (or, more simply, after your team has unleashed 12 unique attacks). 

As for the follow-up attack itself, Feixiao will launch it against the primary target every time one of her teammates attacks, dealing massive Wind DMG against the opponent. This effect can only trigger once per turn and using her FUA will increase Feixiao’s DMG for 2 turns. 

The most vital part of Thunderhunt is that its Trace Level dictates how much damage Feixiao’s follow-up attacks actually do. She’ll gain the same amount of Flying Aureus stacks at Trace Level 1 or Trace Level 10, whereas her follow-up attack damage can be drastically increased if you invest in it. Even when compared to her Skill, Feixiao’s FUA is the attack of hers you’ll see most often so keep this ability in mind as it is her most consistent and readily available form of damage. 

Between Tooth and Claw

Between Tooth and Claw

Stormborn (Technique) 

The final trick up Feixiao’s sleeve is arguably her most flashy. Stormborn, her Technique, consumes one Technique Point to enter Feixiao into the Onrush rush, during which time she will continually pull in enemies into a massive vortex which also grants her a movement speed bonus. While in Onrush, Feixiao can attack to engage all enemies caught in the vortex, dealing Wind DMG which is guaranteed to CRIT at the beginning of every wave. 

Feixiao’s Technique joins a recent string of high-powered Techniques, specifically the ones for Acheron and Firefly, which activate multiple times per battle. This already makes it an excellent choice over most other offensive Techniques but the ability to group enemies makes it a great tool for open-world farming. 

Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed

Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed

Feixiao’s Traces and Passive Abilities

If you manage to unlock all of the nodes on Feixiao’s Trace Tree, she’ll receive the following stat bonuses to ATK, DEF, and CRIT Rate:

  • 28% ATK Boost
  • 12.5% DEF Boost
  • 12% CRIT Rate Boost

Feixiao’s first Trace, Heavenpath, is unlocked at Character Ascension 2. At the start of battle, Feixiao gains 3 points of Flying Aureus. Additionally, at the start of a turn, if no follow-up attack was launched via Feixiao’s Talent in the previous turn, then this counts as 1 towards the number of attacks required to gain a Flying Aureus stack. In essence, this Trace means that you can use Feixiao’s Ultimate far earlier in the fight while also increasing the consistency and reliability of gaining Flying Aureus stacks

Meanwhile, Formshift, her second major Trace which is unlocked at Character Ascension 4, is focused on her Ultimate DMG. When using Feixiao’s Ultimate to deal DMG to an enemy target, it is considered as a follow-up attack, with all of Feixiao’s FUAs having their CRIT DMG increased by 36%. This is an excellent buff for several reasons as it increases the baseline damage of both her Ultimate and regular follow-up attacks while also allowing her Ultimate to benefit further from several key support characters, like Topaz and Robin. 

Lastly, Boltcatch becomes available once Feixiao reaches Character Ascension Level 6. This Trace simply increases Feixiao’s ATK by a whopping 48% for 2 turns after she uses her Skill. As mentioned earlier, Feixiao’s Skill is the main attack you’ll be using on her nine times out of ten so this is just a massive free ATK boost for simply playing her the way she is intended to be played. This also brings a bit of the burden off of her Relics. 

Feixiao's Trace Tree

Feixiao’s Trace Tree

Feixiao Trace Priority Order in HSR

  1. Terrasplit (Ultimate)
  2. Thunderhunt (Talent)
  3. Waraxe (Skill)
  4. Boltsunder (Basic ATK)

Feixiao’s strongest single attack and the thing you’ll be building to in every fight is her Ultimate. No matter what kind of foe you’re facing, Terrasplit is a way to counter and punish them and you’ll want it to be as strong as possible, especially if you’re able to consistently gain enough Flying Aureus to pop it every other turn. Pair that with the synergy from Formshift for that chunky extra CRIT DMG and Feixiao’s Ultimate easily becomes her most important ability. 

Second to Feixiao’s Ultimate is her Talent. Her follow-up attack is her main and most persistent form of damage as Feixiao will be able to cast it basically every turn. Like with her Ultimate, you want something this reliable and consistent to be strong and viable, and investing in it will do just that. Once again, her FUA also massively benefits from Formshift, making it an easy second place in terms of Trace investment. 

The last major ability of note is Waraxe, Feixiao’s Skill. While powerful on its own, you’ll mainly be using Waraxe to trigger follow-up attacks and prock the huge ATK boost from Boltcast, making its individual power less important than that of Feixiao’s Ultimate or Talent. Don’t neglect her Skill, of course, but focus on the two previously mentioned abilities first and foremost and you’ll be able to see their results far more consistently. 

Might of a General

Might of a General

 Feixiao’s Eidolons

While rolling on the Stormrider’s Bolt Warp, you may get lucky enough to pull two or more copies of Feixiao. In this instance, the duplicate copies of the Merlin’s Claw become Feixiao’s Eidolons, allowing you to unlock a suite of additional abilities and bonuses which can drastically alter her performance and power. 

  1. Skyward I Quell: After launching Boltsunder Blitz or Waraxe Skyward, additionally increases the Ultimate DMG dealt by Feixiao by an amount equal to 10% of the original DMG, stacking up to 5 times and lasting until the end of the Ultimate action.
  2. Moonward I Wish: In the Talent’s effect, for every 1 instance of follow-up attack launched by ally targets, Feixiao gains 1 point of Flying Aureus. This effect can trigger up to 6 times per turn.
  3. Starward I Bode: Ultimate Lv. +2 and Basic ATK Lv. +1.
  4. Stormward I Hear: The Toughness Reduction from the Talent’s Follow-up ATK increases by 100% and, when launched, increases this unit’s SPD by 8%, lasting for 2 turns.
  5. Heavenward I Leap: Skill Lv. +2 and Talent Lv. +2.
  6. Homeward I Near: Increases the All-Type RES PEN of Ultimate DMG dealt by Feixiao by 20%. Talent’s follow-up attack DMG is considered as Ultimate DMG at the same time, and its DMG multiplier increases by 140%.

The best Eidolons for lower spenders are easily Feixiao’s E1 and E2. Her E1 simply increases the damage of her Ultimate with each strike, making each hit more deadly than the last. Meanwhile, her E2 makes it easier to get Flying Aureus stacks for her Ultimate by rewarding you for running her with other follow-up attackers. 

Drunken Master

Drunken Master

Feixiao’s Best Light Cones in Honkai Star Rail

Best in Slot: I Venture Forth to Hunt (The Hunt)

While Feixiao’s Character Warp is still ongoing, her signature and best-in-slot Hunt Light Cone, I Venture Forth to Hunt, will be available to pull from the Limited Light Cone Warp. This Light Cone was built with Feixiao’s kit and abilities in mind by specifically increasing her CRIT Rate to make her potency more consistent while also increasing Ultimate damage based on your rate of follow-up attacks. 

At level 80, I Venture Forth to Hunt has 952 HP, 635 ATK, and 463 DEF. The Intimidation ability on this Light Cone increases the wearer’s CRIT Rate by 15%. Additionally, when the wearer launches a follow-up attack, they gain 1 stack of Luminflux, which can stack up to 2 times. For each stack of Luminflux, the wearer’s Ultimate DMG ignores 27% of the target’s DEF. The wearer will remove 1 stack of Luminflux at the end of their turn. 

The high base ATK and the big CRIT Rate boost from this Light Cone are already massive boons for Feixiao’s potency and consistency. Meanwhile, the Luminflux stacks simply award you for playing Feixiao how she’s suppossed to be played: with each follow-up attack you deliver, you’ll be super-charging her Ultimate. These effects also stack with the massive bonuses and CRIT DMG buffs from Feixiao’s Traces, allowing you to turn her into a single-target monster who is adept at boss battles and other similar assaults. 

I Venture Forth to Hunt, Feixiao's Best Light Cone

I Venture Forth to Hunt, Feixiao’s Best Light Cone

Best Replacement and 4-Star Light Cones for Feixiao

Whether it be because you’re saving for a future character or are simply out of Jades after pulling on Feixiao (or any of the three characters rerunning during 2.5’s first phase), many players aren’t going to be able to pull for I Venture Forth to Hunt. Fortunately, Feixiao can work extremely well with several Hunt Light Cones but do note that we won’t be mentioning any limited 5-star options, no matter how potent they may be. 

  • Cruising in the Stellar Sea (5-Star Herta Shop LC): Increases the wearer’s CRIT Rate by 10% and increases their CRIT Rate against enemies with an HP percentage less than or equal to 50% by an extra 10%. When the wearer defeats an enemy, their ATK increases by 25% for 2 turns. 
  • Swordplay (4-Star Gacha Light Cone): For each time the wearer hits the same target, DMG dealt increases by 8%, stacking up to 5 times. When the wearer changes targets, they dispel this effect.  
  • Final Victor (4-Star Craftable Light Cone): Increases the wearer’s ATK by 12%. When the wearer lands a CRIT hit on enemies, gain 1 stack of Good Fortune, which can stack up to 4 times. For each stack of Good Fortune, the wearer increases their CRIT DMG by 8%. The wearer removes all Good Fortune stacks at the end of their turn. 

Of these options, Cruising in the Stellar Sea will be the most appealing for many players. As a free-to-play 5-star Hunt Light Cone from Herta’s Shop, Stellar Sea boasts a large base stat package alongside relatively easy access to R5, which increases its power levels significantly. Furthermore, the bonuses provided by this LC – namely the extra CRIT Rate and bonus ATK –  are incredibly useful for Feixiao and can drastically increase her viability.

Meanwhile, in terms of 4-star options, Swordplay will prove to be surprisingly useful. In her Ultimate, Feixiao will be able to gain the full 40% DMG increase from Swordplay and still have one attack spare. And that’s not even considering her Skill or follow-up attacks, which will also quickly build up said stacks. Feixiao specialises in one-on-one conflicts, even more so than some other Hunt units, and Swordplay fits that playstyle perfectly. Lastly, Final Victor is a very good F2P option which will greatly raise Feixiao’s three most important stats. 

Feixiao's Best Replacement LCs

Feixiao’s Best Replacement LCs

Feixiao’s Best Relic Sets and Planar Ornaments in HSR

The two main damage sources for Feixiao are her Ultimate and her follow-up attacks. As luck would have it, Relic sets which boost one, or both, of these attacks are plentiful in HSR. There is also an abundance of follow-up attack-focused Planar Ornament sets for Feixiao, widening your selection even further.

  • 4pc Wind-Soaring Valorous: Increases ATK by 12% and CRIT Rate by 6%. After the wearer uses a follow-up attack, increases DMG dealt by Ultimate by 36%, lasting for 1 turn. 
  • 4pc Ashblazing Grand Duke: Increases the DMG dealt by follow-up attack by 20%. When the wearer uses follow-up attacks, increases the wearer’s ATK by 6% for every time the follow-up attack deals DMG. This effect can stack up to 8 times and lasts for 3 turns.

Wind-Soaring Valorous is easily the best Relic set for any Feixiao build in HSR. Firstly, the extra ATK and CRIT Rate are instrumental in increasing Feixiao’s base power and how consistently she can CRIT, thereby improving her overall damage output. Secondly, if you’re playing her right, Feixiao will be using her FUA almost every turn, thus guaranteeing you a massive Ultimate DMG boost with this set. There simply isn’t anything for Feixiao that is this effective while also being this easy to keep track of. 

The only other Relic set really worth mentioning is Ashblazing Duke. This set’s follow-up attack bonus will directly increase the damage from Feixiao’s Trace as well as the damage of her Ultimate if you have her A4 Trace unlocked. Additionally, with how often Feixiao gets off FUAs, it will be very easy to keep up max ATK stacks. However, when compared to the more pinpoint benefits of Wind-Soaring Valorous, 4pc Duke falls just a bit short of the top spot, mainly because it lacks any sort of CRIT value increase

Best Relics for Your Feixiao Build

Best Relics for Your Feixiao Build

As for Feixiao’s Planar Ornaments:

  • 2pc Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves: When an ally uses a follow-up attack, the wearer gains 1 stack of Merit, stacking up to 5 times. Each stack of Merit increases the DMG dealt by the wearer’s follow-up attacks by 5%. When there are 5 stacks, additionally increases the wearer’s CRIT DMG by 25%.
  • 2pc Inert Salsotto: Increases the wearer’s CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer’s current CRIT Rate reaches 50% or higher, the DMG dealt by the wearer’s Ultimate and follow-up attack increases by 15%.

Duran is the best Planar Ornament choice for Feixiao. The sheer frequency of her FUAs will be more than enough to keep up 5 stacks of Merit for almost the entire fight, greatly increasing her FUA and Ultimate DMG while also granting a very healthy amount of bonus CRIT DMG. Once again, just like Valorous, you don’t need to juggle anything extra or reach any specific thresholds: this set just rewards you for simply playing Feixiao as she was intended. 

For Feixiao, the 50% CRIT Rate for Salsotto threshold should be pretty easy to pass, giving most players a solid DMG bonus on Feixiao’s two best sources of damage. However, the main difference between the two sets is the kind of CRIT value they provide, with Duran providing substantially more CRIT DMG and Salsotto providing CRIT Rate. Of the two, CRIT DMG is more useful to Feixiao as she can already increase her CRIT Rate quite easily, especially when you consider Hunt Light Cones

Best Planar Ornaments for Your Feixiao Build

Best Planar Ornaments for Your Feixiao Build

Most Important Stats for Feixiao

In terms of stats, Feixiao is mercifully simple as she just needs ATK and CRIT to be a potent attacker. You don’t even need to worry about Energy Recharge, either, as her Ultimate is dependent on Flying Aureus stacks and not energy. You’ll also want a bit of SPD on Feixiao so that she can get off a lot of attacks per turn but, overall, she’s very easy to build. 

Here are the most important main stats for each of Feixiao’s Relics in HSR:

  • Body: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
  • Feet: SPD / ATK%
  • Planar Sphere: Wind DMG Boost
  • Link Rope: ATK%

On the other hand, here are the four main substats you should be on the lookout for when it comes to your Feixiao build in Honkai Star Rail

  • ATK%
  • CRIT Rate
  • SPD
The Merlin's Claw

The Merlin’s Claw

Feixiao’s Best Team Comps in Honkai: Star Rail

Premium Feixiao Team Comp

  • Feixiao (I Venture Forth to Hunt) | 4pc Wind-Soaring Valorous + 2pc Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves
  • Robin (Flowing Nightglow) | 2pc Messenger Traversing Hackerspace, 2pc Musketeer of Wild Wheat + 2pc Broken Keel
  • Topaz (Worrisome, Blissful) | 4pc Ashblazing Grand Duke + 2pc Inert Salsotto
  • Aventurine (Inherently Unjust Destiny) | 4pc Knight of Purity Palace + 2pc Broken Keel

Robin and Topaz are two sides of the same coin in this team comp, with the former being the more defensive FUA support and the latter being the offensive FUA core. Beginning with Robin, her Ultimate will increase the FUA CRIT DMG of every character in this comp, greatly increasing the team’s overall damage output. Meanwhile, Topaz is there to mark targets with Numby and deliver constant FUAs alongside Feixiao, debuffing them so your main DPS’ attacks – including her Ultimate – do a lot more damage. Together, this pairing is pretty unstoppable, especially with a powerhouse like Feixiao at their backs. 

The last spot is for some kind of sustain character and, honestly, you can use basically anyone here: even Huohuo, whose impact is dulled a bit by Feixiao’s lack of Energy, is still great for her consistent heals, ATK boost, and Energy Regen for Robin and Topaz. However, we recommend going for Aventurine as his shields have super high uptime while also allowing him to deal some pretty nice damage for a Preservation character, especially when paired with the FUA boosts from Robin and Topaz. You want someone who will keep you alive and Aventurine does that and more.

Premium Feixiao Duo DPS Comp

Premium Feixiao Duo DPS Comp

F2P Feixiao Team Comp

  • Feixiao (Cruising on the Stellar Sea) | 4pc Wind-Soaring Valorous + 2pc Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves
  • March 7th (The Hunt) (Swordplay) | 4pc Musketeer of Wild Wheat + 2pc Rutilant Arena
  • Asta (Memories of the Past) | 4pc Messenger Traversing Hackerspace + 2pc Broken Keel
  • Gallagher (What Is Real?) | 4pc Thief of Shooting Meteor + 2pc Broken Keel

While we don’t have the FUA buffing prowess of Robin or Topaz, we do have March 7th’s new Hunt form which works surprisingly well with Feixiao. If you have March mark Feixiao as her Shifu, they will constantly deliver back-to-back follow-up attacks, doing a ton of damage while building up their individual stacks, allowing Feixiao to use her Ultimate more often while March gets to pop off with her Enhanced Basic ATK at an increased frequency, as well. As a duo DPS comp, March and Feixiao work excellently together, especially because you can get March’s Hunt form to E6 for free as of 2.5. 

Instead of going all in on FUA boosts like in our premium, the F2P side focuses on generalist buffs and Break Effect. Asta’s ability to increase the team’s ATK and SPD is vital and can prove very potent when running alongside March and Feixiao. Additionally, she’s a very good Fire Break unit, which you can use to squeeze out some extra damage from Feixiao’s Ultimate. Meanwhile, Gallagher is a good DPS-healer hybrid who is also adept at Weakness Breaking opponents, making for a well-rounded team who are all very competent on an offensive level.

F2P Feixiao Duo DPS Comp

F2P Feixiao Duo DPS Comp

That was how to make the best Feixiao build in Honkai: Star Rail

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