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Guides of the Storm#2

Tons of new guides in second edition of Guides of the Storm! In this article you'll find guides for Zeratul, Jaina, Murky and Johanna, Muradin and Rehgar. Article offers many tips for players of different skill level, as well as guide for players that come from other MOBAs, or are new to Heroes of the Storm. Lastly, check out Hero League builds, that have highest win rate, to climb League with ease.

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Auto-attack Zeratul
Rewind Rehgar
10 Advanced Tips & Tricks
Science of the Storm – Experience Gain Special – Part 2, Mercenaries and Heroes!
Rehgar Offensive Lightning Shield Build
Heroes of the Storm JOHANNA Build Meta Guide – Best & Most Popular Hero League Build
Heroes of the Storm Ranked Gameplay – Murky Assassin Build – Dragon Shire
Heroes of the Storm Tutorials | Heroes Academy: Mounts | HoTs Guide | Ep. 5 w/MFPallytime | TGN
Comprehensive Muradin guide by KendricSwissh from Icy Veins
Hero League builds with highest win rate
Useful trick to gain valuable info
How to be successful as a new player in Heroes of the Storm
Battleground related infographic with basic info
Handy tips for Heroes of the Storm players
Transitioning into the Nexus – guide for players coming from other MOBAs
Jaina the Archmage – infographicaly stylized guide by Jowe from Gamers2

Auto-attack Zeratul

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Guide by Beckw1n, from Tempo Storm, will introduce us to very popular auto-attack Zeratul build. Article will start off with talent order and description of heroes this build is good against, and bad against. Then author will go from talent to talent, describing each decision and alternatives. After reader is familiar with talent choices and fully understands the reasoning behind them, Beckw1n tells general play style of the build. Lastly, guide will tell us synergy and counters, and author’s final thoughts on auto-attack build. 


Rewind Rehgar

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Another guide done by Beckw1n! This time, the topic will be Rewind build on Rehgar. Article contains same structure as the previous one – first you are introduced to talent order and descriptions, after that you will get to know general play style, and pros and cons. Generally speaking, guide is aimed at increasing the understanding of the build and strives to provide knowledge on the rewind talent, and why, in case of Rehgar, it’s much better talent than the Storm Shield, which you’ll see mistakenly taken by many Rehgar players. If you happen to like guides, or have some suggestions, feel free to leave them by the links below.


10 Advanced Tips & Tricks

Quick two minute video will provide some less known tips and tricks to fresh MOBA or HOTS players. Check the video, you might find something you didn’t know before, and if you have any feedback for the author use the Reddit link provided below to post it.


Science of the Storm – Experience Gain Special – Part 2, Mercenaries and Heroes!

SunGlare is back with 2nd episode of the series devoted to experience gain. In this video he will cover less known topics, such as experience gains for both owner and killer of the mercenary camp. Later, the topic will shift to hero kills, how much XP they grant when you are behind, or leading in the XP over enemy team, and how they differentiate when you are at the same level. In the end of the video author will provide vital info on topic of long range farming with all the specifics it has.


Rehgar Offensive Lightning Shield Build

More Rehgar builds! This VOD by 4am is devoted to rarely seen Lightning shield build. Seven minutes video features author describing valid talent choices, from tier to tier, starting from the tier one. Build offers interesting and alternative approach that can be viable on some levels of play, or just for fun in quick match.

Heroes of the Storm JOHANNA Build Meta Guide – Best & Most Popular Hero League Build

Based on the HotsLogs data, VOD will introduce you to the most popular and effective Johanna talents. Starting with first tier and finishing with last one, ZiggyD will provide info about talents with most win rate percentages as well as valid alternatives, and explanation of why the talents are where they are. In the end author will provide build with highest win rate.

Heroes of the Storm Ranked Gameplay – Murky Assassin Build – Dragon Shire

Another gameplay video from HeroesForecast! This time VOD shows Murky game on Dragon Shire. Based on goals and enemy composition, author will explain his talent choices and overall gameplay style throughout the game. Gameplay footage shows how effective and annoying Murky can be if played in the right way, especially when enemy team has burst oriented hero setup. I can’t say for sure about the professional scene, but in Hero League and usual Quick matches Murky is definitely an underrated hero, after recent buffs to his damage output.

Heroes of the Storm Tutorials | Heroes Academy: Mounts | HoTs Guide | Ep. 5 w/MFPallytime | TGN

As always, very short but super informative video tutorials from TGN. It is fifth episode and it will tell us about mounts and movement in Heroes of the Storm. Check the VOD to know how mounts are working, what pros and cons they have. Also MFPallyTime will provide general tips on how to move and mount up more effectively. Other than that, author will describe the specific abilities some heroes have instead of mounts, or altered versions of mounts.

Comprehensive Muradin guide by KendricSwissh from Icy Veins

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Guide is massive and will cover every part of the gameplay. Article starts with introduction. Introduction contains overall hero description, cons and pros, meta-game role and contents. As always, guys from Icy Veins make exceptionally structured articles, which are easy to navigate through, and contents will help you a lot to not get lost in this huge guide.

Second part of the article is abilities. Here you will find precise ability description that includes possibly all the info you can find about the ability, like mana cost, cooldown and description of mechanics, as well as tips on how to use abilities, and how they work in comparison to other abilities.
Once we are done with the abilities, we are introduced to the third part of the guide – the talents. This vast section will cover everything you need to know about Mountain Kings talents. Kendric will describe every talent, from each talent tier, and provide insights on what talents should be picked, and what are not recommended.

Fourth article section will be devoted to general gameplay strategy, including info on when to and when not to fight, as well as summary on tips and tricks of the hero.
Synergies and counters will be the fifths part of the guide. It will uncover what heroes are considered to be good, when playing with Muradin, and what heroes can be good versus Muradin. Section will also provide some tips on how to mitigate the weak spots against certain heroes, or increase the benefit from playing with certain allies.

Lastly, guide will introduce us to the battlegrounds topic. Here you can find battleground general overview, as well as hero specific advices and tricks that will help you to improve your gameplay, by using the map mechanics to your advantage.


Hero League builds with highest win rate

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Interesting article was done by HeroesFire, and is based on HotsLogs data. This quick guide will provide general tips on talents and abilities that are best to pick, judging by win rates and statistics. Article also contains visual representation of build with highest win rates for each hero.


Useful trick to gain valuable info

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Trick has been around for a long time now. When you press TAB you see the statistics screen. Apart from talent choices and cooldowns of ultimates (which are now bugged and not always displayed), tab screen lets you see the damage and healing numbers of each hero, and is updated live. That is where you see the enemy siege damage increasing, even when they are in the fog of war. What it allows you to do is to get additional info on enemy positioning and their current actions, based on siege numbers and info you get from the mini-map. This way you can estimate that enemies are taking camps, or boss and react accordingly. In the Reddit post below, you’ll find out that one the community managers posted, that this trick is not intended and will be fixed sometime soon.


How to be successful as a new player in Heroes of the Storm

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Very valuable article from GosuGamers written by “JamesDickens”, if treated properly, will allow you to excel not only in Heroes, but probably in any game that has competitive element in it. Guide contains seven advices. 

First one emphasizes on how the right mentality and approach can drastically affect performance, and game results. In second advice author will talk about criticism. The importance of accepting it and what benefits it will grant, compared to the disadvantages its absence brings. Start with easy heroes and then learn the hard ones – that’s how the third advice sounds. Fourth advice is based around the amount of educational material Heroes has. Author tells that the importance of the educational material is vastly underrated, especially when we talk HOTS – game that seems to be deceptively easy. One of my favorite advices is to use death timer not to think how bad your teammates are, but to think and calmly analyze what mistakes you’ve made, and what could have been done better. Lastly, James will talk about the importance of the mentor and media material. Watching guides, or reading some tips and tricks will be very useful for a newcomer. I’m not even mentioning the professional matches.

This guide is very informational and vital guide, with really important tips, for everyone who is looking to improve and learn, not only in HOTS, but basically any hard or complex game that is out there. 


Battleground related infographic with basic info

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Lilith, from HotsGuides, has done amazing job summarizing general info about battlegrounds in small, but very handy infographic. It will tell you basic info, like at what time boss and camps spawn, as well as more battleground specific info, such as tribute timings for Cursed Hollow. Image contains info about each map mechanics, and is useful for players of different skill levels. Don’t afraid to check it out, you might find out info you didn’t know before!


Handy tips for Heroes of the Storm players

Reddit user named “Ralathar44” made nice post containing tons of tips. Not only these tips will make you play game better, but also will improve your game understanding. Just by reading them you will get the share of other player experience and, if treated properly, they will increase your skill. Tips range from catching from behind to avoiding mistakes that will let you lose the game, despite having advantage all the time!


Transitioning into the Nexus – guide for players coming from other MOBAs

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In-depth guide by Phantom will explain main differences that Heroes of the Storm has, compared to other MOBAs. Article will let you understand how these differences affect gameplay, and what you need to do to use them to your benefit.

Author starts with one the biggest changes – the removal of gold and items, and introduction of team leveling. Through the whole explanation, article will point out some advices that come from these changes, as the importance of getting level 10 first and the value of it.
Different maps and structure behavior is the second topic of the guide, and probably the second biggest change compared to other games of similar genre. In this part of the guide reader will be introduced to the ways structures work and vast variety of maps and their unique objectives Heroes of the Storm has. You’ll see author pointing out how these differences can be used to your advantage, when pushing the enemy structures, as well as defending your own.
Coming up next is laning in HOTS. Phantom will explain how the newly introduced elements like capturable merc camps, map mechanic, and structure can influence laning phase.
After we are familiarized with laning, author will introduce us to talents, character development and absence of caries, in traditional understanding. For example, since there are nothing to farm, except XP and XP is being team based, there are no characters that can be fed, thus eliminating the possibility to heavily snowball the game because of the feeding.
Hero roles are important feature for other MOBAs, and are also represented in HOTS by 4 different hero classes. While typical MOBA player will see the similarities between 3 of them the specialist role may rise as a problem. Here is when author comes out to explain that specialist is very unique type of class. And can’t be described as whole, as other 3 classes can be, and heroes that are classified as a specialists offer very diversified gameplay, and skill cap level.
Guide will be finished by topics of different pace of the game and authors conclusions. Here you can read about the longevity of the game, and how it impacts gameplay process, as well as comeback mechanism and importance of sticking together, after level 10 is acquired.

Guide is very informative and useful for everyone who is looking to transition from other MOBAs to Heroes of the Storm.


Jaina the Archmage – infographicaly stylized guide by Jowe from Gamers2

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Guide by well-known polish progamer will introduce reader to two different types of Jaina build. First of all, you will get to know pros and cons of the hero. Next author will provide general tips for gameplay and spell rotation. Lastly two builds will be shown. First build named Burst Build will be focused on quick elimination of the target, while the second build named Sustain Dps Build will uncover the potential of Jaina in prolonged fights.


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