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Goddess of Victory: NIKKE Tia Character Guide

This guide will provide insights into the newest addition to Goddess of Victory: NIKKE, Tia, including her skills overview and potential team compositions. Tia is a new Nikke from Missilis faction who wields a Rocket Launcher and provides strong Shielding abilities to her teammates during combat.

Goddess of Victory NIKKE Tia Character GuideFollowing the successful School of Lock Update, SHIFT UP prepares two new Missilis Nikkes, Naga and Tia, to welcome the new Dazzling Cupid Update. Today, we will discuss one of the new Nikke, Tia’s in-depth guide, focusing on her skills and team synergies. Let’s begin.

After several hours of maintenance, the Dazzling Cupid update commenced on October 5, 2023. Goddess of Victory: NIKKE is available on Windows, Android, and iOS.

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Tia Combat Overview

Let’s look at Tia’s Nikke Skills to start the guide. As a Defender Nikke, she mainly provides Shielding abilities for her teammates. Let’s start with her Skill 1, Reptile Lover, which has two attributes with only one trigger, whenever Tia recovers her Cover’s HP. The first attribute affects herself, which will reduce her Cooldown of Burst Skill and is stackable up to 2 times. The second one is important and powerful, as Tia will increase her allies’ Attack Damage by up to 32.11% for 10 seconds.

Meanwhile, her Skill 2, Chameleon Invisibility, also has two attributes but this time, there are two different triggers. The first one activates after Tia launches 5 Normal Attacks, granting her additional Cover’s Max HP as well as Taunting all enemies for 5 seconds. As for the second attribute, it’s active whenever Tia launches her Burst Skill, granting her both Cover HP recovery and attack damage recovery for 10 seconds.

Lastly, with her Burst Skill, Lizard’s Protection, Tia will generate Shields both for herself and her allies, though with different attributes (35.07% of her Max HP for her Shield, and 10.21% of her Max HP for her allies’ Shield). While very strong, the next one is far more shocking: Tia can re-enter Burst Skill Stage 1. What does this mean? In short, Tia allows your team to simultaneously launch two Burst 1 Nikkes’ Burst Skill. If you’re using Tia with Liter, then both of them shall unleash their respective Burst Skill, as long as Tia is the priority Nikke.

Overall, Tia is a super strong Defender Nikke that provides great Shielding abilities while also being the first ever Nikke to allow your team to re-enter a Burst Skill Stage. However, many of her kits are directly tied to Naga’s, so players must use these units in tandem, just like the Duo Bunny (Blanc and Noir).

Strengths and Weaknesses

To summarize, we have provided a table that highlights Tia’s strengths and weaknesses below:

Strengths Weaknesses
Unique Re-enter Burst Skill Stage 1 ability Tia will lose all of her Attack Damage buffs when her Cover is destroyed
Incredibly strong Shielding abilities that can proc every Burst cycle, which allows your team to dodge dangerous situations in battles She is not highly versatile since she needs Naga, just like Naga needs Tia. Less flexible than the Duo Bunny units
Burst Particle generation is above average thanks to her class as a Rocket Launcher Nikke Although unique and can provide strong buffs, the re-enter Burst Skill Stage 1 ability limits your team composition into a 2 – 1 -2 lineup (2 Burst 1 Nikkes, 1 Burst 2 Nikke, and 2 Burst 3 Nikkes)

Skills Priority

Now that you know Tia’s Skills, it’s time to move on to her Skills Priority. As she is a Defender Nikke, here is the hierarchy of what you should upgrade first (in descending order):

  • Reptile Lover: Tia’s Skill 1 is the best part of her kit, thanks to its Cooldown of Burst Skill reduction and attack damage buff for her allies.
  • Lizard’s Protection: The next Skill to prioritize is her Burst Skill, Lizard’s Protection. This Burst Skill allows Tia to erect Shields for her allies, and this enables Naga’s maximum potential to be unlocked. 
  • Chameleon Invisibility: Skill 2 has the lowest priority among the three not because it’s lackluster, but because the other two Skills are simply better and provide more buffs to Tia’s allies. Still, you can switch the priority with her Burst Skill, as these two have more or less the same priority level in terms of usability.
Tia's Skills focuses on providing Shield and offensive buffs.

Tia’s Skills focuses on providing Shield and offensive buffs.

Best Equipment Substats

Since Tia is a Defender-Class Nikke, she can only use the corresponding equipment designated for that Class. Although not mandatory, Tia can shine better when you give her multiple Overload Tier buffs. Still, if you don’t have any Missilis equipment, then leveling them up to level 5 is more than enough.

However, if you do have excess equipment and wish to place them on Tia, I recommend you to look out for Increase Max Ammunition and Increase Charge Speed sub-stats if you wish to upgrade her equipment to Overload Tier to add some firepower to her kit.

Tia’s Potential Team Composition

As for her potential teammates, Tia is very flexible, though she’s a Nikke who must work together with at least another  Burst 1 Nikke since she has a 40-second Burst Skill cooldown, and she also needs Naga to unleash her maximum output. With that in mind, we will only list down two potential lineups for Tia in this Goddess of Victory: NIKKE guide.

Tia + Naga Lineup

For this team, we recommend using Liter, Tia, Naga, and 2 Flex Burst 3 Nikkes.

This team composition is fairly demanding when it comes to Burst 1 Nikkes, because of Tia’s nature and her unique re-entry ability, which forces any team that has Tia in it must bring two Burst 1 Nikkes. For the optimal choices, we recommend going for Liter, as she is one of the best offensive Supporter in the game.

Moving on to the Burst 2 Nikke slot, Naga will take that spot as her Burst Skill cooldown is only 20 seconds, fitting a team composition like this one where Tia is the only one that’s truly important to her. In addition, their combinations can unleash strong buffs and defensive abilities for all allies, making this duo an inseparable unit.

As for the Burst 3 Nikkes, this is the most flexible part of this team. You can put any combination that works best for you, really. If you want to run Alice + Privaty/Maxwell combo, then you can do so. On the other hand, if your strongest Burst 3 units are Scarlet and Anis: Sparkling Summer, then you can put them here with Tia and Naga. In short, put any Burst 3 Nikkes that you feel comfortable with, but also keep in mind for other teams for your PvP Arena or Raids.

Tia, the new Missilis unit from the Dazzling Cupid squad

Tia, the new Missilis unit from the Dazzling Cupid squad.

Snow White One-Taps

Another viable but expensive lineup that Tia excels in is team composition which she provides buff to a hypercarry unit, such as Snow White. So, for this lineup, we recommend using Tia, Dorothy, Blanc, Snow White, and Maxwell.

Snow White’s one-shot tech relies on overbuffing her to land a single, powerful shot on the enemy. It’s a great way to quickly clear Special Interception, but this requires investing in Snow White’s abilities. Big time.

Tia’s Overall Power Rank

Now that we’ve gone through Tia’s Skills and her Team potential, it’s time to talk about her usability in every content within the game. In Goddess of Victory: NIKKE, there are many challenges that players must face, such as Interception, Arena, and Tribe Towers. As stated before, Tia is a very solid unit, but her unique ability and Taunt might be a hindrance if you are not careful.

And so, to close off this Tia Nikke guide, we will provide a table that includes her usability against all game contents, including Interception and PvP Arena, to provide insight into what types of content she’s strong in and which are the ones you should avoid using her.

For clarity, the ratings below are differentiated on whether you pull for Naga to complement Tia’s ability. The left rating is when you only use Tia, and the right rating is when you’re using both Naga and Tia within your team lineup.

Type of Content

Usability Rank

(E – SS)

Campaign Stages (Early) A – S If you’re still in Early Campaign Stages (Chapters 1 – 16), any kind of Defender Nikke is very valuable, though having Tia early on might be detrimental as she can die quite easily if you can’t negate her Taunt’s effects. Recommended to pair with a Healer Nikke or Naga.
Campaign Stages (Late) S – SS Even in Campaign Stages Chapter 17+, Tia remains a solid pick for your Burst 1 Nikke, and she will be more potent if you pair her with Naga.
PvP Arena B – A Tia’s position in PvP Arena is relatively weak. She does not introduce any meta-breaking abilities, and her unique re-enter Burst Skill Stage 1 might be detrimental to your team. Still, she opens up some interesting compositions, where you can pair Tia with Biscuit to utilize her Skill 2’s effects.
Interception S – SS In Interception, Tia’s usability can even contend with the Duo Bunny (Blanc and Noir), though once again, she needs Naga to do so. Apart from that, Tia’s Taunting ability and the attack damage buffs she provides are plenty enough to tackle any type of Interception Bosses.

And that’s the character guide for Tia for Goddess of Victory: NIKKE.

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