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Genshin Impact Spiral Abyss Guide (Version 4.6)

This Genshin Impact's Spiral Abyss guide for Version 4.6 will discuss about how to tackle the game's hardest content, including how to compose team compositions for each Floor, organizing your strategies against multiple enemy waves, which marks the return of Inazuma and Sumeru-based enemies, and adapt to the Ley Lines' effects to win your full-star Abyss runs.

Genshin Impact Spiral Abyss Guide (Version 4.6)When discussing the hardest obstacle in Genshin Impact, the term Spiral Abyss is likely to be the response from most players. To assist you in comprehending this content more effectively, we’ll delve into the complexities of Spiral Abyss. This includes guidance on which characters to use on specific Floors, the types of enemies you’ll encounter, and strategies for defeating them, all of which are covered in this Genshin Impact Spiral Abyss 4.6 guide. Let’s begin.

As per the yearly custom, the more ‘permanent’ content in the Spiral Abyss, specifically Floors 9 and 10, experiences a change in its enemy roster. The Fontaine update this year marks a new beginning for the Abyss. The Hydro Nation is renowned for its expertise in mechanical engineering and abundant marine life, including Sea Crabs and Specialist Mek. Therefore, from Version 4.0 onwards, these enemies have replaced the indigenous enemies of Sumeru to challenge players daring enough to venture into the Spiral Abyss.

Besides the regular enemies like the Specialist Meks and other foes from Fontaine, powerful Bosses are lurking for players in the deepest recesses of the Abyss. Unlike Floors 9 and 10, the latter part of the content receives an update every 1.5 months to reflect the current version of Genshin Impact. In Version 4.6, players will come across well-known but intimidating World Bosses, such as Nemesis of Coppelius and the triple Maguu Kenkis. These Bosses can easily interrupt your team’s perfect runs if you’re not careful during the battle.

If you’re on the lookout for more Genshin Impact articles, particularly about character builds and alike, then you can read them here on KeenGamer through the links below:

Floor 9

Every Spiral Abyss floor in Genshin Impact has its unique Ley Lines buff that can help you create the optimal team for that floor. For this Abyssal rotation, the following effect will occur on Floor 9:

After a character triggers a Vaporize reaction, the Vaporize reaction DMG for that character is increased by 50% for 5s.

The floor buff for Floor 9 increases the damage of the Vaporize reaction dealt by characters to enemies. Vaporize damage is a combination of Pyro and Hydro. Some teams benefit from this buff in a certain half of the floor, while others are useless, based on the enemies we will see later.

As previously mentioned, the Spiral Abyss in Genshin Impact has a more permanent enemy lineup for Floor 9 and 10, and we already covered how to clear these Floors in our previous guide. For Floor 9, you can read the guide from this point

Floor 10

Every Spiral Abyss floor in Genshin Impact has its unique Ley Lines buff that can help you create the optimal team for that floor. For this Abyssal rotation, the following effect will occur on Floor 10:

Character deals 50% increased DMG to opponents affected by Hydro.

The Floor Buff for Floor 10 increases all damage to Hydro-affected enemies. This means having a Hydro character or a team around Hydro characters will benefit.

As previously mentioned, the Spiral Abyss in Genshin Impact has a more permanent enemy lineup for Floor 9 and 10, and we already covered how to clear these Floors in our previous guide. For Floor 10, you can read the guide from this point

Floor 11

Every Spiral Abyss floor in Genshin Impact has its unique Ley Lines buff that can help you create the optimal team for that floor. For this Abyssal rotation, the following effect will occur on Floor 11:

All party members receive a 75% Pyro DMG Bonus.

The buff for Floor 11 enhances the damage of Pyro characters by providing an additional damage bonus. This buff encourages players to use Pyro characters and/or teams, particularly Arlecchino, the newest character in Genshin Impact.

Enemy Data

Chamber 1, First Half

The first half of Chamber 1 consists of four waves of combinations among Mitachurls, Hilichurls, and Samachurls. The composition resembles the previous version, but Tower Defense has returned to Chamber 1. Although many enemies will target the tower, if the player damages some of them, they can shift their focus to the player.

Since most enemies are of the Cryo element, particularly the shields of Mitachurls and Hilichurls, we recommend having either Pyro or Electro characters. If you bring a CC unit like Kazuha, Venti, or Sucrose, you can eliminate them faster by grouping them in the middle.

Chamber 1, Second Half

The second half of Chamber 1 consists of two waves of Elite Shrooms and Eremite Elites. Unless you damage them first, all of them will attack the tower. If you lack a CC unit, prioritize attacking the Dendro and Hydro Shroom, as they are ranged attackers.

Both the Cryo and Geo will dash towards the tower. During the second wave, focus on either the Cryo or Hydro Elite first to prevent a freeze reaction stun when they attack you.

Chamber 2, First Half

The first half of Chamber 2 consists of four waves. The enemies include Nobushi, Vishaps, and the Ruin enemies. They spawn in groups of two or three side-by-side. It’s important to note that the Vishaps in the second wave usually initiate an attack that drains your energy if you’re hit.

As for the Vishaps in the fourth wave, they will imbue themselves with Cryo and Electro elements respectively after reaching a certain HP threshold. You can use this to increase your damage by reacting to those elements. For example, you can perform a Melt reaction on the Cryo Vishap.

Enemies in Floor 11 Chamber 2.

Enemies in Floor 11 Chamber 2.

Chamber 2, Second Half

The second half consists of four waves. The enemies are combinations of various Elemental beings. Since they spawn close to each other, using Anemo units that can trigger Swirl will assist in destroying their shields in the first and fourth waves. In the second wave, the Whopperflowers will exhibit higher resistance to their respective elements. In the third wave, the Spectres will be immune to their respective elements. Due to these factors, bringing a mono-element team, specifically mono Pyro, Electro, and Cryo teams is not recommended.

Chamber 3, First Half

The first half of Chamber 3 consists of three waves. The first wave pits you against a Cryo Abyss Mage and four Pyro Hilichurls that throw Pyro Slime at you. A modifier causes the Abyss Mage to have double the shield percentage, so it will take twice as long to break its shield. The second wave is against three Ice Shield Mitachurls.

After you defeat the enemies in the first wave, they will spawn and dash straight towards you. The third wave is against two Cryo Lawachurls. They start with Cryo shields that can react to your attacks. Therefore, your Pyro attacks can apply Melt to them while their shield is active.

Enemies in Floor 11 Chamber 3.

Enemies in Floor 11 Chamber 3.

Chamber 3, Second Half

The second half of Chamber 3 consists of three waves. The first wave is against two Anemo Hilichurl Rogues. Unless you stagger them, they will initiate their attack by flying using Anemo Slime. You can shoot this slime to make them fall and stun them.

The second wave is against a Ruin Hunter. If you use Xiao or Wanderer, it will enter its flying phase if you jump or fly. You can either shoot its core in the middle to make it fall or attack it while it is flying if you use Wanderer.

The third wave is against two flying Ruin Drakes. If you bring a bow character, you can shoot the shining circle around their wings to shoot them down. After a certain time, they will activate a phase where they will have higher resistance to the highest damaging element after a certain duration. During this changing phase, you can shoot the core in their eye to disable and drop them completely for a few seconds.

Recommended Team Compositions

After we’re talking about the enemy waves that we’re about to face in Genshin Impact‘s Spiral Abyss Floor 11, the next part of this guide will explain some possible teams that you can bring to gain complete and flawless victory. These teams range from the Mono Pyro Team, Arlecchino Double Hydro Team, and Wanderer Hypercarry Team.

Keep in mind that the teams that are recommended for each half are not necessarily required to be used in tandem (for example, Arlecchino Double Pyro Team for the first half, and then you must use the Wanderer Hypercarry Team for the second half), this list is only general guidance to provide you more team options in tackling the current Spiral Abyss’ Floor 11.

First Half

National Team

The core of the National team consists of Xiangling, Xingqiu, and Bennett. The last slot can be a flex unit, which is usually an Anemo CC unit such as Sucrose and Kazuha, or a Cryo unit such as Rosaria or Chongyun. However, the disadvantage of National teams is that the higher the constellation, the better the team performs. The minimum constellation is C4 for Xiangling and C2 for Xingqiu. For this floor, it is recommended to use an Anemo CC unit as the flex to group the enemies easily. Since the main DPS of this team is Xiangling, her Pyro damage will increase thanks to the floor buff, and can easily destroy Cryo shields.

Mono Pyro Team

Lyney is a character designed to be played in a Mono Pyro team. This is a simple-to-play team with a lot of damage. High damage from Lyney and Xiangling helps clear the enemies even if there are multiple enemies at once. Since the enemies are mostly Cryo in the first half, this team can deal more damage and destroy shields at the same time. You can replace a shielder with a CC unit to easily group the enemies.

Arlecchino Double Hydro Team

The Arlecchino Double Hydro team is a variation of the Pyro DPS and double Hydro sub-DPS, Yelan and Xingqiu. Arlecchino’s normal attacks have a wide range that can hit multiple enemies in one attack. Not only that, her Bond of Life mechanic gives her the ability to save her Pyro application even if you switch to another character. This provides better flexibility than other Pyro DPS that require you to use them until their Pyro application duration expires because switching to other characters will remove their Pyro application. For this half, her being Pyro helps in breaking the Cryo shields and dealing Melt damage.

Second Half

Wanderer Hypercarry Team

The Wanderer Hypercarry team focuses on buffing Wanderer’s damage. Some supporting characters include Furina, Faruzan, and Bennett. Unlike Xiao with his plunge attack playstyle, Wanderer offers an easier normal and charge attack playstyle. During his skill, he flies slightly above the enemy, making him a bit harder to hit and enabling him to hit aerial enemies. It is wise to bring a shielder to avoid getting staggered during his Skill. For this half, the enemies are designed for Wanderer. He can hit flying enemies and deal Swirl to the Elemental beings.

Quickbloom Team

The Quickbloom Team has a core of Dendro, Electro, and Hydro characters. The Quickbloom team is a variation of the Hyperbloom team that applies Quicken and Hyperbloom damage while attacking. Usually, a Quickbloom team consists of two Dendro characters to apply Dendro more frequently. This team’s high damage can still clear the second half. It is preferable to use Xingqiu instead of Yelan for his interruption resistance. For this half, the team is viable against enemies with high HP in the first and last chambers. At the same time, this team won’t have any weaknesses against the enemies in the second chamber.

Xiao Hypercarry Team

With the addition of Xianyun, Xiao is receiving a buff in his plunge attacks. This makes Xiao Hypercarry better than Wanderer. However, it is only recommended to use Faruzan if you have her on C6. Otherwise, it is better to use Furina to buff his damage or Sucrose, who has better energy regeneration for Xiao. This half is designed to give an advantage to Anemo characters. Although there’s an Anemo Hilichurl Rogue that has higher Anemo resistance, it is possible to use this team. One thing to note is against the Ruin Hunter, you can save your skill to hit its core while it is flying after you jump.

Floor 12

At last, we arrive at the concluding step of this Genshin Impact Spiral Abyss guide. Floor 12, is the last challenge for all players, which brings the ultimate difficulty and demands skills, focus, and determination to secure the full 9 Stars successfully. Each Spiral Abyss floor in Genshin Impact possesses its unique Ley Lines buff, which can assist you in forming the optimal team for that floor. For this Abyssal rotation, the following effect will occur on Floor 12:

For this floor only, the ley line flow will be normal.

Floor 12 does not have a floor buff, so no particular team will have an advantage on this floor. However, the floor is designed to favor Pyro teams. Another thing to note is that each chamber has one half with 3-4 waves paired with a one-wave half against a World Boss. This places a stronger emphasis on finishing the enemies faster to allow more time to clear the waves.

Enemy Data

Chamber 1, First Half

The first half of Chamber 1 consists of one wave. The enemies are three Maguu Kenki, each of a different version. This is their first appearance since Fontaine’s release. Although they have lower HP than a single Maguu Kenki, you will spend a lot of time if you fight them one by one. It is advisable to group them and use teams that have AoE damage to finish them faster.

One way to group them is by dashing towards the Cryo Maguu Kenki to prevent it from dashing to the corner of the map. After that, continue towards the left side of the Anemo one to make it walk towards the middle one. Once you manage to group them, focus on keeping the middle one and the Anemo one from walking further away from each other.

However, there’s no consistent way to prevent the Cryo Maguu Kenki from dashing, as I’ve tried using several mechanics to do so, but kept failing. If your team has a setup rotation, you can let it dash toward the end of the map and then do your setup while grouping the Anemo and the middle Maguu Kenki. The Cryo one will run to you while you are doing your setup. Ideal grouping can allow you to finish this half in 30 seconds. It is recommended to finish this half in one minute to have a comfortable clear in the second half.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 1.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 1.

Chamber 1, Second Half

The second half of Chamber 1 consists of three waves. The first wave is against both Kairagis. It is necessary to kill both of them before a certain interval. If only one of them remains alive, he will buff himself and increase his health. The second wave is against two Pyro Fatui Gunners and a Mirror Maiden. The Mirror Maiden has a Mist Bubble buff that spawns four bubbles around your character every few seconds. You can destroy the bubble, but getting hit by it will stun you in place, similar to a freeze reaction.

The third wave is against both Fatui Local Legends. They have appeared twice in a row in different versions of the Abyss. Not only do they have a shorter freeze duration, but they also have high HP and will teleport and dash around the map to attack you. If you don’t have Venti, Kazuha, or Jean, who can easily group and stun them, you can finish them one by one.

Chamber 2, First Half

The first half of Chamber 2 consists of one wave. The enemy is Coppelius, the Cryo version of the Icewind Suite. He is much easier to fight against than his counterpart, Coppelia. He will start by creating a Cryo shield on himself that you can destroy using Pyro, Electro, or Ousia Arkhe (the dark one).

While he has a shield, Coppelia will dance around the map and attack your character with three slashes of Anemo at one-second intervals. After that, Coppelia will return to Coppelius before attacking and repeating the process three times. Although it is possible to ignore the Cryo shield, unless you have a high damage output, you need to destroy it every time to save time for the next half. It is recommended to finish Coppelius in a minute for a comfortable run in the next half.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 2.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 2.

Chamber 2, Second Half

The second half consists of three waves. You could argue that this chamber is the hardest of all in this version due to its requirement for not only damage but also Elemental checks. The first wave is against three Pyro Agents. If you don’t bring a CC unit such as Sucrose, Venti, or Kazuha, focus on attacking the enemies that are bunching up.

The second wave is against an Anemo and Geo Eremite Elite that will spawn their pets after they appear. Position yourself to the left side of the Anemo one because she will sometimes jump backward from you. This way, you can group them both.

The third wave is against two Electro Abyss Lectors. If you don’t bring a CC unit, you can group them by staggering one of them closer to the other one. One more thing to remember is that they will have a shield phase after reaching a certain HP threshold. They will be knocked back before entering this phase. To break their shields, the Elements to use from the best to worst are Cryo, Pyro, Dendro > Hydro > Anemo > Geo. More info on their shield gauge can be checked through the link here.

Chamber 3, First Half

The first half of Chamber 2 consists of four waves. This is the first time that Floor 12 has had four waves since Fontaine’s release. The first wave is against two Fatui Cryogunners. Once they apply their shields, they will have high resistance to damage, making it harder to kill them. You can prevent them from applying the shield by staggering them. However, you need to stagger them frequently to prevent them from applying their shields.

The second wave is against two Nobushi and an Electro Eremite Elite. The third wave is against two Melee Specialist Meks. For both waves, you only need to remember to avoid their attacks because they can easily stagger you if you don’t have a shielder.

The fourth wave is against two Dog Meks and a Pyro Construction Specialist. I strongly recommend you defeat both dogs before attacking the Pyro Construction Specialist since the Specialist will dash towards you until the end of the map twice before starting its spinning move. If you don’t have a shielder, avoid being in range with this move because it can stun-lock you until the move is finished.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 3.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 3.

Chamber 3, Second Half

The second half of the third chamber is against the Iniquitous Baptist. A unique trait of this boss is that it has three shield phases of different elements. For this version, it will have Pyro, Cryo, and Electro shields. Because of this, the second half requires teams that can destroy all shields.

After spawning, it will apply a Pyro shield. Once destroyed, it is stunned for 2 seconds before applying a Cryo shield. Once the Cryo shield is destroyed, it is stunned for 2 seconds before applying an Electro shield. If your character is near it, it will teleport to a random spot on the map.

So remember to do your setup after it teleports. Once the Electro shield is destroyed, it will be stunned for a longer period and have lower resistance to all damages. This is your window to attack it, so you need to finish your setup before destroying its shield. After waking up, it will repeat the process by applying the Pyro shield.

Recommended Team Compositions

After we’re talking about the enemy waves that we’re about to face in Genshin Impact‘s Spiral Abyss Floor 12, the next part of this guide will explain some possible teams that you can bring to gain complete and flawless victory. These teams range from the Navia Double Pyro Team, the Arlecchino-Chevreuse Team, and the Hu Tao Double Hydro Team.

Keep in mind that the teams that are recommended for each half are not necessarily required to be used in tandem (for example, Arlecchino-Chevreuse Team for the first half, and then you must use the Hu Tao Double Hydro Team for the second half), this list is only general guidance to provide you more team options in tackling the current Spiral Abyss’ Floor 12.

First Half

Navia Double Pyro Team

This Navia team consists of two Pyro characters and two Geo characters. This team utilizes the Bennet buff, Geo resonance, and Pyro resonance to further improve Navia’s damage. Navia can deal high frontloaded damage in a short period.

For this half, Navia has Ousia Arkhe, in addition to two Pyro appliers to handle the Cryo shields. Moreover, her damage can help burst down multiple enemies that are close to each other, making her one of the more comfortable teams for this Abyss.

Neuvillette Hyper Team

The Neuvillette Hyper Team usually consists of Neuvillette and buffers such as Furina or Kazuha. This team focuses on increasing Neuvillette’s damage. Neuvillette is a DPS with a very short setup duration. You can use his burst without the enemy appearing because you only need the bubbles from his burst. However, you need to hit the enemy using the skill to spawn the balls.

This team should be the easiest to use. Due to his high damage ceiling, you can ignore the Cryogunner’s shield. However, against Coppelius, it is required to apply Furina’s Ousia Arkhe by Normal Attacks once when his shield is up. After the shield is down, you can switch back to Neuvillette to damage Coppelius.

Arlecchino Chevreuse Team

Chevreuse is a unique character that buffs Pyro and Electro characters if they are the only elements in the party and if an Overload reaction is triggered. Her significant buff justifies the usage of Overload teams that usually pair Pyro DPS and Electro sub-DPS. Most of the time, the Electro sub-DPS is Fischl. This is a variation of the team that uses Arlecchino as the Pyro DPS and Fischl as the Electro sub-DPS.

Due to Arlecchino not being able to be healed by others, it is more comfortable to bring a shielder such as Thoma or Beidou instead of another Electro sub-DPS. For this Abyss, the team is perfect to use due to most enemies not being able to be staggered by the Overload reaction. The reaction is also useful to stagger the Cryogunner to stop them from entering their shield phase.

Second Half

Quickbloom Team

The Quickbloom Team comprises Dendro, Electro, and Hydro characters at its core. It represents a variation of the hyperbloom team that inflicts Quicken and Hyperbloom damage while attacking. A typical Quickbloom team includes two Dendro characters to apply the Dendro effect more frequently. Despite this team’s high damage output, it can still clear the second half. Players prefer Xingqiu over Yelan for his interruption resistance.

In the current Spiral Abyss, the team not only possesses the damage output necessary for clearing but also the elemental abilities required to break shields. Against the Iniquitous Baptist, note that Dendro cannot react with Cryo. Therefore, to destroy the shield, you must rely solely on Electro reactions. Most teams will use Kuki, who applies Electro gradually with her skill. Thus, you should reserve her burst to shatter the Cryo shield.

Hu Tao Double Hydro Team

The Hu Tao Double Hydro Team excels in dishing out high single-target damage. Pairing Hu Tao with two Hydro sub-DPS characters, Yelan and Xingqiu, who focus on single targets, allows her to continuously vaporize her charged attacks while the Hydro attacks still harm the enemy.

Both halves of the game accommodate Pyro characters, making Hu Tao an effective choice for the second half. Her charged attack can strike multiple enemies simultaneously. Additionally, her mark aids in applying Pyro more quickly to dismantle elemental shields.

Arlecchino Double Hydro Team

The Arlecchino Double Hydro Team is a variant that combines a Pyro DPS with two Hydro sub-DPS characters, Yelan and Xingqiu. Arlecchino’s normal attacks boast a wide range, hitting several enemies in a single strike. Moreover, her Bond of Life mechanic allows her to maintain her Pyro application even after switching characters.

This offers greater flexibility compared to other Pyro DPS characters, who lose their Pyro application upon switching. In this segment, Arlecchino’s extensive normal attacks, her Pyro applications, and her formidable damage output enable this team to easily clear Floor 12.

And that’s all the ingredients necessary to clear through Genshin Impact‘s Spiral Abyss Version 4.6.

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