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Genshin Impact Spiral Abyss Guide (Version 4.5)

This Genshin Impact's Spiral Abyss guide for Version 4.5 will discuss about how to tackle the game's hardest content, including how to compose team compositions for each Floor, organizing your strategies against multiple enemy waves, which marks the introduction of new Fontaine and Liyue-based enemies, and adapt to the Ley Lines' effects to win your full-star Abyss runs.

Genshin Impact Spiral Abyss Guide (Version 4.5)When discussing the hardest obstacle in Genshin Impact, the term Spiral Abyss is likely to be the response from most players. To assist you in comprehending this content more effectively, we’ll delve into the complexities of Spiral Abyss. This includes guidance on which characters to use on specific Floors, the types of enemies you’ll encounter, and strategies for defeating them, all of which are covered in this Genshin Impact Spiral Abyss 4.5 guide. Let’s begin.

In keeping with the annual tradition, the more ‘permanent’ content in the Spiral Abyss, Floors 9 and 10, undergoes a revamp in its enemy lineup. This year’s Fontaine update signifies a fresh start for the Abyss. The Hydro Nation is famous for its mechanical engineering prowess and rich marine life, encompassing Sea Crabs and Specialist Mek among others. Hence, starting from Version 4.0, these foes have taken the place of the native enemies of Sumeru to confront players brave enough to take on the Spiral Abyss.

In addition to regular enemies like the Specialist Meks and other Fontainian foes, formidable Bosses lie in wait for players in the deepest parts of the Abyss. Contrary to Floors 9 and 10, the latter segment of the content gets an update every 1.5 months to mirror the current Version of Genshin Impact. In Version 4.5, players will encounter familiar yet daunting World Bosses, including Dirge of Coppelia and the dreaded Automated Supercomputing Field Generator. These Bosses can easily disrupt your team’s flawless runs if you’re not cautious during combat.

Floor 9

Every Spiral Abyss floor in Genshin Impact has its unique Ley Lines buff that can help you create the optimal team for that floor. For this Abyssal rotation, the following effect will occur on Floor 9:

After a character triggers a Vaporize reaction, the Vaporize reaction DMG for that character is increased by 50% for 5s.

The floor buff for Floor 9 increases the damage of the Vaporize reaction dealt by characters to enemies. Vaporize damage is a combination of Pyro and Hydro. Some teams benefit from this buff in a certain half of the floor, while others are useless, based on the enemies we will see later.

As previously mentioned, the Spiral Abyss in Genshin Impact has a more permanent enemy lineup for Floor 9 and 10, and we already covered how to clear these Floors in our previous guide. For Floor 9, you can read the guide from this point

Floor 10

Every Spiral Abyss floor in Genshin Impact has its unique Ley Lines buff that can help you create the optimal team for that floor. For this Abyssal rotation, the following effect will occur on Floor 10:

Character deals 50% increased DMG to opponents affected by Hydro.

The Floor Buff for Floor 10 increases all damage to Hydro-affected enemies. This means having a Hydro character or a team around Hydro characters will benefit.

As previously mentioned, the Spiral Abyss in Genshin Impact has a more permanent enemy lineup for Floor 9 and 10, and we already covered how to clear these Floors in our previous guide. For Floor 10, you can read the guide from this point

Floor 11

Every Spiral Abyss floor in Genshin Impact has its unique Ley Lines buff that can help you create the optimal team for that floor. For this Abyssal rotation, the following effect will occur on Floor 11:

All party members receive a 75% Geo DMG Bonus.

Floor 11’s Floor Buff highlights Geo characters, significantly amplifying their damage output. This strategic incentive encourages players to consider Geo-focused teams or integrate Geo characters into their existing compositions.

Enemy Data

Chamber 1, First Half

The first half of Chamber 1 consists of four waves of combinations between Mitachurls, Hilichurls, and Samachurls. Unlike the previous rotation, this chamber isn’t a tower defense. Instead, you must eliminate the enemies within the time limit. We recommend using a Claymore or Geo character to break the Mitachurl’s shield faster.

In addition, you can try to attack them from behind either by directing a pet to attack on the opposite side or by freezing them. Concentrate your attacks on the Samachurls and the Archers for the last two waves because the Mitachurls will dash toward you. This strategy allows you to group them easily without a Crowd Control unit.

Enemies in Floor 11 Chamber 1.

Enemies in Floor 11 Chamber 1.

Chamber 1, Second Half

The second half of Chamber 1 consists of two waves of elite shrooms and elite aquatic creatures. Unlike the previous rotation, this chamber isn’t a tower defense. Instead, you must eliminate the enemies within the time limit. Since the enemies spawn in groups, no additional grouping is required. If you’re struggling to break the shields of the aquatic creatures, consider using Anemo units to create reactions between them.

Chamber 2, First Half

The first half of Chamber 2 consists of two waves. The enemies are the new Xuanwen Beasts and two Fontaine Meks. Although the Xuanwen Beasts spawn on different sides, they will dash towards you after spawning.

For the second wave, concentrate your attacks on the Assault Specialist Mek (the one on the right) because the Annihilation Specialist will move towards you. This strategy allows you to group the enemies before starting your setup.

Enemies in Floor 11 Chamber 2.

Enemies in Floor 11 Chamber 2.

Chamber 2, Second Half

The second half consists of two waves. The enemies are Consecrated Beasts. They have reappeared in the Abyss since their last appearance before the Fontaine patch release. However, unlike their previous appearance in the Abyss, they are separated into two different waves with only one spawn in each wave. They have high resistance to their respective elements (Dendro for the Beast and Pyro for the Vulture).

If you’re struggling against them, bringing a Shielder is recommended due to their high-damage attacks. Notably, their special attack spawns a crystal. You can attack this crystal using elements to charge it. Once fully charged, your next attack will stun the Beasts for a few seconds. Use this time to set up your attack and strike them easily.

Chamber 3, First Half

The first half of Chamber 3 consists of a single wave. The enemies are both types of local legends: Tainted Phantasms. These enemies have high HP and can’t be frozen. The one on the left is a melee enemy, while the one on the right is a ranged enemy. Although they are close to each other, you can’t attack them both from the middle without pushing one of them further away. It’s easier if you attack the ranged one from the right side to push it towards the melee one.

Enemies in Floor 11 Chamber 3.

Enemies in Floor 11 Chamber 3.

Chamber 3, Second Half

The second half of Chamber 3 consists of a single wave. The enemies are two Cryo Construction Specialists and an Enhancer Mek. You can’t group the enemies unless you’re lucky. It’s quicker if you focus on one of the Construction Specialists after defeating the Enhancer.

Since they are the Cryo ones, they will shoot Cryo bullets from a distance. These bullets can easily stagger you, so it’s recommended to bring a Shielder. This allows you to easily focus on one enemy while ignoring the attacks from the other.

Recommended Team Compositions

After we’re talking about the enemy waves that we’re about to face in Genshin Impact‘s Spiral Abyss Floor 11, the next part of this guide will explain some possible teams that you can bring to gain complete and flawless victory. These teams range from the Navia Double Pyro Team, Mono Geo Team, and Hu Tao OverVape Team.

Keep in mind that the teams that are recommended for each half are not necessarily required to be used in tandem (for example, Navia Double Pyro for the first half, and then you must use the Hu Tao OverVape Team for the second half), this list is only a general guidance to provide you more team options in tackling the current Spiral Abyss’ Floor 11.

First Half

Navia Double Pyro Team

This team, featuring Navia, includes two Pyro characters and two Geo characters. The team leverages the Bennet buff, Geo resonance, and Pyro resonance to enhance Navia’s damage. Navia’s ability to inflict high damage on several close-range enemies in a short duration makes her a comfortable choice for Floor 11. The enemy grouping in the first half gives her an advantage as it doesn’t require any additional grouping. Against the local legend, Xiangling contributes significant damage through constant Vaporize.

National Team

The core of the National team consists of Xiangling, Xingqiu, and Bennett. The last slot can be a flexible unit, typically an Anemo CC unit such as Sucrose and Kazuha, or a Cryo unit such as Rosaria or Chongyun. However, the higher the constellation, the better the performance of the National team. The minimum constellation is C4 for Xiangling and C2 for Xingqiu. Since the enemies in the first half spawn close to each other, using a Cryo unit is still possible. However, remember that the local legends in the last chamber have a shorter freeze duration than other enemies.

Mono Geo Team

The Mono Geo team consists solely of Geo characters. Typically, one can replace the Geo sub-DPS with another sub-DPS such as Yelan, Fischl, or Xingqiu. You can use Noelle instead of Itto in this team. However, Gorou is highly recommended to buff your Geo DPS. For this floor, the team receives a 75% damage buff from the floor buff. Additionally, Itto and Noelle can easily attack multiple enemies using their charge attacks.

Second Half

Hu Tao OverVape Team

This team features Hu Tao as the on-field DPS, but each character significantly contributes to the damage. The team’s focus is on creating a Vaporize reaction for Hu Tao, while Oz triggers Fischl’s A4 passive through Overload or Electro-Charged. Since Hu Tao doesn’t require a healer, a Shielder is a better choice. However, if you’re confident in your dodging skills, it’s better to include an Anemo character to buff the team’s damage through Viridescent Elemental Shred.

Ganyu BurnMelt Team

This team focuses on triggering Melt with Ganyu’s attack by burning the enemy. The caveat of the Melt Ganyu team is the Pyro setup for the Melt reaction because one Ganyu attack can make the Pyro disappear. However, the Burning reaction creates constant Pyro, making it easier to set up for Ganyu’s attack. Kazuha and Dehya contribute significantly to this team by constantly swirling Pyro and providing interruption resistance for Ganyu, respectively. For this floor, since the enemies have high HP, Ganyu can easily eliminate them through the Melt attacks.

Mono Hydro Team

The Mono Hydro Team consists of three Hydro units and a flex unit (preferably Anemo). This team is popular because the newly released character, Furina, provides a very high buff to the damages dealt by the whole team. However, this team requires a team-wide healer since Furina’s buff can be obtained by increasing and decreasing HP during the burst duration. Some of the healers include Noelle, Yaoyao, Jean, Kokomi, and Charlotte. Xingqiu and Yelan are used since they are among the top Hydro DPS. Since this team has high single-target damage through Xingqiu and Yelan, it can easily finish the second half.

Floor 12

At last, we arrive at the concluding step of this Genshin Impact Spiral Abyss guide. Floor 12, is the last challenge for all players, which brings the ultimate difficulty and demands skills, focus, and determination to successfully secure the full 9 Stars. Each Spiral Abyss floor in Genshin Impact possesses its unique Ley Lines buff, which can assist you in forming the optimal team for that floor. For this Abyssal rotation, the following effect will occur on Floor 12:

For this floor only, the ley line flow will be normal.

Floor 12 does not have a floor buff, so no particular team will have an advantage on this floor. However, the floor is designed to favor teams that include Geo characters, to promote the newest character, Chiori. This is achieved either by grouping the enemies close to each other or by having enemies that require a Geo or Claymore character for shield-breaking.

Enemy Data

Chamber 1, First Half

The first half of Chamber 1 consists of two waves. The enemies are a Pyro Abyss Mage, large Breachers, and two Fatui Local Legends. In the first wave, the enemies spawn near each other. However, the Pyro Mage has a Smoldering Flames debuff, which applies Pyro damage to your active character every 15 seconds.

You can either focus on defeating the Pyro Mage first before the Breachers or break the Breachers’ Dendro shield before focusing on the Mage to avoid a barrage of Dendro bullets from them. The second wave is against two Fatui Operatives. While the Anemo one will teleport to you when you attack her, the Cryo one will teleport to a random place before dashing toward you, making it challenging to fight against them.

Moreover, they have a shorter freeze duration than other enemies. The easiest way to handle them is by stunning them using Venti’s burst. Another option is to bring a Shielder to ignore their attacks.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 1.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 1.

Chamber 1, Second Half

The second half of Chamber 1 consists of a single wave. The enemy is the Jadeplume Terrorshroom. This enemy is quite straightforward to fight against, but it has high resistance to Dendro damage. It has a bar system that fills up when you attack it with Electro damage and reduces when you attack it with Pyro damage. Its movements will slightly change depending on whether you attack it with too much Electro or Pyro.

One particular moveset, triggered after filling its bar with Electro damage, involves it running around the map twice. If you encounter this move, don’t chase it since it will leave a trail of Dendro that will damage you. Instead, prepare for it to finish the moveset and be stunned for a while.

Chamber 2, First Half

The first half of Chamber 2 consists of three waves. The enemies are Spectres, a Pyro Flower, and various Shadow Husks and Serpent Knights. This chamber is the most challenging of the three in this Abyss. The key to defeating them within the time limit is to have characters that can deal AoE damage. Simultaneously, more than one element needs to contribute to damaging the enemy to counter the Spectres with various elements.

For the first wave, the Spectres are grouped near each other, so you can focus on attacking the ones that aren’t immune to your main source of damage. For the second wave, position yourself near the top of the floor. This will cause the flowers to teleport towards you and group themselves. You can start your attack after they teleport.

Once they are defeated, the Husks will spawn near you. You need to position yourself to the right side of the Cryo Husk because it is a ranged enemy. This way, you can easily group all of them before starting your setup.

However, keep in mind that the Geo Serpent Knight and Pyro Husk have debuffs of their respective elements. The Geo one will spawn a wave of rocks that you need to avoid because it deals high damage. Position yourself to avoid the path of the rocks while still attacking them from the outer side to keep them grouped.

The Pyro debuff will damage you every 15 seconds. It is highly recommended to bring a Shielder on this floor, but one hit from the rock will destroy your shield unless you use Zhongli or the Retracing Bolide artifact on your active character.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 2.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 2.

Chamber 2, Second Half

The second half consists of a single wave. The enemy is the Perpetual Mechanical Array (PMA). This enemy has movesets that make it difficult to hit. These moves include flying above the map before descending and transforming into a knife before moving back and dashing forward to attack the player. Even though the PMA is harder to hit during these movesets, it will be stationary near the player after performing them. It is recommended to set up your rotations during the moveset and attack it when it is stationary.

After a certain HP threshold, it will shield itself and spawn four Ruin enemies. One enemy will have a circle around it, indicating that it is the only enemy that can be damaged by the player. Defeating the Ruin enemy will break the shield around the PMA and stun it for a few seconds before it shields itself again and returns to its normal state.

Keep in mind that once the Ruin enemy is defeated, the Ruin enemies will not despawn and instead remain as objects that can block player movement. Be careful of being trapped around the Ruin enemies before they become objects to avoid getting stuck and being unable to attack the PMA while it is stunned.

Another thing to note is that you can’t brute force and avoid this phase because the PMA will stop receiving damage after around 30% of its health before entering this phase.

Chamber 3, First Half

Coppelia has returned to the Abyss. This time, she appears in the first half of this chamber. Coppelia is the Anemo version of the Icewind Suite, where we’re fighting the female dancer robot instead of the male one. Not only does she have high-damage attacks, but Coppelia is also challenging to fight using a melee character since she has a moveset that pushes you away from her every few seconds. This move set will still push you away even if your character is in burst animation.

In addition, you have to watch out for the Cryo Slash by the male dancer robot when he’s dancing around the Abyss. They will repeat this move set three times. You can tell the move set is over when the Anemo vortexes around the stage have disappeared. However, you can end the move set faster by applying Pneuma three times after the first time the male dancer dances around the Abyss.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 3.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 3.

Chamber 3, Second Half

The second half of the third chamber is against a Local Legend from Fontaine, known as the Automated Supercomputing Field Generator. This enemy can decrease gravity, causing your character to jump higher. Simultaneously, it will spawn a Geo shield that must be destroyed before you can damage it. The shield can only be significantly reduced by using Geo damage, a Claymore, or Zhongli’s ability.

Even a plunge attack from a sword only reduces around 10% of the shield. Combined with HP higher than Coppelia, you will have a challenging time if you try to brute force this enemy. Other than that, its attack is very straightforward and similar to the Experimental Field Generator world boss.

Recommended Team Compositions

After we’re talking about the enemy waves that we’re about to face in Genshin Impact‘s Spiral Abyss Floor 12, the next part of this guide will explain some possible teams that you can bring to gain complete and flawless victory. These teams range from the Nilou Bloom Team, Raiden Taser Team, and Neuvillette Hypercarry Team.

Keep in mind that the teams that are recommended for each half are not necessarily required to be used in tandem (for example, Raiden Taser Team for the first half, and then you must use the Hu Tao Double Hydro Team for the second half), this list is only general guidance to provide you more team options in tackling the current Spiral Abyss’ Floor 12.

First Half

Nilou Bloom Team

The Nilou Bloom Team can only use Hydro and Dendro characters. Most enemies in the first half are grouped closely together or can be positioned strategically on the map. As a result, the Nilou Team can easily deal damage to multiple enemies simultaneously. However, certain variations of Nilou teams may struggle against Coppelia and the Dendro Specter. To enhance single-target damage, consider replacing Barbara and Collei with Yelan/Xingqiu and Yaoyao.

Raiden Taser Team

The Raiden Taser team core consists of Hydro and Electro characters. During the first half of battles, Taser teams are highly effective because enemies spawn close to each other. For the Raiden variation team, in addition to the damage buff from Furina, you can afford to have lower energy recharge stats due to Raiden’s ultimate ability to restore energy. However, be cautious when facing Coppelia and the serpent knight. Position yourself strategically to avoid their high-damage attacks, such as the wave of rocks. Raiden has low HP, but her interruption resistance during her burst can create a false sense of security.

Neuvillette Hypercarry Team

The Neuvillette Hypercarry Team typically includes Neuvillette and buffers like Furina or Kazuha. This team focuses on maximizing Neuvillette’s personal damage output. Neuvillette is a DPS character with a very short setup duration. You can use his burst even before enemies appear, as you only need the bubbles generated by his burst. However, remember that you must hit the enemy with his skill to spawn the balls. This team is straightforward to use, especially against Coppelia, as you don’t need to be within range of her attacks to deal damage.

Second Half

Navia Double Pyro Team

This team consists of two Pyro characters and two Geo characters. Utilize Bennett’s buff, Geo resonance, and Pyro resonance to further improve Navia’s damage output. Navia can deal high frontloaded damage in a short time. Since the enemies are world bosses and local legends, Navia can dish out significant damage in just one rotation. Additionally, Xiangling contributes to the damage through her Pyronado. It’s worth noting that Navia’s attacks can shred the local legend’s shield.

Hu Tao Double Hydro Team

The Hu Tao double Hydro team focuses on high single-target damage. Pair Hu Tao with two Hydro sub-DPS characters (Yelan and Xingqiu) who specialize in single-target damage. This setup allows Hu Tao to keep vaporizing her charge attacks while still benefiting from the Hydro attacks. Bringing Zhongli is recommended for this Abyss floor to help shred the local legend’s shield faster.

You can also combo plunge attacks after charge attacks on the local legend to further weaken the shield. Alternatively, Yoimiya can replace Hu Tao, but she might struggle with shield-breaking without Zhongli’s assistance.

Hyperbloom Team

The Hyperbloom team features a core of Dendro, Electro, and Hydro characters. Despite its high damage output, this team can still clear the second half of the Abyss. Consider using Xingqiu instead of Yelan for his interruption resistance. However, be aware of some caveats in this half:

In the second chamber, a highly built Hyperbloom team is blocked by the Perpetual Mechanical Array’s HP immune threshold, rendering your rotation useless. You’ll need to wait for its shield phase to start.

In the third chamber, unless you bring Zhongli, Geo units, or a claymore character, you’ll struggle to shred the Field Generator’s shield. Plunge attacks from swords only deal 10% of the damage. However, once the shield is broken, you can deal exceptionally high damage.

And that’s all the ingredients necessary for you to clear through Genshin Impact‘s Spiral Abyss Version 4.5.

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