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Genshin Impact Spiral Abyss Guide (Version 4.2)

This Genshin Impact's Spiral Abyss guide for Version 4.2 will discuss about how to tackle the game's hardest content, including how to compose team compositions for each Floor, organizing your strategies against multiple enemy waves, and adapt to the Ley Lines' effects to win your full-star Abyss runs.

Genshin Impact Spiral Abyss Guide (Version 4.2)When we’re talking about endgame content in Genshin Impact, most players will certainly answer you with these two words: Spiral Abyss. And so, to help you understand the content better, we will take a deep dive into the intricacies within the Abyss, ranging from which characters to bring on certain Floors, what type of enemies you will face, as well as how to defeat them, all in this Genshin Impact Spiral Abyss guide. Let’s begin.

As per the yearly tradition, in which the more ‘permanent’ content within Spiral Abyss, Floor 9 and 10 receives an overhaul to its enemy compositions, this year’s Fontaine update also marks the new beginning of the Abyss. The Nation of Hydro excels in mechanical engineering and has an abundance of sea life, including but not limited to Sea Crabs and Specialist Mek. This is why starting in Version 4.0, those enemies are now replacing Sumeru’s resident enemies to face players daring enough to challenge the Spiral Abyss.

Alongside regular enemies like the Meks and Fontainian Sea Lifes, some dangerous Bosses await players on the deepest part of the Abyss. Unlike in Floor 9 and 10, the latter part of the content always gets updated once every 1.5 months to reflect on the current Version, and in Version 4.2, you will face old yet challenging Bosses introduced back in Sumeru and Fontaine’s Version 4.0, the Icewind Suite, Jadeplum Terrorshroom, and the Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network (A.S.I.M.O.N.), all of which can end your team’s perfect runs easily if you lose focus during the battles.

Floor 9

Every Spiral Abyss floor in Genshin Impact has its own unique Ley Lines buff that can help you create the optimal team for that floor. For this Abyssal rotation, the following effect will occur on Floor 9:

After a character triggers a Vaporize reaction, the Vaporize reaction DMG for that character is increased by 50% for 5s.

The floor buff for Floor 9 increases the damage of the Vaporize reaction dealt by characters to enemies. Vaporize damage is a combination of Pyro and Hydro. Some teams benefit from this buff in a certain half of the floor, while others are useless, based on the enemies we will see later.

As previously mentioned, the Spiral Abyss in Genshin Impact has a more permanent enemy lineup for Floor 9 and 10, and we already covered how to clear these Floors in our previous guide. For Floor 9, you can read the guide from this point

Floor 10

Every Spiral Abyss floor in Genshin Impact has its own unique Ley Lines buff that can help you create the optimal team for that floor. For this Abyssal rotation, the following effect will occur on Floor 10:

Character deals 50% increased DMG to opponents affected by Hydro.

The Floor Buff for Floor 10 increases all damage to Hydro-affected enemies. This means that having a Hydro character or a team that revolves around Hydro characters will be beneficial.

As previously mentioned, the Spiral Abyss in Genshin Impact has a more permanent enemy lineup for Floor 9 and 10, and we already covered how to clear these Floors in our previous guide. For Floor 10, you can read the guide from this point

Floor 11

Every Spiral Abyss floor in Genshin Impact has its own unique Ley Lines buff that can help you create the optimal team for that floor. For this Abyssal rotation, the following effect will occur on Floor 11:

All party members receive a 60% Hydro DMG Bonus.
All party members receive a 60% Electro DMG Bonus.

The floor buff for Floor 11 enhances the damage of Hydro and Electro characters by adding a corresponding damage bonus. This buff encourages the use of Hydro and Electro characters or teams, such as Taser, Quicken, and Hyperbloom.

Enemy Data

Chamber 1, First Half

The first half of Chamber 1 on Floor 11 consists of a single initial wave of enemies, followed by additional enemies that spawn one by one, up to a maximum of five enemies simultaneously on the field. There is a slight difference in enemy composition between the first picture and the actual encounter. In the first picture, the initial wave comprises six enemies, while in the actual encounter, it only consists of five. Additionally, a Pyro Slime is added to the subsequent enemy spawns in the actual encounter.

The enemies in this chamber include Pyro Element enemies, Whopperflowers, Hilichurl Slimes, and Geo Crabs. Floor 11 Chamber 1 is a protect-the-base chamber, where most enemies prioritize attacking the base, making it crucial to defend it throughout the battle.

To effectively navigate this chamber, it is highly recommended to utilize a Crowd Control (CC) unit, such as Venti, Kazuha, or Sucrose. These characters can effectively group enemies, making them easier to eliminate and reducing the overall threat to the base.

Enemies in Floor 11 Chamber 1.

Enemies in Floor 11 Chamber 1.

Chamber 1, Second Half

The second half of Chamber 1 comprises two waves of Ruin enemies. This half is significantly easier than the first half since the enemies solely focus on you.

During the first wave, simply dash towards the Ruin Scout positioned in the upper-middle area. Both Ruin Scouts will teleport to you following their ranged attack. For the second wave, the Ruin Grader will also pursue you, so either dash towards it or move away from the base.

Chamber 2, First Half

The first half of Chamber 2 features a single wave of enemies: two Pyro Lectors and a Dendro Samachurl. Exercise caution against Burning damage as the Dendro Samachurl will immediately deploy its Dendro field after you start the fight. Prioritize eliminating the Dendro Samachurl before turning your attention to the Lectors.

Having a Crowd Control (CC) unit to group the enemies can be beneficial, but due to their proximity, you can also knock one Lector into the other. Remember that when the Lectors enter their shielded phase, they become invulnerable to damage, rendering Sacrificial weapons ineffective. To break their shields, prioritize the following elements in descending order of effectiveness: Hydro > Electro > Cryo, Anemo, and Geo.

For more detailed information on Abyss Lector’s shield gauges, refer to the provided link within this text.

Enemies in Floor 11 Chamber 2.

Enemies in Floor 11 Chamber 2.

Chamber 2, Second Half

The second half of Chamber 2 in Floor 11 presents a unique challenge with two waves of Primal Construct enemies and Geo Eremite foes.

The first wave features a group of Primal Constructs. To clear these enemies as fast as you can, you have two options:

  1. Eliminate the Constructs quickly: This strategy requires dealing significant damage to the constructs before they disappear.
  2. Utilize Electro and Dendro characters: If you find it challenging to defeat the Constructs quickly, consider using an Electro and a Dendro character. After a few seconds, the constructs will temporarily cloak themselves for 30 seconds, and to bring them back, you must trigger a Catalyst reaction between Dendro and Electro.

The second wave of enemies consists of a Geo Eremite and his crocodile pet. The Geo Eremite will immediately spawn his crocodile pet. Destroying this pet will inflict damage on him and stun him for a few seconds.

Chamber 3, First Half

The first half of Chamber 3 consists of a single wave of enemies. These enemies are both Anemo and Cryo Fatui Operatives, local Legends. They have a shorter Frozen duration of around 0.5 seconds, but they can still be staggered, especially using Venti’s Burst.

Some of their attacks apply Corrosion and Bonds of Life, which prevent your healing until a certain value threshold is reached. Additionally, the Anemo Fatui can and will teleport to your position and attack you. If you don’t have a Crowd Control (CC) unit, focus on attacking the Anemo Fatui.

Enemies in Floor 11 Chamber 3.

Enemies in Floor 11 Chamber 3.

Chamber 3, Second Half

The second half of Chamber 3 consists of a single wave of enemies, two Primordial Bathysmal Vishaps. They will typically start their attack with a Burst-draining move, which will damage you if you don’t have Burst energy, or will drain your Burst otherwise.

You cannot group them using a crowd control (CC) character. This stage is a DPS check where you can either focus on attacking one enemy or group them by positioning them near the edge of the map.

Recommended Team Compositions

After we’re talking about the enemy waves that we’re about to face in Genshin Impact‘s Spiral Abyss Floor 11, the next part of this guide will explain some possible teams that you can bring to gain complete and flawless victory. These teams range from the Mono-Hydro Team, Freeze Team, and Hyperbloom Team.

Keep in mind that the teams that are recommended for each half are not necessarily required to be used in tandem (for example, Mono-Hydro for the first half, and then you must use the Hyperbloom Team for the second half), this list is only a general guidance to provide you more team options in tackling the current Spiral Abyss’ Floor 11.

First Half

Mono-Hydro Team

A Mono Hydro Team consists of three Hydro units and a Flex unit (preferably Anemo). This team is popular because the newly released character, Furina, gives a very high buff to damages dealt by the whole team. However, this team requires a team-wide healer since Furina’s buff can be obtained by HP increasing and decreasing during the Burst duration.

Some of the healers are such as Noelle, Yaoyao, Jean, Kokomi, and Charlotte. Xingqiu and Yelan also take a spot on this team since they are one of the top Hydro DPS. This team might struggle in Chamber 1 since the enemies are far from each other. You can bring an Anemo CC unit but replace either Xingqiu or Yelan with Kokomi or Barbara for the healing.

Freeze Team

The Freeze Team consists of a Cryo on-field DPS, a Hydro off-field enabler, and an Anemo CC unit. Using this team is very convenient since you can inflict Freeze on your enemies, rendering them unable to attack you. However, the local Legends in Floor 11-3 have a shorter Frozen duration, making it harder to set up Ayaka’s burst properly. The alternative units for the Freeze Team are Kazuha, Shenhe, and Kokomi.

Nilou Bloom Team

The Nilou Bloom Team is very strict, in which you must only use Hydro and Dendro characters. Most enemies in the first half are in groups or are controllable by strategically positioning your character on the map. This allows the Nilou Bloom Team to effectively damage multiple enemies simultaneously.

However, the team faces difficulties in Chamber 1 due to the enemies’ widespread positioning. The most effective strategy in Chamber 1 is to focus on defeating the Crabs, Slimes, and the Whopperflowers, in that order. 

Second Half

Aggravate/Spread Team

The Aggravate and Spread team core consists of a Dendro DPS and an Electro DPS. If the main damage comes from the Electro character, it is an Aggravate team. If the main source of damage comes from the Dendro character, it is a Spread team.

Electro DPS such as Keqing and Raiden are preferable to maximize the Floor buff. However, Fischl and Yae as a sub-DPS with a Dendro main DPS such as Tighnari and Alhaitham is also viable for Floor 11.

Electro is the only necessary element in the second half if you can’t damage the enemies in Chamber 2 fast enough. In addition, some enemies can stagger you easily, so bringing a shielder will be more comfortable.

Hyperbloom Team

The Hyperbloom Team consists of a Dendro character, an Electro character, and a Hydro character. The second half of Floor 11 is primarily a DPS check, making Hyperbloom an excellent choice due to its high damage potential and relatively low investment requirements. The team’s damage is primarily single-target focused.

Alhaitham or Nahida can be replaced with the Dendro Traveler in this team composition. Additionally, one of the Dendro characters can be replaced with a shielder to enhance the team’s survivability.

On-Field Vaporize Team

Hu Tao, Yoimiya, Diluc, and Klee are examples of on-field Pyro DPS characters for Vaporize teams. These teams require off-field Hydro enablers such as Xingqiu and Yelan to easily trigger Vaporize with the Pyro DPS character.

One recommended team for this is Hu Tao-Xingqiu-Fischl-Zhongli. This team can easily handle enemies that are far away from each other by using the CC unit (Sucrose or Kazuha), while Zhongli and Xingqiu provide a defense. Like Hyperbloom Teams, this team tends to have high single-target damage, especially in this last chamber of the Abyss, where they do not need a Hydro character to create a Vaporize reaction.

Floor 12

Finally, we reach the final step in this Genshin Impact Spiral Abyss guide. The penultimate challenge for all players, Floor 12 is the epitome of difficulty that requires skills, focus, and determination to successfully gain the full 9 Stars. Every Spiral Abyss floor in Genshin Impact has its own unique Ley Lines buff that can help you create the optimal team for that floor. For this Abyssal rotation, the following effect will occur on Floor 12:

For this floor only, the ley line flow will be normal.

There is no floor buff for Floor 12, so there will be no advantage in using certain teams for this floor. However, the enemy lineup is designed to favor certain team compositions in each half. For this patch, Floor 12’s first half emphasizes elemental reactions, while the second half prioritizes raw damage output.

Enemy Data

Chamber 1, First Half

The first half of Chamber 1 consists of three waves of enemies. The first wave features a Pyro Mage and a Dendro Samachurl positioned side-by-side. If your team lacks AoE damage, prioritize defeating the Dendro Samachurl first. The Pyro Mage is buffed with Smoldering Flames, inflicting Pyro damage every few seconds.

The second wave comprises a Pyro Mage and two Electro Rifthounds. Focus on eliminating the Pyro Mage while avoiding the Rifthounds’ attacks.

The third wave presents a Pyro Lector and two Breacher Primuses. Shortly after spawning, both Primuses enter their attack state, unleashing a barrage of Dendro bullets that can easily stagger you. Simultaneously, the Pyro Lector applies Pyro damage, triggering the Burning reaction.

Several strategies can help you counter their combined attack:

  • Utilize Fontaine characters like Neuvilette, Furina, and Charlotte to apply Pneuma/Ousia when the Primuses enter their attack state, forcing them to exit this phase.
  • Employ a shielder such as Zhongli or Diona to mitigate the damage from the Primuses’ Dendro bullets and prevent Burning. However, ensure your shield is sufficiently strong to withstand their significant damage output.
  • If your team can effectively cycle their Bursts, utilize the Burst animation’s invincibility frames (I-frame) to avoid the Primuses’ Dendro bullets. However, this approach requires having at least two Bursts available.
Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 1.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 1.

Chamber 1, Second Half

The second half of Chamber 1 features a single-boss encounter: A.S.I.M.O.N., one of the World Bosses in Sumeru. This formidable opponent immediately transitions into an invisible phase, leaving its vulnerable body parts exposed to attacks while possessing high damage resistance. To force its reappearance, either apply the Quicken reaction (Electro + Dendro) to its invisible form or obliterate its body parts and subsequently apply Electro.

During its initial invisibility phase, A.S.I.M.O.N. always relocates to the position behind your character. After its first invisibility phase, its movements become randomized. So, applying lingering elements like Hydro, Pyro, Electro, or Cryo can prove beneficial in tracking its whereabouts.

Characters excelling in Normal or Charged Attack damage, such as Neuvilette, Eula, and Itto, can effectively damage A.S.I.M.O.N.’s body parts. If you can swiftly dismantle its body parts, it will remain visible and stationary in the center of the arena. However, keep in mind that using Elemental Skills on A.S.I.M.O.N.’s body parts will not generate energy.

Chamber 2, First Half

The first half of Chamber 2 presents three waves of Fontaine’s Mek Series enemies. The opening wave features two Dog Meks and two Wheel Meks. The Wheel Meks have a slight resistance to crowd control (CC) abilities, especially when initiating their attacks. Additionally, their mobility and attacks can easily stagger your characters if you’re not careful. With that in mind, you should prioritize fighting the Dog Meks first.

The second wave comprises an Assault Mek and an Annihilation Mek. The Annihilation Mek will spawn a smaller Mek that fires Cryo attacks. Be vigilant to avoid freezing from the Annihilation Mek’s Hydro attacks.

The final wave consists of a Construction Mek and two Geological Meks. Since the Construction Mek moves around during its attacks, focus on targeting the Geological Meks first.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 2.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 2.

Chamber 2, Second Half

The second half of Chamber 2 features a single Boss encounter: Jadeplume Terrorshroom. This opponent is relatively straightforward to fight but possesses high resistance to Dendro damage. It has a gauge that fills up when attacked with Electro damage and depletes when struck by Pyro damage. Its attack patterns subtly shift depending on whether Electro or Pyro damage is applied excessively.

One specific move that triggers after filling its gauge with Electro damage involves the Terrorshroom running around the arena twice. If it executes this move, refrain from pursuing it, as it will leave a trail of Dendro that inflicts damage. Instead, prepare for the move to conclude, at which point the Boss will enter a stunned state for a brief period.

Chamber 3, First Half

The first half of Chamber 3 presents two waves of enemies: Pyro Fatui Skirmishers, Kairagi, and a Pyro Lector. The opening wave comprises two Kairagi and two Pyro Fatui Skirmishers. Immediately position yourself behind the Fatui Skirmishers and focus on eliminating them first. Ensure you position yourself on the outer side of one of the Skirmishers (not between them), as they will dash backward if you get too close. This positioning will cause the nearby Skirmisher to dash toward the one farther away, effectively grouping them. Simultaneously, don’t neglect the Kairagi, as the surviving one will buff himself with additional HP and resistance if not defeated promptly.

The second wave features two Pyro Lectors positioned far apart. Utilizing Venti can effectively group them. However, even without a Crowd Control (CC) unit, you can group the Lectors by strategically positioning yourself on the edge of the map, aligned with both Lectors (either on the left or right side of the map). The Lector farther away from you will move closer to the other Lector, as demonstrated in this video. The Lectors will perform two knockback animations: when entering their shielded state and when defeating their spawned furnace. Adjust your position before these states occur to maintain their grouped formation. Once the Lectors enter their shielded phase, they can no longer be grouped except by using the knockback from destroying their spawned furnace.

To break their shields, prioritize the following elements in descending order of effectiveness: Hydro > Electro > Cryo, Anemo, and Geo. For more detailed information on Abyss Lector’s shield gauges, refer to the provided link within this text.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 3.

Enemies in Floor 12 Chamber 3.

Chamber 3, Second Half

Coppelia, the Anemo counterpart of the Icewind Suite, will continue to grace the Abyss from the previous patch, making her appearance in the second half of this chamber. Like her Cryo counterpart, Coppelia poses a significant challenge due to her high-damage attacks and movesets that push melee characters away from her every few seconds. This pushback effect even occurs during Burst animations, making it difficult to maintain close-quarters combat with her.

Additionally, players must be wary of the Cryo slashes executed by the male dancer robot, Coppelius, as he twirls around the arena. These attacks are repeated three times, and the sequence concludes when the Anemo vortexes surrounding the stage dissipate. However, applying Pneuma three times after the first instance of the male dancer’s whirling can fasten the termination of their moveset.

Recommended Team Compositions

After we’re talking about the enemy waves that we’re about to face in Genshin Impact‘s Spiral Abyss Floor 12, the next part of this guide will explain some possible teams that you can bring to gain complete and flawless victory. These teams range from the Mono-Hydro Team, Taser Team, and Raiden National Team.

Keep in mind that the teams that are recommended for each half are not necessarily required to be used in tandem (for example, Mono-Hydro for the first half, and then you must use the Raiden National Team for the second half), this list is only a general guidance to provide you more team options in tackling the current Spiral Abyss’ Floor 12.

First Half

Mono-Hydro Team

A Mono Hydro Team consists of three Hydro units and a Flex unit (preferably Anemo). This team is popular because the newly released character, Furina, gives a very high buff to damages dealt by the whole team. However, this team requires a team-wide healer since Furina’s buff can be obtained by HP increasing and decreasing during the Burst duration.

Some of the healers are such as Noelle, Yaoyao, Jean, Kokomi, and Charlotte. Xingqiu and Yelan also take a spot on this team since they are one of the top Hydro DPS. Except for careful positioning in Chamber 3, this team should encounter minimal difficulty against the enemies on Floor 12, particularly against Pyro Lectors and Pyro Mages.

Nilou Bloom Team

The Nilou Bloom Team is very strict, in which you must only use Hydro and Dendro characters. Similar to the Mono-Hydro team, the Nilou Bloom team can deal significant damage to multiple enemies simultaneously due to the grouped positioning of most enemies in the first half. To maximize the Bloom damage, carefully position your character to group the enemies. This will ensure that the Bloom explosions affect all grouped enemies, maximizing the team’s overall damage output.

Freeze Team

The Freeze Team, composed of a Cryo on-field DPS, a Hydro off-field enabler, and an Anemo Crowd Control (CC) unit, offers a convenient playstyle as enemies become frozen and unable to attack. However, this team can face challenges when dealing with enemies like Rifthounds, Construction Meks, and Wheel Meks, as they cannot be grouped using Venti’s Burst. Despite these limitations, the Freeze Team shines in Chamber 3, where Venti’s Burst effectively groups Pyro Fatui Skirmishers and Pyro Lectors, allowing for efficient control and damage.

Second Half

Taser Team

The Taser team, centered around Hydro and Electro characters, excels in AoE damage but can also deliver significant single-target damage, especially when utilizing characters like Xingqiu, Yelan, Neuvillette, and Fischl. Their damage output is sufficient to handle the boss encounters in the second half. However, due to the absence of Dendro in this team, you’ll need to destroy A.S.I.M.O.N.’s body parts before applying Electro in Chamber 1.

Raiden National Team

The Raiden National team, comprising Raiden, Bennett, Xiangling, and Xingqiu/Yelan, is a variation of the National team that excels against single-target enemies. This team’s strength lies in its ability to generate a multitude of elemental reactions, including Vaporize, Electro-Charged, and Overload. However, due to the absence of Dendro in this team, you’ll need to destroy A.S.I.M.O.N.’s body parts before applying Electro in Chamber 1.

Additionally, this team requires careful setup before unleashing its full damage potential, so it’s crucial to be mindful of the bosses’ attack patterns.

Quickbloom Team

The Quickbloom Team, with its core of Dendro, Electro, and Hydro characters, offers a unique playstyle that utilizes both Quicken and Hyperbloom reactions to deal substantial damage. This team typically employs two Dendro characters to ensure consistent Dendro application.

While this team may face some challenges against Coppelia due to her ability to knock characters back, it can still deliver impressive damage output without extensive setup.

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