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Genshin Impact Neuvillette Build Guide | Neuvillette Best Weapon, Artifacts and Teams

Learn everything you need to know in order to make the best Neuvillette build in Genshin Impact with this easy guide, which outlines Neuvillette's entire kit in detail and breaks down his best artifact sets, weapons, F2P and premium teams and more. While he isn't the first Hydro Catalyst, Neuvillette is certainly the most fun one, with a very unique playstyle built around Charged Attacks.

Genshin Impact Neuvillette Build Guide | Neuvillette Best Weapon, Artifacts and Teams

Version 4.1 of Genshin Impact recently launched, bringing with it a brand new 5-Star Hydro character in the form of Neuvillette, the Ordainer of Justice in Fontaine. This elegant, majestic man is someone of great importance in Fontaine and he quickly became a hotly anticipated character thanks to his role in the Fontaine Archon Quest. As a unit, he’s the fourth Hydro Catalyst to join Genshin but, in a twist, he’s the first one specifically oriented for damage dealing. What’s even better is that he has one of the most fun and unique playstyles among all the Catalyst users, focusing primarily on a special variant of his Charged Attack which leaves insane amounts of destruction in its wake. While he’s not the first Hydro damage dealer, he’s certainly one of the most interesting and an excellent addition to any account. 

Here’s how to make the best Neuvillette build in Genshin Impact, including a look at his entire kit, his best weapons and Artifact sets as well as what premium or F2P teams you should run him in. If you’re still not sure whether you should pull Neuvillette or wait for a future character, check out our Neuvillette or Wriothesley article here to help you make up your mind. 

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Nevuillette Materials

  • Lumitoile (Fontaine Region Speciality)
  • Varunda Lazurite Sliver / Varunda Lazurite Fragment / Varunda Lazurite Chunk / Varunda Lazurite Gem (Hydro Elemental Gemstones)
  • Transoceanic Pearl / Transoceanic Chunk / Xenochromatic Crystal (Enemy Drop Material)
  • Fontemer Unihorn (Fontaine World Boss Material)

The first material Neuvillette needs is a new Fontaine speciality introduced in Version 4.1. The Lumitoile are small blue starfish that you’ll find on the coast and deep underwater in Fontaine’s Liffey Region. In total, you’ll need to collect 168 Lumitoile to fully ascend Nevuillette to level 90. To make this grind a little bit easier, you can either use Lyney’s Passive Talent to highlight the Lumiotile locations on the mini-map or, if you don’t have Lyney, you can visit the Teyvat Interactive Map where you can find precise locations on every Fontaine speciality, including the Lumitoile. 

After the starfish, you’ll be looking to grab a new type of enemy drop from a Fotaine-exclusive enemy type. The enemies in question are the Fontemer Aberants, large crabs and crustaceans who hobble across Fontaine’s many beaches and float aimlessly through its depths. Fortunately, this means that there are a lot of Aberants to find across Fontaine’s entire map, giving you easy access to a lot of the Transoceanic materials you’ll need. In total, you’ll need to hunt down 18 Transoceanic Pearls, 30 Transoceanic Chunks and 36 Xenochromatic Crystals. Like before, you can make things easier by visiting the Teyvat Interactive Map or, if you want an in-game method, you can track them down on the map using the Adventurer’s Handbook. 

Alone and Away

Alone and Away

Of course, Neuvillette also needs a bunch of World Boss materials, too. The boss you’ll be repeatedly hunting on your journey to get Neuvillette to 90 is the Millennial Pearl Seashorse, a new World Boss introduced in 4.1 that you can find in the depths of the Liffey Region. This boss’ main element is Electro and it will use lightning to strike you down as it gallops and prances all over the battlefield, something you can interrupt by breaking its pearl shell. The Pearl Seahorse drops the Fontemer Unihorn and you’ll need 46 Fontemer Unihorns to reach Ascension with Neuvillette. 

To round out the list of required materials, Neuvillette will also be searching for Elemental Gemstones of the Hydro variety. Every character in Genshin Impact needs these Gemstones to ascend and those Gems need to match their given element. Neuvillette, as a Hydro character, needs the Varunda Lazurite variant of the Gemstones, which primarily drops from Hydro-aligned World Bosses. Other acquisition methods for these Gems include the Daily Commission reward from Katheryne or the up-cycling lower rarity Hydro Gems at the Alchemy Table. Neuvillette requires 1 Lazurite Sliver, 9 Lazurite Fragments, 9 Lazurite Chunks and 6 Lazurite Gemstones

Finally, to close everything up, make sure you have 420k Mora and the equivalent of 416 Hero’s Wit EXP Books on hand so that you can get Neuvillette to max level without issue. It is also worth noting that, each time you break through an Ascension level, Neuvillette will receive additional CRIT DMG. 

Head of the Court

Head of the Court

Genshin Impact Neuvillette Kit

As Water Seeks Equilibrium (Normal Attack)

There are two sides to As Water Seeks Equilibrium, Neuvillette’s Normal Attack. The first side of the coin is his standard Catalyst combo. Press the Normal Attack button and Neuvillete will, with several light flourishes of his cane, command the tides to unleash a maximum of 3 attacks, all of which deal Hydro DMG.

These attacks all scale based on Neuvillette’s ATK stat and, if we’re being honest, aren’t that special. They get the job done and, just like any Catalyst, are a great source of instant Elemental application but they don’t do a lot for Neuvillette aside from making him look really cool. Fortunately, the other side of the As Water Seeks Equilibrium is much better, as Charged Attacks are the foundation of Neuvillette’s entire kit. 

Normal Attack

Normal Attack

When you hold down the Normal Attack button for a Charged Attack, Neuvillette will float up into the air and begin forming a Seal of Arbitration. If you release the button at any time before the Seal fully completes, Neuvillette will simply unleash a rupturing blast of water directly in front of himself, dealing Hydro AoE DMG in the process. 

Let the Seal of Arbitration complete, though, and Neuvillette will instead unleash a surging torrent of water like a laser beam. This version of his Charged Attack is Equitable Judgement and is Neuvillette’s primary source of damage which scales of his Max HP. The stream of water unleashed by Equitable Judgement will last for 3 seconds, continually dealing Hydro AoE DMG to any enemies caught in the line. It should also be noted that, if Neuvillette’s HP is above 50% when Equitable Judgement is cast, he will lose 8% of his Max HP for every 0.5s that the attack persists.

Usually, the Seal of Arbitration takes a very long time to complete: from holding the button to the first damage tick of Equitable Judgement, the process takes between 5-10s. However, while the Seal is charging, Neuvillette can absorb any nearby Sourcewater Droplets within a certain radius. These droplets not only heal Neuvillette by a significant amount, offsetting the health loss from Judgement, but they also greatly increase the formation speed of the Seal. Absorb 3 Sourcewater Droplets and the Seal will instantly complete, letting you skip the entire wait period of the attack.

Learning to use Equitable Judgement effectively is the key to fully understanding and utilising Neuvillette as a character.

O Tears, I Shall Repay (Elemental Skill)

Next up, we have O Tears, I Shall Repay, Nevuillete’s Elemental Skill. On cast, Neuvillette summons a Raging Waterfall that deals AoE Hydro DMG to any opponents in front of him. Similar to Equitable Judgement, this Skill’s damage scales based on Neuvillette’s Max HP rather than his ATK. It’s worth mentioning that O Tears, I Shall Repay is also how Neuvillette accesses the Fontaine exclusive Pneuma and Ouisa system, with the Raging Waterfall creating a Spiritbreath Thorn that will deal with additional Pneuma-aligned Hydro DMG. 

More interestingly, whenever this attack hits an enemy, it will spawn 3 Sourcewater Droplets near the affected opponent. These Droplets are required to lower the completion time on the Charged Attack’s Seal of Arbitration, making them a vital part of Neuvillette’s kit that you will want to continually produce and keep track of.

Neuvillette’s Elemental Skill is a perfect companion piece to his entire kit. On one hand, it deals with considerable amounts of damage and is a great way to focus down both boss enemies and large groups with a single attack. Then, on the other, it is his most consistent way of spawning Sourcewater Droplets so that he can use Equitable Judgement far more often, allowing it to serve as utility alongside its already high damage. In short, this Skill is very good.

Elemental Skill

Elemental Skill

O Tides, I Have Returned (Elemental Burst)

Lastly, we have O Tides, I Have Returned. In essence, Neuvillette’s Elemental Burst is a suped-up version of his Elemental Skill. When cast, Neuvillette will unleash massive waves of water which deal AoE Hydro DMG based, once again, on his Max HP rather than his ATK stat. After several seconds, two separate waterfalls will descend on the area and deal additional Hydro DMG in a smaller AoE, which also creates 6 more Sourcewater Droplets for you to collect.

As we said, this is basically a more powerful version of his Elemental Skill: it deals more damage and generates more Droplets but requires Burst Energy to cast. As such, all the praise we gave to the Skill can also be applied to the Ultimate, especially with regards to the Sourcewater Droplets. 6 Droplets enable two back-to-back instant casts of Equitable Judgement, which is enough time for Neuvillette’s Skill to come off cooldown. Master that rhythm and, in theory, Neuvillette will never run out of Droplets to use. 

Elemental Burst

Elemental Burst

Neuvillette Passive Talents

In addition to his other abilities, Neuvillete also has three Passive Talents which are unlocked at different Ascension levels. His first Passive, Gather Like the Tide, is available at level 1 and it increases underwater Sprint SPD for your own party members by 15%. While only effective inside the borders of Fontaine, this Passive is undeniably very useful for exploration and resource hunting, especially when Neuvillete’s main material, the Lumitoile, is found in abundance under the waves. 

Neuvillette’s second Passive, meanwhile, unlocks at Ascension level 2. Heir to the Ancient Sea’s Authority grants Neuvillete a stack of Past Draconic Glories for 30s whenever you cause a Hydro-related Elemental Reaction, such as Vaporize, Bloom or Electro-Charged. This buff can stack up to 3 times and increases the damage of Neuvillette’s Equitable Judgement Charged Attack by 110%/125%/160% per stack. The important to note about this Passive is that the Draconic Glory stacks for each element exist independently of each other, allowing you to quickly gain stacks if you trigger several different Hydro Reactions simultaneously. 

Finally, at Ascension Level 5, Neuvillete unlocks Discipline of the Supreme Arbitration. For every 1% of Neuvillette’s current HP greater than 30% of his Max HP, he will gain a 0.6% Hydro DMG Bonus, up to a maximum of 30%. On account of his ability to consistently generate Sourcewater Droplets, Neuvillette will be able to keep relatively high uptime on that buff even when his Charged Attack drains his health, giving you yet another source of even more damage. 

In summary, Neuvillette’s Passives are all about giving him additional sources of damage to make him even more consistent in his primary role as a main damage dealer. One thing that his Passives heavily promote, though, is for Neuvillette to become your main source of Elemental Reactions, pushing you towards team compositions that contain as many different elements as possible: the more variety in your teams, the more Draconic Stacks Neuvillette will able to earn, increasing the damage of his Charged Attack drastically in ideal circumstances.

Head of Court

Head of Court

Neuvillette Talent Priority Order

  1. As Water Seeks Equilibrium (Normal Attack)
  2. O Tears, I Shall Repay (Elemental Skill)
  3. O Tides, I Have Returned (Elemental Burst)

Above all else, you need to prioritise levelling Neuvillette’s Normal AttackAs Water Seeks Equilibrium. While levelling it does raise the damage output of his standard Normal Attacks, the real prize is the increase to Equitable Judgement damage. Every single part of his kit contributes, in some way, to Equitable Judgement, whether it’s the Skill and Burst’s ability to generate Droplets for an instant cast or the direct Judgment damage increase he gains from his Passives. There is no world where you should prioritise either other ability over Neuvillette’s Normal Attack. 

In all honesty, the choice between levelling Neuvillette’s Skill or Burst is largely down to personal preference: both mainly serve as sources of instant damage and Sourcewater Droplets to fuel Neuvillette’s Charged Attack, so it’s a case of picking your poison in terms of which you find more useful. Out of the two, though, levelling the Skill will result in a more consistent source of high damage, whereas the Burst is much better as a large chunk of damage that you’ll get access to now and again. 

Neuvillette, Ordainer of Inexorable Justice

Neuvillette, Ordainer of Inexorable Justice

Neuvillette Constellations

Next, we’ll go over all six of Neuvillette’s Constellations. To obtain a character’s Constellations, you need to be lucky enough to pull multiple copies of them. For Neuvillette, this means getting multiple 5-star pulls on his Character Event Wish, Decree of the Deeps.

  1. Venerable Institution: When Neuvillette takes the field, he will obtain 1 stack of Past Draconic Glories from the Heir to the Ancient Sea’s Authority Passive. Additionally, his interruption resistance will be increased while using the Charged Attack Empowerment: Legal Evaluation and the Charged Attack: Equitable Judgment.
  2. Judicial Exhortation: The Heir to the Ancient Sea’s Authority Passive Talent will be enhanced, with each stack of Past Draconic Glories now increasing the CRIT DMG of Charged Attack: Equitable Judgment by 14%. The maximum increase that can be achieved this way is 42%.
  3. Ancient Postulation: Normal Attack Lv. +3.
  4. Crown of Commiseration: When Neuvillette is on the field and is healed, 1 Sourcewater Droplet will be generated. This effect can occur once every 4s.
  5. Axiomatic Judgement: Elemental Burst Lv. +3.
  6. Wrathful Recompense: When using Equitable Judgment, Neuvillette can absorb nearby Sourcewater Droplets in an AoE. Each absorbed Droplet will increase the duration of Charged Attack: Equitable Judgment by 1s. Additionally, when Equitable Judgment hits opponents, it will fire off 2 additional currents every 2s, each of which will deal 10% of Neuvillette’s Max HP as Hydro DMG.
Neuvillette Constellations

Neuvillette Constellations

Neuvillette Best Weapons in Genshin

Best in Slot: Tome of the Eternal Flow

Without question, Neuvillette’s best weapon in Genshin Impact is his signature Catalyst, Tome of the Eternal Flow. This 5-Star Catalyst was introduced alongside Neuvillette in Version 4.1 and runs on the Weapon Event Wish while his own Character Event Wish is ongoing. As for why this weapon is the best for Nevuillette, it was, quite literally, made with him in mind, heightening every single important stat and ability he has to drastically increase both his utility and damage output. 

At level 90, Tome of the Eternal Flow provides its wielder with 475 ATK and an incredible additional 80.4% CRIT DMG, which is one of the highest CRIT DMG bonuses in all of Genshin. The Tome’s weapon skill is Aeon Wave which has several, potent effects. Firstly, it simply increases the wielder’s Max HP by 16%, a massive boost to Neuvillette’s Charged Attack, Skill and Burst damage. Secondly, it will increase the wielder’s Charged Attack DMG by 14% for 4s every time their current HP decreases or increases, stacking up to 3 times for a total of 42% extra Charged Attack damage. That’s not all, though, as when you have three stacks of this effect or the third stack’s duration refreshes, the wielder will also gain 8 Energy for their Burst.

To put it simply, this Catalyst is stupidly good and will make Neuvillette a true damage-dealing monster. The HP increase is already excellent, ensuring that Nevuillette’s entire kit gets a substantial bump in damage, but that Charged Attack increase is even better. Between the health loss on an Equitable Judgement cast and the health he gains back from absorbing Sourcewater Droplets, you will easily hit the 3 stacks required for that incredible 42% damage increase, which will also net you that bonus Energy increase. Not only does the Tome of Eternal Flow make Neuvillette’s already good damage even better, but it also gives him more consistent access to his Burst, which is more consistent access to Sourcewater Droplets, which is more consistent access to Charged Attacks.

Tome of the Eternal Flow is bonkers and, if you have the Primogems to spare and want to treat your Neuvillette, there is no reason not to try and pull it in Genshin Impact

Tome of the Eternal Flow

Tome of the Eternal Flow

Replacement Neuvillette Weapons

However, not everyone will be so lucky. Whether Nevuillette wiped out all of your savings or you’re simply waiting for future characters, many players will be looking for alternative weapon options when it comes to outfitting Neuvillette. Fortunately, he’s one of the most flexible Catalyst users in Genshin, giving him a bunch of additional weapons to choose from.

Before we begin, though, we’ll only be recommending 4-Star Catalysts for Neuvillette in this article. While it is undeniable that a weapon like Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds would be a much better fit on Neuvillette, most players won’t have easy access to 5-Star weapons and are more likely to have a random assortment of 4-Stars options sitting in their vault. If you are one of the lucky few, be sure to try any 5-Stars you have just in case they work amazingly on Neuvillette.

With the disclaimer out of the way, we can move on to the actual recommendations. As a replacement option for Neuvillette, we recommend running Sacrifical Fragments, Flowing Purity or the Widsith.

Sacrificial Fragments

Sacrificial Fragments

At first, Sacrifical Fragments may seem like an odd choice, especially for a character so focused on Charged Attacks like Neuvillette. At level 90, Sacrificial provides 454 ATK alongside 221 Elemental Mastery for higher Elemental Reaction DMG. Composed, the Sacrificial Fragment series skill, has a chance to end an Elemental Skill’s own CD every 16s when you damage an opponent with said Elemental Skill. While O Tides, I Shall Repay is not Neuvillette’s main source of damage, it is his main source of Droplets: more Skill casts means more Droplets which more instant Charged Attack casts. For this reason, Sacrificial Fragments is a really nice pick if you’re willing to put aside a little bit of damage for more uptime on Equitable Judgement.

On the opposite side, we have the new Fontaine forgeable Catalyst, Flowing Purity. You can pick up the blueprint for this weapon from the Blacksmith in the Fontaine Court and it is a very solid F2P pick for Nevuillette. At level 90, it will give you 565 ATK alongside 27.6% additional ATK (which is, admittedly, pretty useless on Neuvillette). The real prize is Unfinished Masterpiece, which increases all Elemental DMG by 8% for 15s and generates a Bond of Life worth 24% of the wielder’s Max HP whenever they use their Elemental Skill. This Bond of Life will explode after 10s, granting a further boost to Elemental DMG based on every 1,000 HP you cleared from the Bond through healing. While a tad complex, Neuvillette’s ability to constantly lose and gain HP makes this a relatively easy source of extra damage.

Finally, we have the most basic Catalyst recommendation for any damage dealer, the Widisth. At level 90, the Widisth provides 510 ATK with 55.1% additional CRIT DMG and the weapon effect Debut. Whenever the wielder takes to the field, they will gain a random theme song for 10s, with each song granting a different buff: you’ll either receive an ATK increase, an Elemental DMG increase or an Elemental Mastery increase. While the extra ATK isn’t the most useful, the bonus CRIT DMG alongside the other two song effects are great ways to get Neuvillette some extra damage on every part of his kit for basically no extra effort. 

The Widsith

The Widsith

Neuvillette Best Artifact Sets

Aside from weapon and team choice, artifact sets are the most defining factor of any Genshin Impact build. No matter what kind of Neuvillette you want to run, he’s always going to be a damage dealer who wants a lot of HP to maximise his damage and survivability, but you can customise and differentiate your specific Neuvillette based on what sets you run and what bonuses you benefit from. For Neuvillette, there are two main routes you can go down concerning the best artifact combinations. 

The first option for Neuvillette is very simple as it just increases several of his stats. What it lacks in complexity, though, it makes up for in straightforward power. For this Neuvillette build, you need to ruin 2-piece Marechaussee Hunter alongside either 2-piece Heart of Depth or 2-piece Tenacity of Millelith. The most important stat bump here comes from the first set, as Marechaussee Hunter boosts Normal and Charged Attack DMG by 15%. Meanwhile, the choice between Depths or Millelith is down largely to personal preference, with the former granting +15% Hydro DMG Bonus and the latter granting +20% Max HP.

While nothing too flashy or too fancy, this artifact combination prioritises making Neuvillette strong without needing to faff about with additional mechanics or stacks. The biggest boon is that extra Normal and Charged Attack DMG as it massively increases Neuvillette’s Equitable Judgement damage without needing to do any additional effort. The choice between extra HP or extra Hydro DMG is a personal one, with both stats influencing the damage of his NA, Skill and Burst. Of the two, we’d recommend 2-piece Millelith but you cannot go wrong with either option. 

Marechaussee Hunter and Heart of Depths

Marechaussee Hunter and Heart of Depths

However, there’s an even better choice for maximising Neuvillette’s damage and that’s the full 4-piece Marechaussee Hunter. Alongside the 15% Normal and Charged Attack DMG Bonus from the 2-piece, 4-piece will increase the wielder’s CRIT Rate by 12% for 5s whenever your current HP increases or decreases. This effect stacks up to 3 times for a total of 36% extra CRIT Rate.

The reason why this set is so powerful is that it essentially allows Neuvillette to forego investing heavily in CRIT Rate. 36% extra CRIT for simply activating your Equitable Judgement is ridiculously strong and super easy to trigger. As a result, Neuvilliette will practically always have a near 50% CRIT Rate while in combat alongside the damage boost from the 2-piece, making him a DPS machine. Because this is so useful and so strong, we highly recommend this artifact build for Nevuillette in Genshin Impact

Full Marechaussee Hunter

Full Marechaussee Hunter

Most Important Neuvillette Main Stats and Substats

The stats you find on artifacts are just as, if not more, important than the set bonuses themselves. Thankfully for us, Neuvillette’s required stats are very easy to understand and figure out, leading to some easy-to-suggest main stats. As such, here’s what you should be searching for in terms of Neuvillette’s main stats on his artifacts:

  • Hourglass (Sands): HP%
  • Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
  • Circlet: CRIT DMG%

As for what substats you should be seeking on each of Neuvillete’s individual artifacts, keep your eye out for the following stats: 

  1. HP%
  2. Elemental Mastery
  4. CRIT Rate
Lasting Peace

Lasting Peace

Best Teams for Neuvillette in Genshin Impact

Neuvillette Premium Team

The best teams for Neuvillette are ones where he is allowed to remain on the field, undisturbed, for most encounters, meaning that you’ll want to pair him with strong off-field supports and sub-DPS units. You also need to consider the fact that Neuvillette’s kit pushes for you to have as diverse a team as possible and how he isn’t beholden to healers in the same way as most other DPS due to his own self-sustaining capabilities. 

With these factors in mind, Neuvillette’s best premium team in Genshin Impact includes Yae Miko, Nahida and Zhongli.

Let’s start with Zhongli, the strangest choice. While he may seem like a counter-intuitive pick on the surface – mainly because of Geo’s lack of Elemental Reactions – Zhongli is actually one of Neuvillette’s best pairings in general. In terms of abilities, Zhongli’s Skill not only lowers the Elemental RES of any nearby enemies, allowing Neuvillette’s Hydro-only kit to deal much higher damage, but it also spawns one of the best shields in the game to keep him alive, even when his health fluctuates massively due to Equitable Judgement. Additionally, the fact that he can only create Hydro Crystalise Reactions actually ends up a boon because Neuvillette can still use that to gain Draconic Glory stacks. This means you won’t be cannibalising the Hydro Reactions that Neuvillette needs, allowing Zhongli to operate completely independently and without ruining Neuvillette’s important rotations.

The Unbreakable Wall, Zhongli

The Unbreakable Wall, Zhongli

After the Geo Archon, we have the age-old companion of the Electro Archon, Yae Miko. Because Neuvillette wants to spend as much time as possible on the field in order to execute his rotations, Yae’s role as an off-field DPS is perfect for that. Through her Talismans, Yae becomes a constant source of powerful Electro-Charged Reactions which perfectly pair with Equitable Judgement, resulting in high damage to groups and single-targets while keeping the Draconic Glory stacks from Neuvillette’s A2 on high uptime. What’s even better is that it takes no time at all to set up all three Talismans from her Skill, allowing you to get the most out of both characters.

Finally, we have another Archon in Nahida. Honestly, this option is a bit of a flex pick and Nahida can be subbed out for several other units depending on your preferences: for example, Kazuha works incredibly here if you prefer Swirl and Anemo to Dendro. The reason why Nahida is so good is that her Skill essentially imbues multiple targets with a permanent Dendro status, which can then be triggered by Neuvillette’s array of Hydro attacks to prock Bloom and spawn a bunch of Dendro Cores. These cores can then be activated by Yae’s Electro to trigger Hyperbloom and deal even more damage. In this scenario, Nahida benefits the entire team while remaining easy to use and quick to switch out so Neuvillette can take centre stage. 

Neuvillette Premium Team

Neuvillette Premium Team

Neuvillette F2P Team

Of course, many players likely won’t be able to create the perfect premium team for Neuvillette on account of having a different roster of available 5-star units. In these situations, players will need to rely on the free-to-play roster of characters. Thankfully, as the years have gone, some of the most powerful characters have become available for free, giving us plenty of options to work with when it comes to Neuvillette’s F2P team. We do need to consider what Hydro Reactions to prioritise again on account of losing the insanely high uptime on Bloom, but we have a bunch of other choices to consider. 

As such, the best F2P team for Neuvillette includes Fischl, the Traveler and Sucrose

Like most situations where Yae isn’t available, we can turn to Fischl as our replacement. Using her Skill to generate Oz, Fischl can work really similarly to Yae by causing constant Electro-Charged Reactions from off the field. In fact, in some ways, Fischl can do things better than Yae, such as using her Burst to quickly set up a scenario where Equitable Judgement will hit the most enemies at once while still applying copious amounts of Electro. Fischl does require some more legwork and patience to master, largely due to her longer cooldown on her Skill Oz’s more strict timer when compared to Yae’s Talismans, but she can still put in a ton of work and pair amazingly with Neuvillette. 

Electro Applier, Fischl

Electro Applier, Fischl

When it comes to the Traveler, you have a choice to make as a F2P player: Dendro or Hydro. On one hand, you can choose Dendro Traveler to emulate the power and playstyle of the premium team. While the Traveler’s kit is nowhere near as strong or reliable as Nahida’s, it remains potent and can serve as a quick injection of Dendro at basically any time, still giving Neuvillette and Fischl access to Bloom and Dendro Cores. On the other hand, you could sacrifice this additional source of Reactions for Hydro Traveler. The main upside to this route is that Hydro Traveler can generate their own Sourcewater Droplets, giving you yet another way to make sure that Neuvillette always has enough to perform Equitable Judgement. Either option works and both have their own pros and cons that you’ll need to experiment with.

Finally, we have Sucrose. In this F2P team, she’s going to our main way of controlling the battlefield with Swirl, letting us draw in and position enemies so that Neuvillette and Fischl can work as efficiently as possible. Sucrose’s Skill and Burst both suck in nearby foes, allowing you to create easy-to-hit zones on the field for Equitable Judgement or Midnight Phantasmagoria, with her Burst absorbing any elements it reacts with for additional damage. What’s even better is that Hydro Swirl still triggers the Draconic Glory stacks for Neuvillette’s A2, meaning that you can ensure that he remains as powerful as possible while you’re using Surcorse to forcibly weaken and move your enemies. 

Neuvillette F2P Team

Neuvillette F2P Team

That was how to make the best Neuvillette build in Genshin Impact

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