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Genshin Impact Navia Build Guide| Navia Best Weapons, Relics and Teams

Learn how to make the best Navia build in Genshin Impact with this easy guide, which includes an in-depth breakdown of Navia's kit and what order you should prioritise levelling her Talents, what artifacts and weapons you should run on her and what teams she belongs in. As Genshin's first new Geo character in over 2 years, Navia has a lot on her shoulders but, fortunately, she's an excellent new main DPS who pairs with the Crystallize Reaction perfectly.

Genshin Impact Navia Build Guide | Navia Best Weapons, Relics and Teams

The fabulous and beautiful President of Spinda de Rosula has arrived as a historic playable character in Version 4.3 of Genshin Impact. While it may seem a bit hyperbolic, especially considering that we just got a brand new Archon last patch, Navia is not only one of the most highly anticipated characters to join Genshin’s ranks but the first new Geo character in over 2 years, making her a very important addition indeed. Fortunately, she has the charm and playstyle to back up such a lofty reputation, with a unique focus on ATK as a Geo main damage dealer who can turn the often underwhelming Crystallize Elemental Reaction into a source of strength for her explosive Gunbrella. Find the right Navia build and she’ll quickly turn into one of your best main DPS in the entire game. 

Here’s how to make the best Navia build in Genshin Impact, including an overall look at her kit and how you should prioritise levelling her Talents, what the best artifact sets and weapons you should run on Navia are and even what F2P or premium team she belongs in if you want to see her at her best. 

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Navia Ascension Materials

First things first, let’s go over what Ascension Materials you’ll need to collect for Navia in Genshin Impact:

  • Spring of the First Dewdrop (Fontaine Local Speciality)
  • Prithiva Topaz Sliver / Prithiva Topaz Fragment / Prithiva Topaz Chunk / Prithiva Topaz Gemstones (Geo Elemental Gemstones)
  • Transoceanic Pearl / Transoceanic Chunk / Xenochromatic Crystal (Enemy Drop Materials)
  • Artificed Spare Clockwork Component – Coppelius (World Boss Material)
  • 420k Mora + 416 Hero’s Wit EXP Books

Navia’s first main material is the Spring of the First Dewdrop, a very strange speciality from the land of Fontaine. Instead of being a more traditional plant or even an insect like the Onikabuto or Scarabs, the Dewdrops are chunks of dew which float underneath the water’s surface. As such, you will only find them beneath the waves in the Morte Region of Fontaine, usually cradled by one of the giant clams. In total, Navia will need 168 Spring of the First Dewdrop to reach maximum Ascension level and, if you want a hand finding these little suckers, you can either use Lyney’s Passive Talent, which highlights Fontaine specialities on the mini-map, or you can find their exact locations on the Teyvat Interactive Map

You Cannot Escape the Mademoiselle

You Cannot Escape the Mademoiselle

While you’re venturing beneath the waves looking for the Dewdrops, keep your eye out for any Fontemer Abberants as they’re the enemy you must hunt to find the enemy drops Navia needs. Fontemer Abberants is a strange classification of an enemy, largely consisting of the crabs and crustaceans who either creep across Fontaine’s shores or dwell deep below its waters. To reach level 90 with Navia, you’ll need to pick up 18 Transoceanic Pearls, 30 Transoceanic Chunks and 36 Xenochromatic Crystals. If you’re struggling to find these critters and want a hand, use the enemy tracker feature of the Adventurer’s Handbook to guide your journey through the Land of Hydro. 

World boss materials are next on Navia’s list and, to appease her Ascension needs, you’ll need to battle against the deadly dancing duo, the Icewind Suite. These mechanical performers can be found a hop, a skip and a jump away from the gates of the Opera Epiclese. There are two versions of this fight depending on the Arkhe Alignment you need. Navia needs the Coppelius version of the Spare Clockwork Component which drops from the Ousia-aligned version of the Icewind Suite and you’ll need 46 Artificed Spare Clockwork Components total

The final major set of materials you’ll need for Navia is the Geo Elemental Gemstones. Navia, as a Geo character, needs different rarities of the Prithiva Topaz series of gems at different stages of her Ascension, similar to every other character in Genshin Impact. The best place to get these materials is from Geo-aligned World Bosses such as the Geo Hypostasis, Daily Commission rewards or from upgrading and transmuting other types of gemstone. In the process of Ascending Navia, she will need 1 Topaz Sliver, 9 Topaz Fragments, 9 Topaz Chunks and 6 Topaz Gemstones.

Helm of the Radiant Rose

Helm of the Radiant Rose

Genshin Impact Navia Kit Overview

Normal Attack: Blunt Refusal

Before we dive into Navia’s build, you need to know the most important parts about Navia and that’s her kit and playstyle. First up on that list is her Normal Attack, Blunt Refusal, which is a standard 4-hit combo with her Claymore. Meanwhile, her Charged Attack is a spinning slash similar to Noelle or Chongyun.

Aside from the fabulous animations (and, admittedly, they are some of the best NA animations in the entire game), Blunt Refusal doesn’t seem that interesting, especially when compared to the rest of Navia’s kit. However, its status becomes elevated when you take her Ascension 4 Talent, Undisclosed Distribution Channels, into account as it allows Navia to infuse her Normal, Charged and Plunging Attacks with Geo after using her Elemental Skill, allowing her to take advantage of any Geo DMG Bonuses for a lot of extra damage. 

So, while Blunt Refusal isn’t super impactful on its own, it will become a core part of your playstyle as a result of that infusion. Navia’s Elemental Skill and Burst are always going to be your biggest damage dealers (as you’ll soon see) but her infused Normal Attacks are a way for you to keep her on the field in fighting form without needing to switch to a sub-DPS. 

Fabulous Normal Attacks

Fabulous Normal Attacks

Elemental Skill: Ceremonial Crystalshot

Ceremonial Crystalshot is Navia’s Elemental Skill and it is easily her most impactful ability in Genshin Impact. Whenever a member of your party collects an Elemental Shard created by the Crystallize Reaction, Navia will gain 1 Crystal Shrapnel stack. Navia can have up to 6 Crystal Shrapnel stacks at any one time.

Once you use Navia’s Skill, she will consume all currently acquired Crystal Sharpnel stacks to open her Gunbrella, firing off multiple Rosula Shardshots in the direction she’s facing. Each Rosula Shardshot will penetrate enemies and deal high amounts of Geo DMG. The more Crystal Shrapnel stacks you use up, the more Rosula Shardshot will be fired, with 0/1/2/3 stacks resulting in 5/7/9/11 Shardshots being fired. For every Shrapnel stack consumed above those three, Gunbrella’s DMG will increase by an additional 15%. 

Furthermore, the more Shardshots that strike a singular opponent, the higher the resulting Geo DMG will be. If you manage to land all 11 Rosula Shardshots on a single opponent, the damage will increase by 200%. To this end, holding down the Skill will cause Navia to enter Aiming Mode, collecting any nearby Crystal Shard while also allowing you to precisely decide where your Gunbrella will fire

Navia's Elemental Skill

Navia’s Elemental Skill

Ceremonial Crystalshot is a stacked Skill with a ton of different moving pieces. Every time you use this Skill, your goal is to have as many Crystal Shrapnel stacks as possible when you fire your Gunbrella, allowing you to deal more damage and fire off more Rosula Shardshots. Additionally, you should try and enter Aiming Mode as often as you can because it sucks in nearby Crystal Shards, allowing you to focus purely on lining up your shots and dealing as much damage as possible. 

In conjunction with that, it’s important to note that Navia is unique among Geo characters in that her attacks don’t scale off of HP or DEF: instead, she scales off of pure ATK. Previously, Geo was a very self-contained element, with supports which raised DEF and damage dealers which scaled off it. With Navia, though, you can have all the benefits of a Geo damage dealer but with the ability to confidently run her alongside some of the best buffers in the game, where previously those ATK buffs would largely be going to waste.

Crystal Shrapnel stacks appear as small Geo-coloured bullets beside Navia | Navia Build

Crystal Shrapnel Stacks

Elemental Burst: As Sunlit Sky’s Singing Salute

Last up on Navia’s list of main abilities is her Elemental Burst, As Sunlit Sky’s Singing Salute. On the order of the President of the Spina de Rosula, Navia will call forth a magnificent Rosula Dorata Salute, unleashing a massive cannon bombardment on any nearby enemies. On cast, the Burst will deal high Geo DMG to any opponents directly in front of Navia with additional cannon support for several seconds afterwards dealing additional instances of Geo DMG. 

As a bonus, whenever the cannon attacks damage an opponent, Navia will gain 1 free stack of Crystal Shrapnel, allowing her to charge up her Elemental Skill without needing to purely rely on Crystallize Reactions. This effect can be triggered every 2.4s, with the Burst itself lasting 12s for a potential of 5 Crystal Shrapnel stacks. 

While this Burst has the potential for really high damage, its main draw is the utility and convenience it provides Navia’s Skill. The constant cannon bombardment will not only generate Crystal Shards via Crystallize Reactions but directly grant Navia free Crystal Sharpnel stacks with each bit of damage, allowing you to get a ton of high-powered Gunbrella shots while the Burst is active. As such, think of her Burst less like a massive chunk of damage and more like a huge boost to her Skill: if you keep that in mind, you can become the beautiful, gun-wielding Mademoiselle you were always destined to be. 

Elemental Burst Cannon Fire

Elemental Burst Cannon Fire

Navia’s Passive Talents

Of course, Navia also has several Passive Talents which will improve the core pieces of her kit. First up is Painstaking Transaction which she instantly gets access to at level 1. This Passive Talent is very similar to other expedition talents in Genshin as it allows Navia to collect 25% more reward when sent out on a Fontaine Expedition for 20 hours. 

After that is Navia’s Character Ascension 2 Talent, Undisclosed Distribution Channels. As we alluded to earlier, this talent infuses Navia’s Normal, Charged and Plunging Attacks with Geo for 4s after she uses her Elemental Skill. This also increases the damage of all those aforementioned attacks by 40% on top of any Geo DMG Bonuses she will receive. Not only will this allow you to keep Navia out on the field for longer periods of time, even when her Skill and Burst are on cooldown, but it lets her both deal good damage with her NAs and create a ton of easy Crystallize Reactions, boosting her next Skill considerable. When you get into a rhythm with this Passive, you’ll be able to use that brief window of Geo infusion to perfectly set up your next Gunbrella shot, creating a deadly combination. 

Lastly, there’s Navia’s Ascension 4 Talent, Mutual Assistance Network, and it relates to Navia’s team composition. For each Pyro/Electro/Cryo/Hydro party member, Navia gains 20% increased ATK. This effect can stack up to 2 times for a 40% ATK boost. As we spoke about earlier, Navia’s reliance on ATK instead of DEF allows her to more comfortably sit in team compositions outside of Geo and this Talent just makes that idea more appealing. Pyro and Hydro, specifically, are home to some of the best buffers in the game and, if you play into the benefits this Passive provides, you can get double your money’s worth by putting Navia in a rainbow team.

Looking at Navia’s Passive Talents overall, they either improve her moment-to-moment damage and utility or work to make certain team compositions and setups more appealing. Despite being the third Geo Claymore in the game, it’s clear that Navia doesn’t work the same way as either Noelle or Itto, existing in her own space and with her own niche, perhaps for players who like the idea of Geo but don’t want to commit to the heavy requirements and restrictions most Geo teams employ.  With that in mind, these Passives allow Navia to not only work but thrive in a ton of different team compositions while keeping her damage loop self-sustaining.

Duties of the President

Duties of the President

Navia Talent Levelling Priority in Genshin Impact

  1. Ceremonial Crystalshot (Elemental Skill)
  2. As Sunlit Sky’s Singing Salute (Elemental Burst)
  3. Blunt Refusal (Normal Attack)

Navia’s most important Talent is, of course, her Elemental Skill. Not only is it her biggest and most consistent form of damage with two charges but it’s the ability the majority of her Passives and even her Constellations revolve around. Efficiently building up a decent amount of Crystal Shrapnel is the main goal of Navia’s entire playstyle, with her Normal Attacks and Burst being subservient to that goal, so you’ll want Ceremonial Crystalshot to pack a real punch whenever you fire it off. There simply isn’t a reason why Navia’s Burst or NA should be more important than the core selling point of her kit, making her Elemental Skill an easy pick for number 1 priority.

Second to her Skill is her Elemental Burst, As Sunlit Sky’s Singing Salute. While true that its main role in your overall gameplay loop will be quickly generating Crystal Shrapnel and Crystallize Reactions, Navia’s Burst is capable of some decent sustained damage if you invest in it. Because it’s a Burst ability rather than a Skill ability, its cooldown and Energy requirements make it a bit harder to rely on than either her Normal Attacks or her Skill but the payoff is very worthwhile: you’ll be using Navia’s Burst constantly for utility purposes so you may as well make it as strong as possible.

Then last, but not least, is her Normal Attack. On its own, Blunt Refusal is the only weak link in Navia’s kit, serving mainly as fancy window dressing while you wait for her Skill and Burst to charge. However, with the addition of her A2 Talent and the ability to infuse her Normal Attacks with Geo, it becomes an integral part of her kit for quickly and consistently generating Elemental Shards. Because most of the power of this effect is in the infusion itself, you don’t need to go as heavy on investing in her NAs as you do with her other abilities. Still, you’ll likely find yourself using Blunt Refusal fairly often so don’t neglect it too much. 

Navia, President of Spina de Rosula

Navia, President of Spina de Rosula

All Navia Constellations in Genshin Impact

Getting a duplicate copy of a character you’ve already got in your roster will instead award you with that character’s Stella Fortuna. These mystical items are used to awaken the Constellations of their associated character, unlocking a ton of new abilities, skills and bonuses that can completely change how a unit works. Because Navia is a limited 5-star, you’ll only be able to obtain her Constellations by pulling her multiple times while In The Name of the Rosula, Navia’s Character Event Wish, is still available. If you cannot obtain any of her Constellations during that period, you’ll have to wait until she gets a rerun. 

  1. A Lady’s Rules for Keeping a Courteous Distance: Each stack of Crystal Shrapnel consumed when Navia uses Ceremonial Crystalshot will restore 3 Energy to her and decrease the CD of her Elemental Burst by 1s. Up to 9 Energy can be gained this way, and the cooldown of her Burst can be decreased by up to 3s.
  2. The President’s Pursuit of Victory: Each stack of Crystal Shrapnel consumed will increase the CRIT Rate of that Ceremonial Crystalshot shot by 12%, up to a total of 36%. In addition, when Ceremonial Crystalshot hits an opponent, one Cannon Fire Support shot from As the Sunlit Sky’s Singing Salute will strike near the location of the hit. Up to one instance of Cannon Fire Support can be triggered each time Ceremonial Crystalshot is used, and DMG dealt by said Cannon Fire Support is considered Elemental Burst DMG.
  3. Businesswoman’s Broad Vision: Elemental Skill Level +3. 
  4. The Oathsworn Never Capitulate: When As the Sunlit Sky’s Singing Salute hits an opponent, that opponent’s Geo RES will be decreased by 20% for 8s.
  5. Negotiator’s Resolute Negotiations: Elemental Burst Level +3.
  6. The Flexible Finesse of the Spina’s President: If more than 3 stacks of Crystal Shrapnel are consumed when using Ceremonial Crystalshot, each stack consumed beyond the first 3 increases the CRIT DMG of that Ceremonial Crystalshot by 45%, and any stacks consumed beyond the first 3 are returned to Navia.

If you’re wondering which of Navia’s Constellations are worth chasing, her C1 and C2 are both superbly strong offerings which aim to increase the consistency and strength of her Elemental Skill, whether in terms of pure damage thanks to higher CRIT Rate or in terms of higher Energy gains. Similarly, her C6 is just another step up from that, directly improving the absurd damage increase of consuming more than 3 stacks of Crystal Shrapnel by drastically improving the CRIT DMG of said hit. 

Just Dropping In

Just Dropping In

Navia’s Best Weapons in Genshin Impact 

Navia’s Best in Slot Weapon: Verdict

If you’re looking to outfit your Navia with the best weapon Primogems can buy, you’ll want to pick up her signature weapon, the 5-star Claymore Verdict, as Navia’s best in-slot option. This is Navia’s signature weapon and will be available on the Weapon Event Wish while Navia’s own Character Wish, In the Name of the Rosula, is ongoing. As for why Verdict is so perfect on Navia, it drastically increases her damage output on all levels while adding some more utility to the Crystallize Reaction. 

At level 80, Verdict will grant the wielder 674 ATK as well as a 22.05% extra CRIT Rate bonus. The wielder will also get access to the Many Oaths of Dawn and Dusk, Verdict’s main weapon skill. Firstly, this increases the wearer’s ATK by 20%. Secondly, whenever a party member obtains an Elemental Shard from Crystallize, the character wielding Verdict will gain 1 Seal, with each Seal increasing Elemental Skill DMG by 18%. You can have up to 2 Seals active at once, with all currently acquired Seals disappearing after dealing Elemental Skill DMG.

The main benefit of Verdict is that it’ll give Navia another way to benefit from Crystal Shards. Alongside receiving a stack of Crystal Shrapnel to power up her Elemental Skill, they’ll now directly improve all of her outgoing Geo DMG which includes her Geo-infused Normal Attacks and the damage from her Burst. Much of Navia’s damage is offloaded onto her Skill and Verdict gives her a way to not only improve that Skill DMG even more but round out her overall damage, as well. Oh, and the extra 20% ATK is a superb cherry on top. 

Between the massive ATK bonus, the moderate amount of CRIT Rate and the powerful effect of Many Oaths, any Navia build would be incredibly happy to have Verdict in your collection. It doesn’t hurt that it’s one of the best-looking weapons in the entire game: a fabulous axe for a majestic mademoiselle such as Navia. 

Navia's Best in Slot, Verdict

Navia’s Best in Slot, Verdict

Recommended Replacement Weapons for Navia

However, the Verdict may be unobtainable for some Travelers. Whether you’re saving for a future character or you’ve broken the bank just making sure that you’ve gotten Navia herself, there are many reasons why this 5-star Claymore may go unearned. Fortunately, Claymores are one of the most versatile weapon types in Genshin Impact, especially for a character who scales off of ATK, so there are plenty of replacement options for Navia to wield.

Before we proceed, though, do be aware that we won’t be recommending any 5-star weapons in this guide. At this point in Genshin’s lifespan, many veteran players will likely have one or two 5-star Claymores knocking around in their collection but many more won’t have a Wolf’s Gravestone or a Skyward Pride. As such, all of the following recommendations are going to be 4-star Claymore but do make sure to try out any 5-star weapons you may have first as they tend to have higher stat packages and more impactful skills.

So, what should you be equipping Navia with if the Verdict isn’t in the cards? The best replacement weapons for Navia in Genshin Impact include the Favonius Greatsword, the Serpent’s Spine, and the Ultimate Overlord’s Mega Magic Sword.

Favonius Greatsword

Favonius Greatsword

The first weapon on this list is the Favonius Greatsword, one of the most iconic weapons from Genshin’s early days. This weapon can only be obtained through the gacha and, at level 90, it will give the wielder 454 ATK and 61.25 Energy Recharge. Windfall gives Critical Hits a 60-100% chance (depending on refinement) to generate a small amount of particles which regenerate 6 Energy for the character. While it doesn’t directly improve Navia’s damage like some of our other options, it does make her Burst more consistent to build. More uptime on Navia’s Burst means easier Crystal Shrapnel build-up alongside more Geo DMG, meaning higher Skill DMG at a more consistent pace.

Next is the Serpent’s Spine, one of the two Claymore you can choose from once you hit level 30 on the Battle Pass, which is a much more traditional ATK scaling Claymore. At level 90, it will give 509 ATK as well as 27.5% CRIT Rate and the weapon affix Wavespliiter. Every 4s the wielder is on the field, they will deal 6% more DMG and take 3% more DMG. This effect can stack up to 5 times for a 30% DMG Boost with one stack being removed each time the wielder takes damage. While you do have to play a bit more consciously than with other Claymores, the big DMG bonus is very worthwhile, especially to a main DPS like Navia. 

Finally, we have the comedically named Ultimate Overlord’s Mega Magic Sword. Similar to Festering Desire or the Windblum Ode, the Mega Magic Sword is the main reward from the Roses and Muskets event in Version 4.3 of Genshin Impact, meaning that you only have one patch to obtain it and all of its refinement materials. As for what it does, it’ll grant 564 ATK along with 30.63 Energy Recharge and the skill Melussistance! This grants a 12% ATK boost, with each Melusine you’ve helped in Merusea Village adding a further 12% bonus to the total. This is certainly one of the most interesting weapons in Genshin, requiring the completion of multiple small World Quests to reach maximum power, but the massive ATK boost you’ll get as a result is well worth it. 

The Ultimate Overlord's Mega Magic Sword

The Ultimate Overlord’s Mega Magic Sword

Navia’s Best Artifact Sets

Artifact set selection is a vital part of build crafting in Genshin Impact. Alongside weapon and team choice, the stats and bonuses provided by the various artifact sets in the game can truly make or break a build and the same can be said about Navia. As a main damage dealer with a large focus on her Elemental Skill and the Crystallize Elemental Reaction, Navia’s build wants an artifact set which provides her with a huge damage boost above all else. Taking that into account, we’re here to recommend two different artifact sets for Navia’s build. 

The first, and best, artifact set recommendation for Navia in Genshin Impact is full 4-piece Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Wood. Nighttime Whispers is one of two new artifact sets introduced alongside Navia in Version 4.3. Equipping 2 pieces will give the wearer 18% ATK, while the 4-piece bonus increases their Geo DMG Bonus by 20% for 10s after using an Elemental Skill. That 20% bonus will increase by 150% if the wearer is under the protection of a shield granted by the Crystallize Elemental Reaction. 

As you can imagine, this set seems tailor-made for Navia, improving all of her key characteristics. Considering the sheer amount of Crystal Shards you’ll create through Navia’s various abilities, getting a Crystallize shield isn’t going to be at all difficult, meaning that she’ll be constantly under that buffed damage bonus. In addition, that extra ATK isn’t going to go to waste, either, improving the damage of all her abilities. Lastly, the Geo DMG Boost plays directly into Navia’s playstyle and flow state, allowing you to rely more on her infused Normal Attacks to generate Reactions as you build up Shrapnel charges for her next Skill cast. 

Nighttime Echoes Artifact Set

Nighttime Echoes Artifact Set

However, if the idea of relying so heavily on Crystal Shard shields is unappealing to you, there is a second, simpler artifact option for Navia. Instead of running 4-piece Nighttime Whispers, you’ll want to run 2-pieces of it alongside 2-pieces of either Shimenawa’s Reminiscence or Gladiator’s Finale. No matter which combination you pick, Navia will receive a 36% ATK boost.

This combination is as simple as simple gets: more ATK means more damage which means enemies will fall down far faster. All of Navia’s abilities stack off of ATK so investing completely into that stat will never be a detriment. 

If you’re wondering which of the two recommendations you should run for your Navia build, we highly advise choosing full 4-piece Nighttime Whispers over any hybrid set, mainly due to the abundant strength of the former’s effects. If you’re a moderately skilled player and can keep up with Navia’s overall playstyle and flow state of collecting Shards to power up her Skill, there is very little reason why you shouldn’t go for Nighttime Whispers. 

Hybrid Shimenawa's Reminiscence and Gladiator's Finale

Navia’s Most Important Main Stats and Substats in Genshin Impact

Following on from discussing what artifact sets Navia needs, let’s go over what stats you should be looking for on said artifacts. When it comes to micromanaging your character’s build, the main stats of your artifacts are going to determine a lot. For Navia’s build in Genshin Impact, you want to focus on increasing her pure damage output, resulting in the following main stats being the most attractive for her: 

  • Hourglass (Sands): ATK%
  • Goblet: Geo DMG Bonus
  • Circlet: CRIT DMG

Then, after the main stats, we have substats. These follow roughly the same theme as the main stats and, if you’re looking to create the best Navia build possible, you should ensure that most of your artifacts have at least a few of these on them. They’re also in order of importance in case you need to decide between two competing pieces:

  1. ATK%
  3. Energy Recharge
  4. CRIT Rate
Forever and Fantastic

Forever and Fantastic

Best Navia Team Compositions in Genshin Impact

Premium Double Geo Navia Team (Offensive)

When building a team for Navia, you’ll want to create one with a lot of off-field supporters and buffers who can help her without taking up any of her time on-field: between her Geo-infused Normal Attacks, her Skill and her long Burst, you need Navia to be out and active for as long as possible, meaning that supports and sub-DPS who can quickly dip in and out are ideal. Additionally, you need to keep in mind that Navia enjoys a variety of benefits from being in a team with elements other than Geo, forcing you to make some choices when it comes to Elemental Reaction selection. 

Fortunately, there are some excellent team compositions that she can slot into quite nicely. The best premium double Geo team for Navia in Genshin Impact includes the likes of Albedo, Bennett, and Dehya. 

The most important of this team composition, outside of Navia herself, is Albedo. His primary purpose in this team is as an off-field DPS and support unit, mainly due to the strength of his Elemental Skill. Additionally, Albedo is perhaps the best Crystallize creator in the game allowing you to generate a surplus of Crystal Shards for Navia’s Skill with supreme ease, boosting her consistency and damage while still benefitting from Albedo’s absurd off-field damage. In short, Albedo is honestly one of Navia’s best pairings, boosting her damage and consistency while remaining an excellent damage dealer in his own right. 

Master Alchemist Albedo

Master Alchemist Albedo

After Albedo, you have a choice. Because Navia relies on Crystallize, you don’t want to mix too many elemental types together and risk having a surplus of less useful Reactions. As such, we recommend focusing on one other elemental type and, in this composition, we’re going with Pyro. This way, you can still benefit from the 40% ATK bonus from Navia’s A2 Talent while maintaining the high amount of Crystallize Reactions. With Pyro, specifically, you’ll also get a further 20% ATK bonus from the Pyro Resonance. 

As for who we’ll use in this team, we’re going to start with Dehya. While some claim that is quite an underwhelming unit, Dehya pairs really well with both Albedo and Navia, serving as a capable off-field buffer or sub-DPS. With her Elemental Skill, Dehya can soak up the damage of anyone hurt within the radius of her Skill, improving survivability dramatically. Additionally, that same Skill will let any character deal Pyro DMG from off-field, pairing wonderfully with Navia and Albedo’s Geo attacks for a constant stream of Crystal Shards. Lastly, her Burst is a nice bit of chunk damage if you need it. 

Lastly, we have Bennett. Honestly, most veteran Genshin won’t need much of an explanation here as Bennett is one of the best and most used buffers in the game. Bennett’s Ultimate not only heals your team but also provides a potent ATK buff, one which Navia and Dehya can greatly benefit from. He also doesn’t need to be on the field for this to work, allowing you to pop on, cast the Burst and then scamper off to let Navia take advantage of the huge ATK bonus. Honestly, this whole team is about setting stuff up on the field and then swapping to Navia for an extended period of time. 

Offensive Premium Double Geo Navia Team

Offensive Premium Double Geo Navia Team

Premium Double Geo Navia Team (Defensive)

The first premium team we suggested for Navia was much more on the offensive side with most of the team contributing directly to Navia’s damage output in one way or another. However, for more cautious players, you can take all of the same strengths and benefits from that first team and apply them to a far more defensive team composition. 

If you’re looking for a more defensive and safe version of the double Geo Navia team in Genshin Impact, run her alongside Zhongli, Furina, and Kokomi. 

Firstly, let’s discuss Albedo’s substitute in this team, Zhongli. Honestly, Zhongli and Albedo are two sides of the Geo coin – with the former being the offensive powerhouse and the former being the bulky defender – both can work in either recommended premium team. While Albedo is pure off-field damage support, Zhongli’s main benefit is his ridiculously good shield, one which will allow Navia to swing away without worry. Furthermore, while the Elemental Shard generation from Zhongli won’t be as intense as Albedo’s, he can still spawn a good amount of them with the repeated pulses from his Elemental Skill. 

Furina, Archon of Fontaine

Furina, Archon of Fontaine

Next, let’s discuss Furina, the Archon of Fontaine and our team’s main support. Instead of Pyro, this premium team is focused on the element of Hydro for our Crystallize Reactions and Furina’s Elemental Skill is perfect for that. The Hydro summons Furina creates are little menaces, capable of causing huge amounts of damage on their own as well as constantly applying Hydro to targets from off-field. Furina’s Burst is another massive boon, granting a party-wide Elemental DMG Bonus which everyone can greatly benefit from. While it is true that Furina’s Skill steals the health of her allies for extra power, Zhongli’s shield will ensure that you can benefit from that without losing out on survivability. 

Finally, we have Kokomi, our second Hydro unit. With Zhongli here, it may seem redundant to have a second sustain character but, thanks to the unique HP stealing mechanic of Furina’s Skill, you’ll need to constantly restore your team’s health if you want to be most effective in combat. That aside, Kokomi’s off-field Hydro application is great and on par with Furina’s, allowing Navia or Zhongli to constantly generate as many Shards as they desire through easy Crystallize Reactions. 

Defensive Premium Double Geo Navia Team

Defensive Premium Double Geo Navia Team

F2P Navia Team

If you’re pulling on Navia and are a purely F2P player or are one of the many players awaiting Albedo’s long overdue rerun, there are still a number of options when it comes to free-to-play team compositions for the President of Spina de Rosula. While you will be more limited, largely due to the lack of other compatible Geo characters, there are still ways to play out your Crystal Shard spawning, Gunbrella-toting dreams with only F2P units.

If you need a purely F2P team for Navia in Genshin Impact, use her alongside Bennett, Xiangling and Geo Traveler. 

We’ve already gone over Bennett’s benefits in the first premium team and he’ll still be playing the same buffer/support role in this F2P team. Xiangling, on the other hand, is a more proactive version of Dehya, mainly thanks to her Elemental Burst. When active, the ring of fire produced by Xiangling’s Burst will deal tons of damage and trigger a bunch of reactions, allowing you to confidently switch to Navia and reap the plentiful Crystallize reactions soon to follow. Xiangling’s Skill isn’t a bad off-field Pyro applier, either, giving you multiple options when it comes to helping out Navia from off-field. 

Then, we have the Geo Traveler. While they aren’t the strongest Geo character, they are someone who you can use to quickly and easily cause more Crystallize Reactions. The only other F2P Geo characters either don’t gel particularly well with Navia’s playstyle (such as Yun Jin) or they are main DPS who would cannibalise Navia’s on-field time (such as Noelle or Ningguang). The Traveler, on the other hand, can quickly create constructs or pop their Burst to deal AoE Geo DMG, instantly spawning a bunch of Elemental Shards which will benefit Navia without stealing too much of her spotlight. 

F2P Navia Team

F2P Navia Team

That was how to make the best Navia build and create her best premium and F2P team compositions in Genshin Impact

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